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Amen Brother... Never forget they are, after all, women.... EOM
mongo19621954 23 Reviews 649 reads


I don't mind chatty girls. I like it when there's a little back and forth. And I like it when girls show some natural curiosity. But there are certain questions that are just... awkward.  

Guys: Do you get any of these? Do they bug you too?

1) Are you married?

Why are you asking? You want to be my girlfriend? If I wanted a girlfriend I'd be buying some other girl dinner. And if I am indeed married, the whole point of hiring you is to forget that for a little while.

2) Where do you want to cum?

I want to come in your eye. OK?

3) Tell me what you want.

I want you to fix me a drink, suck my dick, swallow my cum, and then give me my money back. How's that?

4) Do you do this often?

You're the eighth girl today, baby. That's why I can't get hard. What do you think?

5) Where's the rest of your penis?

That was sort of funny the first couple times..

I'll just begin to tell the guy where to cum instead of asking for now on.

No, keep asking# 2. It's an orgasm-enhancer when it's timed right.

Suggest a place to cum in as filthy a manner as possible - I'll tell you if I've got a strong alternative preference.

Followed by the 'do you have kids' question.   Maybe it's because after being with me they can't believe I've actually had practice with a real live woman lol!

Posted By: A_New_Invention
I don't mind chatty girls. I like it when there's a little back and forth. And I like it when girls show some natural curiosity. But there are certain questions that are just... awkward.  
 Guys: Do you get any of these? Do they bug you too?  
 1) Are you married?  
 Why are you asking? You want to be my girlfriend? If I wanted a girlfriend I'd be buying some other girl dinner. And if I am indeed married, the whole point of hiring you is to forget that for a little while.  
 2) Where do you want to cum?  
 I want to come in your eye. OK?  
 3) Tell me what you want.  
 I want you to fix me a drink, suck my dick, swallow my cum, and then give me my money back. How's that?  
 4) Do you do this often?  
 You're the eighth girl today, baby. That's why I can't get hard. What do you think?  
 5) Where's the rest of your penis?  
 That was sort of funny the first couple times...  

Sometimes you just have to read the audience, no need to ask, just be yourself and have fun!

Without that little invention known as breast implants (invented by two men, god bless em) I wonder what questions would be asked about some ladies' boobies.  Hey, I think we'd agree that if god made us all perfect then none of us would have to be here.

I read that 50 shades of Grey footnotes so I'm an expert now.

Not for nothing? Most of the escorts I've seen are coy...
A little nervous? So they ask questions like that.. It shows she can't read you.
That's why I like to see older women.
They have experienced leading, and following.. So..
I guess they are good at just letting things flow? Since..
Letting things flow usually involves give, and take?
I don't know if that works for everyone, but it helped me in the whole dominant role someone eventually takes during se

Are you married? How should I answer that? If I say no, you're not going to believe me, making me feel uncomfortable. If I say yes, you've just made me feel guilty as hell, and I'm uncomfortable. It's a lose lose question. And it's your loss loss, because I won't be coming back.

Where do you work? I'm not even going to think up a lie. I'll just say I can't tell you. And if you want work as a reference, it's a moot question, because I'd have already moved on.  

What's your real name? Well, you can call me jo. Or you can call me mo. Or you can call me jojo. Or you can call me ojo. But c'mon! My real name? Do I have to tell you who I voted for too?  

Will you send a pic? No, I won't send a pic. You're in the business to attract gentlemen with pics, so feel free to send me one, but ask my refs what I look like if you really want to know. They'll say I look like Brad Pitt. Or Brad's pitt. One of the two.  

What kind of car do you drive? So if I drive a sports car you can upsell me? Or if I drive a clunker you can bar the door? If I say I'm coming at 10, I'll be the guy knocking at 10. I'll be parking around the corner though.  

In the middle of playtime, do you like the song playing? When I was in high school I could get off with a smile from a girl. These days it takes total concentration, so let's talk music later.  

What do you want to do? Not talk about it, and let the flow take us down the river. Something will come up.  

This didn't happen to you last time. What's wrong? Is this the way you want me to remember our time together? If so, I won't be coming back. Or would you rather me think of you as a sweetheart who can find a variety of different ways to have a good time. You're experienced, and should know this by now. Sometimes Big Jo shows up, and sometimes Little Jo shows up. Oh well! It's not your lack of sexiness, otherwise I wouldn't have called in the first place. It has to do with a million other reasons.  

Why did you go see that fat ass? Quit reading my posts, and reviews. I'll see whomever I please, just like you see a variety of fat asses. Did you ever think that maybe she'll do some things that you won't do? If you're worried about my business, step it up a notch or two. Or is it because you really like me because I actually don't look like Brad's pitt? I'll take that as a backhanded compliment.

