TER General Board

Sooo...YouWanna 863 reads

This topic, as frequently as it comes up, has rarely actually been about the act of gift giving. Instead, it almost always comes down to the guys own issues with paying for a service. And this industry certainly takes a poke at those insecurities, if you have them.  

For example, I'm on a lot of different forums for a lot of different things, and the conversation of gift giving goes incredibly differently. Instead of someone starting a thread simply to berate the people who give gifts (and put down those receiving them, can't leave out those darn women!), the topic is always "is this appropriate?" Or "what should I get for Xs bday/anniversary/good job/new business/etc". Then, like magic, people just answer. Even the ones who disagree with the concept have little more to say about it than "I don't". They certainly don't go around calling each other pussies for a fairly common, socially acceptable, innocuous gesture. There's no drama surrounding it, and the extreme view points so often expressed here are nonexistent. Probably because most people don't bring their issues into their playtime the way some people here seem to.  

To me, this is kinda like worrying about how guys spend their time. If you're that concerned about how another dude gets his rocks off, you might work for Cosmo or you might be gay. Neither is my business, but if you keep putting the vibes out there...

NewEnglandGangsta2993 reads

Manginas always talk about buying ATF holiday presents, flowers, chocolates, teddy bears, and shit. Where I work, dem dudes selling the shit gets the clients gifts not the otha way aroun. Do manginas buy gifts for dem accountants, doctors, bagger at walmart, and car salesmen too? Why pay dem and on top of dat, showa dem wif gifts, ain't that a bit pathetic?  

When was da last time a hoe bought you a gift, fellas?  

Your thoughts, if any?

NewEnglandGangsta1037 reads

Comfy for ya, babe?  
Do you prefer an electric chair instead? LO

That your accountants, doctors, bagger at walmart, and car salesmen gave you a BBBJCIMSNNQABCDEFGHIJKLONOPQRSTUVWXYZ?  
Just a thought.  

The bag boy makes his wage, and if he does a decent job, hopefully, yes, he gets tipped, too;  
Providing the customer isn't an ungrateful asshole who apparently doesn't value good service.
Just a thought.

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
Manginas always talk about buying ATF holiday presents, flowers, chocolates, teddy bears, and shit. Where I work, dem dudes selling the shit gets the clients gifts not the otha way aroun. Do manginas buy gifts for dem accountants, doctors, bagger at walmart, and car salesmen too? Why pay dem and on top of dat, showa dem wif gifts, ain't that a bit pathetic?  
 When was da last time a hoe bought you a gift, fellas?  
 Your thoughts, if any?

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
Manginas always talk about buying ATF holiday presents, flowers, chocolates, teddy bears, and shit. Where I work, dem dudes selling the shit gets the clients gifts not the otha way aroun. Do manginas buy gifts for dem accountants, doctors, bagger at walmart, and car salesmen too? Why pay dem and on top of dat, showa dem wif gifts, ain't that a bit pathetic?  
 When was da last time a hoe bought you a gift, fellas?  
 Your thoughts, if any?

While both may enable you to plant your seed, it is there that the similarity ends between a hooker and a garden tool. Perhaps this simple rhyme the nuns taught me may help you remember:

“The rose grows in the rows the ho hoes.

In the civvie world, I often bring a gift for my date. I think the last time that a lady reciprocated was for high school prom.

Similarly, in this game, I often bring a gift for someone that I know and like. Its a small thing to do - never really thought much about it - guess it just seems natural.

But now, NEG apparently is saying that makes me a mangina.

Got me thinking about "mangina".

Where I grew up, if you thought some guy was effeminate or less than manly - you simply called them a "pussy".

But ... if you said that ...you knew ... you had better be ready to get down.

Cause them was fighting words. And it was pretty generally accepted that it would be MUCH better to take a beating (even if the other guy was a neanderthal brute) than to let him (and everyone else) think that he could call you a pussy ... without any consequence.

And now ... we have "Mangina".

I'm sure that was cute a few years ago when someone very creative thought it up. But now that its fallen into general use - I think its well past time to call it exactly what it is.

"Mangina" = a softer, more politically correct term for someone to use when he's too much of a pussy to call me a pussy!

For sayin what you mean - and owning it!

That's how a man does it.

Of course, you realize, that if we happen upon one another at a M&G ,,, one of us will have to walk away with a split lip.


