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About 40 years ago when I was in Jr. High, the term used...
mrfisher 108 Reviews 1036 reads

in the school yard (Where I learned 90% of everything, by the way.) was gamaguchie  (Spelling is strictly phonetic here.)

Does anyone else remember this strange but facinating term?

Larry0692028 reads

Is daty a popular mainstream slang term, or is it used mainly by hobbiests? I don't think I've ever heard it used before I discovered TER. Do lesbians use use it? If I were to say it to a civvie girl I'm, dating, would she know what I'm talking about? Or would it "out" me as being a hobbiest.

the term was actually used in a dialog between two young female doctors discussing boyfriends on the show ER this past season.

Sophomoric Humorist571 reads

And, sadly,  probably fewer people have been exposed to the term that to the act itself.

Another triumph for the US educational system.

in the school yard (Where I learned 90% of everything, by the way.) was gamaguchie  (Spelling is strictly phonetic here.)

Does anyone else remember this strange but facinating term?

Sophomoric Humorist1048 reads

That's a first, but if the pronunciation is "gam - ma - goo - chee" I'm betting it's got some Japanese origin to it somewhere.

In the novel "The Choirboys"  Joseph Wambaugh has a minor character refer to the act as "eating a bearded clam."  That likewise was a first for me.

I have yet to stumble upon DATY  used in the civvie world.  But i'm keeping my eyes and ears open.

..."to eat pussy," the latter being a term I have always found usefully unambiguous.

Never heard the term until I began to hobby but I did hear "dinning at the Y".

I think I've always used the term ",,,at the Y", be it "dining, chowing, munching or what have you. But I Don't think I ever heard it used as an acronym till I started hanging around here.

I always heard eating at or dining at the Y but never the term DATY outside of the hobby. Of course, if you use this term and the lady knows what you are talking about it may give you a hint as to what her part time job may be....

The joke involved a girl talking to her girl friends about her hopelessly clueless boyfriend and her vain attempts to exhort him to provider her with some sexual satisfaction.

The punch line is invariably something like "He got a cheeseburger."

In a related joke, there's the woman who exhorts her clueless boyfriend to "Kiss me where it smells."

He ends up driving her to (Fill in with name of town that everyone picks on in your area.)  Around Boston that town would be Revere.  In New York City it would be anywhere around northern NJ.

Sophomoric Humorist488 reads

In my benighted hometown one could also escort her to :

1. the Fulton Fish Market [inevitable response, but now defunct];

2. the Fresh Kills garbage dump in Staten Island [perilously close to northern Joisey];

3. Willets Point [just past Shea Stadium];

4. the Hunts Point Terminal Market [uggh!];

5. the Meatpacking district on any Friday afternoon in the Summer [double uggh! but now quite a trendy and expensive neighborhood];

6. the old Mounted Police stables somewhere in lower Manhattan;

7. and a slew of others in my slovenly burg.  DON'T believe the Guiliani/Bloomvberg hype!

But I digress.  Did any of those punchlines include a reference to "hair pie"?

I was in the Navy for 12 years, so I picked up a very wide range of terms for it.  They include:
- Chewing the bearded clam.
- Eating "cock"  (some guy from Texas -- didn't really like the connotations involved there)
- Muff diving (there is a bar in the PI called the Muff Divers Inn)
- Munching on the vertical taco.
- Going south for dinner.
- Plain ol' snack time (my personal favorite)
and numerous others that time and beer have helped to erase.

Sophomoric Humorist1394 reads

As a teenager back in the early 1970s, I remember Johnnny Carson making reference to this in the form of a question "You've never eaten a box lunch?"  apprpos some special event at Dodgers Stadium

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