TER General Board

All good things in life are immoral, illegal, or make you grow fat eomred_smile
lhooq 99 Reviews 361 reads


Clients and Providers jump in.....

As I mentor these girls that want to live this lifestyle whether driven in the hopes of "glamour" or to feed an addiction, they ask me why? What comes with this profession?  

Providers and clients, what is the adrenaline rush that this lifestyle brings? What makes you forget the morality of it all?

...as is suggested in your last paragraph.  I know it's easy to fall into that assumption as we're taught from a young age that there's something dirty about sex but I don't see this 'luxurious life' as the slightest bit immoral.  

Actually, to me it's just the opposite. It's people being free to meet their needs on both sides of the equation without either person introducing guilt, shame, or morality.  That's part of the rush, namely to feel what it's like to live as people were meant to live, meeting each other's primal needs (sex, eating, etc) in a joyous encounter while free of a morality that an antiquated institutional values system tries to impose on its citizens.  

It's a rush too few people get to experience tho the surgeon general probably would even say it's better for our health than feeling guilty and ashamed.  And we know some former presidents, governors, senators, and Louisville basketball players would agree.

-- Modified on 10/11/2015 6:41:26 AM

GaGambler593 reads

but lets skip past your "morality" faux pas, What are you doing "mentoring" other girls in the first place? You are still at the stage where you need to be asking questions, not answering them. Please don't follow in the footsteps of BSC Taylor and several other hookers who thought they had it all figured out after being in the business all of 45 minutes.

I am very happy for you that you seem to be "finding yourself" but I don't think that you have possibly learned enough yet to start mentoring other women, try at least getting the hang of being an indy, and making all the mistakes you are going to inevitably make as a newbie before trying to teach others.

so you stop obsessing. Rather stalkerish don't ya think. Business is slow huh?

Posted By: GaGambler
but lets skip past your "morality" faux pas, What are you doing "mentoring" other girls in the first place? You are still at the stage where you need to be asking questions, not answering them. Please don't follow in the footsteps of BSC Taylor and several other hookers who thought they had it all figured out after being in the business all of 45 minutes.  
 I am very happy for you that you seem to be "finding yourself" but I don't think that you have possibly learned enough yet to start mentoring other women, try at least getting the hang of being an indy, and making all the mistakes you are going to inevitably make as a newbie before trying to teach others.

Posted By: Joe Christmas
...as is suggested in your last paragraph.  I know it's easy to fall into that assumption as we're taught from a young age that there's something dirty about sex but I don't see this 'luxurious life' as the slightest bit immoral.    
 Actually, to me it's just the opposite. It's people being free to meet their needs on both sides of the equation without either person introducing guilt, shame, or morality.  That's part of the rush, namely to feel what it's like to live as people were meant to live, meeting each other's primal needs (sex, eating, etc) in a joyous encounter while free of a morality that an antiquated institutional values system tries to impose on its citizens.    
 It's a rush too few people get to experience tho the surgeon general probably would even say it's better for our health than feeling guilty and ashamed.  And we know some former presidents, governors, senators, and Louisville basketball players would agree.

-- Modified on 10/11/2015 6:41:26 AM

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
What makes you forget the morality of it all?  
Are you indicating that you feel this activity IS immoral?    

That YOU need to put the "morality" of this out of your own mind to enjoy it?


I don't need to forget anything because in my mind, there is nothing immoral about having sex whether it is P4P or not.  

As to what the rest of the world thinks?  I've never given a flying rat's ass about that.


I don't think she meant it as she thinks it is immoral.  More like what society thinks as a whole or how we have been taught to view P4P and even sex in itself.    

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
What makes you forget the morality of it all?  
 Are you indicating that you feel this activity IS immoral?    
 That YOU need to put the "morality" of this out of your own mind to enjoy it?  
 I don't need to forget anything because in my mind, there is nothing immoral about having sex whether it is P4P or not.    
 As to what the rest of the world thinks?  I've never given a flying rat's ass about that.  

If I believed this was immoral, I would not do it.  
It would be imoral if the person I was doing it with was not a fully consulting adult, if my presence was forced on her or if I was inconsiderate of her or if she treated me dishonestly or without consideration of who I am.  As long as we respect each other are acting out of our full free will (understanding that some people work for money doing things they might tho do if they hit a huge lottery) and are considerate of each others needs and as long as I am careful not to act without consideration of the needs if my family (means being careful and being very secretive.)  
I have met and enjoyed the company of some wonderful people and I hope they enjoyed my company too. (One lady I saw three time until it became clear that she did not enjoy my company and then I stopped seeing her.) I see patients and I get paid for that but in general I very much enjoy seeing almost all of them. In that sense I hope my company is pleasing to the ladies I see.  

