TER General Board

Actually I am at a place where about 100 hookers will shortly be arriving
inicky46 61 Reviews 514 reads

Along with a horde of mongers.  And, yes, there is also a great deal of alcohol.  Several of your friends are here.

I travel a lot and have great times in Bogota and Mexico city.  I have submitted numerous evaluations but they seldom get accepted.  Has anyone else had this problem?

Posted By: apaloosared
I travel a lot and have great times in Bogota and Mexico city.  I have submitted numerous evaluations but they seldom get accepted.  Has anyone else had this problem?

GaGambler689 reads

but I have never tried to submit a review. I think the biggest problem is most chicas south of the border don't have web sites, and you can't post a review on TER without the woman having a web presence.

To have a review accepted here she must also have an ad, and email address and a phone #.  You won't get any of those for chicas in CR, etc.  You don't need them, either.
So you are right, there is no point in submitting a review for them and I can't imagine why anyone would try.

GaGambler532 reads

Many women are "email only", and a web site is considered an ad, but as for the rest of your post, so technically if you wanted to write a review of a hooker from out of the country who did have a website, you could and some do. Your point about "why" someone would want to is well taken though.

Aren't you supposed to be off drunk with several dozen hookers right about now?

Along with a horde of mongers.  And, yes, there is also a great deal of alcohol.  Several of your friends are here.

It may be a grey area, TER simply has no way of verifying the review. The ladies are highly unlikely to ever be reviewed again. The review doesn't add to the site in a meaningful way. The review is for other hobbyists. Do they have a legit website? Is it a well traveled location? Is it an area that would put another hobbyist in danger? I'm sure much of Mexico City is safe, but I know much of it isn't.

A review that says Juanita in Mexico city... we'll that doesn't say much.

What was the reason for your reviews being unapproved?

Posted By: apaloosared
I travel a lot and have great times in Bogota and Mexico city.  I have submitted numerous evaluations but they seldom get accepted.  Has anyone else had this problem?

Sounds kinda caveman of me but phonebooks work great when i've traveled to S America.

Somebody said. Yes for me. I haven't gone to other countries. But the girls here don't seem to care about reviews or websites. they're cheap, high volume, and old fashion.

And we like it that way.

Posted By: apaloosared
I travel a lot and have great times in Bogota and Mexico city.  I have submitted numerous evaluations but they seldom get accepted.  Has anyone else had this problem?

I'm thinking of writing a review for this gal.

Those who know me will understand why.

...god: I love you
baby talk

Actually I thought I was at the P&R board that's why I posted thi

Most people are not familiar with the fact that in addition to being able to be silent, you have the right to wear fruit on top of your head.

(Still not a lawyer in case you were wondering.)

Rule #3

The lady being reviewed must have an advertisement on the web that includes her name and any one type of the following contact information: phone number, pager, email address or reservation form.

The best site for international information is likely Captain 69 in the UK.  I have been a member these since at least 2000, and is the hobbyist bible for information in Europe.  It also has a lot of info on Asia, South America, and Australia.  I have even found helpful info there for trips to the Middle East.

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