Posted By: zguy8
For sayin what you mean - and owning it!  
 That's how a man does it.  
 Of course, you realize, that if we happen upon one another at a M&G ,,, one of us will have to walk away with a split lip.

I agree. Unfortunately, times and situations are different.

Nowadays, if you jump up on someone who calls for it, you're likely to face charges and a civil suit.

And we're on an anonymous Internet forum, where everyone hides behind handles and are spread out all over the country.

It's a perfect world for the guys who used to get sand kicked in their face to waddle around calling everybody names.

Sounds like you are describing a real life troll.

There are a few interesting elements involved with men whom can't get along with one another. Theses elements are what I call pseudo machoism, first the physical reaction to another man's words. Which can end in a physical altercation, and as you said the possible ramifications of a criminal and civil charges.

Next, would be the physical reaction to a physical altercation involving a more terroristic approach using weapons against another man, again there could be a chance of civil and criminal charges.

Third is the civil and criminal ramifications of a man's actions themselves.

I listed these element in the order of  stupid to smart.

The most macho thing to do is out smart the smartest ramification of being stupid.  

... if you can understand this concept you won't feel oppressed when you are out smarted when making a dumb decision...  

I will admit these are only philosophical ramblings and will not always appear valid when addressing real life issues. For example business transaction along with, the reactions and rulings of the criminal justice system.

Posted By: WickedBrut
I agree. Unfortunately, times and situations are different.  
 Nowadays, if you jump up on someone who calls for it, you're likely to face charges and a civil suit.  
 And we're on an anonymous Internet forum, where everyone hides behind handles and are spread out all over the country.  
 It's a perfect world for the guys who used to get sand kicked in their face to waddle around calling everybody names.

And along with outsmarting the other (which might just involve oneupmanship) is the skill of tuning into the dynamics and the changing them. Sometimes it's a game of timing--doing the wrong thing at the right time.

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
Sounds like you are describing a real life troll.  
 There are a few interesting elements involved with men whom can't get along with one another. Theses elements are what I call pseudo machoism, first the physical reaction to another man's words. Which can end in a physical altercation, and as you said the possible ramifications of a criminal and civil charges.  
 Next, would be the physical reaction to a physical altercation involving a more terroristic approach using weapons against another man, again there could be a chance of civil and criminal charges.  
 Third is the civil and criminal ramifications of a man's actions themselves.  
 I listed these element in the order of  stupid to smart.  
 The most macho thing to do is out smart the smartest ramification of being stupid.  
 ... if you can understand this concept you won't feel oppressed when you are out smarted when making a dumb decision...  
 I will admit these are only philosophical ramblings and will not always appear valid when addressing real life issues. For example business transaction along with, the reactions and rulings of the criminal justice system.  
Posted By: WickedBrut
I agree. Unfortunately, times and situations are different.  
  Nowadays, if you jump up on someone who calls for it, you're likely to face charges and a civil suit.  
  And we're on an anonymous Internet forum, where everyone hides behind handles and are spread out all over the country.  
  It's a perfect world for the guys who used to get sand kicked in their face to waddle around calling everybody names.

JohnHooker1079 reads

......took a while ,  but I had a feeling NEG was seen here before......... It's the closing " Your thoughts if any ? " , that confirmed it.....along with many other bits that I'm sure everyone loves....plus I do love the over the top dialect......

I don't think anyone uses the "words" NEG typed in this thread.

Posted By: JohnHooker
......took a while ,  but I had a feeling NEG was seen here before......... It's the closing " Your thoughts if any ? " , that confirmed it.....along with many other bits that I'm sure everyone loves....plus I do love the over the top dialect......

But personally, I don't care which one.  As for the "your thoughts if any" it's just as likely to be some minor league trickery. So what?

Doesn't matter if it's a paid date or a civie GF. I don't want to start any superficial trends between myself and the woman I choose to spend time with.  

I like women to feel special for spending time with me.

I don't want them to feel special because I have good taste when it comes to worldly possessions.  

edited for dialectic errors

-- Modified on 9/16/2014 3:11:49 AM

OTC lunches/dinners.  Unfortunately, nada from my accountant, doc or lawyer. Go figure, the gals have bigger hearts, and I appreciate them.

Look, if it's really important to you... just give a gal $500 for that $400 iphone (or whatever) and have her buy it for you, wrap it and give it to you. You too can have that nice warm feeling of being appreciated, no matter your board persona!!

once a troll always a troll and once a mangina, always mangina.

Nothing to more to spend time analyzing.