Posted By: DebbieNoonerGirl
Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
What makes you forget the morality of it all?  
 Are you indicating that you feel this activity IS immoral?    
 That YOU need to put the "morality" of this out of your own mind to enjoy it?  
 I don't need to forget anything because in my mind, there is nothing immoral about having sex whether it is P4P or not.    
 As to what the rest of the world thinks?  I've never given a flying rat's ass about that.  

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Clients and Providers jump in.....  
 As I mentor these girls that want to live this lifestyle whether driven in the hopes of "glamour" or to feed an addiction, they ask me why? What comes with this profession?  
 Providers and clients, what is the adrenaline rush that this lifestyle brings? What makes you forget the morality of it all?  
I really can't relate to what you're saying here.  Assuming there is a certain lifestyle or rush that is uniform to us all is very closed minded.  Personally, I never got a rush in the hobby although I've spent time with some great gentlemen that left me with a smile.  I had financial goals to reach. Now that I have reached them, I do this part time.  The "glamorous" lifestyle never appealed to me.  To me, this is empty, shallow and some kind of status others want to meet.  I don't care for it.  I like to live comfortable and enjoy life.  Glamor doesn't appeal to me, it's so fake.  

I've never done drugs and don't have an addictive personality.  I'm a health nut, have been since a child.  I've never needed to get high or messed up in any way to enjoy my clients or my life.  

Assuming I have some kind of moral dilemma is ignorant.  For me to have any type or moral dilemma I would have to believe the hobby itself is immoral and being a provider say I have low or no morals.  That can't be further from the truth.  I have very high morals.  I also have enough common sense to see the hobby as a business, treat it as a business and enjoy the business I chose to be in.  

We're people just like you with morals.  Open your mind.

...we call that "the blind leading the blind."  You've got to actually know something about the subject matter before you can teach it.

Bob.Sugar574 reads

I also hope she's reading the Hookernomics books I sent her.  She hasn't tried the quizzes yet to earn that CE, but I'm sure she's just been too busy bloviating here.  She'll get around to it eventually...I hope

You apparently have been in the biz for a whopping half year and now are using your deep insights and fictional adventures to "mentor" others. Thanks for letting me know that sex is immoral. Sounds like we should lobby for stricter laws against the hobby. Please also let me know your views on the various unnatural acts such as oral sex.

There's nothing wrong with a new person having fun on this site, but for crying out loud have a little humility. Oh wait, that doesn't fit your D0n Tr0mp marketing plan where any publicity good or bad is good for business.

That was kind of mean lol. Maybe she couldn't find the right word she was looking for. Give her a break 😘.

WildJimmy!447 reads

Maybe I'm wrong, but...isn't that why most find it a good choice?

I agree.  Its the power, independence, adoration that makes providing fun:)

Posted By: WildJimmy!
Maybe I'm wrong, but...isn't that why most find it a good choice?

What is the adrenaline rush?...  Having sexytimes with beautiful, willing females anytime I want.  Fulfilling any kinky fantasy I can imagine.  And I can imagine quite a bit.  Believe me.  Then being able to carry on with my life with no strings attached.  Sounds like paradise, doesn't it?

Speaking of paradise, I don't see where morality comes into it.  Legality, unfortunately - yes.  That is, until we start acting like grown ups in this country and stop criminalizing a natural, normal human need that everyone indulges in.  Like many other parts of the world have already done.  Like grown ups.

Unless you are enslaved by some antiquated religious dogma there is no morality problem to address.  It's just a simple exchange of funds for services.  Same as it always has been and always will be.  It's just good business.

And a helluva lot of fun, too.  :-)

but at first I believed it was, and I'm sure others have had the same feeling.  

Against that, there is the great rush on NSA sex, often in plush surroundings and perhaps a rush of enjoying the taboo aspect of it, at least in the early stages.  

Being older I find more comfort in the relationship aspect now.

