TER General Board

all whiners are annoying
anonymousfun 6 Reviews 42 reads

Whine all you want.  

Who cares? I certainly don't and if they whine on these boards, I move on.

GaGambler2176 reads

Personally I am torn between the two. It's a rare week where some hooker doesn't come on here whining about her "cheap clients" who want to haggle with her about her rates. It's even more rare for any length of time to go by without some cheap john whining about "GPS" because there is some woman advertising a thousand dollar an hour rate, or in the case of the real whiners even a $500 hr rate.

Personally, I think it's dumber when a seller comes on a review board whining not only "about" her would be clients, but whining "at" them. Do any of these women REALLY think they are going to endear themselves to their client base by calling them out for being cheap or hagglers? Personally when I see a woman who whines about such things on the discussion board it makes me want to see them less, not more.  

That said, even as a guy who does NOT patronize the ladies who place a high value on their time, ie the HDH's. I find it just as annoying when some cheapskate/brokedick comes on here whining that her ask is too high.

I am honestly torn between which type of post is more annoying, what say the rest of you?

cajunman40 reads

their customers is beyond stupid.  Painting all with the same broad brush is even worse.

IMO posts like that belong on the Providers Only board - whine among yourselves if you feel the need.

I don't negotiate or haggle but I see nothing wrong or insulting about asking - it's business as many ladies point out often.

If you guys want some real annoying humor you should spend some time on Twatter and listen to these Pros whine about Civvie dates vs client dates  

No shit!  At least it gives a little reality back to this little fantasy world.

Whining publicly about finances is a turn off.
I know that I am attracted to positive, men loving women that come across as desiring my company. This is all about perception and the smartest and most successful providers STFU about anything that doesn't make them look attractive, both physically and personality wise.  

The mongers that complain like little babies are probably just women hating  sex addicts,  stuck in a problem that they can't afford to feed.

I see the problem is that people use open forums to air their frustrations. So, they shoot themselves in the foot. Instead, they would be helping themselves by having their whining sessions in private forums like the providers only and reviewers only boards.

Twitter is full of whining providers blasting mongers and giving the "Here's how I should be treated" directions. That's a turn off to me.  

Thanks to all the ladies that promote themselves in a positive and fun attitude.
I guess I should thank the ladies who divulge that they really hate their clients too.

Totally agree with this. Especially the twitter part as it has been a continuous turn off for me seeing discussions like that.

Yes, dear lady, I CAN afford to take you to a $1,000 a night hotel on the beach. I CAN afford to have a $500 meal. and of course, I CAN afford to take you to a $3,000 shopping spree right before we get to the bedroom.

But if I wanted to run up non-sex activity bills like that, I'd just get married. I love my money just as much as I love spending time with beautiful women. I've never tried to negotiate rates or asked for discounts/extra time, but in the same token, I don't want to be told or get the feeling that my time and money may be somewhat less valuable as I'm being put in direct competition to some gentleman who may be doing the activities described above. THAT, kills the fantasy for me as both my big and little head work together in the decision making process.

The other side of that is that I don't begrudge the P4P ladies marketing to the guys that are willing and financially capable of doing those things.
When it comes to making a living, being a nice guy as a customer only pays for so much. Cash is king, as it is supposed to be in this world.

client_number_947 reads

Don’t begrudge smart hustlers working the Twitter angle. It’s a target rich environment for lonely, supplicating, emotionally needy men. Their mission is to suck every possible dollar out of these tools - and they should. I don’t feel “less than” because I’m in the market for a couple of hours of sport fucking, and neither should you. For every lame wildebeest on the Serengeti there’s a lioness waiting to take him down. It’s just the natural order of things.

This! 😄

Posted By: micktoz
Re: Doesn't matter whether it's a paid or unpaid intimate relationship.  
Whining publicly about finances is a turn off.  
 I know that I am attracted to positive, men loving women that come across as desiring my company. This is all about perception and the smartest and most successful providers STFU about anything that doesn't make them look attractive, both physically and personality wise.  
 The mongers that complain like little babies are probably just women hating  sex addicts,  stuck in a problem that they can't afford to feed.  
 I see the problem is that people use open forums to air their frustrations. So, they shoot themselves in the foot. Instead, they would be helping themselves by having their whining sessions in private forums like the providers only and reviewers only boards.  
 Twitter is full of whining providers blasting mongers and giving the "Here's how I should be treated" directions. That's a turn off to me.  
 Thanks to all the ladies that promote themselves in a positive and fun attitude.  
 I guess I should thank the ladies who divulge that they really hate their clients too.

and that's someone complaining about both.


(I know, I know, what does that make me?)

Aren't you also whining??? Lol.

I've said the same thing several times: it's a SERVICE business that caters to the general public.
The concept in itself is susceptible to miscommunication, haggling and confusion.
Add to that providers that run "specials" and the price becomes truly liquid.
So whining about it is downright disgusting.

For the guys, you can't walk into a Mercedes dealer and buy a car priced like a Honda.
So crying about high prices is just stupid.

In both cases involving all of us in your PRIVATE business is going to get you verbally slapped around here, as it should.

Actually I think that's what I just got accused of, and I suppose that's what I am doing too.

