TER General Board

A couple of times I was offered OTC time after the session.
micktoz 41 Reviews 157 reads

Both the sessions were fantastic. I had seen these ladies multiple times and the sexual energy was great.  
So, when they asked if I'd like to go out to eat after the sessions, I was happy to have the time with them.

The only thing was that we had nothing to talk about.  Those two times were some of the most uncomfortable dinner dates that I have been on.  

One of them, I never saw again. The other one and I discussed what happened and agreed that we fuck really well together and to keep our meetings BCD from then on.  

One lady is really a friend. When I'm in her city, I have a great session with her, then go for dinner or a strip club (not necessarily in that order). Then later in the week, we have dinner along with her two young grandchildren at an IHOP.  

Love the variety of p4p.

Curious to know others experiences with OTC time,  from both a client and provider perspective. How often does it occur, how well do you have to know the provider before suggesting it, do providers consider it appropriate as perhaps a means of generating return engagements,  etc.  Personally it's not something I pursue on a regular basis,  but if I feel we experienced a strong connection during the appointment I will make the suggestion.  I've never been turned down when I have asked.

An employee of my company, so yes, I do take him to lunch and dinner, and I usually pay. I play golf with my doctor and dentist and we take turns paying.  

So what is your point?

Why ask, even if you enjoy each other's company.

I rather not pay to spend time with a woman, but I wouldn't call a hooker, and ask her to hang out for free.  

That's why they are  called hookers, and not GF.

And if you want a GF, why pursue the hookers you are paying?

Some questions just answer themselves.

"asks her to hang out for free."   When I have OTC time, 90% of it is at the suggestion of the provider, not me.  If you're a good enough customer, most want to keep you coming, and they are experienced enough to know that OTC time outside the incall enhances the connection/bond that she has with the customer.  Sometimes, I will suggest that if they "ever" want to go to dinner or do something else AFTER a session, let me know and I'll work it out on my schedule.  Whether I suggest it or they do, most often the OTC time is piggy-backed onto a session, which for me, is almost always a two-hour appointment.  It has also happened a lot spontaneously, where AFTER a session a provider says she's hungry and would I like to go get something to eat with her.  Sometimes I can, sometimes I can't.  Technically, its not "free" to me, because I know she is expecting me to pay for the meal, just like I would with a civvie woman, but she is NOT expecting me to also pay for the extended time.  That's on her.  

It doesn't have to only be "hooker" OR "girlfriend", as you seem to suggest.  There are a whole range of relationship possibilities between a man and woman that fall in between.  I'm guessing you're a millennial.  

-- Modified on 6/14/2017 2:13:37 PM

In that situation?

I'm curious as to why this topic is visited so much on this board.

With out sounding too jaded, who cares what and how others do things?

Sounds like you are just pushing for two plus hour dates, with a free meal to boot.

Well it's a business, and I'm going to treat her like a business owner.

MOST providers list on their websites the rate for a "dinner date", usually four hours or more, so it IS common for providers to expect to be compensated for ALL of their time, not just sex-time, and there are many hobbyists that will book this kind of a session.  Its no strings attached and no obligation to see them again.  OTOH, the kind of OTC time we're talking about here is relative to a long-term relationship with a particular provider, where you have probably become "friends" as well as being her customer.  I play golf or go to Laker games with some of my customers, so its not unheard of in ANY business to socialize with customers OTC, so I don't get your comment about "treating them like a business owner."  If you're a business owner, you would know this already.  

GaGambler197 reads

Why is it so unbelievable that some of their friends might be whore mongers?

Ever since I was young I have had "hooker buddies" that I'd hang out with, many/most of them were women I never even fucked or spent a nickel on, they were just friends. I still have a lot of hooker "buddies" who I have never paid a nickel to.  

If you hire a lawyer in the course of your business, does that then mean that you can't have a buddy who is a lawyer, one who you do no business with, but is maybe a golfing or drinking buddy?  

I guess I just don't get the concept of getting OTC time as "bonus" from a woman who I spend money on. If she is just hanging out with me because I've paid her for sex, I might as well hang out with the bartender who I tip really well. My OTC time with hookers is  because we BOTH like to hang out together, not a reward for being a good customer.