What I meant was that at the very very beginning, like it did with me when I was a newbie or someone brand new. After you are established and you built that support system and you discover yourself sexually it's a dream come true. However, at first it isn't. So let's not think about now let's think about the first time ever anyone did it. Not 10 years later or in my case almost a yr later the initial start. That's what I meant guys nothing offensive. Everything is always with respect.

GaGambler521 reads

I never had a moral issue when I first tried it (at fifteen who even thinks that way) and I still don't to this day.  

Just admit that you stepped in it this time and move on. That is one of the hazards of making as many posts as you (or I) do. Inevitably you are going to say something you really didn't mean, it's going to be taken the wrong way, and the best thing you can say is "oops sorry"

For the record, fucking a hooker (or a john) is not a moral issue to me, nor is drug use, or high stakes gambling. There are consequences that go along with certain actions, drug use for example has huge health implications, but there is nothing immoral about it, not by MY moral compass that is. OTOH having sex with someone not there of their own accord or pushing your friend who has a drinking problem to have "just one" with you, has huge moral implications. What goes on between two consenting adults hardly has any moral implications to me. Cheating of course is a moral issue, but not one that applies to me, nor to you unless you have an SO from which you are hiding the fact that you are a hooker.

Bill_Brasky508 reads

It's also the idea that you, after 6 months in the business would take it on yourself to mentor anyone.  Your many posts here have clearly demonstrated a lack of knowledge and naiveté about this business.  So the possibility of your giving incorrect advice to someone would seem to be large.  You seem very nice, but you really should think twice about further mentoring and spend more time on the Newbie Board.

bigguy30432 reads

I think the both of you need to leave Roxanne alone.
She does not need any advice from you two clowns.
Roxanne just keep doing your thing and don't listen to them.

Posted By: Bill_Brasky
It's also the idea that you, after 6 months in the business would take it on yourself to mentor anyone.  Your many posts here have clearly demonstrated a lack of knowledge and naiveté about this business.  So the possibility of your giving incorrect advice to someone would seem to be large.  You seem very nice, but you really should think twice about further mentoring and spend more time on the Newbie Board.

GaGambler500 reads

Or are you simply hitting keys randomly, hoping beyond hope the result makes some sort of sense?

For all we know. I don't care for all her mindless dribble post, but like the sign says ,"Read" or "Don't read". I'm not like some in here who feel the need to chime in on everything just to be "Noticed".....get it?

GaGambler391 reads

I do take issue with her implying that I am supposed to have a morality issue with buying what she's selling, but more importantly it's clear she hasn't figured out how things work here yet, so for her to be "mentoring" others would be a huge disservice to any young women she were to "take under her wing" and it has nothing to do with being "noticed"...get it?

bigguy30500 reads

So she corrected her statement clown.
Also when did she ask you or  Bill for advice?
It seems like you are trying to influence her with your jerk like ways.
Roxanne is doing fine without any of your backhanded  help.

Posted By: GaGambler
I do take issue with her implying that I am supposed to have a morality issue with buying what she's selling, but more importantly it's clear she hasn't figured out how things work here yet, so for her to be "mentoring" others would be a huge disservice to any young women she were to "take under her wing" and it has nothing to do with being "noticed"...get it?

And we have big girls here that can think and decide for themselves...man, you couldn't just leave this alone.....now do you finally get it?

GaGambler471 reads

Did someone piss in your oatmeal again?

and it's not the big girls I am worried about, it's the newbies who might actually look to another newbie as a "mentor" and we all know how well that is likely to turn out. Or at least those of us who actually have a clue know how poorly that can work out, I guess that leaves you out.

My advice to any newbie whether provider or a client is to read, read, the boards and reviews and ask questions on here. The veterans on both sides can and will help you along. I don't feel 6 months  as a client or provider is enough time to take another under your wing

Bill_Brasky557 reads

You seem to be the only person on this thread who disagrees with us.  Keep it up, Einstein.  I didn't think your reputation here could get any worse, but keep trying.

bigguy30419 reads

So not only are you on here following GaGambler like a little kid.
You still have not figured out two things.

I could care less what you or the others clowns think of me.
Also when your sentence structure improves then talk about someone being stupid.

Posted By: Bill_Brasky
You seem to be the only person on this thread who disagrees with us.  Keep it up, Einstein.  I didn't think your reputation here could get any worse, but keep trying.

"I could care less what you or the others clowns think of me". BUT I'll hide behind an alias just in case.

