TER General Board

Aha! Another person who knows what ear wax tastes like
89Springer 931 reads

My mother, rest her soul, used to try to get me to eat rutabaga. I hated it. I told someone once that it tasted like ear wax, and he couldn't believe I knew what ear wax tasted like (I told him it tasted like rutabaga). Now I know I'm not alone. I feel so much more normal. ;)

after we've spent all that time getting magazine fabulous for you? We need "proper notice" for a reason even if we look nice without the makeup lol. See photo for example.  

No, but seriously intense makeup is growing in popularity with the number of youtube tutorials on makeup application and increasing quality of makeup available on a budget. Its becoming the thing and almost every woman is at least introducing something new to their makeup routine. Long gone are the days of only putting on eye liner and mascara. I miss them sometimes.

When I've done my makeup I want it to last so that I can take a good selfie showing off my face after. Can't do that if you've kissed it all off.  

No, I don't show my face in pictures, but I do have a personal life :) am I not being fair? If I'm not, please please check me. In my own defense, sometimes I have to get together with my personal circle of friends right after an appointment and am relying on my makeup to stay somewhat together so that I can breeze through living a double life. Other times that I care, I have an appt later that day and want to maintain my makeup for that. Since I've began this process I notice myself doing everything possible to avoid a missing area of makeup that looks like someone was sucking my face in pictures. Some guys assume I'm not DFK when this happens, but thats not it. I just don't want you to kiss my face.  

The gents don't want to go home with a patch of red lipstick stain on their face, so I hope you understand why I care at least and don't chew me out too bad if you don't agree

If you read my OP, I want to clarify that I only begin doing the "avoid" thing if the guy has demonstrated that he likes to kiss my face. Not just a peck, but LFK my temples all the way down to my chin.  

I'm willing to accept that it comes with the territory. Just curious here.  
And the photo usually makes for a good conversation piece lol. I wouldn't be surprised if it hasn't already been posted.

I always apply "Makeup Forever Mist And Fix". And to help it dry faster, I put my hair dryer on low and use it to dry my face after spraying it on.

This helps with face kissing but NOT if you get some guy who licks your face, lol.

Now back to your regular programming before the guys puke that I'm giving make up advice on the GDB! ;-)



That shit is the whip. It's the only thing that combats my facial hyperhidrosis.  

Posted By: MatureGFE
I always apply "Makeup Forever Mist And Fix". And to help it dry faster, I put my hair dryer on low and use it to dry my face after spraying it on.

This helps with face kissing but NOT if you get some guy who licks your face, lol.

Now back to your regular programming before the guys puke that I'm giving make up advice on the GDB! ;-)



Nothing like a product that can manage the inconvenient "glow" that we want to stay away.

You know that pile of makeup that you just don't use regularly? I found some there. Wow so thats what this stuff is? Like hairspray for makeup lol.

GaGambler1097 reads

but posts like this immediately move a lady onto my "must miss" list.

Sorry that your thread has had the opposite effect than what you intended.

Just to be clear, it's not the lack of "face kissing" that has put you on my "must miss" list, as it's not really something I care to do in the first place. It's that your post is indicative of a woman who gives a "wife experience" instead of a GFE. So thanks, but no thanks

Guys pay hundreds and she's complaining about her make up being messed up.  Lol

Most of the people here, men and women, said that the extreme face kissing I'm referring to isn't their thing and no one said that it is their thing (yet).

Some girls are complaining about fingers touching their face. I happen to like that as well as pecks as. The build-up and tease give me soaking panties. These things are quick to touch up!

However my pores are opening up from the kiss style I'm referring to and a drip of saliva is running down my face and I'm curious enough about it and share my thoughts. Not a crime.

This is much much different that the light smearing you get from rolling in bed. This is like you somehow washed an area of your face.

In this *rare* example the guy may as well ejaculate on my face and if I'm not mistaken that is given its own acronym that guys are A-OK with a lady saying yes or no to in advance.  

