TER General Board

A Perspective From Arizona....
azmikey30 2947 reads

Pick one or the other (daylight or standard time) and stay with it.  The tradeoff in light, or darkness doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.  In the summer, it's bright outside by 5am, dark a little after 8.  It works good here because it is a touch cooler in the mornings :)  barely.

I've never been a fan of changing clocks, wherever I've lived.  Hell, i leave my VCR flashing year round!!

in Fall, just as Hawaii, Arizona and some other areas do? It is being presented to the Senate by various states, and I was curious what you all would vote?

I don't mind waking up in the dark if it gives me more light later on.

No one I have ever spoken to about switching to daylight savings time and then switching back thinks it is a good idea.  I would like to either have it all year long or not have it at all.

So the real question is do we set the clocks forward in the spring, and should we?

DK62306 reads

It takes a couple of weeks for me to adjust...

WHAT???  A couple of weeks to adjust to a ONE hour time change?

My 84 year old grandfather doesn't have that problem!

I once had a fried fly from Central to East coast time (or so he thought).  He flex to a spot in FL where it was still Central time but he thought it was Eastern time.  He complained all day about jet lag.  Imagine his surprise later that night when we informed him of his error.  Same thing you are talking about.  There should be no reason you need a "couple of weeks" to adjust to a one hour time change!

And I most likely do not. I want to say that a good part of DST had to do with childrens issues in terms of standing in the dark on bus stop corners and whatnot before school in the mornings.

The possibility of harm coming to them decreases as daylight at those hours increases.

Actually, DST was for farmers.[eom]

azmikey302948 reads

Pick one or the other (daylight or standard time) and stay with it.  The tradeoff in light, or darkness doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.  In the summer, it's bright outside by 5am, dark a little after 8.  It works good here because it is a touch cooler in the mornings :)  barely.

I've never been a fan of changing clocks, wherever I've lived.  Hell, i leave my VCR flashing year round!!

I think not using the daylight saving time would cause some sort of fluxuation in the space time continuum... thus causing the earth to spin off it's axis and hurtle towards the sun.

In reality, it was done to save energy.

"Daylight Saving Time was instituted in the United States during World War I in order to save energy for war production by taking advantage of the later hours of daylight between April and October. During World War II the federal government again required the states to observe the time change. Between the wars and after World War II, states and communities chose whether or not to observe Daylight Saving Time. In 1966, Congress passed the Uniform Time Act which standardized the length of Daylight Saving Time."

Also, the more bus accidents is very true too.

Note that it is officially Saving Time ... NOT Savings with an 's'. Interesting.

If I were with you ,     I would want to set the clock back over and over....

-- Modified on 11/4/2004 6:37:32 PM

I get a little down when I don't see enought sunlight (I don't turn into a basket case like some people, but I AM aware of the change).  So for me, the more sunlight, the better.

Cynicalman2273 reads

All I know is it is depressing to wake in the dark and then return from work in the dark.


One way or another you lose daylight... its got nothing to do with our timeclocks... its how mother nature created the earth's rotation around the sun.

Would vote to not change clocks back. The concept of DST worked back many years ago when it was essentially enacted to allow farmers and their children to complete some chores during morning light before the school day started. Not needed with today's modern farms.

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