Posted By: bigguy30
So not only are you on here following GaGambler like a little kid.  
 You still have not figured out two things.  
 I could care less what you or the others clowns think of me.  
 Also when your sentence structure improves then talk about someone being stupid.  
Posted By: Bill_Brasky
You seem to be the only person on this thread who disagrees with us.  Keep it up, Einstein.  I didn't think your reputation here could get any worse, but keep trying.

bigguy30435 reads

So we all use it and TER allows it.
The thing is even with showing reviews everybody is still using alises.
My reviews are also on here for everyone to see too.

  "I could care less what you or the others clowns think of me". BUT I'll hide behind an alias just in case.  
Posted By: bigguy30
So not only are you on here following GaGambler like a little kid.  
  You still have not figured out two things.  
  I could care less what you or the others clowns think of me.  
  Also when your sentence structure improves then talk about someone being stupid.  
Posted By: Bill_Brasky
You seem to be the only person on this thread who disagrees with us.  Keep it up, Einstein.  I didn't think your reputation here could get any worse, but keep trying.
-- Modified on 10/11/2015 1:09:34 PM

OK, so you're saying that in the beginning (the first time any of us "did it") we all must have had to put the "moral" aspect out of our minds somehow?

That's still working on the presumption that ALL of us had a moral quandary in the beginning.

Since you were clearly speaking for yourself, and only for yourself, please try not to put that onto any of the rest of us.  Remember, we are not all the same.  :-)

Many of us have what a large segment of society may regard as "moral flexibility"* or even downright depravity.    

I was not raised to believe that sex is anything other than a physical act... I was taught that it is actually nothing more than a primal, animal urge which should NOT be moralized.  I'm forever grateful to my parents for such enlightened thinking.    

So, fortunately for me, there was never any moral dilemma in my mind.   :-)


* moral flexibility... a phrase from the movie Grosse Pointe Blank

Junk-Yard-Dog509 reads

Grow, mature and gain life experience and the answers to these and many other questions will eventually emerge and become clear

Full spiritual awakening guaranteed, as well as out of body travel to miscellaneous other planets.

BernardShakey510 reads

at an Ivy League buys, I'm glad as hell my kids went elsewhere.

-- Modified on 10/11/2015 11:44:19 AM

First you were posting because you are "new" and wanted to learn, to now mentoring other girls? Scary...you are incessantly posting so much you can't remember what you said a few days ago.

You use the word "immoral" to describe this lifestyle. IMO it's more like snubbing what society deems immoral.


Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Clients and Providers jump in.....  
 As I mentor these girls that want to live this lifestyle whether driven in the hopes of "glamour" or to feed an addiction, they ask me why? What comes with this profession?  
 Providers and clients, what is the adrenaline rush that this lifestyle brings? What makes you forget the morality of it all?  

I have no addictions to support, and while everyone needs cash, I don't depend on this for that.  I have a need to be used hard and hurt anonymously.  If there was no real fear, I guess it would bore me, but I have a very modest life where I care for others most of the time.  Not all girls do this often or depend on it.
As far as morality, I actually have a very strict code of morality.  I just don't adhere to common morality which is in many cases is not up to my standards.  I know some girls are very open about deception to keep and get clients and being really greedy.  I don't find that cute at all, but sexually as long as I'm on the bottom, I'll do just about anything, and I'm fine with myself because I'm not a horrible, greedy bitch. Then again, I also don't find a need to show my face and put my business and my identity out there.

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Clients and Providers jump in.....  
 As I mentor these girls that want to live this lifestyle whether driven in the hopes of "glamour" or to feed an addiction, they ask me why? What comes with this profession?  
 Providers and clients, what is the adrenaline rush that this lifestyle brings? What makes you forget the morality of it all?  

You decide if you want to use it to dig out of your hole or dig yourself deeper.

NumNumMan497 reads

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Clients and Providers jump in.....  
 Providers and clients, what is the adrenaline rush that this lifestyle brings? What makes you forget the morality of it all?  
We tell each other it is not immoral on these boards. We justify the immorality in our minds. It is objectively immoral, whether we admit it or not. I hobby frequently, despite knowing this.

The question remains.. Why do we do it and why do we forget "justify" the morality of it? GREATEST QUESTION EVER! I would love to hear Charlotte Shane weigh in.  

Rather than argue morality (which proved the statement is true) answer her question. It is philosophical at its heart, like the meaning of life

Thank you baby exactly people get lost and I leave them alone its so simple so simple to answer, I'm not afraid to be blunt and honest get the f*ck out of here. EVERYONE knows exactly what I mean but hey let's pretend I didn't say it right ?