Crazy part is, I never said it isn't OK. I just shared that it takes me forever to get my face magazine or red carpet ready....which is a new thing for me. Genetically I don't need it, its just something I've been enjoying lately and something I picked up when I was on hiatus. A new makeup enthusiast.  

Never the less, I agree with some of  the most negatively toned posts. In conclusion, it comes with the territory and I should be ok with needing to skip a lunch or cancel arrangements if I am dead set on my new routine so thats the choice I have to make because as I said I don't shoot the guy down for this as I love the enthusiasm. I got 10-10, 9-9 and a mix of other reviews with only eyeliner and mascara and a light powder routine that took 5 minutes so that is what I will continue to deliver now that I'm back at it. :-D Hey I guess thats the standard why try to over compensate (++)_/ I always thought guys wanted a girl from the magazine but now that its me talking they want the wive's version of makeup. Lesson learned.

I was under the impression that you were talking about some minor-to-light kissing on face ruining your make up. Did I read it wrong?  

Now you sound like you're implying that your complaint isn't minor kissing but extreme kissing and CIF.  

Those are two different things actually.  The latter would require the girl's prior consent since it sort of falls under fetish

...that left room for normal light kissing to fall under the definition of what I was mentioning. I would be extremely petty if I didn't realize that a normal touch up is due after a session.  

I didn't want to use aggressive words to define the type of kissing I was referring to because I didn't want to cause a train wreck, but I failed!  

I should have just said slobbery or dog licking. The type of kiss that if I'd wipe the moisture off with my hand, I'd then have to wipe my hand off on a paper towel. I just try not to sound negative and judgmental because one thing I have learned is that every "gets off" in different ways and I truly embrace getting you off. :-D Thats true about me and has been since the 3rd time I had sex. The first 2 were too painful lol.

to be honest I am not a good faker at all. Its in my reviews. Even with the extreme face licking that threw me off, I never killed the mood for the gent

Sometimes upon entering an incall, the lady engages in LFK and maybe it leads to DFK. Most often, this is an enjoyable prelude which quickly includes exploring each other, undressing, etc., but sometimes I want to slow all that down, take a shower, and just alter the dynamics a little. So, at these times, I kiss the woman on the temple or forehead to pull back a little. It depends on a lot of things, including how I'm feeling about the woman at that first moment.

With you, Jordan, I have a feeling I would be quite happy restricting my kiss to your lips. Well, as far as facial kissing goes. At any rate, if we ever meet, your preference will be seared in my memory.

I can tell that the temple kiss you described in your example is light and more than likely wouldn't compromise the makeup. Sounds like all that would require is a light touch up after which is expected.

However, there are some that kiss the face just as much as and with the same technique as boobs. Is it a fetish?

On another note, I'm happy to be on your radar at least. You sound like a gent and I loooovvveeee to get my hands on gents!

...but if the assault on the face is as fierce as you describe maybe you should double check the flavors of your shadow and blush. Prune instead of peach might tone down their enthusiasm

The thing is that I don't want to kill their enthusiasm. I like the enthusiasm, it arouses me and makes me good at what I do. ;-)

I still have to read all of the posts in the thread. Hopefully someone who expresses their enthusiasm via face kissing chimes in and provides some insight into how it works for them. (hint hint, if one of you are reading this?)

I've tried so many new things over my years and it was usually the guy that helped me understand his uniqueness that got me more into what they liked than they were. I'm a pleaser :)

A lot of clients love to outright RUB my face! Including over my eyebrows, which,  of course,  I fill in and are always at risk of coming right off my face! It's so weird when a man is rubbing his thumbs and hands all over my face, not to mention kinda gross!  Kissing,  i don't mind, so long as it's not too sloppy and concentrated at least in the vicinity of my lips and neck,  but there's so many germs and oils on your hands!  

