TER General Board

A Question About Reviews
wolfpack 4738 reads

I just have a few questions about reviews in general here. Why do some guys write reviews on lady's who already have several pages worth of reviews already, ESPECIALLY if the review has nothing new to say that wasn't already said? Do some guys just get off on having in print the "I scored" with such-n-such"? I generally will not review a lady who has a ton of reviews already out there unless I have something new to bring to the table. I also probably will not want to see a lady who has too many reviews. Again, I know I may be different but I would lik some mystery as to what to expect. If everything I read sounds exactly the same, over and over again, may be a turn off for me especially if I do see the lady and I feel the session is going just like something I read about her. I do agree that this is about sharing info and some lady's do like the exposure their business gets from a review. I would suggest that if appropriate, ask the lady if she minds prior to writing a review. Just curious on some thoughts.

Like you, I've resisted writing a review on an already well reviewed lady, figuring I nothing new to offer. After seeing the same provider for a few months and not seeing any others, I would write a review, even if she had many, just to earn the membership days.

There are a couple of ladies I've seen who really love the reviews and we've had some good conversations about it. They like to have reviews written and can never get enough.

A new review puts them at the top of the list. The day after a new review is published, they get 10 times the average number of calls. They understand the tremendous positive impact the reviews have on their business.

Others respectfully request that review aren’t written. I don’t understand why, it’s all fiction anyway.

With all honesty just because a provider have a lot of reviews do not send off a red flag about her. Take in consideration that she could've been in the business for 2-7 years, the guy that is writing the review, this could be his first experience and the best experience of his life. If it turns you off seening that the lady has to many reviews then maybe it is good that your pick and select certain reviews based on the date of the review.

Personally I love when I get a reviews, although some people tell to much! and I do not always agree with all they say, but it is their version and we all know It's all friction anyway "right riker".

Now that I am establish, I do not want to many reviews, so I tell my clients not to write a review unless they really need the points. A provider should always keep one or two current reviews, because now days we do not know who's who so the best way to trust someone is to take a peak at the old and the new and you will never worry about turning blue.

There are some clients (like riker if I may add) who will not see a provider without a current or old review and I do not blame them.

Look out! You just might get sting!
"It is best to be safe then sorry".

Just my 2ct.

-- Modified on 7/4/2002 9:52:23 PM

to not ask for permission to post a review.  This is the best way to keep the fiction believable.


- TER in particular rewards clients for providing reviews with free membership bonuses.  So, if there are a lot of guys dating escorts that are well reviewed, that's who you're going to see reviewed!  And the VIP memberships march on, in lockstep with the reliably good escorts.  I take comfort in seeing someone who's well reviewed... and has a good historical record.  I'm not one who is really willing to "Take one for the team" on a new and unproven provider.  I appreciate those who do, though.  It's an expensive hobby, and I like to have certain assurances going into a date.

I also believe if you have seen someone who has a good reputation, and it proves out to be a good time, it is a small reward to the provider you just saw to keep her business going.  I don't understand the concept of too many reviews... unless you want the feeling that you're exploring uncharted waters.  Then again, I'm more risk averse, and have different expectations than you.  Just a different mindset.  

GirlCrazy3681 reads

Providers do change overtime.  They might change their weight, charge more, have a boob job, no more BBBJ, DFK or getting more jaded.

Not everyone posting reviews read through all the other reviews so the info might seem to be a repeat of previous postings.  Repetition implies consistency which establishes reputation.  After all, most of us checking reviews want a sure thing :)

The most reviews posted on a provider on a monthly basis is about 6 to 8 which is not a whole lot.  Not all the reviewers gave good description about their encounters so the valuable ones are probably a couple per month.

I have been reading recent reviews about a young popular provider.  There are less descriptions about DFK and no more greek session which was offered to some hobbyist with extra donations before.  This makes her less desirable for me.  Because of YMMV, sometimes a provider does more DFK or BBBJ, sometimes only a light kiss and CBJ.  It takes quite a number of reviews to get a handle of a provider's current status.

As far as asking permission for posting, I think that is a bad idea.  The anonymity of TER provides an environment for flank and mostly fair evaluation of a provider.  Asking permission for posting skews the overall picture of a provider.

