TER General Board

Providers who pick and choose who they kiss?
Maxvan68 11 Reviews 2562 reads

I always try to get providers who offer GFE and reviews show they kiss. Kissing attractive women is so intimate and really turns me on. I’m 55, and have had ED issues sometimes when I go to providers who don’t kiss.

In 2020 I went to a new provider who was just getting started in the industry. She’s got an incredible body and beautiful eyes and is HOT. She told me upfront she didn’t kiss, mentioning COVID as a reason. I had a good experience with her anyway but chose to see other providers who offered kissing.

About a year later I saw reviews for her on TER. Many of the reviewers raves about her kissing. I texted her to make an appointment to see her again.

When I arrived at her place she again told me she wasn’t into kissing. I told her I’d seen reviews on TER where they mentioned that she kissed. She laughed it off and said reviewers will say anything.  

Even though she’s drop dead gorgeous and has a great body, without the kissing, I did have ED that time. Bummer.

So either: A. The reviewers lied about her kissing; or B. She picks and chooses who she wants to kiss. And she doesn’t want to kiss me, unfortunately.

I suspect it’s B.

I get it. I try meeting women on match or hinge every so often and sometimes they look nothing like their pictures and I feel no attraction. So after the date I say, Nice meeting you and walk to my car. If I am attracted to her I will go for the kiss at the end of the date.  

So I can understand if women don’t want to kiss guys they aren’t attracted to.

-- Modified on 1/29/2024 3:38:48 PM

Exaggerated reviews and YMMV.  Honestly are you surprised, especially with kissing, that mileage varies? Yes they pick and choose and it’s pretty understandable.  

It varies a lot, based on attitude, personality and hygiene but at the end of the day you’re correct, it can come down to simple attraction and be out of your control. There’s a line somewhere between YMMV and bait & switch, but it’s difficult to define. If her ad says kissing then she’s on the wrong side of that line.  

I’ve been lucky with the kissing thing, getting to kiss some providers I didn’t think did it at all. But I’m also lucky in that I’m attracted to women fairly close to my age. As I get older that will probably change and I’ll have the same problems.  

When I have bad breath I don’t know it so I just assume I always do. So before appointments I run the sonicare through it’s cycle twice and use a lot of listerine, not just rinsing but gargling as well. One last rinse before I get out of the car at her incall and a couple mints on the way to the door. Also use a tongue scraper pretty much every day.  

Some people walk around thinking I brush my teeth every morning so I’m fine. I don’t know you, but if you’re one of those people, you’re not fine. I promise lol.

This provider doesn’t put in her ad that she kisses. So she isn’t falsely claiming that she does. I thought she did based on the reviews by several reviewers saying she was a great kisser.

AllTheTimeBaby40 reads

Excellent advice! Listerine is crucial.

I've always believed that the default setting for escorts is "no kissing." Accordingly, I am pleasantly surprised when this happens!

that after getting the brush-off for kissing the first time, and reading reviews that she has kissed other guys, you would make an appointment to see her again without verifying when you booked that kissing would be on her menu for you.  Your ED was because you finally realized that she was not into you.  There are many guys who have selective ED that way.  Some tell me the way around it is using Trimix.  Your boner takes on a life of its own independent from your brain and any insecurities or concerns you have.  You can't even WILL it to go soft until the chemicals have been metabolized.

Angel4Life36 reads

Your mileage may vary…from my own experiences I have been fortunate that most providers I find on TER and p411 who will kiss….i have even had a few who would not kiss on the first encounter, only later to open up and passionately kiss. I attribute that to good chemistry, good hygiene, and fair treatment!  Yes some of these reviews are embellished, but if your personal needs are not being fulfilled, I would move on, especially since many new young hot providers have the attitude that they really don’t have to!

RespectfulRobert46 reads

As providers typically don't care about that as they tend to REALLY care about hygiene, imo. I am not saying you fell short in that area but there could be a number of reasons why she didn't kiss you. I think everyone experiences what happened to you if they play long enough. It just it what it is. Their body, their rules.

I call BS, Robert.    

She’s not into him, period.    

I have had it happen to me.  My looks left me years ago.  Most kiss, but I have been blown off, and not in a good way.  

When a provider pulls that crap with me, just blow me till I cum then I’m out of there, never to return.  It’s demeaning  to me.  

It doe not need to be major dfk, but lfk for crying out load.  