Do I bring a gift to Walmarts for the bagger? No. Don't myself go there often, but don't gift in such situations.

But I usually bring a gift for the host or hostess if I'm invited to dinner. If I'm meeting a friend I haven't seen for a long time I try to have something to share. Certain "business" appointments are more comfortable if I bring something related to the association I have with the person. I try not to show up empty handed.  

Of course, the default is always wine or a cocktail. "Let me buy you a drink."

So sometimes I bring a gift to a provider I've seen a couple of times and know a little about what she likes and what interests we share. Last time I did that, she bought me cocktails. It was just an exchange of compliments, which was pretty much what playtime amounted to as well.

If you usually show up empty handed (and you're over 25) don't start now. Deciding what to get someone is a skill and you'd probably spend too much trying to impress or screw it up in some other way. It's just something that either is part of your culture or not. My friends from South Korea and from Napal do the same as a matter of course. I know some people who don't as well.

Why is this such a big deal for you?

-- Modified on 9/16/2014 9:20:23 AM

Sooo...YouWanna864 reads

This topic, as frequently as it comes up, has rarely actually been about the act of gift giving. Instead, it almost always comes down to the guys own issues with paying for a service. And this industry certainly takes a poke at those insecurities, if you have them.  

For example, I'm on a lot of different forums for a lot of different things, and the conversation of gift giving goes incredibly differently. Instead of someone starting a thread simply to berate the people who give gifts (and put down those receiving them, can't leave out those darn women!), the topic is always "is this appropriate?" Or "what should I get for Xs bday/anniversary/good job/new business/etc". Then, like magic, people just answer. Even the ones who disagree with the concept have little more to say about it than "I don't". They certainly don't go around calling each other pussies for a fairly common, socially acceptable, innocuous gesture. There's no drama surrounding it, and the extreme view points so often expressed here are nonexistent. Probably because most people don't bring their issues into their playtime the way some people here seem to.  

To me, this is kinda like worrying about how guys spend their time. If you're that concerned about how another dude gets his rocks off, you might work for Cosmo or you might be gay. Neither is my business, but if you keep putting the vibes out there...

You put a lot of thought into your response and I appreciate it.  

At the end of the day, this industry has no rhyme or reason and the goal is to find companions that satisfy you. That is it. Attempting to put energy out there that may manipulate (for lack of better words) the minds of what another gent prefers is practically pointless. When ladies or men do this, I see it as a bit selfish because it isn't embracing the beauty of the variety in our world and there is enough pie for everyone.  

Whether its this industry or not, I find that people who travel and mix with different cultures are really good at not even noticing others preferences and make a decision for themselves with confidence. Things that are new to them are generally met with curiosity as they seek to explore or get insight, but rarely do they respond negatively. People like this inspire me and I love their energy. I draw to them like crazy and it rubs off on me for sure. The power of vibes!

Just viewed as an interaction between people, a unique characteristic is that it is all about the moment and each other. Except for intense pain, I can't think of anything that puts a person more in the moment, a chance to just be a human being like a seagull is a seagull. No memory, no plans, nothing else working the mind. So, IMO, it ought to be approached with trust and openness. Just being pleasant with each other beforehand goes a long way.

I love my mind and all the crazy thoughts it puts together. I swear, it's more fun inside my skull than a barrel of monkeys! Still, the women I visit take me away from that circus, and that's so beautiful. And if I have troubles on the day of a session, it's an escape, a chance to live outside the skull and breathe fresh air and sultry perfume. But when NOT troubled, when in sync with a woman's sensuality, that's even better than escape.

So why not bring her some grapes or something to show that I want to be her friend?

Posted By: Jordan_Carter
You put a lot of thought into your response and I appreciate it.  
 At the end of the day, this industry has no rhyme or reason and the goal is to find companions that satisfy you. That is it. Attempting to put energy out there that may manipulate (for lack of better words) the minds of what another gent prefers is practically pointless. When ladies or men do this, I see it as a bit selfish because it isn't embracing the beauty of the variety in our world and there is enough pie for everyone.  
 Whether its this industry or not, I find that people who travel and mix with different cultures are really good at not even noticing others preferences and make a decision for themselves with confidence. Things that are new to them are generally met with curiosity as they seek to explore or get insight, but rarely do they respond negatively. People like this inspire me and I love their energy. I draw to them like crazy and it rubs off on me for sure. The power of vibes!

