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SCBaileyT See my TER Reviews 2722 reads
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Ive been out of the scene for a few years, now. My screening method always included my asking for their phone number, sometimes a work number to an indirect line with instructions on who to say I am when calling and what time to call. Same with calling a cell phone, I always want best times to call and honor that.  

As someone who is jumping back into the scene, I'm finding that, maybe especially guys who have okays and have been vetted in on sites for screening, they seem not to wish to give me their number first. However, Im well aware that all sites can and are compromised, even according to site owners.  

Is it common for men not to provide a number and not to speak with a lady at all before booking? I dont want to give my number out initially and prefer that men help me feel assured by giving theirs out. Im accustomed to things working that way, yet lately..it seems like no one wants to yield. Maybe they are not who they say they are. It seems odd.  

I also wonder if it has become common simply to see ladies without any phone contact. I read so much in a voice, though and cant imagine just seeing anyone without a conversation by phone. Its also a relaxed method for screening, as part of the screening process. I feel like it sets us both at ease.

coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 49 reads
2 / 25

is NOT common among legit hobbyists.  If you're attracting guys who haven't done this before, and only have one phone number, then you are more apt to get resistance on getting their number.  Texting is way more common than calling to set up the appointment.  I wouldn't put too much stock in "reading their voices" as I can modify my voice, tone, inflection, and manner to fit the situation, and is much different when dealing with business versus personal calls.  For most guys, the first call to you before they've seen you is a "business" call, so don't expect a lot of warm fuzzies at that point.  

GaGambler 76 reads
3 / 25

I too have been doing this for a very long time and up until a few years ago I spoke to virtually every woman I saw, except for agency girls of course, before actually setting an appointment to see them. That no longer is the case with me. Most of my dates are now set up through P411, and usually we have only a brief PM exchange and maybe a text or two before I find myself knocking on her door.

I will say that I do "offer" my phone number with my initial email/PM, but it's rare that I receive an actual call before meeting anymore. Like you, I used to insist on a phone call just to "get a read" on her, but I no longer seem to find that necessary and neither do 95% of the women I see as I find no more than one in twenty women call me before our first date.

SCBaileyT See my TER Reviews 66 reads
4 / 25

I agree that voices can be modified, but my experience has been that I work to make a connection even prior to meeting. It sets me at ease and them, as well. Sometimes calls are just very business like, and upon meeting, the session is very warm and fuzzy/fun. So I cant rely on their being "warm and fuzzy" on phone all the time and that being representative. It most certainly isnt the only screening method I will employ. Screening is a fluid process for me and based on what they offer me, what I can find on internet, and other factors. However, the phone call is a method that is just a personal touch, I think.  

Im good at longer engagements, so desire the connection so that at future dates, if someone decides to see me for longer than an hour, we have already managed to forge a comfort zone, even before meeting.  

Im getting contacted by vetted in people with Okays and I think that has a lot to do with it.  
GagaGambler pointed out that he offers his phone number, but ladies dont call, so am betting that it's common to simply text and/or e-mail for arrangements, more and more.

SCBaileyT See my TER Reviews 61 reads
5 / 25

Yes, your name is familiar to me, GagaGambler :)  

As you say, they don't call you, even though you offer and I'm thinking that as this is more the norm now, this is what I am meeting with. Not sure how easily my old school self can let go of the "warm and fuzzy' conversational aspect of phone contacts, though not all conversations have been that, but when they have been the meeting was anticipated by both of us. Oh well..change is good. KISS Keep it simple is good, too.

micktoz 41 Reviews 112 reads
6 / 25

.... for a local hooker board. P411 did do the call to my business, but that's not a big deal for me because it's my business.

I'm nowhere near as prolific as the prior two guys, in the number of new ladies that I see. So, their experience is far greater.
I am on a sales trip right now and a couple of days ago, made an appointment via P411 for today.
 I know that the lady checked with a couple of my "okays" and she asked via pm , that I phone her the morning of, to confirm and get the address from her. I just left a voicemail and I'll see if I get a text or call back.

