TER General Board

An ATF is the Cherry on top of a
nothrofboston 24 Reviews 385 reads

Carnal Sundae .... the Sundae is soooo so good....
it's just nice to have the Cherry too.

allsportstrophies3301 reads

I'm a little jealous by people who say that have ATF's. I've been in this hobby and have seen some provider's but none that would qualify as an atf. how difficult is to find someone who is like you and share's your sense of humor and who provides good or even great service. someone who you don't mind spending on...

that's it, sorry if this doesn't belong here

Why be jealous? It's like if I said, You know, my favorite ice cream is chocolate. What's yours!" And you don't really have a favorite flavor, why should you be jealous of me because I have a favorite?

Same with a provider. You have spent time with a few, so which experience was the most rewarding for you? Right now, that's your favorite. Sooner or later, you'll come across some lady who Judy knocks your socks off. Then you'll probably refer to her as your ATF.

But, if right now, you like all of the ladies you meet more or less equally well, that's fine. Just enjoy it. Don't try to make an experience into more than what it is. Just have a good time and enjoy it all for what it is.

And above all, don't feel bad about how you are feeling. That never works.

Of all the providers I have a few favorites. But non I would repeat atbthud time.

But this time , I kinda get it.
I suppose if one could see your review history it might help to understand your frustration . However , I really do understand your unwillingness for that kind of exposure.

In response to your inquiry ......it is my guess that you don't research reviews and board comments before you book. I suspect you trust BackPage and schedule with ladies that have below norm rates.

There are plenty of beautiful , passionate , compassionate , personable , intellectually engaging , fun loving ladies in this special community . They post ads on TER and have the reviews that give you the insights you need .

Respectfully the prob might be you.
Either looking in all the wrong places.

I suggest approaching every new encounter with the attitude that you want to become HER ATF

allsportstrophies339 reads

thanks for the responses. i actually have had a few higher level providers and some that have had great reviews. but noone have been that i would want to repeat. i was or maybe am still a newbie, and after reading plenty of reviews i haven't found an atf. maybe i need to test the waters some more and meet other providers. not sure what it is. its not that i want someone too intimate or that i'm asking too much, just looking for a provider whose pictures are representative and is fun to spend time and money with.

Posted By: STPhomer
But this time , I kinda get it.  
 I suppose if one could see your review history it might help to understand your frustration . However , I really do understand your unwillingness for that kind of exposure.  
 In response to your inquiry ......it is my guess that you don't research reviews and board comments before you book. I suspect you trust BackPage and schedule with ladies that have below norm rates.  
 There are plenty of beautiful , passionate , compassionate , personable , intellectually engaging , fun loving ladies in this special community . They post ads on TER and have the reviews that give you the insights you need .  
 Respectfully the prob might be you.  
 Either looking in all the wrong places.  
 I suggest approaching every new encounter with the attitude that you want to become HER ATF.  

Dfusethesituation403 reads

I agree with most of your criteria, and it would be nice to find someone who fits all of those wants.  But for me my ATF is something different.  I rarely see women more than once, esp if "It" just isn't there.  I recently met a lady whom I had a great time with, she was down to business (Sex) as soon as I walked in the door and very open to all things sexually.  Not only that, but she was smoking hot but in a regular way if you know what I mean.  My first ATF was ridiculously hot in a porn star type way.  To each his own, some look for comfort, emotional attachment, sense of humor, etc.  Others look for a fantasy girl with an open menu.  ATF can be defined many different ways.  I'd say stop looking for an ATF, and just look for someone close to what you're willing to accept. You may very well find your girl.

Happy Hobbying

Posted By: allsportstrophies
I'm a little jealous by people who say that have ATF's. I've been in this hobby and have seen some provider's but none that would qualify as an atf. how difficult is to find someone who is like you and share's your sense of humor and who provides good or even great service. someone who you don't mind spending on...  
 that's it, sorry if this doesn't belong here

...Over many years in the hobby I have encountered a few women I would call my current ATF mostly because the sessions we shared made me choose to repeat with them. One of the things we must keep in mind in this hobby though is not to get too attached to an ATF as they may be gone without notice,perhaps retired or moved-on, after all this is a business.

And that happens a lot.  
The "ATF" thing is mostly a mere illusion  
in the minds of the hobbyists.  
After all this is just fantasy
The only thing missing
Is a midget in a white suit
Yelling, "DA Plane!, BOSS!, DA Plane"
As long as everyone remembers
That ... Everything's OK

-- Modified on 9/16/2016 3:18:29 AM

Posted By: Dfusethesituation
I agree with most of your criteria, and it would be nice to find someone who fits all of those wants.  But for me my ATF is something different.  I rarely see women more than once, esp if "It" just isn't there.  I recently met a lady whom I had a great time with, she was down to business (Sex) as soon as I walked in the door and very open to all things sexually.  Not only that, but she was smoking hot but in a regular way if you know what I mean.  My first ATF was ridiculously hot in a porn star type way.  To each his own, some look for comfort, emotional attachment, sense of humor, etc.  Others look for a fantasy girl with an open menu.  ATF can be defined many different ways.  I'd say stop looking for an ATF, and just look for someone close to what you're willing to accept. You may very well find your girl.  
 Happy Hobbying  
Posted By: allsportstrophies
I'm a little jealous by people who say that have ATF's. I've been in this hobby and have seen some provider's but none that would qualify as an atf. how difficult is to find someone who is like you and share's your sense of humor and who provides good or even great service. someone who you don't mind spending on...  
  that's it, sorry if this doesn't belong here

John_Laroche584 reads

I won't insult you by suggesting that you're dumpster diving and get what you pay for. How difficult is it to find a match in RL? Multiply that by 10 or even more. This is P4P, don't believe everything you read here. Sure guys have their ATFs. Same guys have met a dozen 10/10s, and each was their ATF until a new ATF came along. It's all relative, and in most cases it call comes to an end when the cash dries up.  