Like they say, once is an anomaly, twice is a trend.

DFK is one of the criteria that TER requires to increase a provider's score by a point.

It could be that the reviewer wanted to increase the score artificially by putting the kissing in there, to the detriment of people like you who care about what the reviews say.

1. Say to her, "I hope you have good oral hygiene. I hate kissing girls with bad breath." Maybe she'll resond with, "Bad breath?! I'll show you bad breath!" followed by DFK proof.
2. Tell her you're really a prince.

Posted By: Maxvan68

I always try to get providers who offer GFE and reviews show they kiss. Kissing attractive women is so intimate and really turns me on. I’m 55, and have had ED issues sometimes when I go to providers who don’t kiss.  
 In 2020 I went to a new provider who was just getting started in the industry. She’s got an incredible body and beautiful eyes and is HOT. She told me upfront she didn’t kiss, mentioning COVID as a reason. I had a good experience with her anyway but chose to see other providers who offered kissing.  
 About a year later I saw reviews for her on TER. Many of the reviewers raves about her kissing. I texted her to make an appointment to see her again.  
 When I arrived at her place she again told me she wasn’t into kissing. I told her I’d seen reviews on TER where they mentioned that she kissed. She laughed it off and said reviewers will say anything.  
 Even though she’s drop dead gorgeous and has a great body, without the kissing, I did have ED that time. Bummer.  
 So either: A. The reviewers lied about her kissing; or B. She picks and chooses who she wants to kiss. And she doesn’t want to kiss me, unfortunately.  
 I suspect it’s B.  
 I get it. I try meeting women on match or hinge every so often and sometimes they look nothing like their pictures and I feel no attraction. So after the date I say, Nice meeting you and walk to my car. If I am attracted to her I will go for the kiss at the end of the date.  
 So I can understand if women don’t want to kiss guys they aren’t attracted to.


When booking this gorgeous provider did you send a selfie of you holding your id? I would imagine if an entertainer only kisses people she’s attracted to you this would be a good way to know lol. Smile for me!  
Unless you have an obvious outbreak that’s visible, or really bad breath I don’t see why any professional GFE would not still provide you with a kiss. 💋  

I would just be honest regardless because I am a grown ass woman & it’s really not all about the money. You’re paying a price for what you want you should get it. If kissing is a requirement let them know upfront, so you don’t continue to get bambozalled. Write a review stating your disappointments. Sorry. If I didn’t want to kiss you I would tell you straight up because not everyone is a good match.

I always ask if I can kiss them.  I can't recall if anyone ever said no.  Maybe once or twice??  
But it's not a big deal for me.  No matter what restrictions they have, there has always been something they could do to "entertain" me.   ;-)

RespectfulRobert37 reads

This has happened a few times over a decade of playing or so. Only one I can recall. Maybe one other. A few I knew going in they didn't kiss so it was no surprise when they didnt DFK me so they don't count. Where we differ though is that DFK is VERY important to me as it sets the mood and gets me excited. lol.

Typical kissing is kind of a sign of friendship to me.  However BDSM type kissing is pretty hot.  That's where you maybe grab them by the back of their head, tilt their head back and start sucking on their face.  A nice show of dominance.  Also when you are pounding them in missionary, sucking on their face is also pretty dominant/hot.

Well, I've been doing this since I was eighteen & a half. And a Provider has the right to decide what services she wants to give to each Hobbyist. The Hobbyist does not have the right to demand or force a Provider to do what she does not want to do at that time (Unless he is willing to pay more then what she is charging).    

Angel4Life44 reads

That is not the point here!  Client was expecting a service others had been offered and he was denied! We all know the cliche my body my rules!

Posted By: Kitty76
Re: Providers who pick and choose who they kiss
Well, I've been doing this since I was eighteen & a half. And a Provider has the right to decide what services she wants to give to each Hobbyist. The Hobbyist does not have the right to demand or force a Provider to do what she does not want to do at that time (Unless he is willing to pay more then what she is charging).    