My thoughts on your question are that you should do what makes you feel secure. When it comes to security in any situation, always stick to your protocols. It's when protocols slip that mistakes happen.

PS. just got the call back. She sounds really cute.  Cool, the lady is taking care of business. Let's see how she takes care of business. Hehehe!

SCBaileyT See my TER Reviews 57 reads
7 / 25

Glad your date is working out. I agree, I need to feel comfortable and use my own protocol. I thought further about it, and even though people get vetted into sites like P411, i'ts not entirely about screening for me. It IS attempting to make a personal conneciion for both of us. Im providing, what I see as, a personal and intimate experience that I feel deserves my comfort level, as well as the gentleman's and that forging a connection starts with mental/verbal contact, too. Talk doesnt have to be directly sexy on the phone to be sexy, either. Just my opinion.

xyz23 45 Reviews 61 reads
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prior to meeting had me call them. E-mail was used for all communication regarding screening info. They had my number because it was in my screening information but the set up was we arranged for a time I would call them.

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 84 reads
9 / 25

Like GaG I have been doing this for many years and back in the day everything was done by phone. In fact we used land lines before cell phones. 😊However, for me email became my standard contact in the early 2000s, and then texting, more recently. Most of my appointments are totally booked with no voice contact prior to the door opening. I do remember 2 providers specifically requiring a voice call as part of their screening before meeting, but that was back in 2011. Now that's not to say I don't give out my number. Since we are texting, of course she has my number. If she wants a voice call I don't have a problem with it. Just saying any voice contact is extremely rare for me these days.  (And by "these days" I mean going back to 2007 or so.)

On the other hand I met a gal last week that I wish I had called first! Her voice was horrible, deep and raspy, probably a chain smoker since she was 10. Since all our conversation was text, I never heard her voice until she opened the door to let me in. It was a total turnoff. I ended up staying but had I spoken to her on the phone prior, I would have never booked the date, just based on her voice.
I must say that was the only time that ever happened to me. Most providers I see have a pleasant voice. That one incident is not enough to make me change my procedure and demand a voice call.

-- Modified on 9/18/2017 6:31:38 AM

Sheila Starr See my TER Reviews 85 reads
10 / 25

It Most allways starts with Emails and or texting, if p411 a pm, and a date request form  getting to know each other* him, References etc. And setting up a booking date and time, then A simple phone call from him to talk in person and confirm. Then at check in hotel, name and room number, and I check verify..We're All Set..for our time together.. Let The Fun Begin...Xoxo

mrfisher 108 Reviews 67 reads
11 / 25

and I enjoyed the opportunity to break the ice that way before meeting them.

2648667 31 Reviews 83 reads
12 / 25

Would you be okay with a burner or app number? I am not surprised that a lot of clients don't want to give you a contract number or a work number because it could be easily traced to them. (I didn't look at your site, if you require real names anyway that's obviously different.) If they just don't want to talk with you on any line, that would seem a bit strange to me, but I guess I can't say what's "normal" I only know what I do.

I have not been doing this a very long time, but I'm like you. I would love to have a short phone conversation before every session, even with a regular. However, as Gag said, most providers don't seem to be open to that. I find that the ones who do give out a number, almost all of them say text only. There have even been one of two I contacted on 411, gave them a phone number, but we still ended up setting up the whole thing through 411 messages.

I think you can tell a lot from a voice. About two months ago I called a woman who had been on my radar a long time. I liked her pics. I was in the mood for something last minute, I saw her ad pop up and it said call or text so I called her. I was really glad I did. There was something in her voice, I knew immediately I didn't want to see her. She may have been under the weather or maybe I had woken her up, but honestly I think she was tripping balls.

When you say they won't give you a number, you mean not even for text? What about appointment details like room numbers "be there in five" stuff like that? Are they wanting to do that by email? That seems strange.