My makeup routine is a simplified version of the girl in that photo,  and even though it takes about fifteen minutes for me to get into full face,  after that,  i hate touching up and i hate the anxiety of "oh god,  is the tail of my eyebrow still on???"

Posted By: Jordan_Carter
after we've spent all that time getting magazine fabulous for you? We need "proper notice" for a reason even if we look nice without the makeup lol. See photo for example.  
 No, but seriously intense makeup is growing in popularity with the number of youtube tutorials on makeup application and increasing quality of makeup available on a budget. Its becoming the thing and almost every woman is at least introducing something new to their makeup routine. Long gone are the days of only putting on eye liner and mascara. I miss them sometimes.  
 When I've done my makeup I want it to last so that I can take a good selfie showing off my face after. Can't do that if you've kissed it all off.  
 No, I don't show my face in pictures, but I do have a personal life :) am I not being fair? If I'm not, please please check me. In my own defense, sometimes I have to get together with my personal circle of friends right after an appointment and am relying on my makeup to stay somewhat together so that I can breeze through living a double life. Other times that I care, I have an appt later that day and want to maintain my makeup for that. Since I've began this process I notice myself doing everything possible to avoid a missing area of makeup that looks like someone was sucking my face in pictures. Some guys assume I'm not DFK when this happens, but thats not it. I just don't want you to kiss my face.  
 The gents don't want to go home with a patch of red lipstick stain on their face, so I hope you understand why I care at least and don't chew me out too bad if you don't agree.  

that restricting touch is an instant turn-off.....

I like to lightly touch and explore while making out...  this may include lightly running a finger over your cheekbones or kissing (*not slobbering all over*) your neck or even a peck on the nose lol

a provider restricting affectionate or sensual touch (don't touch my hair!  don't touch my face!) is just as onerous to me as restrictions of services.  It's not very "GFE" :p

Ok, maybe a bit more, but no more than 10 minutes work, all in, under any circumstances.

Yes restricting touch is petty and no it isn't GFE, but showing up and vacuum kissing or dog licking my face from my temple down to my lips repetitively is borderline a fetish appt sneaking in without saying its a fetish during booking.  

If it had been highlighted during booking I would know that I have to plan to totally wash my face and start from scratch rather than just washing from my mouth and jawline down to my toes that I normally do. At that point I could directly ask the crowd about the fetish and exclude the prep time portion. But I didn't even know if it was a fetish or not and I did ask. I guess thats why I seem to be bitching. because I needed clarity.

I am in no way trying to market myself, but I've been chewed out so badly here that I want to say my last 5 reviews in a row were 10-10 and my overall average is 8.99. A huge sign that I don't restrict much. I'm sharing this for credibility and not marketing because I don't want to be categorized as a provider that has extreme limitations over a misunderstanding of a post. I aspire to offer AND deliver on everything I am comfortable with, including dog licking as long as I am notified of it and can mentally prep.  

I'm really bummed that me talking about repetitive dogs licks to the face has turned against me because people got irritated and assumed I'm talking about a normal kiss on the cheek or normal touching. I will be more descriptive next time and won't beat around the bush as half of the confusion is my fault for not being clear. I really try not to offend those who like different things and moreso seek to understand than anything.

I do more than GFE, I also do cross dressing, role play and eventually want to try BDSM. I'm sexually curious by nature.

I feel like, this man just "rented" time with me, and most of the time, in excess of $500... SO, if he wants to rub my face off, kiss my face off, oh my precious, face, sexy perfectly pouted lips, exotic long lashed eyes, all most natural blusher/ bronzer etc., so be it! I always have a quick touch up kit with me so I won't look like a raccoon. But the profession is one of a contact sport, if you really get into it, and something is going to smear or shift or just come off. Do you wear full makeup to the gym? LOL!!! This includes perfectly coiffed hair dos, slightly done but a little undone is best, if he wants to fondle my hair, it's his to mess up for that time. The least I can do is let the man feel like a man when he is with me, to hell with the rest, my financial load is a lot lighter after each appointment and I can afford to buy more or get that done again. LOL!!!

