TER General Board

Actually, HBMA, I know a great deal about Italians.
inicky46 61 Reviews 625 reads

So let's just say.....

I apologize if this has been asked a million times before. I've never seen it posed, and it just happened to me for the first time. Let's say that I plan ahead, and on Monday, I set up a session with a new lady for the following Friday. I've been watching her ad, and reviews for awhile, and her rate poses no problem. Suddenly, on Wednesday, her rate has gone up, and now is above my comfort zone. Now I know better than to bring up finances with a new lady, so that type of communication is out of the question. What am I supposed to bring to the session on Friday, the new rate, or the old rate when I booked her?

In order to avoid any and all confusion on my part, I would simply cancel the appointment.

Posted By: mojojo
I apologize if this has been asked a million times before. I've never seen it posed, and it just happened to me for the first time. Let's say that I plan ahead, and on Monday, I set up a session with a new lady for the following Friday. I've been watching her ad, and reviews for awhile, and her rate poses no problem. Suddenly, on Wednesday, her rate has gone up, and now is above my comfort zone. Now I know better than to bring up finances with a new lady, so that type of communication is out of the question. What am I supposed to bring to the session on Friday, the new rate, or the old rate when I booked her?

when they see Johny walking in with fried potaters in his pants. Yip Mmmmm Hmmm.  

What kind of a john cancels midweek?  Mmmm hmm.  Order any chinese take out yet

Send her a message a few hours before that is confirming time and price.

When I called to confirm my appt. by phone, an hour before our meeting time she asked , "You do realize  donation is 400 "   I replied with  an under my breath yes, thinking to myself, does she believe  I'm stupid,  is she working with LE, her rate is on her site and  TER profile.  
  We had talked on the phone a few times, never discussing anything illegal.
 I had previously complimented her on her web site lay out, making a point to tell her I liked the fact everything I needed to know was explained on her site and profile.  Hint  !!
   After she broke protocol I was extremely worried  my first Pay4play experience  was going to be a bust, especially since she looked too good to be true for 400.

 I  took a chance, showed up with a new plan.  

   Even though her site emphatically explained to envelope donation, place it in the bathroom before services rendered, I thought  to myself if she's going to break rules so am I.  
  I left the envelope in my car.  
 As soon as she answered the door, without a word I kissed her like she was my GF I hadn't seen in months.
  Within a minute we were naked on her recliner, she was giving me an incredible BBBJ.  
    I was nervous  a few minutes later when I thought she was going to hop on bare back and asked with a nervous look  for a condom.  
   She giggled "of course" and slipped  the one on she had in her hand .

   When I was leaving she asked if I forgot something, I told her I had  placed her donation under the book on the living room table, when we were going to the bedroom for seconds.  
  She mentioned she didn't see that move.    I explained I was trying to be discrete.
  I didn't review her since she went UTR soon after  though I visited  her  many times until a couple years after she graduated and retired.  
  Saw her a few times after she got married, according to her without her husbands knowledge.
 That could have been a ploy to entice me, little did she know I already knew, married women enjoy extracurricular fun as much as the rest of us.  

   I'll never forget her for a variety of reasons, one, because of her I have never wasted money on an envelope for my donation. The other reasons are irrelevant to this discussion.  :-D
    I would never discuss  rates in an email.  
  TER PM would be OK if her rates weren't on her site , details are not  permitted about money and sex combined or  I'm moving on.
 I prefer discretion from  both sides.
    In the OP's case I would go as far as inquiring by phone or TER PM,   if anything has changed since when we talked on Monday.
  If she explained her rate has increased to an amount I was not comfortable with I would immediately politely cancel.

  The way I look at it, all emails are recorded, even when erased they can be brought back to life.

  I'm more comfortable with TER PM than phone, if there's something I don't see in her profile I need to know before booking.

Posted By: sofiarenee6969
Send her a message a few hours before that is confirming time and price.

The big no no is discussing what services are available at what rates. Discussing the fee for her "time only" should not be a big deal. Just be discrete. Something like, "When I booked with you your rates were lower than they are now. Am I locked in at the price when I booked or does your new rate apply?"  
If she doesn't graciously extend her old rate I would cancel. But I cannot imagine her not accommodating you

But I'd be even less direct when dicussing her rate, as in, "I see your rate is now different from when I booked and just want to be sure you expect the amount that was in place on Monday when we agreed to meet."
And, yes, if she tried to tell me the new rate was expected I'd definitely cancel.
But if everything else about her makes him still want to see her, I'd try to clarify.

if the OP wants to avoid any and all confusion about his appointment.  

What kind of provider announces a rate change midweek?

