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A dick with impeccable grooming or ...teeth_smile
RSpork 23 Reviews 447 reads

A guy who's not a dick, but has a large one, and also happens to have impeccable grooming?  
I'm a sarcastic, left-leaning libertarian who has a grammar fetish ....

I ask this question because I have a fascination with reading various articles, polls, etc on what women look for in a man. Now I know all the cynics will holler "MONEY"--but honestly, even though this particular underground society we are a part of is transactional at the core, the human factor is still there, and you can't escape it. We men are VERY visual--but women not quite so much, and I find that incredibly interesting!! It's all part of what makes women so mysterious!! (And it helps me to learn some things as well.)

 So having said all this---what unique things about men turn you on?? (Besides the obvious, looks, money, blah blah blah...)

Posted By: eroticspirit
I ask this question because I have a fascination with reading various articles, polls, etc on what women look for in a man. Now I know all the cynics will holler "MONEY"--but honestly, even though this particular underground society we are a part of is transactional at the core, the human factor is still there, and you can't escape it. We men are VERY visual--but women not quite so much, and I find that incredibly interesting!! It's all part of what makes women so mysterious!! (And it helps me to learn some things as well.)  
  So having said all this---what unique things about men turn you on?? (Besides the obvious, looks, money, blah blah blah...)

I LOVE laid back men..I am very laid back myself.

women have been taught that's it's not lady-like to Speak Up for what they want. and
Men have never been taught to really Listen to what a woman wants.

What turns me on?

A man who knows that nothing he can do, say, or be will "Give" me an Orgasm.
A man who knows My Orgasm is in My total Control
and that he will have to learn the artful skill of Listening to what I want

to be present,  while I am writhing in the Pleasure of Orgasm
that I alone Allow.

Intellectual, funny, well mannered, intelligent, and kind man.

Being somewhat of a nerd myself I love smart gents and I love to laugh and talk so I would say intelligence and humour are what I like in a men.

Unite!  There are fewer things sexier than a woman with a nerd streak.  They make me drop my boxer briefs right at the door.

Spoken as a true sapiosexual.

Posted By: LilyofMontreal
Being somewhat of a nerd myself I love smart gents and I love to laugh and talk so I would say intelligence and humour are what I like in a men.

So far, not one lady has mentioned a word about dick size, so you gents that obsess over that can chill out and just enjoy yourselves.  

Nooooo damn fire hydrants.

All you need to do is be able to use your tongue.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
So far, not one lady has mentioned a word about dick size, so you gents that obsess over that can chill out and just enjoy yourselves.  

you're a provider or a hobbyist.  Who's paying who when someone see's you?  So you want his tongue, and if you don't like his dick, what does he get?  Just curious.

The "see my reviews" icon below my handle means I am a provider. He knows that, he is just trying to be a jerk.

Posted By: xtheory
Paid, I'm guessing.

And if she wants her pussy licked, he will do it and enjoy the hell out of it because she's just that good. Power of persuasion is what keeps a good whore in the game for the long haul.

I said "Nooooo damn fire hydrants.
All you need to do is be able to use your tongue."

Fire hydrant means *very* wide circumference of dick, which the vast majority of guys don't have.  I am small framed and my pussy is tight. I have zero wants to INJURED myself with a fire hydrant dick.  

I am not sure where you get that attitude about "who's paying who"? You pay for what I offer and if I don't offer what you want, you move to the next who will. Us girls don't have to be an equal opportunity dick taker. When health and safety is concerned, we have more than enough right to say no. I am not going to the ER because a guy feels I must take a huge ass, wide ass dick.

I didn't say I don't like dick, please reread exactly what I wrote. Also, it doesn't matter if a guy has a teenie weenie, if he knows how to use it and/or tongue, I guarantee almost any woman likes that better than a king kong dick.  

BTW I am a provider, hence why I have reviews, which you already know. Thanks for trying to be a dick.

I don't see big ass dicks, so there isn't a problem. "If" a guy didn't disclose his fire hydrant issues, I would refund the money and he can go about his way.  

Not all money is good money. You have every right not to see someone you don't want to see or to not do things you don't want to do. Sounds like you feel that us gals don't get that same option.

Posted By: coeur-de-lion
you're a provider or a hobbyist.  Who's paying who when someone see's you?  So you want his tongue, and if you don't like his dick, what does he get?  Just curious.

with "fire hydrants."   One more question . . . . What's an "ass dick?"  As in "I don't see big "ASS DICKS."

A guy that makes me laugh, that I can talk to easily with out a fear of being judge. Open minded to many subjects (political, LGTB, religion), someone that likes to read, meditate, hike, clean, neat and organized person. (that's on my personal life). Veronica; well... be a gentleman and that treat me like another civvie lady (respect wise). oh.. did I mention a good manicure?!

And the ability to enjoy life and have a good time. In Civie dating I look for these qualities before physical looks and money.

I must say Southern charm or chivalry turns me on. I get a bit excited by a man opening doors, taking the lead, and knowing which side of the sidewalk to walk on.  