2648667 31 Reviews 98 reads
13 / 25

Yup, that's exactly what I was talking about in my post below. Raspy and deep, and slooow. I don't like to be judgmental but it was a turnoff. So glad I called her instead of texting. LoL

crissy808 See my TER Reviews 60 reads
14 / 25

I always speak to new clients first now. While yes, one can change their voice, I am discriminatory in the type of clients I am willing to see as I offer a different experience and want to be clear about expectations. I have been in the biz for a while though so I might be a bit old school, but experience has been a great teacher.  

Plus being able to have that initial connection is really important to me.

LilyofMontreal See my TER Reviews 49 reads
15 / 25

I always ask for a number as I learned the hard way that sometime you need to get in touch with your date prior a meeting , I remember waiting for an hour for my date to call before realizing he was a no-show, (yes i was more patient before).
And unless they explain that as out of towner they do not have a phone for here if they refuse it is a red flag.

 The thing is I do not use it to talk,just as a backup screening tool.
I do not like to talk on the phone in real life even less as Lily . I sound like a 12 years old lol
All initials exchanges till booking are done by email, I switch to text to get the room if it is at a siesta place  or to let my date knows that I got lost,it does happen...

Alley-Syd See my TER Reviews 60 reads
16 / 25

Always like to chat to the client first.


coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 65 reads
18 / 25

the message (telegram), or the device to send it (telegraph).  

CharleneLove See my TER Reviews 68 reads
19 / 25

..to chat with a new friend before our rendezvous.   I do however find it nice to share a simple phone call to share a laugh/flirt before our smiles and bodies connect.
It's another layer to the sexy journey.

SCBaileyT See my TER Reviews 57 reads
20 / 25

Yes, it isn't just a matter of screening. To me, it sets the stage for the fun of my showing up at the door. It's more icing on the cake. I may try to let go of my security blanket and if there is enough vetting of someone, especially for my shorter engagements, just let them open the door and be more of a surprise for us both.  I kind of love outcalll. I have read that many women do not but I find it thrilling.

EvaFantasy See my TER Reviews 26 reads
21 / 25

There are many different ways providers handle verifying a client. I usually do not talk on the phone unless it is really important. I just ask for screening information and get them verified first and then I will send a few emails or text to get a feel for the person I am meeting. It all depends on each individual you are in contact with. We all do things are on way to feel comfortable.

ChristineGFE See my TER Reviews 22 reads
22 / 25

For me its little different. I very rare actually speak to client in person prior to meeting. Not that I do not want that, but its a little difficult.  

First problem is its hard for me to carry conversation on phone not in front of person. I like to be able to see a person talk and face, to help me understand what they say how they pronounce. English is just easier to understand for me that way. I see it faster, so I understand faster. I am much more conscious of how I say what I say on phone so I know it will often come across as a bit slow and choppy. And I think since I am speaking into a phone and not looking in persons eyes, I come across a little cold.  

Second for those of us that English is second language, its hard to HEAR humor. If I can see a person face and they say something and its sarcasm or funny, often you see a little smile or laugh. That helps me tell the difference and know to think is it a serious comment or silly make conversation comment.

Finally, I was raised in Manila, horrible pollution on a bad day, and bad pollution on a good day. I think in general my voice a little deep even I never smoke. So I am a little conscious. I always require a phone number to text in case there is a problem last minute, and assist in screening. But actual conversation I do not require unless client would like.

ElleW 29 reads
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I am the opposite. haha I dont want to chat. I book via text or email only. 95% is through text and my preferred method. I set my away text message during appointments or not available.

My away message asks fellas to let me know if its ok to text back at certain times, etc so I dont text at the worst time on their end! LOL.

MatureGFE See my TER Reviews 43 reads
24 / 25

Because the gentlemen I have my "break the ice pre date phone chats with are personable and we enjoy getting to know each other a bit before meeting. Oh that also includes the gentlemen in my area in on business from other parts of the country!  

So your "most" are not my "most!!


2648667 31 Reviews 43 reads
25 / 25
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