And if she ran her numbers for the first quarter of this year, she would be able to see where she needed to make changes for her second quarter. Yes, I do suck dick and occassionally get fucked in my butt for a benjamin or two extra, but please understand this IS a business. LOL!

-- Modified on 4/3/2015 7:21:27 PM

I wouldn't call it a genius move, as her idiot client can't seem to figure out the date he actually booked her. I was wondering why he went back and checked her rates again, seems irrelevant to do post booking.

Since when is there a "right" day to announce a rate change?  Do you believe they should only be done on Mondays? She can change it whenever she wants.  It's her business.  And why would he not look back at a new ad she'd posted?  If I were eagerly anticipating seeing a girl I'd sure look at her ad. Were you deprived of oxygen for an extended period as a child?

I could see looking at the pictures, or reading her writing if I was intrigued by her words, but why the rates section... after confirmation? Perhaps the OP suffers from memory fatigue?  

I don't usually look at the pictures, or read the musings after booking. I guess I just don't make as big a deal over seeing providers as others do.

Were you the weirdo who saved all of Devin's pictures?

Posted By: JohnyComeAlready
if the OP wants to avoid any and all confusion about his appointment.  
 What kind of provider announces a rate change midweek?

The OP emphasized the week long time period, so I was thinking along the line of doing things in increments of weeks. Many people make budgetary decisions this way.

Nothing in his world makes any sense at all.  Even to him.

VOO-doo706 reads

It's not illegal to discuss payment for time. And, it's not unreasonable for you to ask, if you'd initiated the date expecting to pay the lower rate. Something like, 'On Monday, when I looked at the donations, it was $... for the time I'd wanted. I see that's changed since then. $... is what I can comfortably budget at this time.'

I'd personally honor the lower rate, and I wouldn't be offended at all that you asked

I would email her and be honest about the situation.
You booked her on Monday for the rate listed in her ad and are really looking forward to meeting her.  However, you just caught a rate change in her newest ad.  In fact it's a wonder you even noticed it since your booking was made far in advance.
I'd say , unless I hear otherwise from you I'll assume the original rate at the time of the booking applies and that is what you will place in the envelope.

if she contacts you and insist on the new higher rate you can make up your mind at that time if you wish to proceed with the appt.  Under those circumstances she has no grounds to be upset if you choose to cancel.

Just be straight with the lady and respectful.  I suspect there will not be a prob.

I have the correct donation separate & held with a paper clip.  I always empty my pocket junk onto her dresser when I undress...  and the donation goes on the bottom under my stuff.  When I redress, the donation is silently left behind.  New gals can freak a bit but once I've seen them they are cool with it.  It keeps the GF illusion while being sure I do not forget.

I just recently raised my rate, but I had some pre-booked appointments and some confusion about my rate. I had a couple of guys ask about it. I just told them that because they booked when I was still at the old rate, then they can just pay the old rate.
I'm glad that they asked me about it so that both of us feel comfortable. Plus, I wouldn't want them to not see me or something just because they were afraid to ask, you know?

I assume that once you book me the first time, you never look at escort ads again.  Lol.  

I raised my rate a couple of months ago and it surprised me when several regulars asked if they should pay the new or old rate.  Several others simply increased the amount and again, I was surprised they were still looking at my ads.  Most continued at the old rate, as I expected.

Surely she expects the rate posted when you booked, but no harm in clarifying.

I'd already seen a girl I liked three times and never thought to check if her rate had changed.  After our date she was checking the money (which she should not have been doing then in my book anyway) and announced I was short.  She said I could pay her the difference the next time I saw her.  There was no next time.

Then I would cancel and tell her why. IF she sent out a newsletter or stated on a blog her rate was going up April 1, then I get it, but the rate increase should not apply to your date. I know for me, pre-booked dates would be subject to whatever discount or old rate not the new rate. No harm in sending a quick note: hey I am looking forward to seeing you next Friday, please remind me of your gift? and have her break the news to you that way.  

She could have gotten busier or some "date" suggested she raise her rates. Guys suggest that shit all the time, no wonder 2 hours of fun is a major financial decision right now. Inflation! LOL!

Skyfyre667 reads

My guess is that some dude become enamored with the girl so they encourage her to raise her rate as a mean of cutting down on the competition and get more exclusivity to themselves.

Can't think of any other reason why anyone would stupidly want to pay more than they are asked

We can have drinks at my social rate and I can tell you some stories! LAWD!!!  

He suggests to raise rates, then in the next breath he says he wants a "deal" for next time or more OTC in between and the next time he promises to see you. Or he complains about what you charge while you suck his brain out through their pee pee hole! Epic! Or he complains about the "other girl" that charges double what you charge, and how he can only afford to one and done her but hey, he did pay XXXX once! So why are you so cheap? LOL!  