I am not one to slow down his need for affection and connection, giving a great appointment, over frivioulous face paint. Most guys appreciate the effort, but don't need overly dramatic looks or facial contouring to get off. Always been in the makeup pool of more is less. But hey like Beyonce said, I woke up like this. I am blessed more than others I guess

I'm probably not in the league of the slobbermeister you described, but when I see beautiful skin, especially if the makeup is well done and doesn't look like makeup, I just want to feel it against my lips. I'm drawn to cheeks, myself, those lovely expanses of skin that help to make a face beautiful with their delicate curve, soft skin, and tantalizing nearness to the wonderful mouth. Maybe it's a self-tease by not going straight for the lips, but for me, at least, it's about prolonging the anticipation and kissing soft, delicate flesh.

I also like the inside of the thigh, by the way. Loooove kissing there.

I love all of that. Would never fall in love without it, thats how much I like it ;-)
Being teased when face to face drives me crazy

and kissing is a way of absorbing that energy to charge us up.

The makeup is, I'm afraid, collateral damage.

C'est la guerre.

ppears, some of your male suitors like the taste of make up! Next time, make plate of your make up and feed your make up loving suitors.

When you though, you have heard all the rubbish questions, here comes another topping all previous rubbish

Interesting thread, I'm sure there will be a wide variety of opinions.  Here are my thoughts...

That's one of the reasons why I request ladies to wear as little makeup as possible when we're together.  I like the natural, girl next door look.  And yes, I understand even the "natural" look requires a certain amount of preparation.  Now, If we're going out somewhere, that's a different story - lipstick, eye liner and shadow - everything's all on the table.  I want the lady to look and feel great.  But if we are alone, all that stuff isn't necessary for me.

There's no bigger turnoff for me than a girl that is more worried about smudging her makeup or messing her hair than spending time with me.  Unbridled passion knows no bounds - including kissing of the face (with or without makeup).  ;-

What if the client requests a night out on the town, shouldn't a lady apply make up that is water proff. In case you happen to get caught in the rain. Ladies can reapply their makeup after the appointment.

Has anyone seen that lip-gloss commercial where the young lady is sporting the pink rain attire and it's pouring down on her, the liquid beeds upon her pouty glossy lips in a sexy fashion.

That ad turns me on in a perverted kind of way.

All that $$$$$ and you wanna come across like a wife? "Don't mess my makeup" - sheeesh.  Am I moaning too loud, just let me know & I'll go in the bathroom and whack off.

“You've got this life and while you've got it, you'd better kiss like you only have one moment, try to hold someone's hand like you will never get another chance to, look into people's eyes like they're the last you'll ever see, watch someone sleeping like there's no time left, jump if you feel like jumping, run if you feel like running, play music in your head when there is none, and eat cake like it's the only one left in the world!”  
― C. Joy Bell

Your makeup is a sacrifice to great passion. Savor it.

Unless those ladies happen to be the competition.  

Posted By: MasterZen
“You've got this life and while you've got it, you'd better kiss like you only have one moment, try to hold someone's hand like you will never get another chance to, look into people's eyes like they're the last you'll ever see, watch someone sleeping like there's no time left, jump if you feel like jumping, run if you feel like running, play music in your head when there is none, and eat cake like it's the only one left in the world!”  
 ― C. Joy Bell  
 Your makeup is a sacrifice to great passion. Savor it.

Sooo...YouWanna1024 reads

It takes five minutes to touch up your makeup. This falls in the lazy hooker category, IMO.  

And probably for all the dudes who now know your face is dirty from one round to the next...

