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ah - we have sailing in common.....regular_smile
MarkusKetterman 150 Reviews 579 reads

11 meter One Design racer here (custom built)  -   I love the feeling of being at one with the water and the wind....

and I have to say that more than one provider has bruised me as well -  usually digging her fingers in somewhere,  or banging up against my pubic bone....  

but as you say we hardly notice it at the time...   I've had my back scratched all to hell and did not notice, and showed up at work with blood soaking through the back of my shirt...  

my administrative assistant - who is a very jealous little thing - was not pleased.....

broke the "little" toe of my left foot against a bedpost this week - we heard it snap like a chicken bone...   but I did not miss  a stroke...   - limping a bit now, damned nuisance....

also had a partner experience lower abdominal pain after enjoying an entwined right angle position.  It tapered off pretty soon but was very acute for a while and she was doubled over with pain...   I was very very worried...  still am really and hoping she gets checked out....

as much fun as sex is,  the potential for injury of all types is real -   and I've always been one to enjoy it everywhere besides in the bed - such adventurism increases the odds of sprains and strains, slips and falls....

I guess I've gotten lucky as much fucking in the shower as I've enjoyed..

Tore rotator cuff dismounting from doggie with civie gf. I forgot we were on the edge of the bed and after ejac. fell on the floor. Ouch!

I was banging a young lady in college. Out of nowhere I heard a pop and immense pain in my thigh. I then bounced off of her and landed on the floor. She thought I had the orgasm of all time. ;)

Luckily it was my plant leg, not the kicking. I had to sort of explain this to the trainer who let the coach know. Some where in a stream of obscenities I remember hearing dumb ass punter. Once healed, I got quite a few 5 am run until you drop sessions for that.

Posted By: MarkusKetterman
 I broke the "little" toe of my left foot against a bedpost this week - we heard it snap like a chicken bone...   but I did not miss  a stroke...   - limping a bit now, damned nuisance....  
 also had a partner experience lower abdominal pain after enjoying an entwined right angle position.  It tapered off pretty soon but was very acute for a while and she was doubled over with pain...   I was very very worried...  still am really and hoping she gets checked out....  
 as much fun as sex is,  the potential for injury of all types is real -   and I've always been one to enjoy it everywhere besides in the bed - such adventurism increases the odds of sprains and strains, slips and falls....  
 I guess I've gotten lucky as much fucking in the shower as I've enjoyed...  

fortunately... But we definitely had to stop until it went away (about 3 minutes or so).

Has happened to me twice. Apparently not eating enough bananas, no jokes please :-) ...

after it fell apart during a spirited session of bouncing up and down on the bed.  I guess the bed wanted to exact some revenge on me.  

Geez, it seems like sex really takes a toll on the legs and feet, but I guess that's better than losing a nut or one's dick.

Shit...I'll still put the pads on and go and play with the 20 somethings in ice hockey.  Difference now is that if some little shit thinks he's still got a shot at the NHL he can have the loose puck in the corner.  I'll just wait till he tries to make a move towards the net and show him how it's really done  LOL

Getting "hurt" fucking...some of you guys are nothing short of pathetic.

Hey...maybe start by walking around the block.  Just don't trip over anything and then next month we can see if you can up that to a slow jog!

Posted By: MarkusKetterman
 I broke the "little" toe of my left foot against a bedpost this week - we heard it snap like a chicken bone...   but I did not miss  a stroke...   - limping a bit now, damned nuisance....  
 also had a partner experience lower abdominal pain after enjoying an entwined right angle position.  It tapered off pretty soon but was very acute for a while and she was doubled over with pain...   I was very very worried...  still am really and hoping she gets checked out....  
 as much fun as sex is,  the potential for injury of all types is real -   and I've always been one to enjoy it everywhere besides in the bed - such adventurism increases the odds of sprains and strains, slips and falls....  
 I guess I've gotten lucky as much fucking in the shower as I've enjoyed...  

I run 10k five times a week and under 40 minutes - and bench double my weight...    I can fuck for an hour or more without beginning to get winded...    I've done yoga (Kundalini, Kripalu, Hatha and Bikram) for decades.    

None of this has anything to do with being "fit" -    

the bottom line is that sex can be more dangerous than you would expect....

I am especially concerned about the lady I mentioned  -   a broken toe is just a funny accident...

but you can get into positions and situations where accidents can happen....

I'll be more careful going forward  ;)

Oh wait...I've been having sex for quite a few years...and I haven't been "injured" yet.  

That's why I let the kids come out of the corner with the puck....experience does have it's advantages.

And you're now going to bloviate that you can bench press more than Rod?  LOL

Gotta love it...are you taking over the remainder of the Robbin Williams tour?