A man who is good with his hands and can fix things.  

An entrepreneur.  

A self-made entrepreneur has me dropping my panties at the door.  

A man who is thoughtful i.e. Remembers your birthday or a special event coming up that you've mentioned.  

A man who is inquisitive about the capacity of my thoughts. Yes I'm a good looking woman who loves physical stimulation, but figure out how to stimulate my mind and I'm hooked.  

A  connoisseur of the finer things; a man who can teach me about luxuries I've yet to experience.  


A man who can dress well.  

A man who takes care of himself physically by eating healthy mostly & being active in sports, dancing, or working out.  

An educated man.  

A man with a nice smile; who visits the dentist regularly.  

A man who tolerates diversity, open mindedness, and is comfortable that his way of doing things isn't the ONLY way.  

A man who isn't afraid to admit when he is wrong & can apologize.  

Not one guy can possess every quality that turns a woman on, but it's fun to dream.

laugh and roll on the floor with me
      when he helps me put the lighter to my fart.

Because I don't think you're joking!

-- Modified on 2/16/2017 8:31:18 AM

You're very perceptive.

   -I am a member of the Blue Flame Club.

Is that you never know in advance if it's just a fun little poof it you're going to set the drapes on fire!

"We men are VERY visual--but women not quite so much"

Not a generally true statement. I am very visual, and it appears that many of my straight lady friends are too. I think that it is an outdated notion that women aren't visually stimulated sexually. I think that in the past many women were too hesitant to admit it :)

I have long suspected that women are more "visual" than they will admit.  In fact, women can sometimes be more visual; they notice things like the condition of a potential lover's shoes.  Or (as one of the ladies above mentioned) they are attracted to nice teeth (good thing I have a dental appointment coming up).  IOW, men zoom in on the "hot" factor, whereas women seem to juggle a complicated set of physical qualities that make up their "ideal" lover.

You are 100% correct---and I appreciate the clarification. That's really what I should have said when I made my original statement---women don't automatically gravitate to the "hot" visuals like us guys do---they're visual but in a different way. (Or to put it another way their "hot" visuals are a mixture of different elements.) Excellent observation!!)

..... in these lists.  

Oh well, back to p411 to make some appointments.

Woo hoo!

Birthday suit, which is always an appropriate look when seeing a provider.

I've found that women also love a man who takes the time and effort for self improvement.  It makes sense since they are the #1 consumer of self improvement products and services, so why wouldn't they want the same in their men?

Pick one of these many traits they listed, get out there, and work on it.  I can tell you from experience, it's worth every minute of effort.

When the woman complains that he does this and does that . The counselor asks if he did it before you got together? She says that he did.

Then, thankfully, the counselor asks "What made you think he would change?"

Don't ask anyone to change. If they aren't who you want now....... they won't be the one you want later. And the other one will resent being asked to change.

See a sex worker and be honest about who you are.





Confidence. Fucking love it, all day, every day, regardless of wether they are on their knees or want me on mine, if they are so into what they want- it really hits the good spot.

Seems simple, right? But unfortunately, many many folks out there, men and women (and I am not judging- we've all been there) seem to not know what in the hell they want, or are uncomfortable acknowledging what they want, or are comfortable with it.

And an ability to cook, and reading. I fucking adore when I come across a man reading. Or working on their car.  I once visited  LA during a heatwave, near McArthur Park, and every morning I'd walk out and see at least 3 men on my block working on their cars. Awesome.

This, so much. Can't tell you guys how much this impresses a lady.  Learn to make a good linguine pescato or wine braised lamb shank and you're golden.  PM me if you want a coupon code for Blue Apron.  They make preparing amazing home cooked meals from scratch so incredibly easy.

A man with a presence. Not swagger - hate that - but one who walks in to a room and has the kind of presence that holds peoples attention and makes them wonder why. They have an ability to fully engage with you without saying a thing.'m quite a dominant, confident person but I acquiesce to this kind of character as a default. It's a combination of complete understated confidence and being measured. I know an FBI agent who has this in spades and I have never ever been so attracted to someone.

Posted By: eroticspirit
I ask this question because I have a fascination with reading various articles, polls, etc on what women look for in a man. Now I know all the cynics will holler "MONEY"--but honestly, even though this particular underground society we are a part of is transactional at the core, the human factor is still there, and you can't escape it. We men are VERY visual--but women not quite so much, and I find that incredibly interesting!! It's all part of what makes women so mysterious!! (And it helps me to learn some things as well.)  
  So having said all this---what unique things about men turn you on?? (Besides the obvious, looks, money, blah blah blah...)

-- Modified on 2/16/2017 2:35:02 PM

So a guy who loves sports watching discussing playing is my dream

Additionally sense of humor kindness and intelligence are equally exciting to me

Which is practically guaranteed if they picked me. 😘


Lol. That and a sense of humor.

Add a wicked sense of humor and polished oral skills and I am sold 💋

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