TER General Board

A Question for You Guys Out There....
Kara_Mia 5954 reads

Hi, this is my first post on this board and I was hoping to get your opinions on something I'm considering asking my clients to do.

First I should mention that I have been in the business for 2 years and am well known as a reputable and honest provider in my area with many reviews on this site and others to back that up.  Also I mainly provide incall services.

I operate my incall from a very nice home in a nice neighborhood on a quiet cul de sac.  What concerns me is that the neighbor right across the street is an older woman known to be a busybody.  I was wondering how you guys would feel about meeting me in the parking lot of a McDonald's (or wherever) that is right around the corner from my home and having me drive back to my incall where I can park my car in my 1 car garage.

My neighbors probably wouldn't think anything of my comings and goings, and the gents would have a little more anonymity by not having to show themselves from my driveway to my front door.  I do believe that I have a good cover story about why there are so many men in and out of my house during the day, but I wish to be a little more careful.  Especially since if my neighbor is watching, she probably wonders why so many of my clients bring me flowers if all I'm doing is designing websites for small businesses.  Don't get me wrong, I only see on average 8 clients a week, but she's ALWAYS home.

So please, can you give me your opinions on this proposal?  It's something I've been thinking about for a couple of weeks, but would like a client's perspective on how they would feel if asked to do this.

Thanks so much in advance for any comments or suggestions you might make.

I would probably feel a little uncomfortable but not so much as to cancel an appt.  If you have a lot of regulars, I should think explaining the situation to them would be perfectly acceptable.  The issus is more for new clients - personally I don't think it would stop me from seeing you.  Good luck in whatever you decide.

Poon Over Miami3977 reads

Hi Kara and welcome. I know you are wonderful from your reviews.
That neighbor is a disaster waiting to happen.
You remember the saying:
Hope for the best and plan for the worse.
As a client, I would have no problem meeting you as you suggested, but the neighbor will notice the change of pattern and the male in the car who stays for an hour or so.
I would either befriend her and work on her, or move into a place more conducive to  seeing clients in privacy.

Me, I'm always a sucker for an intelligent, attractive, all natural lady...

You wouldn't probably not have much trouble talking ME into joining you for a ride, especially if you gave me a heads up during our initial scheduling..

But, as a general rule, ummm...yeah, you MIGHT run into trouble periodically. It just isn't smart as a general rule to get into a car with a stranger, to be taken off to an unfamilar place, even if the stranger is a friendly hottie.

I totally understand your problem, and that fact that you are well reviewed should also help ease any concerns guys might have (if they have done their research). Also, again, if you give them a heads up early, that should help too.

But...don't surprised if a few guys decide to take a pass....

as one poster suggested. The McD. idea seems a bit cumbersome, and probably won't gain you much in the way of privacy if she is as nosy as you say.

A preferable alternative may be to have your clients who feel compelled to bring flowers either stop doing it ( I know, I like to bring them too) or perhaps have a florist deliver them instead. MfSD.

Kara_Mia3885 reads

Well I certainly can't move, I just bought the house 2 months ago!  And yes she is nosy, but she's also elderly (and I assume her vision isn't as good as it once was) and I just don't think she'd be able to see a gentleman through my tinted windows in the little bit of time it takes me to get into my garage.  Also, the McDonald's really is about 1/4 away from my incall, so not really cumbersome.  But with the added benefit that my appointments won't show up early and catch me not ready and any no shows wouldn't have my address handy for nefarious purposes.  I do appreciate all your comments, please keep them coming!

I have seen one lady here in the Bay Area that operates that way.  It wasn't a problem for me nor have I heard anyone complain about it in her reviews or the message board.  There was another well-known provider (Michelle's Magic) that did this when she was in business. I can think of a third, actually, as I write this: Ingrid!

No matter what you do, someone will take issue with it and feel uncomfortable, so it's important to do what works for you (within reason) and forget about those who tend to complain. Increasing your confidentiality factor will probably result in you having a clientele that appreciates those concerns, which is good, right?

asking the client to arrive carrying a briefcase or folder.  I have not found this request to be a problem.  In your case, it will add a lot to the credibility of men showing up at your door.  Of course, your neighbor may ask why you never design websites for women!!

And tell the clients not to bring obvious presents like bouquets of flowers.

I like the briefcase idea. Make your clients act like businessmen. I wouldn't go for the meeting at McDonalds. If it was my first time seeing you, I wouldn't know if you were going to drive me to an alley full of goons to mug me. Very uncomfortable.

John.Galt4246 reads

Some people seem to use the remove pickup location without too much trouble, but your main problem is with guys who, once they know where you work, just drop by or come straight there and 'forget' about the pickup location.

Worst thing you can deal with is nosy neighbors. Might be worth the trouble to use another location that is more discrete and less noticable.

Kara, I used to visit a lady whose male neighbor would try to look thru the blinds in her bedroom. She had to rent another place for the fun activities. The McDonald's thing would be OK with me if the area was decent, but getting another place would solve the problem. I also like the businessman approach. I usually bring chocolates as a gift and that can be in the briefcase.

Using another location for activities resonates with me as the smart thing to do.

Welcome to TER. I'd be cool with the McD's idea. The idea of a gal driving me to her place gives me a stiffy.


I would be Ok with the McDonald's pickup routine.  I feel somewhat uncomfortable walking up to a private residence when the neighbors are out working in the yard.  The other alternative is a second location.  I think you are wise to consider the nosy neighbor as a potential problem.  A long time provider friend of mine was busted because a nosy neighbor complained to LE.  Without the complaint LE would probably not have bothered.

Va Gentleman3794 reads

Then tell the neighbors that, to keep the missionaries from bothering everyone you have kept talking to them and taken all their handout materials so that they can't stop at any of the other nearby homes. Only problem is that not many of us have Jehovah's Witness clothing lying around waiting to be worn out on a date.

-- Modified on 7/12/2002 2:32:53 PM

Don't know if I have ever been able to figure out a pattern based on the ones that have come to my door.

Now LDS (Mormons)twins, the white shirt, black tie, black pants, and bicycle are a dead giveaway.

leader3977 reads

Very creative idea! Thank You, I got a chuckle out of that one. What I didn't think was funny was when my wife came home one day from her work and told me a male jw wanted to study with her at his home. My first reaction was to help him meet his maker, did one better, got him in big trouble with his sect. You see, the sect has strict rules about males visiting with females alone!Thier study sessions must be a woman jw with a woman. Just a point of info that kept me from rotting in jail, instead I get to see the s.o.b. made the fool!

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