Posted By: MarkusKetterman
I run 10k five times a week and under 40 minutes - and bench double my weight...    I can fuck for an hour or more without beginning to get winded...    I've done yoga (Kundalini, Kripalu, Hatha and Bikram) for decades.    
 None of this has anything to do with being "fit" -    
 the bottom line is that sex can be more dangerous than you would expect....  
 I am especially concerned about the lady I mentioned  -   a broken toe is just a funny accident...  
 but you can get into positions and situations where accidents can happen....

I saw a sweet older gentleman a year or two ago who had an unfortunate altercation with either a high flying puck or a stick while playing in a men's intermural league. I sessioned with him after he was fully healed, post surgery. He was in surprisingly good spirits for a guy who had had half his teeth forcibly knocked out!

I will admit that hockey is one of the few team sports that I can actually tolerate watching. I drove a friend's son and his best friend to an out of state pre-season varsity game a couple years ago. The game had almost been canceled and we arrived 9 minutes before ice time. The opposing team was ranked way lower and it was something of a blood bath. A small kid on the other team broke his arm with less than 60 seconds on the clock in the 3rd period. I found myself strangely hooked and attended quite a few games after that.

-- Modified on 8/13/2014 2:36:36 AM

I think you mistook me for MarkusKetterman.

I'm not sure how your friend ended up with missing teeth...unless you knew him back in the early 1970's when shields were first coming on the scene.  Or perhaps he was one of those dudes who decided to go with a half shield now?  But I've been around this sport for a long time and have rarely seen a mouth incident.  Most of the common injuries are shoulders and feet (yeah...blocking shots can leave a few marks  LOL).

I'm also sure that your friends kids (and friend) were thrilled to arrive 9 minutes before faceoff.  They're supposed to be there an hour before the game to participate in team drills....at least that was always my rule.

I know that playing hockey is such a blue collar sport...but I can't afford to climb Mount Kilamanjaro like MarkusKetterman carrying hundreds of pounds of supplies to base camps along the way.  I'm just a lowly USA Hockey servant trying to assist kids with becoming well rounded people.  Sucks to be me I guess  ;)

And I clearly stated that the highschool game was PRE-SEASON AND HAD ALMOST BEEN CANCELED. Since you want to be such a Nosy Nelly, I will tell you about the mitigating factors involved:  

1.) Only PART of the varisity team was involved in the pre-season games, due to the added expense and time commitment.
2.) Of this smaller group, a BUNCH of the team had come down with the flu.  
3.) Many frantic calls ensued and when all was said and done, they were STILL one player short, with NO RELIEF PLAYERS.
4.) They called up my friend's son's best friend, who had been kicked off the previous year's pre-season team for smoking weed. (There were a different set of coaches for pre-season games vs varsity, school sanctioned games.)  
5.) I did my good deed for the day and gave the two stoners a ride because their parents were busy. Their coach THANKED ME, post game. :-p  
6.) The same 6 kids were on the ice the ENTIRE TIME, which is part of what made that first game I ever saw, so thrilling. The Zamboni doesn't groom the ice during pre-season games, so it was non-stop action.

Any game that is being played with USA Hockey (Minnesota has their own rules...but tend to mirror USA Hockey) referees has to abide by those rules...NO EXCEPTIONS.  So if a player was (is) not a sanctioned and rostered player...they will NOT be allowed to participate.  So if your story is true (and why wouldn't it be  LOL)...the player(s) who had been admonished would never have been allowed on the ice.

But don't believe me...ask the HS's AD director.  That'll confirm what I have posted.  

As for a different zamboni rule...not true either.  The rinks have in place the specific rules for resurfacing.  And at the HS level this is done after 2 periods of play.  Perhaps you are confusing a HS game (again...sanctioned under USA Hockey and it's affiliates) with some "rat hockey" pick up game?

So as far as your client wearing a half shield...there are some morons out there still.  But in most leagues where there are USA Hockey officials (and players)...a full shield is required (including mouth guards that must be in the mouth during play).  But in some men's leagues that rule is not applicable as there are some non-USA Hockey programs still out there.

Too many liability issues to explain this in more detail...but you have plenty of time to go and peruse USA Hockey's site.  

We can next discuss the NCAA rules if you'd like?  Perhaps how Junior hockey (US and Canadian) operates as well?

