TER General Board

Actually, . . .
coeur-de-lion 400 Reviews 582 reads

I made this up.  I think most everybody here knew it except you.  Sorry.

With that said, it's still my style to just go for it.  You can't let fears and doubts rule your life.  Carpe Diem!

-- Modified on 5/18/2016 9:26:28 PM

So here you are, you've researched, found a site like this, another for verification... But how did you actually move forward and set up that first session?  We're you scared shitless?  Nervous?  How'd it go for your first time?

I'm sure things were way different for some of you long time players before sites like this were around.  But even then, something, somehow, someway caused you to go through with it.

I ask because I've come this far, but now I've got cold feet... scared to take that first dip.

JakeFromStateFarm668 reads

Then whorehouses.  Then Internet.  Also international hooker fucking.

Jake just wondering what where some of your favorite Spanish houses in queens?  That certainly was a more economical time than it was now.  Also when did you start going up to Hunts Point and hanging out at the Goat's?

Dear Jake:
It was a classic during the 90's.  Not only could you get a drink you could also get serviced for a small fee.

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
What's the Goats?

hotel room with a boner, tried to get dressed and couldn't zip my fly up without serious injury.  The housekeeping lady only offered me an extra pillow, so I called an outcall provider and within two hours, everything was fine and I was on my way to my meeting.  I thought to myself, "what a smart thing to do when you have morning wood," so now I don't even bother with the housekeeping lady and just make a provider my first call.

You went from Never to just grabbing the phone one morning and Boom!- just like that?
Must have been serious morning wood - lol.

I kind of envy people that just jump in like that.

I made this up.  I think most everybody here knew it except you.  Sorry.

With that said, it's still my style to just go for it.  You can't let fears and doubts rule your life.  Carpe Diem!

-- Modified on 5/18/2016 9:26:28 PM

recognized who I was, and gently helped bring me into the "dark side".

Posted By: lopaw
recognized who I was, and gently helped bring me into the "dark side".
Well that had to definitely make things easier, but weren't you still just a little bit nervous?

Oh definitely. I was nervous as hell.
On my first "date" I didn't even complete the mission due to nerves & jet lag. I finally got it together on my second date.

I would say that if you WEREN'T nervous, something would be wrong

GaGambler436 reads

I was drunk.

Ok, I was kind of nervous and drunk all at the same time.

GaGambler541 reads

and spent much of my youth around drug addicts, pimps, dealers and hookers, but I held out for a long time before taking the plunge with a hooker. I made it all the way to fifteen. lol Sorry, but there was no preplanning on my part, only opportunity. I was hitchhiking to La. to make my fortune in the oil business and took a small detour in Tijuana. A bottle of mescal later I had fucked my first hooker and spent my last five bucks. I probably would have wasted the five bucks on something trivial like food and not had a fun story to tell forty some years later. So IMO it was the best five bucks I ever spent.

looked through Eros and found an add with a BBW.  Called her and set an appointment up.  Met her and had a wonderful time...broke three condoms pounding her and exploded on her tits.  Been hooked ever since.  Take the plunge but be safe in all respects.

Got to the hotel around 7:30, and as I was keying into my room, there were sounds of passion from the room across the hall.  My first thought was that someone was hitting the porn early, but it was apparent after a couple of seconds that two people were fucking.  Whatever.  After I unpacked, set up my laptop for work, and was prepping for to go out to dinner, I heard an exchange outside my room..."nice to meet you" (lady), "Thanks for coming" (dude), then the door closing, and footsteps away.  It went through my mind...???  I went over to the window, an attractive lady left via side door, got into a Beemer, and drove away.  My immediate thought was, damn, that mofo across the hall had an escort meet him...damn!  After I got back from dinner, I googled escorts...top site was TER.  Even though I went out afterward to a strip club up the road, the seed was planted.  After not having gotten laid for over two years, over the next three weeks I signed up for VIP, determined to make that happen on my my next trip.  Unfortunately, that didn't come to pass, but I contacted another lady from Florida the night I got home whose ad was prominent on the NYC board at the time, with great reviews and commentary.  Three nights later, we met in NYC.  That was twelve years ago, and the flame still burns hot.  :)    

What has transpired since then...the ladies I have met and loved, the trips I have taken that I wouldn't have otherwise, the personal growth...priceless.   May you find your way as pleasant.

a friend showed me the Erotic section of Craigslist ...  
hit a home run on my first date, my first ATF ... and as they say, the rest is history. ..