A very young guy with limited business experience that doesn't have a clue what we are talking about.  Just my opinion.  I'm not going to try to explain it anymore, unless I see the light going on in his brain that he's starting to understand.  

VOO-doo92 reads

If I did hang out w/a client OTC, it would be because I really liked him enough to completely forego the client/provider boundaries... NOT merely to try to keep him loyal, because extending OTC to someone I'd like to keep a loyal client, often has the opposite effect.  

However, if I can hang w/a client I like AND get paid for it... even better :-D  

I do enjoy the company of most of my clients to a greater or lesser extent, but for me, the ideal scenario is to keep things on a very friendly but also very professional basis.

-- Modified on 6/14/2017 2:36:05 PM

First and foremost the lady simply can say no thanks. But there is no harm in asking. I've had OTC dinners, movies and drinks. Either the lady is cool hanging out with you or she isn't. Last I checked they're human too and sometimes like a little civvy companionship from a guy they met on the job.

Btw I've had my tax lawyer and my house builder to my house for parties. Neither of them charged me for their time and they drank and ate and talked just like regular people.

VOO-doo102 reads

Tax lawyers and house builders don't sell "dates." Dinner dates, nights on the town, overnights, etc. are traditional services that escorts perform, and those are (generally) considered part of the job. Yes, there are exceptions, but those are (and should be) rare.  

A more apt analogy to OTC, would be that you asked you asked your tax lawyer to do some calculations or prepare paperwork for free. Or, that you asked your builder to do a free addition to your bedroom.  

If they truly enjoyed the work, and had nothing better to do.... would they say yes? Of course not.  

I do like most of my clients. I feel that I learn from them, and truly enjoy their company to a greater or lesser extent. However, business is business. Most of my income comes from dates 2+ hours, including dinner dates, and extravaganzas including vacations, plays, concerts, and museum trips. I love it!! But I wouldn't do it for free. It's *how I pay my bills* and were I not hanging out w/them, giving them a great experience/memory, I could be doing something else... schoolwork, work work, family time, exercise, my own travel. Plus, it's not like I can't do any of those things myself, if I so choose... and, I'd be under less constraints on my own time (or with a companion of my own choosing from my personal life) than if I were with a client... paid OR unpaid. (Even unpaid, some sense of obligation still exists and I can't really be "myself")

As a provider I actually enjoy having in our with my regular friends. It strengthens the connection and keeps it from feeling like quid pro quo.  Then again I prefer arrangements and I'm very selective in whom I see because I actually enjoy diending te with great people .

And I hate my lawyer as a person and wouldn't want to spend a minute with him outside our professional relationship.

But of course I know what you're saying with this example, and I think the answer is that it's a bit more organic to spend a little extra time with someone you fuck, as compared to someone who's fucking you over lol.

I need to review her. I'm visiting  a city that I lived in for many years and needed to see a doctor for a check up on an injury. So I make an appointment with my old doctor. She was my doctor from 1987 till 2004. We had a great friendly relationship.  

So, aside from needing some medical treatment, I was excited to see my old friend. I showed up 10 minutes early, filled out the paperwork like a new patient and was taken to the room to wait.  

After the required interrogation by the assistant, I was left alone for a couple of minutes,  when in walks a different East Indian doctor.  

I didn't have the guts to leave then. I did ask why I wasn't seeing my doctor. I was given the old story that she isn't here today.  

I ended up staying. The treatment wasn't near as pleasurable as the advertised doctor would have been but I did get mostly satisfied.  

So, what should I score the review?

I would never suggest, and very rarely have found them wanting to spend OTC time.

However, with others whom I have known for many years, we often end up being friends, and then do spend time OTC doing socializing either at our homes, or on a trip somewhere.

There is a lot of variation.

JakeFromStateFarm102 reads

More than I can count.  In some cases it was on the first date.  In others it was after a few dates.  As I said here recently, I enjoy the company of a bright, pretty lady at dinner and am happy to pay for her meal.  But I have never paid to watch her eat it.

... with a couple of exceptions.  I offer to treat my long-time ATF to breakfast before an early date, and occasionally lunch after a late morning date, since as she likes to say "I have to eat!"   Also I've offered to give her and a couple of other providers I see a lot a therapeutic massage if they need one--outside of a paid session.  