This is not a criticism of your limited understanding of rules and sanctions...I've listened to many newbies think they have an understanding of youth, HS, NCAA and Junior hockey rules and regulations.  It's a lonely process to educate the masses  ;)

Posted By: HookerWithAHeartOfTinFoil
And I clearly stated that the highschool game was PRE-SEASON AND HAD ALMOST BEEN CANCELED. Since you want to be such a Nosy Nelly, I will tell you about the mitigating factors involved:  
 1.) Only PART of the varisity team was involved in the pre-season games, due to the added expense and time commitment.  
 2.) Of this smaller group, a BUNCH of the team had come down with the flu.  
 3.) Many frantic calls ensued and when all was said and done, they were STILL one player short, with NO RELIEF PLAYERS.  
 4.) They called up my friend's son's best friend, who had been kicked off the previous year's pre-season team for smoking weed. (There were a different set of coaches for pre-season games vs varsity, school sanctioned games.)  
 5.) I did my good deed for the day and gave the two stoners a ride because their parents were busy. Their coach THANKED ME, post game. :-p  
 6.) The same 6 kids were on the ice the ENTIRE TIME, which is part of what made that first game I ever saw, so thrilling. The Zamboni doesn't groom the ice during pre-season games, so it was non-stop action.

However, I am NOT one of them. The idea that I would sit around making-up posts about FICTIOUS hockey games... this has got to be one of your more preposterously BIZARRE allegations. And for you,  that is saying A LOT. Lol. First of all, I spent a fair amount of time giving said client a stern talking to. As you yourself know, his reckless choice of helmets could have led to a broken jaw, or even a tramatic brain injury. While I have never played hockey, I did ride horses for years when I was younger. I took mostly hunter/jumper classes and fully understand the importance of protective head gear. On that topic, WE AGREE, so what the hell were you bickering about, again?

As far as highschool hockey, why the heck WOULD I be an expert? I am an only child and don't have any children of my own, nevermind children old enough to be in freaking highschool. That being said, I have repeatedly stated that the pre-season games have a different set of coaches and are NOT affiliated with the highschool, though many players are on BOTH teams. And I totally disagree with you on the Zamboni issue- during the pre-season games, the ice was only groomed before and after ice-time, while during highschool sanctioned games, it is also groomed after the 1st period, and again, after the 2nd period.

Okay, enough with the inane bickering over semantics!

Modest, aren't we?  Most people posesssed of such prowess don't feel the need to crow about it.  Bums me out to see something so frat house from you, a few of your posts have been quite insightful.  I'll try to forget this bit of braggadocio if you'll try to remember that it's a lot cooler to be humble.

I understated the case with considerable restraint lol......

if you can do it, it's not bragging...  it's just the facts...

I do agree about humility generally -  


where no one cares, because it would make you a crashing bore in person.

Seems that you've been behind that keyboard a tad too long.  How about going for a nice walk and exercise those brain cells now.  Maybe share another exciting chapter in your life with us lowly peasants  LOL

But at least he didn't claims his dick was "as big as a baby's arm" the way one clown did a while back.  And, yes, we all know Tidwit can bench 400 lbs. and lift women off their feet.

Damnthisisfun!678 reads

A buddy of mine was with his GF in Europe and they were doing energetic CG. She went too high and came down in the wrong spot. He busted one of his parts that inflate to get an erection. It's actually very serious. he ended up in the hospital for several days. And now from what I've heard he has a permanent 45% angle to his cock.

On a different note I was getting a lap dance and felt a pop. Went into the bathroom and my cock was already black. And I'm not. My buddy kept bugging me to go back to the club and I said no,no,no. Finally he wouldn't give up so I dropped my shorts......he ran in horror.

that definitely needs to be taken seriously...     hope you healed well....

I also broke a toe while rushing to get into the bedroom with a particularly hot provider. I went through with the session, but didn't "finish". I was in too much pain. Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do for a broken toe except tape it to the next good toe as a sort of splint. I'm not a doctor, but I've broken a few toes in my time. Shower sex is awesome!

but have had some slips and slides that stressed groin or inner thigh muscles -  so what though - it's too much good sport and just the cost of doing business

falls in the bathroom are a major cause of serious injury for people of all ages and levels of fitness though -  and one of the frequent causes of hospitalization related to sexual activity.....

I'll keep right on fucking in the shower though :p

But I also sail, so it's easy to pass off. Lol.  

Only had rug burn once and my knees and shins were entirely covered in blood.  Completely sober, no clue how I didn't notice it happening.  Lol

11 meter One Design racer here (custom built)  -   I love the feeling of being at one with the water and the wind....

and I have to say that more than one provider has bruised me as well -  usually digging her fingers in somewhere,  or banging up against my pubic bone....  

but as you say we hardly notice it at the time...   I've had my back scratched all to hell and did not notice, and showed up at work with blood soaking through the back of my shirt...  

my administrative assistant - who is a very jealous little thing - was not pleased.....

while I've never been physically INJURED, I would like to throw in a few flu's many high temps, strep throat the month I started, irritation from guys who's pubes could scrape the burntest of pans, tonsillitis twice and some good ol post swallow nausea to go with friction caused razor bumps and back in the agency days chapped nipples. Yeah…skin about to peel…put some cocoa butter on it nipples.