However, my first time using TER vs the first time I hired a provider are two very different stories.  TER was faster, cheaper, and more direct than wandering around NYC looking for a streetwalker, stripper or peep booth girl who would sleep with a fat 18-19 yo kid with glasses (who, at the time looked 15).

Fast forward 17 years.

Non-VIP TER introduced me to BP which then drove me back to VIP TER and p411 for much better results.

I read about Suzy Favor Hamilton, which was the first time I learned about TER.  Then i spent around six months researching this hobby of ours, studying every angle, planning my first encounter like I was storming Omaha Beach, buying a burner phone and learning about Tor and anonymous email.

And then I took the plunge and realized it was just about fucking hot women, having fun, and making interesting human connections.  I've never looked back ...

Posted By: GarytheJohn
I read about Suzy Favor Hamilton, which was the first time I learned about TER.  Then i spent around six months researching this hobby of ours, studying every angle, planning my first encounter like I was storming Omaha Beach, buying a burner phone and learning about Tor and anonymous email.  
 And then I took the plunge and realized it was just about fucking hot women, having fun, and making interesting human connections.  I've never looked back ...
Fucking awesome response - made me smile because I'm just about in the same boat.  I've been studying the stuff for a while - Just learning the damn lingo is a feat unto itself.

A Canadian politician got busted in my area, part of a national LE sweep involving pageback.  I checked out some reviews of bp, and figured the cops would now be tied up with the courts and the pimps would be in hiding because of the nationwide sting.  After 3 false starts, I called a lovely Hawaiian chick...and met my ATF on my very first encounter.

MartiniMonster336 reads

My first wife was averse to giving head and I developed a craving for it.   At the time, the metro area I lived in (PHX) had tons of 'massage parlors' that were known to offer more than a body rub.  

The experience the first time was truly comedic.  I had NO CLUE about what was expected etc.  But it was a 'massage parlor' which gave 'plausable deniability'.  Unlike hitting up one of the hookers that used to walk on Van Buren Street openly.  

So I scraped together enough money for a massage and went in to one.  I don't know how I knew how much a massage was, maybe I had made a recon run into one to check prices.  Anyway, I picked out the best of the litter offered - no blue ribbon show dogs in that crowd as best I remember - and she took me to a room and rubbed my back for a bit.  I didn't know what to do or say or anything so I waited.  Eventually she asked me if I wanted more and I found out that 'more' meant more $$$ too.  Of course I didn't have squat on me so I left, disappointed but wiser.   I'm sure she was amused at my ignorance but pissed at having wasted her time too!

Scared?  No.  I was petrified.   But it made it easier to patronize those places in the future.    


Those came many years after taking the plunge! Al Gore hadn't even invented the Internet yet!

The "track" in Waikiki was my start, and my playground for close to 20 years.
Interspersed were massage parlors, yellow pages, and classified ads. TER finally came along and made things easier but it sure didn't get me started.

I was pondering my checkered Hobby past and at first, was going to launch into a reminiscent report about the 20 year old French Maid (Not kidding) that visited me at my first bachelor's pad near Smyrna around 25 years ago...  until I read the previous post about the foray into full service Asian Massage...

That's when It Dawned on Me...  I'd actually started approximately the same way, when I was about 18 or so... Let's just say Reagan was in office...

Anyway, the drunking buddies and I were doing up a bachelor's big send off in fine style on one cold Ohio Saturday night and we wound up at a local AMP... each inebriated fool slipped off to their private session and I still remember being so drunk that I could barely see straight...  first the matronly masseuse told me to strip and lay on my stomach. It was, I still remember, a damn good massage!  

On the flip, little buddy was standing straight at attention and wonder of wonder... she started a playful grab HJ commenting "You like this one massage too!?"....   My heart was racing as this was the first person, other than my steady GF (OK, and me as well) to ever handle my junk.. without thinking, I blurted out "...maybe you can suck?"  

She let go and bolted upright, looking my nekid ass over with an expression I could not understand in my beer induced stupor... and I m thinking "Oh FUCK!!"  NOW I'VE DONE IT... this is not that kind of business, and at best, she's going to call the cops to drag my ass away... Or even worse, I've inflicted some kind of horrid culturally insensitive insult and her family would soon be in to beat me to a bloddy pulp... and then she spoke these sage words of wisdom that have in many ways, shapes, and forms helped to bring me to the current pinnacle of my success...

"You Dumb Ass, that More Money!"