Otherwise I let providers tell me if they'd like to extend a session OTC. Often my ATF will do that if it's early in the day and she doesn't have to be someplace.  And several other providers have offered it.

Posted By: NoGreenBorderedEnvelope
Re: I don't suggest it...
... with a couple of exceptions.  I offer to treat my long-time ATF to breakfast before an early date, and occasionally lunch after a late morning date, since as she likes to say "I have to eat!"   .
Exactly that. I've worked this out with just 4 ladies over the years, once I was a regular with them. They know I'm a steady customer, and it was always in a case where there was great chemistry, and it was always entirely at their discretion. I'd try to schedule appointments so that it was late morning and we could have lunch, or late afternoon so we could have dinner. If something came up, especially if they suddenly had another appointment scheduled after we'd made lunch/dinner plans, the new appointment was (obviously) the priority. Otherwise, they "have to eat!" and I was thrilled to enjoy their company.

In one instance, a lady and I agreed to have OTC dinner before an evening appointment. Dinner ran waaay long, we had a great time and by the time we got to the hotel, she looked at me and said "I'll be late for my 10 pm :(". I pulled the car over, we made out like teenagers for a few moments, and I said, "Go. I'll come back in the morning." I offered, delicately to pay her then, but she told me "No. In the morning." Might be the sexiest thing a provider has ever said to me :).

In my view, this and other reciprocal fringe benefits is the value of being respectful, polite and a gentleman. I've never regretted approaching this world in that manner.

VOO-doo106 reads

A client wanted to take me to dinner, then to a show lasting 2.5 hours. Then book a 2-hour date.  

I have a package on my website that addresses that exact scenario. It is VERY attractively priced to factor in some social time (for 6-8 hours of time with me, a client has to pay slightly less than 3x my 1-hour rate). It's one of my most often-booked dates.  

First and foremost, I'm already booked the night requested (for a 6-8 hour date... LOL). However, even if I were available, I'd have still refused. When I spend time with clients socially, I'm giving up time I'd have possibly dedicated to work, studying, exercising, relaxing, time with family... things that are valuable to me. And instead, I'm devoting my limited time and energy to making him feel a certain way on his special night. I'm bending over backward to treat him a certain way, trying to make him feel a certain way, and *THAT IS A SERVICE.* I'm giving up MY time and life to make HIS night/fantasty great. *THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I DO FOR A LIVING*

When I was new, I was much more apt to get talked into OTC. I acquiesced for a variety of reasons: desire to convert a client to a regular or SD (keep him loyal), desire to get a good review (reviewers are notorious for expecting OTC and it DEFINITELY affects the score), desire to extend and confirm the good vibe of a session (again, to keep a client loyal). I enjoyed myself to some extent - with some clients more than others - however, I always ended up feeling put upon. Like, if a guy books 1 hour, it should be a short, quick date. It shouldn't turn into a whole evening. And if that happens on a regular basis, it becomes exhausting. Not only that, but it blurs lines. Clients generally don't view OTC as a one-time favor, or a single gesture of appreciation. They think we have a 'thing' and/or they expect the same treatment during every date. Or even worse, they assume that my special treatment is indicative of romantic feelings on my end.  

So, if a client suggests OTC, I'll politely refer him to my site to view packages that match his vision for our time together. If he goes elsewhere, then so be it. There are others, who are more than happy to compensate me generously for my time and services.  

This is my business, my livelihood. If a professional I hire treats me very well, I'll book more services, and be extra-generous to that person. I will NOT suggest that they ought to feel obligated to give me more services, for free or a discounted price. (And, if they choose to do so, I will tip them even more highly, and reward them accordingly with loyal business).  

If you really covet OTC... let *HER * offer. That way,  you can be sure you aren't presuming, and that she won't be feeling intimidated or resentful.

GaGambler133 reads

What you describe is asking for a 6-8 hour date for the price of 2 which is most definitely "taking advantage" as your client almost certainly expects you to be "on" during the entire times. That kind of OTC time is something I would never ask for.

but not all hookers have lives as full as yours, some women actually have free time on their hands and don't mind spending some of it with someone they like, even if said "someone" is also a client. I have had several girls ask me to book their last appointment of the night so they will be available to go out to dinner afterwards. It's easy to know that they really want to go out with you when you ask for a 7 PM date, and they suggest 9 PM so they won't have to worry about having another client get in the way of us having fun.

