TER General Board

A diamond butt plug is a girl's best friend
MasterYoda2 4 Reviews 4707 reads

But for the more practical girl, there's one with a watch.  Honey, lift your skirt so I can tell what time it is, please!



Absolutely gorgeous - loved the pic with the twinkle from the rear(s).  

Check out the email, too "[email protected]".


-- Modified on 5/6/2004 4:22:43 PM


I've sent no less than 4 people (so far) links to this site...it would be CRUELTY not to, lol...

I'm on my knees LilyJune, thanking you for showing this site.  Their jewelry designs are just beautiful not to mention creative and FUN!



-- Modified on 5/7/2004 7:33:36 AM

But for the more practical girl, there's one with a watch.  Honey, lift your skirt so I can tell what time it is, please!



NM, you can't do this fast enough.  The peace of mind of every man (and many women) on this board depends on it!  I am not going to be able to sleep.

The very THOUGHT of that cute little plug in there filling you is something I personally cherish.  It will be good for you and make a really positive contribution to world peace!  Jesus wants you to do it!  (he has an ass fetish).

Remember, the first really great scene in a porn film is the devil sliding a  butt plug into Ms Jones.  That scene sent a real message of hope to the world!!

Do the right thing NM... Harry  

-- Modified on 5/6/2004 10:34:36 PM

to take it off in the morning.

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