Granted I can't do the face contouring because it would cover my freckles. That actually looks like a big hassle, so I can't blame you for getting irritated. Sounds like one of those things you gotta roll with the punches. Like tangled JBF hair. It can take me sometimes 10 minutes just to get the knots out of my hair after a date.

GaGambler926 reads

I am OTOH really about messing up a woman's hair if we have one of those great sessions. Like you, most of them roll with the punches, and for the ones that don't, the solution is simple, just bitch about it like the OP and I guarantee you it will never happen again, because quite frankly I'll never book another session.

So we can buy more hair detangler and face spackle when y'all rough it up and lick it off. Lol

mentioned during booking just so the guy gives the girl a heads up.  

We get the heads up on so many things just out of mutual respect for schedules. Some guys will even share that they sweat a lot and that it may be a good idea to have an extra set of sheets available.

The fetish qualifying dog licking I'm referring to should not be a surprise and until this thread I didn't realize that others would find it so abnormal just like me. By not giving me a heads up, could this guy be trying to avoid the fetish fee? This convo is a lot deeper than some have shallowed it down to and a few ladies are too busy marketing their "anything goes" policy to keep it real about the topic. Yet they charge extra for PSE etc.......

but anyway....

I don't think the gents who have dog licked my face were trying to avoid the fetish fee at all. I really  don't think they realize that its not normal because thats their technique and since they don't wear makeup, they don't realize that a lady's makeup (which most men don't embrace and find too much a girly thing anyhow) can throw her schedule off when they've destroyed it from licking half of it clean like a dog. Not with a sensual kiss or touching, but a flat out dog lick or vacuum of saliva that leaves bubbles of saliva on 50% of your face when they are done.

We are paid big bucks for it and I agree that it comes with the territory. But giving notice so that the lady can plan accordingly doesn't hurt and shows consideration. May even make her more excited when it happens because she's waiting for it. ;)

JohnHooker1148 reads

Hmmm....you expect to be compensated WELL for your time in a PHYSICAL hobby but are not willing to deal with your Make-up coming off and having to be reapplied, so you can look ok after seesion for your friends ??!!!! If that is troubling to you with a guy who's trying to have fun AND PAYING YOU...( Without of course/ JACK HAMMERING for the full time, Oh sorry different post )....You may want to reconsider choice of professions .......

I don't mind a nibble on the ear, but hate the wet willey feeling of a tongue in the ear canal.  It is not a turn on.  Are there any woman that find this sexy?

Even without the licking of your face, you're going to get messed up.  Freshly fucked hair and make-up is mostly gone or smeared.  But, I prefer my tongue baths below the neck.

I like all holes dominated by the right guy. To me nothing shared in intimacies is off limits and can be quite arousing. Don't knock it til you tried it. I am all for licking, sucking, touching, grabbing, fondling, and any other way we can enjoy ourselves naked for the alloted time. Besides, most men are highly aroused when nibbling/ licking/ tounging the ear. The skin on the earlobe is sensitive and sexually stimulating just as the head/ tip of the penis. Try it sometime.

89Springer932 reads

My mother, rest her soul, used to try to get me to eat rutabaga. I hated it. I told someone once that it tasted like ear wax, and he couldn't believe I knew what ear wax tasted like (I told him it tasted like rutabaga). Now I know I'm not alone. I feel so much more normal. ;)

They get two for the price of one! The glossy hooker when you arrived and the bird nested hair, makeup free tramp by the time they leave.  

PS I wear the face stuff (foundation?) and thats it. but am just finding out about primers and powders and setting sprays… I gotta step it up though because the girl in that pic just turned water into champaign! Good lord.

I like looking nice, but that's not what he's there for.  One of the TER polls showed that overwhelmingly men would prefer a 5 in looks with a 10 in service versus the opposite.  

Even if he isn't licking your face, isn't it getting smeared around various other places?

Sooo...YouWanna924 reads

1) you're wearing too much, unless he requested it

2) your priorities aren't straight. No man anywhere has ever packed his dick up because of an eyebrow smear or stray mascara.  