...I managed to quickly find my wallet and needless to say, a Happy Ending ensued...  

ah... Good memory indeed.

-- Modified on 5/19/2016 2:10:37 PM

Visited the redlight district in europe plenty in my 20's like most soldiers. Stateside wasted $ at strip clubs trying to find the golden door. Phone book adds didn't show who would show up and I didn't want to risk it. Stumbled across backpages one day looking for something to buy (forget what)  
Taaa daaaa. The fantasies and looking every day went on for 6 months or so.  
Too nervous to call direct. Found a walk ins welcome aroma therapy studio with an address. I scouted that place for weeks. Finally called to schedule with the pretty one.  
Arrived and darted inside feeling like a criminal. What if friends or family saw my car in the parking lot. It took about 20 minutes for my heart rate to calm down.  
Months later i stumbled on TER and mannnn, the instant security I felt was great. History on providers. No way in hell this is a sting. Private homes, hotels. No jack shacks.  
I arrived and life has been so nice since.  
About to be so much better next Tuedsay lol

Late 70's and Early 80's.....DC, NY, and Chi-Town. As these went away I gravitated to YP Escort Services, to Internet to TER. I was very nervous when I first started.   Scared it would be raided.  Actually in 1979, I walked in on a raid. LE's 1st comment was "we are having a party...welcome.  Fortunately I was a poor college student and did not have $25 entrance fee on me, so LE let me go, but not without trying to harrass me.  Wrote my name down on a index card.....I wanted to say " yeah right, scare me later". But I just practiced what so many hobbyists on the GD and Legal Corner continually preach; I just STFU!

Posted By: LetsPlayToday247
So here you are, you've researched, found a site like this, another for verification... But how did you actually move forward and set up that first session?  We're you scared shitless?  Nervous?  How'd it go for your first time?  
 I'm sure things were way different for some of you long time players before sites like this were around.  But even then, something, somehow, someway caused you to go through with it.  
 I ask because I've come this far, but now I've got cold feet... scared to take that first dip.

I did my research made a date with a service provider in Las Vegas, and I was nervous, even worried that it might be some sort of sting operation. But, I followed the rules of etiquette, and understood that the service provider makes the calls on whether the date goes through or not. When my date said "get comfortable", I really freaked out for a moment, because it just became real. Then it became real hard when the service provider exited the bathroom wearing only a smile, after that it was all good, and relaxing. My advise is find a service provider with plenty of reviews, the more reviews she has, the more likely she is legitimate, and she will make your first time awesome.

I thought you were going to say you were propositioned there.  I was...  At a work conference, I was waiting just outside the elevators (in the morning mind you) and this gal at a machine started chatting.  Typical small talk, but apparently it was going over my head because after talking about how cold it was outside, she told me how warm her pussy was (her words) and if I wanted a date.  I was shell-shocked, probably turned a few shades of red, and politely declined.  I couldn't believe how "real" it was: until then, that was just stuff I saw on TV.

back in 2013, I was planning a trip to New York, and I kind of wanted to see an escort. Asked an Australian escort that I used to tweet with for advice, and she said to go with someone who was well reviewed. I googled "New York Escort" and just kept searching until I could find a woman who was in my price range, had reviews and was attractive to me.

Unfortunately, she was not in New York during my trip but I did see her 6 months later when she came to DC.  

I was nervous. In general, I'm always a little nervous when meeting new people. Had a great time my first time

I think FBSM is a good thing to try first because it takes away a lot of the pressure and some of the nerves... it seems like there's less LE involved in the FBSM space (that may not actually be true), and it's a nice way to get used to the process of finding the location and paying.

It's also no different in terms of research, because you should do as much verification of the FBSM provider as you would full service (to be safe).  

I had done so much research by the time I made my first booking, I was nervous still but not worried about anything worse than not being into who I was meeting.

Back in the late 1980's when internet service was Prodigy, AOL in its infancy, and MSN, I was searching for porn (which by the way was all pictures, no video) occasionally you would run across someone's name or contact info online. I found a girl's picture with her invitation for guys to call for a party.  I called, and low and behold, she was for real! She invited me to her apartment. My first encounter was with her, and I was scared for sure. I didn't know what to expect or even how to act when I got there. To this day I can still remember making that phone call.

We had a great time. I saw her a number of times after that, and when she was called to go to guys homes for bachelor parties, she would call me to drive her there and keep an eye on things. She is long out of the business now, but I'll never forget my first

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