TER General Board

Actually, the most likely thing is that it was a simple typo.
JakeFromStateFarm 170 reads

Since on any keyboard the ' and the " are on the same key, all he would have had to do is hit the "shift" key to inadvertently write the " at the end of 1,000.  Of course this does not mean he wasn't also stoned.

some girls in the scene could take a course or two at Hooker U.  

I. Be spontaneous.
    I don't like stilted unspontaneous action.  
Girls that stop and ask "what do you want to do next?" , which breaks the flow.  
Girls who can't take the lead, even for a minute.  
I remember this white chick who couldn't comprehend what it meant to take the lead, though she spoke perfect english. If I didn't tell her what to do, she would have just sat there.  
Do something with your hands, mouth or pussy. It shouldn't be hard for a sexworker to think of something to do in the next minute.  

II. Pretend to love the job, otherwise go work at Walmart.  
     Smile, be flirtatious, and kiss generously.
Fakery beats apathy any day.  
I think it's wrong for a sexworker to act like she doesn't want to be there, and at the same time expect to get paid for that shit.  The only place this is acceptable is at Walmart.
When the hourly rate is greater than a doctor's or lawyer's, the work should be just as hard.  
A doctor should strive for good bedside manner, an escort should strive for good in-bed manner.

Skyfyre131 reads

Walmart is not the only option. There's also McDonald's, Taco Bell, Dollar Tree... etc...  LOL

JakeFromStateFarm136 reads

Read some reviews.  Make some friends and back channel with them.  It really ain't that hard to find the good ones.

"in charge" here.  Its a free-for-all, take-what-info-will-help-you kind of board.  There are hobby industry veterans here with collectively hundreds of years of experience that give us priceless insights and information, and then there are Newbies with collectively hundreds of minutes of experience that give us worthless insights and information.  Choose what info to take from this board wisely and you will get along fine here and in your interaction with providers.  Choose poorly, and you will become the next EuroModels guy.  

I am the King of the Manginas! As I am king, it means I am in charge, just as my minions.... I mean my subjects. Shhh.....though, we don't want the mods getting wise to the fact I am in charge, as for some reason they think they are. Things are just easier when they think are in charge. LOL. :D

-- Modified on 6/20/2017 9:44:07 PM

John_Laroche111 reads

"How To Win Friends and Influence People" has a lot of good advice and tools for anyone in the people business.
Be sure to Include a workshop on mirroring with focus on kissing and touching the way your client wants to be kissed.

How to read and size up a customer so that you can correctly estimate how much you can take him for but still keep him coming back.  If you underestimate, you'll get the pennies and some other girl gets the dollars. If you overestimate, his wallet will heat up and he'll stop coming to see you. There's an art to "qualifying" a customer to make the biggest sale possible and still have a happy customer. Most sales pro's know how. Most working girls don't.

Agreed about how some sales pros can size up a customer almost instinctually and make the best sale that meets (or exceeds) their needs, while making them feel good about the transaction. Unfortunately, many sales folks don't have the instinct for it (thus they are order-takers) and much of this is learned on the job.

It's been said that it takes 10,000 hours to master a topic. So that would be about 5 years of full time attention to qualify a customer; guess there is something to be said about persistence paying off, eh?

classes intended for those who flunk out of JDU and need a place to try to learn how to be a successful provider or hobbyist?

One is what you teach the ladies about running their business. The other is teaching the gentlemen how to treat the ladies when they graduate from H.U.  

I've got a Masters Degree in Daty, and a PHD in Kissing. Logically, my classes will center around a gentleman knowing what to do with his lips and tongue. It goes without saying that I'll need several ladies to be my teaching assistants. Lab work used to be tedious, and boring. Not anymore! Just like with all great college professors, we'll spend class time watching movies. I'm wondering if redtube is a banned website at H.U.? No matter. We'll have my T.A.s film each other, and we'll watch those. I'm wondering if my classes will be popular, or everyone will sign up for Anthropology instead?

... what I'd like to do next at some point in our date.  There's so many possibilities, and I'd rather she ask what I'd like than assume she knows what I'd like at that moment.  But spontenaity and the ability to take the lead if the client wants her to do that are important skills for a provide to have.  

As for pretending to love her job, I'd much rather the provider actually love her job.  Thise are the providers I seek and see again and again.  I understand that it's a YMMV thing and some clients make it a challenge for a provider to love her job at that moment.  That!'s where good acting skills can come in handy.

Ironic mode off hahaha this course already exist in The Netherlands, and they're teaching more constructive and interesting things...  

More info (if you wanna take some classes, even as a customer) here: http://www.amsterdamredlightdistricttour.com/news/school-for-amsterdam-prostitutes-opens-its-doors/

wherein it states that a local cannabis store may have to close owing to a prohibition of such a store within 1,000" of a school.

Talk about unintended consequences.

GaGambler120 reads

250 meters is NOT 1,000' and it's a LOT more than 1,000" lol

Or were just sampling some of the cannabis and were too stoned to do simple math?