I do kiss and very much enjoy kissing, and it is nothing to do with attraction and everything to do with hygiene.  
Floss+brush teeth+brush your tongue+mouthwash. Do this right before your visit. If you have facial hair SCRUB it well before your visit. Also what you eat and your digestive health can have a huge impact on your breath.  
Eat light and healthy before a visit (think fresh fruit and veggies) stay away from onions, garlic, fried food, heavy meat, dairy.  
Also I will not kiss a client if he has any obvious tooth decay or is missing any teeth. These germs can pass from person to person from kissing and this is a risk I am not going to take.  
I have had guys that have not been to the dentist in years and have obvious gingivitis and plaque buildup and brush their teeth for a whole 10 seconds every morning and are dumb founded when I tell them kissing is off the table. (You should brush for 2 minutes twice a day plus everything I covered above)  
Not sure if this is the case here with you, but a very good start for visits to providers, and to your health.  

Tooth decay germs can be in any person, not just those with visible decay.  Chew Xylitol containing gum to destroy these germs.  Here are some snippets from a US Gov publication on the benefits of Xylitol for tooth decay prevention.  And also a link to the full paper.

Xylitol reduces the levels of mutans streptococci (MS) in plaque and saliva by disrupting their energy production processes, leading to futile energy cycle and cell death. It reduces the adhesion of these microorganisms to the teeth surface and also reduces their acid production potential.

Xylitol, like any other sweetener, promotes mineralization by increasing the salivary flow when used as chewing gum or large xylitol pastille. The uniqueness of xylitol is that it is practically nonfermentable by oral bacteria. Also, there is a decrease in levels of MS, as well as the amount of plaque, when there is habitual consumption of xylitol.

Streptococcus mutans transports the sugar into the cell in an energy-consuming cycle that is responsible for growth inhibition. Xylitol is then converted to xylitol-5-phosphate via phosphoenolpyruvate: fructose phosphotransferase system by S. mutans resulting in development of intracellular vacuoles and cell membrane degradation. Unwittingly contributing to its own death, S. mutans then dephosphorylates xylitol-5-phosphate. The dephosphorylated molecule is then expelled from the cell. This expulsion occurs at an energy cost with no energy gained from xylitol metabolism. Thus, xylitol inhibits S. mutans growth essentially by starving the bacteria. Xylitol can inhibit the growth of harmful oral bacteria such as S. mutans, but its benefits do not stop in the oral cavity. Xylitol alcohol has been shown to impact growth of nasopharyngeal bacteria such as S. pneumonia and S. mitis, and hence has a role to play in nasopharyngeal pneumonia.

hiddenmemento40 reads

I have a provider I’m well acquainted with, having seen them at least 8-9 times. They never kissed me during the first 7-8 encounters; at most a small closed-lip kiss during missionary maybe once.

Last time I saw her, the chemistry/connection felt super strong during the thick of things— so I aimed higher and went in for a small closed lip-kiss. To my amazement and surprise she reciprocated with French kisses/full-on making out.

Reviews of her suggested she did not kiss, and so did almost all of my times with her.

I've had similar experiences.  I always aim for GFE+ ladies but sometimes a lady will be very attractive but only offer LFK.  I'll still book.  One lady who is a knock out (10/10) I met a year ago.  Two hour session.  First 45 minutes was slow and easy going.  Light kisses, but once we got into heavy sex she started losing it and I went in for a DFK and she returned it amazingly.  The rest of the hour was nonstop DFKing and pounding.  Tongue down my mouth, telling me how to fuck her, etc.  None of her reviews mentioned these things.  She ended up giving me her real number (she is from Brazil and used a local agent) and mentioned she'd text me the next time she was visiting my area.


hiddenmemento39 reads

Definitely YMMV.

I think what certainly stacks the odds against a client in this regard is if the provider doesn’t want their no kissing policy being challenged. Even if they are somewhat attracted to a client, just one review on these boards can lead others to seek such services.

In my experience, the provider was in my home in a special arrangement we have (they are not an outcall provider) so I think they knew that there would be 0% chance of a review.

In nine years of this I've had plenty of providers tell me looks do matter.  This is real life and while it's a job to them it's easier to have sex with someone who's reasonably good looking versus someone who is ugly or grossly overweight.  That's just common sense.  I only know one guy in RL who also does this and sometimes we compare experiences.  It's interesting to see which ladies do DFK, how much, BBBJ, more GFE, etc.  

IMO being in decent shape, well groomed, and decent looking goes a long way in how you are treated.

That's unfortunate. I love to kiss on a date regardless who it is. I just think it's really fun and it's a great way to warm up to other things ;)

Since your official name is PRINCESS Chloe Mercer, does that mean that Queen Bia is your mom?  

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