On a lighter note, you may also be setting your expectations too high, especially if you expect some magic connection on a first appointment. You didn't mention anything about your personal life. If you have a good RL relationship, it's tough to match with someone you're only spending a few hours once or twice a month with.

Could be an age thing too. Again, no idea where you're currently fishing, but don't expect too much from a woman half your age.

Last but not least, if you're really looking for an ATF woman to connect with and can't find it here, get another hobby.

but you don't just go down to the corner store and pick up an ATF off of the top shelf and voila. And who said she has to be a 10/10? That's sooo fucking shallow. I've been with 10/10s and they don't hold a candle to my ATFs. But they still were 10/10s.  

There's got to be a "connection" that allows the woman to let you get that close. And a guy has to be secure enough to let it happen.  

I also think there are some guys who are afraid of or are disinterested in the concept. No biggie. I ain't judging.  

Maybe it's not for everyone. But it sure is fun tho. Go ahead, let yourself find one. It's hotttt and I love the heat. And of course, you have to be lucky enough to come across a gal with that potential.

but you don't just go down to the corner store and pick up an ATF off of the top shelf and voila. And who said she has to be a 10/10? That's sooo fucking shallow. I've been with 10/10s and they don't hold a candle to my ATFs. But they still were 10/10s.  

There's got to be a "connection" that allows the woman to let you get that close. And a guy has to be secure enough to let it happen.  

I also think there are some guys who are afraid of or are disinterested in the concept. No biggie. I ain't judging.  

Maybe it's not for everyone. But it sure is fun tho. Go ahead, let yourself find one. It's hotttt and I love the heat. And of course, you have to be lucky enough to come across a gal with that potential.  

-- Modified on 9/16/2016 2:36:19 AM

allsportstrophies473 reads

well to be clear i haven't been dumpster diving, and if i was i wouldnt be complaining. but i was speaking about the tons of higher class providers i have seen. if you really ask me, it's mainly the combination of pictures and people's reviews that (i guess) lead me to anticipate the date with a provider. as it turns out, the pictures are some times not very representative. the main issues i had were:

1) general attitude of provider
2) having a great time during the date0 but then the provider being a jerk for future dates
3) pictures  

i've learned that the pictures and ratings are different from my own ratings, i think i just wanted to put it out there and see what people had to say

Carnal Sundae .... the Sundae is soooo so good....
it's just nice to have the Cherry too.

under your real handle, then I could read some of your reviews and see how you approach your sessions, what is important to you, and what kind of providers you see.  That's the only way I can give you any meaningful input that will not be so general that it would apply to anyone who has a dick.  Would love to be helpful, but you gave us nothing to work with.

It is an answer to  you  and not as he looks for women on back page.

On back page are also - WOMEN  

You call then Hookers and whores.
 While in facts wives who are fine with trophies status are more match for those names.

You, more likely, have met many nice women  you just treated them badly- as sex for you- and many here - is sport and women just all trophies ..

yes, allsportstrophies , start form changing your inner world.

Their say that it is not possible after certain  age - but that is simply not true.

I am changing people if they are open and want to listen and share.  

[email protected]

allsportstrophies351 reads

i think you may be reading too much into my alias. it wasn't actually reffering to women i see or don't see, it was actually for being a sports fan. how could you read so deeply into an alias and assume so much?

Posted By: Pavliena
It is an answer to  you  and not as he looks for women on back page.  
 On back page are also - WOMEN  
 You call then Hookers and whores.  
  While in facts wives who are fine with trophies status are more match for those names.  
 You, more likely, have met many nice women  you just treated them badly- as sex for you- and many here - is sport and women just all trophies ..  
 yes, allsportstrophies , start form changing your inner world.  
 Their say that it is not possible after certain  age - but that is simply not true.  
 I am changing people if they are open and want to listen and share.  
 [email protected]

To this day.  Although she is not local, she travels often enough to keep things hot.  It's lasted for over 12 years, and may last for a lifetime.  How did I get so lucky?  

It isn't that hard to find an ATF...if the first meeting is successful as you define it, then see her again.  If that works, then see her again for a third time, and so on.  Next thing you know, you have an ATF.  Treat the ladies right, and they'll reciprocate...it really isn't that hard.

at least in my case.

Sure, a gal has to meet certain standards to even be considered, but once that is done, the attraction I feel towards her is for the most part a chemical attraction.  The gals who are my favorite run a gamut of body shapes, ethnicities, and services, but I love to see each of them.

There was one gal with whom I used to feud with all the time and swore I'd never go back to her, but in the end I did.  The sessions were fantastic when things went well, but sometimes shit would happen.

So, don't be too upset if you haven't found that particular gal.

As the old saying goes, be careful what you wish for....it might come true

There are so many beautiful ladies out there who are also wonderful and compassionate at their profession. I would gladly see again any of the women I've been with and call them a favorite because we had some wonderful playtime together. I think I have the opposite problem, I want to see all the women I've already seen and tons more over and over again... lo

I found one and right now she is the only I see. I like to bang multiple hot chicks like the next guy, but this one we have connected on so many levels that sex is just a small part of the connection. This one has really put the F in gfe for me.

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