TER General Board

ponyman49 15 Reviews 397 reads

That is messed up. What would you do if your landlord confronted you about it and wanted to hook up with you himself?

Mscurious1666 reads

Wow!I accidently Texted my landlord about a 2 hour session I just had with a client.I tried sending it to my friend,but I guess my dumb phone thought his number was hers.Should I be worried?I do not want to be evicted and it was an accident.Sex was not mentioned in the text.Just something about 2 hours and money with a gentleman

Mscurious605 reads

Actually I do!I have a civie friend.and texted her from my civie phone

Perhaps you should not be mentioning $, 2 hours, and a gentleman client on any phone to friend?

That is messed up. What would you do if your landlord confronted you about it and wanted to hook up with you himself?

He may evict you, especially if the implication is that the nefarious doings (I'm sure he can put two plus two together.)  took place at the rented apartment.

On the other hand, he may call seeking an appointment.

Either way, you've got a sticky situation.

Why are you sharing with a civie friend?  If you need to share with her, use the hobby phone.

Skyfyre438 reads

Yes it totally depends on the landlord. Probably worse if the landlord is a woman or a corporation. Even if landlord does not assume the worst such as prostitution he or she can probably imagine many strange single men frequent your unit at all hours of the day. And if they do assume the worst there's legal implication and responsibility they may not like. That is, depend on the municipality ordinances and regulations.

Not everyone thinks about P4P all the time - he probably just shrugged like 'huh?'  and does he know you're phone number?  How would he know it was you?  If you didn't give your address it could have come from anywhere.  

But if you're really concerned -- change your civvie phone number and if he confronts you (hard to imagine) then just show him your phone with the different number and deny deny deny; you'll be fine.  

-- Modified on 8/10/2016 9:45:10 PM

lie like a bitch.   If he thinks that it is you who sent the message or can connect the phone to you in some way,  just tell him that you lost your phone 2 weeks ago.

CallofBooty380 reads

When I had a booker. I went to text my booker and accidentally texted my sibling. Not good. 2 Phones is too chaotic for some ladies to own  to the OP suggesting having a second phone. Life was easier for me to manage as email only without an assistant.

CallofBooty373 reads

Also it is easy to be paranoid and be wrapped up in what you wrote to them. There are a lot of at home employees these days due to the tech industry so adapt your "side job" story to something convincing.

Landlords care about how many dollars thay get and how mess up you the apt you rent is. So if you house look blighted and you late evey monty there a good chance it will put it over the edge.

Posted By: Courtney.Ova
never know... 😊
I can assure you that if I even think somebody is running an illegal enterprise they will be gone in a hurry. My investments allow me to live a comfortable lifestyle and I would not jeopardize it over a hooker. Furthermore leases are written so that a landlord CAN evict tenants involved in illegal activity if they think it's happening on the premises.  

Based on what the OP wrote the landlord probably won't know she was hooking.

GaGambler362 reads

It was a fucking joke for fucks sake. Do you honestly think for one fucking second that Courtney would be asking her landlord is he/she wanted a date? lighten up Francis, we know you hate hookers, but you don't have to rain on every fucking parade around here.

I earned my title, god damn it! I am the boards official "humorless fuck". I also earned my title as "King of the Manginas". Don't give away my titles or we will have a problem. I am quite proud of them. LOL

GaGambler385 reads

Or at least you like one in particular, I doubt OTM has EVER met a hooker he respects, which I suppose is why he gets so little respect on a fuck board full of hookers. (and johns of course)

...asset forfeiture.  The cops and D.A. would love nothing better than to seize an apartment building worth millions of dollars by claiming the landlord knew of criminal activity in his building and did nothing about it, which they would claim was facilitating the crime.

It would be like an oil man letting a provider live in a caretaker's/security guard's house in an oil field knowing she turned tricks there.  If she was arrested, the cops would pressure her to roll over on the land owner by offering to let her skate in exchange for her testimony. She'd give up the oil man in a second to avoid jail time and the cops would seize the entire property - lock, stock and oil wells.  Then it would be up to the oil man to try and get his property back by proving he didn't know what was going on.  Good luck with that.

-- Modified on 8/12/2016 12:33:05 AM

GaGambler473 reads

As Droopy Dog pointed out, it's HIS job to be a killjoy, now he has competition in OTM.

and if we have to be serious for just a minute, I am perfectly aware of the dangers of "knowing" what's going on where it comes to LE. A guy in Atlanta, very active poster, reviewer and "member of the community" hasn't been heard from in years after getting caught leasing apartments for hookers under his name. Dumb Dumb Dumb

OTM is still a fucking killjoy though, It was a joke son.

As for "turning on" the oil man, remember we use Hydrochloric acid on a very regular basis, usually about a 15-18% solution when treating/fracing wells. Up that percentage to about a 30% solution and see what that does to a body, What body??? lol

DBJHunter408 reads

...and maybe he/she might want to book a double with you sometimes.

You didn't mention any acts so it is easily explain the text away. And even if he/she figures it out he/she might not care.  

I own rental properties and I know one young lady I rent to is a sex worker. As long as she gives me plausible deniablity I don't care.  

Well that is not quite true. If she wasn't renting from me I would have seen her as she is a hottie. I kinda wish she lived elsewhere so I could be her customer. But that would kill the plausible deniablity and that keeps both of us much happier and safer.

If not play dumb!  Since it was not intended for the recipient there is no context...  so you have no idea what message was that went astray or what the conversation was about.  "But thanks for letting me know!"

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