Can you give me ten more minutes to get ready? Let's see. I've never been late to a session. I've never flaked a session. I take my hobby time seriously, and hope that you do too. Let's not mention that I'm paying you an exorbitant amount of money for an hour. Ma'am, people in real life who make that much money in an hour never need an extra ten to get ready. Otherwise they're losing business. So if you don't want me to pull a Doobie Brothers, and start 'running down the highway', you better invite me up, finish getting ready while you're talking to me, then give me an extra twenty minutes at the end just for good measure.  

I could go on, but that's enough. In all fairness, I've heard that some of us gentlemen ask some pretty dumb questions too. What, you don't do bareback

It seems like working girls should know better than to interrogate a guy for no reason, but I guess we all are different. Whenever I get asked any of those types of question, I feel like the guy is so stupid and I get highly annoyed lol. I usually lie, but it takes energy to have to come up with a lie- energy that could've been used in a better way lol. I hate when I get asked where I live, too. And about if I have siblings, cuz my sibling died.  So that ruins the mood right there...
I think some people don't know how to talk to a stranger without asking awkward things. But you can definitely get to know many interesting things about someone's personality, interests, sense of humor, and sexuality without having to ask those mundane and offensive questions lol.

Posted By: mojojo
Are you married? How should I answer that? If I say no, you're not going to believe me, making me feel uncomfortable. If I say yes, you've just made me feel guilty as hell, and I'm uncomfortable. It's a lose lose question. And it's your loss loss, because I won't be coming back.  
 Where do you work? I'm not even going to think up a lie. I'll just say I can't tell you. And if you want work as a reference, it's a moot question, because I'd have already moved on.  
 What's your real name? Well, you can call me jo. Or you can call me mo. Or you can call me jojo. Or you can call me ojo. But c'mon! My real name? Do I have to tell you who I voted for too?  
 Will you send a pic? No, I won't send a pic. You're in the business to attract gentlemen with pics, so feel free to send me one, but ask my refs what I look like if you really want to know. They'll say I look like Brad Pitt. Or Brad's pitt. One of the two.  
 What kind of car do you drive? So if I drive a sports car you can upsell me? Or if I drive a clunker you can bar the door? If I say I'm coming at 10, I'll be the guy knocking at 10. I'll be parking around the corner though.    
 In the middle of playtime, do you like the song playing? When I was in high school I could get off with a smile from a girl. These days it takes total concentration, so let's talk music later.  
 What do you want to do? Not talk about it, and let the flow take us down the river. Something will come up.  
 This didn't happen to you last time. What's wrong? Is this the way you want me to remember our time together? If so, I won't be coming back. Or would you rather me think of you as a sweetheart who can find a variety of different ways to have a good time. You're experienced, and should know this by now. Sometimes Big Jo shows up, and sometimes Little Jo shows up. Oh well! It's not your lack of sexiness, otherwise I wouldn't have called in the first place. It has to do with a million other reasons.  
 Why did you go see that fat ass? Quit reading my posts, and reviews. I'll see whomever I please, just like you see a variety of fat asses. Did you ever think that maybe she'll do some things that you won't do? If you're worried about my business, step it up a notch or two. Or is it because you really like me because I actually don't look like Brad's pitt? I'll take that as a backhanded compliment.  
 Can you give me ten more minutes to get ready? Let's see. I've never been late to a session. I've never flaked a session. I take my hobby time seriously, and hope that you do too. Let's not mention that I'm paying you an exorbitant amount of money for an hour. Ma'am, people in real life who make that much money in an hour never need an extra ten to get ready. Otherwise they're losing business. So if you don't want me to pull a Doobie Brothers, and start 'running down the highway', you better invite me up, finish getting ready while you're talking to me, then give me an extra twenty minutes at the end just for good measure.    
 I could go on, but that's enough. In all fairness, I've heard that some of us gentlemen ask some pretty dumb questions too. What, you don't do bareback?  

Yes, KK, we get just as many dumb questions as you. Sometimes ladies ask them as part of their screening process, which is the easiest no go of all. I can think of so many more fun things we can do with our mouths and tongues. And so many more wonderful sounds we can make. Let's skip the dumb questions, and just go for it.

as I can't imagine any lady actually saying that to a client).
So she can ask away - none of the others would make me feel awkward if asked in a good-natured way.
But also I'm single, so #1 wouldn't be a problem at all.

The only times on dates that I haven't liked where conversations were going was when ladies started discussing politics or religion.  So I just steer the convo away (especially if it is clear that we are on opposite sides of an issue).  I'm happy to talk about or answer questions about almost anything else - ESPECIALLY if related to sex and the hobby.  More than happy to share my preferences.