-- Modified on 4/3/2015 8:16:19 PM

The Lady doesn't need to change her rates for him to do so.

Wouldn't his business advice be considered pimping? I think so.

You ask her.  

Better to go with all your ducks in a row than look like Nick down yonder lol.Trust me. Don't do what he does. It's no wonder he's playing where he is lol.

Here's Nick hunting for pussy at the COCAL lol. Boy those fanny packs sure come in handy to hold all that change LOL.

I think I hear a lil birdie...cheap cheap cheap cheap lol ;)

Go get'm tig

Here's the TER rule: whatever Minnie says, do the opposite. You can't fail.
Mars to Minnie:  Come home now! We have your meds waiting!

My posts are funny and cute. I bet they make people smile and maybe chuckle at times lol

Yours are just vindictive and lame. I'm quite certain very few are chuckling at yours..........please tell me you can laugh at yourself, can't ya Nick?  

Have some fun. Lighten up..will ya?  GEEZK!!!!!!  

I'll leave you be...ok? I pinky swear promise. :)    

Let's see if you can do the same.  

The bet starts now....................tick tock tick toc

GEEZK!  And you call me lame?

You know Inicky, that it says on Ms Taylor's profile that she is Italian.  

I was engaged to an Italian woman once.  She loved to argue so much, I swear to this day that she purposefully started shit just to get me going.  Then at bedtime she would get all sweet and lovey dovey.  I asked her about that one night, and she told me it's never good to go to bed angry.  Nice lady, but she about drove me nuts.  

Seems the Italian women I've met have just as much fire in the blood as the Latino babes.  I love'em, but can't live with them.

I believe Ms Taylor is wanting to be sweet on you there Inicky.  Little OTC in the future?  :-D

he doesn't come remotely close to making my list of gents who would ever be granted an ounce of OTC time lol

Question for you...are (were) you on that list I wonder?

I doubt that I am on any providers list, especially for OTC.  

I also doubt that I would be entertaining enough for you Miss Taylor.  My attention span is short, I am butt ugly, too opinionated, and hiding behind my alias.    

See Miss Taylor, I'm actually not all that bad if I say so myself.   :-D

I am quite fond of you.  
You speak like a gentleman.
Carry yourself like a gentleman.
And beauty always lies skin deep.
Perhaps Mr. Highly-Reviewed-Monger could learn a thing from you.
'More' doesn't always mean better either.

Have a great weekend Mr.Hiding. Perhaps we will chat again sometime.

T xx

Posted By: HidingBehindMyAlias
I doubt that I am on any providers list, especially for OTC.    
 I also doubt that I would be entertaining enough for you Miss Taylor.  My attention span is short, I am butt ugly, too opinionated, and hiding behind my alias.    
 See Miss Taylor, I'm actually not all that bad if I say so myself.   :-D

IMO there are mongers. And there are gentlemen mongers. Big difference in my book.

Good day sir.

Posted By: HidingBehindMyAlias

How can I be refused OTC time from someone I would never, ever see?
Someone, in fact, nearly everyone who reads this board will never see?
More slick marketing from Minnie.

HEART :)  

I think it's obvious that is duly lacking on his behalf.

Anyhow, I won you can tell him. And it was tick...next lol

-- Modified on 4/4/2015 6:51:11 AM

.....has watched Taylor's pursuit of Nicky (which now goes on morning, noon and night), a few basic issues are evident:
1. She has a fixation with him
2. It appears to be a love/hate thing
3. It was entertaining at first but is now boring as hell
4. I know she is an "older woman" woman in years, but, imo, she should stop acting like a    
5.  I know that nothing I posted here is going to penetrate her stubborn nature
6.  But, I now understand why she has all the nicknames because her behavior is certainly BSC

-- Modified on 4/4/2015 12:19:44 PM

Ok well I believe I already said I was done. But I see 'he' isn't lol.  
Btw, you could always put me on ignore ya know lol.  
Just having a lil fun to perk up the board.  
Back to your regularly scheduled programming then.  
Enjoy ;)

Well, I booked an appointment, carried the money in an envelope, had a nice session. Afterward, I mentioned that I had seen a higher rate on her website than on P411 (Booked from there). She told me that it had been changed, but P411 had not updated. Well. the new rate was still more than reasonable, it had been a good session, I had the extra cash on hand, so I just made the new rate. As far as I am concerned, no harm, no foul....

If her rate increased AFTER you booked a reservation, she should honor her previous rate for you. But you should confirm her with her just to be sure.

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