One time I made a mistake of telling a provider she got great reviews about her talent in speaking greek.  She was surprised that she was regarded as a greek goddess.  Although she provided the greek session, the atmosphere was tense and the result is somewhat diminished.  After that experience, I decided that I will no longer volunteer to disclose my TER membership, much less about considering writing a review.

I seldom write a review unless I was "moved" by the experience and then I will write that I had an "experience" rather than a review.  Again, this is semantics, but it was my experience that I am relating, not trying to get business for the provider or get "off" again.  Everybody must remember that this is the client's version and it will not be the same for all as we all are different.  I also do not like to get into graphic details of the experience but share my thoughts on how the provider made me feel.  My weakness is that I like all sizes, shapes, and colors of women..I LOVE THEM and some turn me on more than others.  I would have been a lesbian if I had been born a female.

I can see your point that there may be nothing new to add. However, that may be the case after 2 or 3 reviews. Imagine if a lady has 20, 30 or 40 reviews. Does the review community decide, "that's enough"? A new hobbyist decovers her profile. He might wonder, "this lady has a ton of good reviews but how come she hasn't had any new reviews in 6 months?"

Just my opinion...


b u d d h a3266 reads

Not all reviews are alike!

Frankly, I rather have more information than less.   If the provider has been in the business for a period of time and is good, she is going to have a fair amount of reviews.  

The reviews help validate what to expect.  Each review is unique (depending upon how it has been written), and provides a unique perspective of the experience.  This helps set up realistic expectations.  

Also, it provides a basis for consistency.  IF there are changes in attitude, pictures getting outdated, etc.  those insightful tit-bits will be covered in the review.  

Just my 2 cents.

I look at reviews to avoid ripoffs and false advertising. I have found them to be very helpful. Just remember guys, always be honest and fair.

Isn't the cost of membership pretty trivial compared with the cost of virtually any session??

I didn't post my one review because I was attempting to accumulate Green Stamps.  I genuinely respected the Lady and the Experience.  I shall review again, once I am in a hemisphere where it is appropriate.  (I presume reviews of German FKK clubs not appropo' to this board, but on past experience they are heaven on Earth.  Do yourself a favor. I am.  WhatEVER you do;  whereEVER you go, you will not find a better cornucopia than the Ruhr Valley of Germany.  Amsterdam????  Pfeh!!!)

Recent reviews are much more important than older ones.  There is, of course, the YMMV factor, but there is also the PCOTAGJ issue.  (Provider Changes Over Time and Gets Jaded.)  And, hey, considering most men, although I think Hobbyists are a cut above (fewer Scribes and Pharisees,) are pretty depressing examples, WHO could blame them????

w_b3148 reads

Perhaps older reviews should be archived or deleted. It is also good for the provider if she has a few bad reviews and many excellect review over time the bad/excellent reviews would be current.

PS: perhaps the same with old providers with no current updates. I've notice many providers from 2000, 2001 with no current activity.

Va Gentleman2545 reads

to those who went where no man has gone (and reviewed) before. LOL Who wants to be Neil Armstrong and find out that the moon is quicksand?

Sweet Nicole5139 reads

I agree, I do not prefer explicit reviews be written
again & again....(say she has a few pages already)
if theres something really outstanding about your experience,
just keep seeing that sweet gal.....and,
always! always! ask before you review!
Nicole of WeHo

aphroditez4231 reads

Reviews are welcome, but do feel to much emphasis and importance is put into them.  

For instance, they are used as bargaining chips, which in my book undermines what the reviews are suppose to be about in the first place.  A huge no-no in my book and the mear mention of it should bar the gent from all providers IMHO.  They do in my little corner of the world anyway.

Honesty is important also. There are many instances in which reviews outright lie.  I had an instance in which one review stated that everything was uncovered.  HELLO!  I most certainly do not have death wish.  I did not even realize the review was out there until I was bombarded gents that wanted exactly that.  I was stunned...did not know where they would get such an idea.  Once I found out, I had the review revised to reflex the truth with the clients knowledge of the fact and 100% backing to the revision.  Embellishments for prides sake endangers the integrity of the review base, no matter what forum it may be displayed in.

I can only speak for myself.  I have enough reviews out there to substantiate and give a gent a VERY good idea of what they are to expect from me.  If I never get another one, then I feel it is okay.  As long as there is nothing said to the contrary.

If something is wrong, then I believe the forum helps me in knowing what service needs to be improved on and fixed if need be.  Knowledge is power after all.


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