Like this? lol!
(a silent date could actually be hot as hell if the sexually chemistry was there!)

Sooo...YouWanna896 reads

The beauty of this business is that if things get awkward, there's always something else to do with a mouth ;)

GaGambler672 reads

Something on which we agree 100%

GaGambler874 reads

What's not to like, right? lol

I feel like we're all witnessing something beautiful.  Right here.  And right now.  Who says a provider and a monger can't find true love lol.

Posted By: GaGambler
What's not to like, right? lol

Sooo...YouWanna868 reads

Granted that probably makes me too old for him, but I like a dude who can talk shit while maintaining perspective. Which he can more than some of the others who lack the latter.  

Which is what I'm here for ;-)

Posted By: A_New_Invention
I don't mind chatty girls. I like it when there's a little back and forth. And I like it when girls show some natural curiosity. But there are certain questions that are just... awkward.  
 Guys: Do you get any of these? Do they bug you too?  
 1) Are you married?  
 Why are you asking? You want to be my girlfriend? If I wanted a girlfriend I'd be buying some other girl dinner. And if I am indeed married, the whole point of hiring you is to forget that for a little while.  
 2) Where do you want to cum?  
 I want to come in your eye. OK?  
 3) Tell me what you want.  
 I want you to fix me a drink, suck my dick, swallow my cum, and then give me my money back. How's that?  
 4) Do you do this often?  
 You're the eighth girl today, baby. That's why I can't get hard. What do you think?  
 5) Where's the rest of your penis?  
 That was sort of funny the first couple times...  

TwoMints937 reads

1)  Some do ask, and I'll answer honestly.

2) I've actually never been asked that. Sounds hot as fuck. If I'm being particular, I'll ask.

3) Far to often. Just do something. I like it all.  

4) Never been asked.

5) Not yet, but it they may be thinking it....  

Posted By: A_New_Invention
I don't mind chatty girls. I like it when there's a little back and forth. And I like it when girls show some natural curiosity. But there are certain questions that are just... awkward.  
 Guys: Do you get any of these? Do they bug you too?  
 1) Are you married?  
 Why are you asking? You want to be my girlfriend? If I wanted a girlfriend I'd be buying some other girl dinner. And if I am indeed married, the whole point of hiring you is to forget that for a little while.  
 2) Where do you want to cum?  
 I want to come in your eye. OK?  
 3) Tell me what you want.  
 I want you to fix me a drink, suck my dick, swallow my cum, and then give me my money back. How's that?  
 4) Do you do this often?  
 You're the eighth girl today, baby. That's why I can't get hard. What do you think?  
 5) Where's the rest of your penis?  
 That was sort of funny the first couple times...  

A little bit relevant to activities...  Am I wrong? Perhaps the timing was bad to make you list that as #2...

I never got a bad reaction when I asked that....

Then again it was usually more like....

Which is more sensitive, the left or the right?

1- I'm single but it still irks me when they ask. One girl I got to know rather well confided that she secretly looked down on married guys fucking her. She was twisted in a variety of ways through and I wouldn't take her opinion as normal. She was one of the ones that asked me that on my first visit. Maybe that plays into it but really, whether I'm married or single has nothing to do with "me" unless I offer the info. I could see some guys getting off on letting the escort know they're cheating.

2- Never had a provide ask me that. Mouth or pussy mostly.  

3- Yea, a bit awkward.  

4- trying to feel out your wallet.

5- Never had it happen. It's not that big though... maybe that's why!

Posted By: A_New_Invention
I don't mind chatty girls. I like it when there's a little back and forth. And I like it when girls show some natural curiosity. But there are certain questions that are just... awkward.  
 Guys: Do you get any of these? Do they bug you too?  
 1) Are you married?  
 Why are you asking? You want to be my girlfriend? If I wanted a girlfriend I'd be buying some other girl dinner. And if I am indeed married, the whole point of hiring you is to forget that for a little while.  
 2) Where do you want to cum?  
 I want to come in your eye. OK?  
 3) Tell me what you want.  
 I want you to fix me a drink, suck my dick, swallow my cum, and then give me my money back. How's that?  
 4) Do you do this often?  
 You're the eighth girl today, baby. That's why I can't get hard. What do you think?  
 5) Where's the rest of your penis?  
 That was sort of funny the first couple times...  

RokkKrinn852 reads

IME, it's always been "don't ask, don't tell".

Over time, if I repeat, personal details inevitably get revealed--but I've never been asked any of these questions.

Well, maybe the "where do you want to cum" question...

One only needs to answer what one wants to answer.  

If you are blabbermouth, it is your problem.

Don't ask a witness any question unless you already know what the answer will be.

I think if might apply to the hobby as well.

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