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Alphabet DATY is elementary!.....Try tracing Japanese KANA on her clit! (eom)
Dondee62 4 Reviews 3118 reads


ellobo695630 reads

I was reading a book that gave this tip for performing cunnilingus: With the tip of your tongue on her clit, individually write the letters of the alphabet. Which letter is best--I should think "a" would be a good start. Any tips?

-- Modified on 4/29/2005 6:56:00 AM

-- Modified on 4/29/2005 7:48:40 AM

Karrie2649 reads

How  to  do  it  better.

All  it  takes  is  Practice, and  an  honest  woman  to tell  you  when, where, and  how  much.
Ok so  you  need a few  honest  women, every  woman  is  different  so  you  need  to  learn  how  to read  women  not  books.

Practice  makes  perfect

especially daty practice :)

-- Modified on 4/29/2005 9:50:34 AM

To tell which letter the tongue was making I'd have to be really concentrating on it and therefore I'd be really bored!  I've never had cunnilingus so bad to the point I'm trying to identify the letter.

If you're down there, you're doing good, some are better than others but it's all good!

same way i feel about BJs !!! Just have fun & enjoy

I am very interested in signing up for lessons in this intriguing DATY Alphabet. Are there any Ladies here who are able to accept my tuition and then please allow me to practice with them  ;-)
Just send me an email and we can work out the class schedule!!!

then we could talk while doing it...i love when ya read it like Braille

The guy could implant subliminal messages.

EroticFilms3516 reads

Just ask the ladies I've been with.  Something about varying the stroke, I guess.  But the most important thing of course is to take your cues from the woman's responses.

Sort of like how they take their cue from our responses when they are doing the best BJs.

lassie muncher2981 reads

Personally, I like it when I get her to "O"!

ellobo692167 reads

LMAO!!! "O" That's one good letter!!

RomanFingers2557 reads

....he talks about DATYing for the first time. He had no idea what to do, so he writes the alphabet with his tongue. The girl goes wild and asks him if he's from europe or something. I don't do the joke justice but to hear Sam tell it, it's a riot.

...but I rotate my body in 90 degree increments while I do it, so it ends up making a pattern that looks disturbingly like a swastika. The the ladies seem to love it, but of course I don't tell them about the pattern, as it's common knowledge that nothing kills a sexy mood like Nazis.

BILL183563254 reads

lol , you are definately out there but keep it coming

ellobo693454 reads

He ain't the usual guy, that's for sure. 90 degree increments. ROFLMAO

... is that it's really just a reminder to vary the movements of your tongue.

phillydogg3276 reads

So if you're Russian and you use the Cyrillic alphabet do you do some of the letters backwards?

GLisHJ3106 reads

with a stroke that can't go wrong.
He can reach the bottom
'cause his breath holds out so long.

- Bessie Smith
 "Empty Bed Blues"

Just askin2206 reads

Should I do this in block lettering or cursive script? Jeez, I'm just visualizing the rapid repitition of pqpqpqpqpqpqpqpqpq. . . That ought to get her, especially if I can get two fingers in and do a little snare drum brush action on the 'g' spot!
Uh oh, I'm making myself hungry! Tracy, I need you!

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