Just a tad. Asking which is more annoying is a complaint disguised by a rhetorical question and you're trying to come off as unbiased in the process by addressing both sides. But we're on an open discussion board where providers and hobbyists speak about their experiences and give their opinions, good or bad. Some hobbyists are going to whine about prices, some providers are going to complain about their whining, and in your case you're complaining about everyone complaining and whining. Again, it's a discussion board that providers and hobbyists participate in....bitching and moaning is inevitable when it's coming from two different sides of the spectrum. Don't let it annoy you....or do and complain about it, whatever your heart desires. lol xoxo

WICardinalfan48 reads

......is the repetitive post the female bush......"How many like a full bush"......"What about a landing strip.....and so on.

But I degrees.  Once upon a time I used to sell consumer products to retailers such as Kmart, Office Depot, etc.

If Wal Mart deep discounted one of the items I represented, I would get blamed for it.  I always said the them "you decide your retail pricing, we can't and won't"  

Same thinking here, the provider sets the price.......there is enough inventory in the market for us men to take it or leave it.  

I never haggle.  Just bad form.  

Whine all you want.  

Who cares? I certainly don't and if they whine on these boards, I move on.

annoys me. To me it's entertainment.  

Look... I run a business. Wanna be customers often haggle over my prices. I don't whine about it. My kill rate among potential customers who don't haggle is about 40%. My kill rate among customers who do haggle is over 90%. I make decent margins on both, but the latter help cover overhead more than the former. In a perfect world I'd just name my price and rake in the gold. But, oh, it's not a perfect world so, if I'm going to run a business, I have to work with what's out there in the world to sell to. Then it's up to me to sell or not to whomever or whatever is available to make the purchase.  

I've never haggled with a provider about their rates. But I often ask providers what their rates are for multiple hour sessions. If they offer some rate other than advertised, fine. If not, that's fine too. I just want to be prepared to at least meet whatever is expected.

...cheap whining hookers that whine about cheap whining johns...

Life is better if you avoid reading or watching things that annoy you.

Libertine_Proust49 reads

Real simple. Hobbyist who whine about rates. Know your price bracket, and seek out company accordingly.

Unless there was an unexpected upsell by the escort, I find johns complaining about escort pricing more annoying

Nothing here should annoy you, you seem somewhat thick skinned. If I got annoyed by what goes on here, then it wouldn't be fun...
But I get what you're "trying" to say...you just picked the wrong word.

...Board contributors, johns or pros should try to for-see the result of their post before they hit the send button, I believe GaG's perception posted here is the most common for contributors to this board. Personally for my own P4P budget I must have a price ceiling to be able to afford to see providers as often as I choose, but the only way anyone would know what that ceiling is to look at prices of the providers I have reviewed.

First off, let me begin that I've never ever negotiated rates but have seen providers while 'they' have offered specials. I've never asked for lower rates and look at providers in my range.

Having said that, I don't think I pay too much attention to those kind of complaints. Plus based on the number of providers and johns out there, even a post from each side a week is really not much when compared to other kinds of complaints that each side has against the other. If this industry were legal I wonder where it'd rank on customer service surveys  :-)  :-)  

The only business that I've come across where both sides sometimes show so much contempt for the other.  

We cannot survive without each other and we cannot live with each other, damn it, sounds like marriage to me :-)

And now I'm preparing myself to be called all kinds of names in the book. So perhaps will stay off the site for a few days and log back in next week :-)

Yooohooooo, PerfectStorm!!! Where are you with your stats on this?  

Meh.  I'm PUI so what the hell.....

Posted By: GaGambler
Do any of these women REALLY think they are going to endear themselves to their client base by calling them out for being cheap or hagglers? Personally when I see a woman who whines about such things on the discussion board it makes me want to see them less, not more.  
Just like some men go for the Drama Queens, there are those who luuuuuuv to race to reassure the lady complaining that SHE is completely in the right and he is just itching to prove to her how very worthy he is.  
Trust me!  
Cuz everytime I've bitched about something, my inbox gets flooded with those same sychophants.  
Posted By: GaGambler

That said, even as a guy who does NOT patronize the ladies who place a high value on their time, ie the HDH's. I find it just as annoying when some cheapskate/brokedick comes on here whining that her ask is too high.  
 I am honestly torn between which type of post is more annoying, what say the rest of you?
It's all the same noise in the end, isn't it??   We all want what we want without a lot of grief for it.  And naturally, EVERYONE thinks his/her way of seeing things is THE right or "normal" way to look at it.  

Every lady wants to charge the most she can and get it without anyone trying to negotiate or haggle her down.  Now in the lady's POV, there can be a lot more than just dollars and cents at stake, because some providers really have their self-esteem all entangled with their rates, exclusvity, etc etc.  

Whereas the hagglers typically feel that no woman or sexual experience is worth more than $xxx and feel entitled to get every woman they want for their budget.... because of course, HE is being reasonable, NOT CHEAP, because he's the only one not a pussy who won't fork over the HDH rate.  

Both parties are refusing to see the other's POV.  

So.... they're equally "annoying" in a general sense, but personally I've noticed more hobbyists/clients/mongers who just won't give up trying to convince everyone that HIS point of view is the only correct one.    

As always, I could be wrong, this is simply my personal observation.  And I am not even attempting to try to pretend to be impartial.  LOL.

Both are showing their immaturity. Don’t like the rate move on. Complaining and whining is not going to change the rate? I want an Austin Martin Roadster, I can complain and whine all I want, Austin Martin  is not going to drop  the price th where I can afford one.

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