"Napal?" Huh. Hope your 'friends' don't see this. Especially if they're Gurkha's.  

Posted By: WickedBrut
Do I bring a gift to Walmarts for the bagger? No. Don't myself go there often, but don't gift in such situations.  
 But I usually bring a gift for the host or hostess if I'm invited to dinner. If I'm meeting a friend I haven't seen for a long time I try to have something to share. Certain "business" appointments are more comfortable if I bring something related to the association I have with the person. I try not to show up empty handed.  
 Of course, the default is always wine or a cocktail. "Let me buy you a drink."  
 So sometimes I bring a gift to a provider I've seen a couple of times and know a little about what she likes and what interests we share. Last time I did that, she bought me cocktails. It was just an exchange of compliments, which was pretty much what playtime amounted to as well.  
 If you usually show up empty handed (and you're over 25) don't start now. Deciding what to get someone is a skill and you'd probably spend too much trying to impress or screw it up in some other way. It's just something that either is part of your culture or not. My friends from South Korea and from Napal do the same as a matter of course. I know some people who don't as well.  
 Why is this such a big deal for you?

-- Modified on 9/16/2014 9:20:23 AM

it is exceptionally childish....

and anyone who cares what some anonymous monger or hooker labels them is equally childish....

but beyond that -  a giver gives a gift because it suits them, because it pleases them to do so, without attaching expectations -

anything else is just an attempt at manipulation in desire of quid pro quo

if I believed in having "ATFs" I might give gifts to make them happy if they pleased me - with no expectations -

but as it is extremely rare that I see a provider more than one time  I don't

I might however leave a tip of the lady goes above and beyond....

what concern that is of anyone elses frankly eludes me.....

he calls himself King of the Manginas.  Those who know him agree.

like "mangina" -  that's schoolboy stuff

and anyone who cares whether they are called something by anyone on this board has my sympathies....    what a waste of energy lol...

I'm still waiting for the one from the other reviewer.

Hey, I thought it was a fantastic gift idea, and it feels good. And it will be displayed in my place of employment under the rest of my - zero - credentials lol. Maybe I can get a plaque for my wall too lol. :D

JackDunphy865 reads

I don't get it either. Many of these softer guys just wanna be loved by someone and they feel like there chances are better if they shower these gals with gifts.

I find it bizarre that a dude would hand a hooker a fat envelope loaded with benji's and then feel compelled to give them MORE. Many girls tell me the gift goes right in the trash e.g. flowers, candy, etc. but the johns would be mortified to know this.

The gift giving, if anything, should be FROM the business to the CLIENT, imo. But guys get all caught up in the emotion of it all, cant separate the sex from the feelings, and they act like they are in an IRL dating situation.  

Its their money, its their call, but to me, there is certainly something sad and pathetic about it.

Not trying to burst your bubble, I am sure you are well aware that there is an exception to every rule.

While I think it is beyond crass for a lady to throw away perfectly good flowers (I would give any I didn't truly want to my Grandma, she loves 'em!) I have never been brought flowers from a client...
I have however had some very nice Godiva Truffles, which I sparingly untucked and savored one by one from my nightstand over the course of a week... LOL

The perfumed lotion that my last awesome gifter gave me, not only was EXACTLY the kind I had as my favorite on yet another website profile (I don't even have a formal "wishlist" anywhere...) It sits in front of the vanity mirror, more expensive than I probably would have splurged for myself... I dole out every dab of it measurably & gratefully.

The ubber expensive negligee I also wouldn't have splurged for myself... careful wrapped in the tissue until one night I really needed an indulgence...  unwrapped and slipped on... and worn proudly...

I am sorry you truly think that every woman/provider throws away gifts.
Some people truly have an ungrateful and entitled spirit...
I however, am not one. And I have read many times behind the scenes of ladies, that truly do appreciate the gifts they are given.
I am sorry life has jaded you to this point

Sometimes guys feel that by not showing their gentler side, women will rush to reveal it to them. They try to make themselves a challenge, just like women do when they play hard to get. It works. Even here. Of course, here it's just some lady offering to meet the poor beggar at a nominal rate so that he can "discover" what a "real" encounter can be. Of course he's had plenty of real encounters, but another "first real encounter" is like popping the cherry over and over.

And besides, some folk just don't include buying each other coffee or a drink, or showing up with something in their hands to offer as part of their lifestyle. I know a lot of people like that. They're okay.