I tried to lift her into some fuck up position and I felt something snap down there. I carried that bluge for 10 years till I had the surgery in 2012. Now when ever I look at the scare, I think of her...that's my war wound/story....

it looks like the only think I can injure is my ego, which I have managed to do at times.

...for a funny injury story. At least we thought it was funny.

So were trying to drill this poor woman's pussy sideways? MK, I know you like to pound and drill and all those words that make me cringe but seriously when you hurt someone like that does it not make you stop and realize that maybe what you are doing is not cool?  

I thought about it and realized you might be a sexual sadist given your lifestyle choice. Hurting a woman sexually might be what turns you on. I only hope you choose the right hooker to do that with, I mean a sexual masochist. Or at the very least give her a heads up so she can bow out and not get hurt.

-- Modified on 8/13/2014 7:59:29 AM

Hi -

I am actually very solicitous of the wellbeing of the people I sleep with whether personal or P4P -  if I get any sense that there is discomfort I stop or change....  and I also *ask* - because I am quite aware of the desire to please that exists in both P4P and in my personal relationships.....

in this case,  the lady is quite familiar with my anatomy as we have met several times.  And *she* happened to choose this position,  which is actually designed for very easy, relaxing penetration.   She was in control of the pace as well....      

we had been going at it for over 30 minutes quite a few positions and *she* took the initiative to move on to two more positions which she selected including the entwined right angle which seems to be a position that she particularly likes....

If you read my reviews you will see a recent instance where a lady I met for the first time could not accommodate me -   never achieved full penetration -  I was happy to enjoy all oral festivities and gave her a high review score...

I *do not* pressure the women I spend time with but I am all too aware of the desire to please and the fact that sometimes they pressure themselves....

I honestly don't know what to do about that other than what I am doing which is to communicate that I am concerned that they are enjoying and that I don't want them to feel the need to take any punishment....  

I am not quite ready to go in for some sort of size reduction of such a thing even exists...

I feel ***terrible*** that this happened.  I have been in touch and following up and she is fine.  

I am also sure you are aware that even with someone of normal size there are a number of conditions that can cause - a sample link provided.....   I hope that even though she is fine that she will consider the possibility of getting checked out.....

I am athletic and bring that to my sexuality.  Typically I wind up in quite a few positions some of them esoteric -  but I am always going with how I seem to "fit" with the lady and what degree of penetration, what angle, what intensity, seems to be good for her - if she will only allow that feedback...

I am not saying this to be egotistical though it would not surprise me if some board asshat tries to make issue of it - but a lot of ladies I meet have had little or no experience with similar size.   Most find that they enjoy it very much after becoming accustomed -  some overestimate their own tolerance despite my communicated desire not to cause any difficulties.....    I honestly do not know how to solve that.....

-- Modified on 8/13/2014 11:22:42 AM

-- Modified on 8/13/2014 11:24:00 AM

If the lady bites off more than she can chew, then she will have to deal with the outcome. Since I don't get reviewed I have zero pressure to deal with anything that will cause discomfort. Most don't have that luxury and I can only imagine what some hookers deal with when it hurts like hell. Sad really.

I would never continue to do something that was inflicting pain - the only way that would happen is if she is a good enough actress to hide it from me....  in this case I can tell you that quite the opposite of pain was happening....

I can understand that women are built differently - I have encountered this plenty of times - so I can also understand if you cannot imagine getting pleasure from size...   however I can tell you that quite a number do -  and there are those who crave some size specifically because they require it for pleasure  -  though these do not number as many as many average sized gentlemen seem to fear....

there is only one situation in which I will inflict pain and that is in safe sane and consensual S/m and I do not bring that to P4P -   I also would never willingly or intentionally inflict pain through penetrative sex.....

and honestly I would have been happy to have been built with more normal sized equipment all in all.....

Lol he is alive and well today but I just kept getting on top and we had sex many times that night and the next morning. I was bouncing up and down so much and he came many times that he pulled a groin muscle. He needed a day of rest and was good to go a day later.

I am still banging him to death to this very day. ;-) Love the sex

Any lady who appeals to me visually is welcome to try fucking me into the ground anytime....

then had to drive myself home (three hours away) and to the hospital.  Ended up in the OR, but it was still worth it!

She wanted me to wrestle her for her..
I wasn't sure.. I didn't want to hurt her or anything.
So I tried to suplex her, but kinda chickened out halfway through.
I swear I thought I was going to put her head through the wall by accident.
Anyway. I twisted my knee really bad. I had a limp for weeks.
Guys I work with found out I got hurt having rough sex, and it's my MO now

I enjoy receiving but they can sting like hell in the shower later.  Takes three weeks to heal, then do it over again.

When you forcibly ram your dick down someones throat. You know like you described, with a good hard shove. Be lucky you just get teeth marks and not a complete amputation.

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