7cardstraightflush514 reads

A hobbyist perspective...  

It's a simple answer for me and could be true for many people with regards to the rush...

 It's the opportunity to have an intimate experience with ladies that may never give you a second look in the civilian world.  Don't get me wrong I'm not hideous looking in anyway.   I am however realistic about what my chances are of picking up someone who looks as good as a lot of ladies in the provider world.  Alas its "window shopping", a few references, a conversation or two, and the next thing you know I'm sitting next to a smoking hot lady over a beverage.  A few minutes later if personalities have clicked, we are both willing to do so many things that hopefully gives each of us a new experience while having a fantastic time.  

And the best part??   As the hobbyist maybe I have a bucket list of... African American, Asian, Latin, Russian, Indian, etc partners..    Or maybe a bucket list of the PSE experience with each.  Each one of those opportunities has the adrenaline rush that comes from the anticipation as well as the actual meeting itself.  When the session is over.... We both go our separate ways and take something of the time with us...   Maybe we meet again in the future, maybe we don't, but we have the experience and potentially a memory to look back upon.    

Morality...   What makes you forget it as you put it??  For those hobbyist so inclined to look at it from the societal norm..  It's the damn little head over ruling the big head in its desire to meet a basic need..  Sex, orgasm, and a new partner.  

I don't have the hang ups with it that society tries to put on it as many do.  I'm also not married and currently don't have an SO which means I don't have any of the guilt that some could possibly have as a part of the experience.  

My answers.

you are partaking on the board of idiocracy. Do yourself a favor and don't feed the regulars their nonsense. They feed off of pretty girls like you just waiting for you to say one thing that they will find a way to turn around and have fun with at noone else's expense but yours. Theyve got nothing better to do. Just look at their post counts. Ask them what they do for a living. Nothing. they live here. theyre losers. Move on darlin' This place ain't worth it. Go make some cash and enjoy getting pounded while you collect

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Clients and Providers jump in.....  
 As I mentor these girls that want to live this lifestyle whether driven in the hopes of "glamour" or to feed an addiction, they ask me why? What comes with this profession?  
 Providers and clients, what is the adrenaline rush that this lifestyle brings? What makes you forget the morality of it all?  

except I think she should keep posting... she has been a breath of fresh air.. truth, fiction, threAD or just poking the trolls? I don't know, but she has been entertaining....

she appears to be thick enough skinned to withstand the slings and arrows of the resident jack asses...

GaGambler406 reads

I mean for me of all people to claim that ANYONE else is posting too much would not be a bit hypocritical, it would be VERY hypocritical on my part.

Now that doesn't mean I have to agree with every word she posts, and I stand behind my words saying that she has no business mentoring anyone until she has a LOT more experience than she has now. I also disagree with her about the "morality" of what we do here, but I am willing to chalk that up to perhaps just a bad choice of words.

I certainly agree she has been entertaining and I too hope she keeps posting. LWAM did have a very valid point in that 99% of the guys putting her down weren't ever going to see her in the first place, and the one or two guys that "might" not see her because she is a board blabbermouth will be more than made up for by the guys who find her "witty and entertaining" I am a gambling man and I would lay odds that her board presence here will be a net sum gain for her, not a loss. Personally I think her board posts would make me MORE likely to see her, not less.

One last thing I would like to point out, Roxy with all her faults has yet to go BSC on anyone, nor has she come anywhere near a "meltdown" like so many before her. I LIKE having her around and I hope she doesn't go anywhere anytime soon.

Many women take this job to provide a good life for there children.

I come from, let's say “humble" beginnings, & ever since I decided to become a provider I have experiend much freedom, fun & peace of mind! There is this adrenaline rush that I get for living properly!

TER ID: 27740

To use here lol.  

But perhaps for some I suppose it is. You really should have higher expectations of yourself as a woman first than just being a provider for men. You will be missing out on alot I life to sell yourself short Miss Roxanne.

Posted By: RoxanneHeartNYC
Clients and Providers jump in.....  
 As I mentor these girls that want to live this lifestyle whether driven in the hopes of "glamour" or to feed an addiction, they ask me why? What comes with this profession?  
 Providers and clients, what is the adrenaline rush that this lifestyle brings? What makes you forget the morality of it all?  

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