3) and they can't even see all that contouring when you're doin yo jahb ;-)

It is not hard to touch up the makeup after.

I notice that you guys like to click on posts that have the little evil emoji so I'm taking advantage of it lol. I'm not feeling that way.  

To clear a few things:
Face Kissing and Deep Face Kissing and Touching are all different things.

I only referred to the Deep Face Kissing which the majority said that they are not into. I haven't seen one who says that they are so I will reach out to the rare few I've met and attempt to get into their psyche. They repeat so....yeah you guys were really reaching hard to put me into that category of girl ;-)

In my post, I asked, "Is this a fetish?"  
Being naturally curious, I'd really like to know. For certain, it is rare. Can we all agree that it is rare?

Am I providing a wife experience?
Go check my reviews and see for yourself my loves. That is not what I provide ;-)

Sooo...YouWanna824 reads

But, from my experience, the fetish leans more into licking each other. Just kissing on the face? Dudes. What can ya do?

Every now and then a gent will kiss my toes. Then I get the rare guy that licks then like crazy and eventually wants to "experiment" with a foot fetish session. Maybe the dog type licks on the face are a sign of some fantasy the guy has *shrugs*

Sidenote: I am really wondering why everyone is insisting its a traditional peck, kiss, or touch on the face I'm asking about when I was clear as daylight that this is a DFK (meaning toungue sticking beyond the lips) type of kiss I'm referring to. I have to work on how I describe it I suppose.

Then I can't really complain. If you offer GFE then that means a hands on experience. Faces rubbing against each other, hands holding faces and kisses everywhere. Everyone is different but I still think less is more when it comes to makeup. I can't stand wearing foundation and many women just don't know how to apply their makeup correctly. I have seen pics like the one the OP posted and I just don't go there. I take my makeup off at night but I know that if I didn't I would wake up and my face wouldn't be imprinted onto my pillow case. ;-)

  I prefer a tinted moisturizer(Dermologica ladies rocks) and the nice thing about makeup is that after you are with a client it can be touched up or reapplied. ;-)

Kissing and touching is fine with me but please no doggy face licks! :-)


-- Modified on 9/16/2014 1:11:46 AM

Which I do, and tell them I try to not touch my face as much as possible let alone let someone else touch it.  Sure you can keep reapplying makeup if you want but if your skin is sensitive it's a recipe for breakouts.

I know that I am confessing to be the swine in the "cast pearls before swine" analogy. But I like picture #1 the best. She looks fresh faced and beautiful to me. Oh well. I clearly have unsophisticated tastes.

Posted By: Jordan_Carter
after we've spent all that time getting magazine fabulous for you? We need "proper notice" for a reason even if we look nice without the makeup lol. See photo for example.  
 No, but seriously intense makeup is growing in popularity with the number of youtube tutorials on makeup application and increasing quality of makeup available on a budget. Its becoming the thing and almost every woman is at least introducing something new to their makeup routine. Long gone are the days of only putting on eye liner and mascara. I miss them sometimes.  
 When I've done my makeup I want it to last so that I can take a good selfie showing off my face after. Can't do that if you've kissed it all off.  
 No, I don't show my face in pictures, but I do have a personal life :) am I not being fair? If I'm not, please please check me. In my own defense, sometimes I have to get together with my personal circle of friends right after an appointment and am relying on my makeup to stay somewhat together so that I can breeze through living a double life. Other times that I care, I have an appt later that day and want to maintain my makeup for that. Since I've began this process I notice myself doing everything possible to avoid a missing area of makeup that looks like someone was sucking my face in pictures. Some guys assume I'm not DFK when this happens, but thats not it. I just don't want you to kiss my face.  
 The gents don't want to go home with a patch of red lipstick stain on their face, so I hope you understand why I care at least and don't chew me out too bad if you don't agree.  

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