JakeFromStateFarm171 reads

Since on any keyboard the ' and the " are on the same key, all he would have had to do is hit the "shift" key to inadvertently write the " at the end of 1,000.  Of course this does not mean he wasn't also stoned.

GaGambler100 reads

250 meters doesn't equal a thousand "feet" either. I knew he meant feet and not inches, if that were his only mistake I never would have mentioned it, and I wouldn't have said anything about needing a new calculator.

Conan is really slipping lately, maybe he needs a little "hair of the dog" so he too can figure out how to calculate meters into feet?

JakeFromStateFarm109 reads

You are literally correct, but since 250 meters equals 820 feet that's not far off.  I mean, would you really have quibbled over a lousy 180 feet?  Yeah, you probably would have.
PS: You are also wrong to invoke Conan.  He's only an expert on things grammatical (viz. his NAME).  Whereas this issue is numerical.
Conan does wish to point out that you failed to place a comma between "Keep up" and "Jake."
-300 for this litany of errors.
Keep up, GaGa. rofl.

Please look CLOSELY at eh day this article was published.  (April 1, 2017) LOL

and to make it worse, I'm currently reading a book about famous April Fool's Day hoaxes.

...is likely Joey Skaggs. His bicycle confessional at the DNC was genius!

A pet peeve of mine is when a lady makes generalized small talk about her business or depressing aspects of her personal life.  Let's put a stop to that and pretend that you're my sex-starved gf during our limited time together.  I don't want to hear about your previous client who cheated you, or how your baby daddy owes you money, etc.  Instead, tell me you've been thinking about me all day or whatever.  Sure, I'll know it's not exactly true, but it's better than hearing that your mom can't babysit and you might have to cancel some future appointments.

I've been in and out of the hobby since I was 19, I love being naughty and able to be my true nympho self. I believe that if you're not here because you love it, find something else. So many women become providers because of the money and hate every minute of it. That's why I'd propose the following curriculum. If a lady doesn't pass she would be sent to an occupational therapist for a career aptitude test.  

1) Providers:
- Hooker History: the global background from 1000 BC- 2017 AD
- Business strategy: branding and how to consider the future
- Sensual Arts, Etiquette, and Hygiene  

2) Hobbyists:
- Sensual Arts, Etiquette, and Hygiene

1.  One of the first prerequisites for our ladies is to have a screening class and at the end of the class they have to book and appointment and elaborate on how they verified the client.  Then within the class they should have the most common questions they should ask.  

  2. There should be a class on finding an incall. This is critical because they need to know what areas they are working in are discreet and safe.  Also incorporated in this class should be people whom they trust they can share information with.  This is critical because in a lot of cases they are not dating regulars but first timers and someone should always know where they are.  This fact is like kindergarten for sex workers.  

Also I was wondering would London Rayne and Maggie Mcneill be added to the faculty since they know a lot about the industry and they have books out which is a critical step to becoming a professor.

1. Anxiety is the enemy of erection -- Do not rush the client and then blame him when he can't get it to stay up.
2. Using foreplay to help the client relax is a part of your job, do it.
3. Using fake pics to bait and switch your clients is a major red flag, and a sign of dishonesty.
4. Call or text if something comes up and you can't make it, but don't leave the client hanging.
5. I know that many of you don't like discussing service details over the phone, but don't make the client waste his time going all the way over there only to learn that you don't offer a particular service he's requesting. Use acronyms if you think that helps.
6. I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but TER is a thorough and reliable screening tool for both parties involved in which the client doesn't have to risk revealing his identity. Please join, it's really for the best.
7. Pretend like you actually want to be there. Men are generally not attracted to starfish. Plus you get an E for effort.
8. You don't have the luxury to pick, choose and refuse, save that for your civvie life. If you have a problem sleeping with old fat men for a living, then maybe you'll enjoy flipping burgers in McDonald's for $10/hr.
9. Conduct business in a location that is safe and drama free. And certainly not in your boyfriend's apartment while he's away. That's a very dangerous thing to do. Afterall, you just don't know when he'll return, or what the neighbor's might have to say about it.
10. Make sure you both get tested before you do anything uncovered. Remember, you're in it to win it.
11. External hygiene is just as important is internal hygiene. You gotta wash the kitty if you want him to eat down there.
12. Don't complain when you get a bad review for not following protocol.

Your homework: Feel free to give me a personal demonstration of what you can do.

-- Modified on 6/20/2017 9:57:48 PM

A good business motto is to treat every person like they're the most important person you'll meet.

I have clients who like to play mind games. Everything is fine and then out of nowhere I get odd passive aggressive behavior. Don't do that to each other. I cut it off. I just couldn't take it anymore and it was making me resent the person each time he did it to me. Life has enough stresses it shouldn't come from P4P. 😂  

 So my class would be respect each other, speak up when you want something and take the others feelings into consideration. Yes you are paying but two people are involved. 💗💗I love being a provider and have met some excellent people. I don't take anything for granted and I will not be taken for granted.  Happy people happy sex lives!!

I would be teaching advanced oral stimulation techniques & bed side manner...🚰

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