Sooo...YouWanna1336 reads

Where he gets that notion, I have no idea. Every pair of shoes, every dress, every bag, every piece of jewelry, lingerie, lotion, potion, or bit of candy I have ever received has been thoroughly and utterly appreciated and enjoyed. I have never personally known a girl to be so contemptuous towards her gifts or clients (even the ones I thought were toooootal fuckin bitches), and the PO board is always celebrating one thing or another... There are cases of disrespect on both sides don't get me wrong but I think the vast majority of us fall into your line of thinking.  

This idea that we don't appreciate the guys only seems to come from the ones who don't appreciate us, IMO. And it's probably only compounded by the fact that we can only work with what we're given... You never have anything to do with your perception of the world, right? ;-)

JackDunphy810 reads

Never said "every woman" sweetie. Go back and read my post. In your haste to reply, you misquoted me. I said "many." Many girls do throw away gifts. Sorry to burst YOUR bubble. Its a fact.

And no clue how you came up with me being jaded b/c of stories I have heard for years from many hookers here. That would make them jaded, now wouldn't it? ;

I'm not new to the game... Actually, I will refrain from even beginning that very long sordid tale of being a SW... (for now.)
Fortuitously enough for myself though, I have managed to stay somewhat sheltered from the ungrateful type of people we are discussing-  
and I do wear my rose colored glasses....  

My apologies for the misquote....  The wording of "many" would elude to "the majority"  (imo) and from my perspective (what I have witnessed) never heard of a woman chucking out a gift... to the trash.
Now beating a bouquet of flowers in anger towards a man... I have heard of! Or even, "Here, I don't want this." (Giving to the next gal pal...free-cycle style) But certainly never uncharitable enough to simply toss it.

I think most providers love their gifts; especially the ones that do show thought & effort went into them, making them that much more personal & endearing.

BTW You believe all the stories you hear from hookers? ....    

I once gave to a SW a dozen mylar balloons... I told her to release one for every guy she serviced that night. The next time I saw her, to my dismay she wasn't holding any more balloons... I asked her what happened to all the balloons I gave you?... She said I did what you told me to do... My ego was left felling completely deflated... so I asked her where is all the money you got from giving away all of my balloons?... I couldn't believe what came out of her mouth next... Get this, she says she spent my money on another dozen balloons!... The only thing I could do after that was to rock her world.

I would assume to many gifts would be a burden for a provider who is traveling.

dakine18901 reads

Posted By: NewEnglandGangsta
Manginas always talk about buying ATF holiday presents, flowers, chocolates, teddy bears, and shit. Where I work, dem dudes selling the shit gets the clients gifts not the otha way aroun. Do manginas buy gifts for dem accountants, doctors, bagger at walmart, and car salesmen too? Why pay dem and on top of dat, showa dem wif gifts, ain't that a bit pathetic?  
 When was da last time a hoe bought you a gift, fellas?  
 Your thoughts, if any?

to think that gifts = better performance

Yes on occasion I have been known to give gifts to providers I have seen. I also give gifts to my employees, and others that render service for me. Yes, I have given gifts to bag boys and waiters as well. I believe in treating people with respect and around holidays and birthdays a small gift goes a long way in letting people know I appreciate them. It isn't a big deal.

Now you ask about getting gifts in return and if I have gotten any recently. Well yes, last session I got a fun monkey candy dispenser. It wasn't much but I like weird things like that.  

I have gotten huge things too. A while back I had late stage cancer. I am in remission now but at the time things wasn't looking good. My son was having a real hard time coping. A great lady who happens to be a provider asked if she could talk to my son as her father had cancer when she was young and wanted to share how she coped.

when she came over she had everything you needed for an indoor garden. She talked to him how he could help me fight by providing the best home grown veggies and how good nutrition was key to beating cancer. She showed him how to plant and take care of his plants.

He became a little veggie cop. His out look was better. Her gift was priceless, because it helped my son cope with things that would scare an adult.

See when you treat others with respect and kindness it comes back. Yes I give sex workers gifts on occasion, but only because I appreciate what they do. And on occasion I get gifts as they like guys that show respect. But even if I never get anther gift in return, that isn't what it is about. It is about showing appreciation for the time they spend. It is about brightening someone elses day. If you can't see the benefit in that, I feel sorry for you.

But I am a mangina, so what in the hell would I know?

My respect for you is doubled.  Of course you know your words are wasted on an ignorant moronic turd like NEG.  But know they have power and meaning to those of us who know what this game truly about.

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