In my case I also have "hooker buddies" women I don't have sex with who are actually my "friends" and I hardly call time with them OTC time anymore than I would call hanging out with any of my friends OTC time, and then of course there are the providers who I actually end up "dating" in which case it also stops being OTC time, because the clock no longer exists.

You of course are in a much different situation than the providers I hang out with or date. You don't DATE your clients, you aren't FRIENDS with your clients, and you keep a strictly professional relationship with your clients, so any OTC time you spend is time you feel you should be paid for, so quite naturally you resent it. I respect that and I wouldn't enjoy spending so called OTC time with someone like you, because "try as you might" no one is a good enough actress to keep up the façade that she "wants to be there" for any extended period of time, and the last person I would want to spend my "leisure time" with is someone who quite obviously would prefer to be somewhere, anywhere else.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with your POV, I have been a "regular" of many providers where the service was great, but it was plain that it was just that, a "service" and I never even thought about asking them for "free time" That said, not all providers feel the same way you do. Of course I will concede a LOT of guys can't tell the difference so your advice that it be "HER" idea is sound.

I think this is probably the best response for demonstrating the reasons and variations for OTC
I also think there's a fine line between OTC and not being a clock watcher from an SP POV.

Posted By: GaGambler
Re: IMO, there are different kinds of OTC time
What you describe is asking for a 6-8 hour date for the price of 2  is most definitely "taking advantage" as your client almost certainly expects you to be "on" during the entire times. That kind of OTC time is something I would never ask for.  
 but not all hookers have lives as full as yours, some women actually have free time on their hands and don't mind spending some of it with someone they like, even if said "someone" is also a client. I have had several girls ask me to book their last appointment of the night so they will be available to go out to dinner afterwards. It's easy to know that they really want to go out with you when you ask for a 7 PM date, and they suggest 9 PM so they won't have to worry about having another client get in the way of us having fun.  
 In my case I also have "hooker buddies" women I don't have sex with who are actually my "friends" and I hardly call time with them OTC time anymore than I would call hanging out with any of my friends OTC time, and then of course there are the providers who I actually end up "dating" in which case it also stops being OTC time, because the clock no longer exists.  
 You of course are in a much different situation than the providers I hang out with or date. You don't DATE your clients, you aren't FRIENDS with your clients, and you keep a strictly professional relationship with your clients, so any OTC time you spend is time you feel you should be paid for, so quite naturally you resent it. I respect that and I wouldn't enjoy spending so called OTC time with someone like you, because "try as you might" no one is a good enough actress to keep up the façade that she "wants to be there" for any extended period of time, and the last person I would want to spend my "leisure time" with is someone who quite obviously would prefer to be somewhere, anywhere else.  
 There is absolutely nothing wrong with your POV, I have been a "regular" of many providers where the service was great, but it was plain that it was just that, a "service" and I never even thought about asking them for "free time" That said, not all providers feel the same way you do. Of course I will concede a LOT of guys can't tell the difference so your advice that it be "HER" idea is sound.

Maybe it's because I spend a good deal of time looking to spend time with women who seem really attractive to me as people as well as physically.  It doesn't happen every time but more often than not I'm asked to stay, or if I'm hosting then the lady stays on in no hurry to leave.  

It will be up to them to say if I'm a fun guy to spend time with, but I like to think I am.  That said, to answer your question there is one lady in particular who has become so remarkably special to me over several years that I invite her to stop by for a couple of hours and she stays all night.  But that's her doing and her idea . I never ask, and recommend never putting a woman in a position where she has to respond to a request for free time. That said, I have to be honest and say I have been accustomed to her staying with me and if she ever shortened her stays I'd totally understand and keep seeing her, but it would sadden me.  

And PS sometimes we just go to a dinner and come back with me to spend a PG night with me, but on those nights I still give her what I normally do to help her pay her bills and buy an occasional steak or two.  I guess we both just like giving each other what the other needs. Kind of makes life feel real good.

-- Modified on 6/14/2017 5:09:56 PM

Obviously what we're engaged in here is  business relationship and most of the time for me at least that's all it is.  But I think for a lot of us who have been doing this for quite some time, its all about the GFE.  The best of those for me has been where I develop a connection with the provider, usually as a result of OTC time.   It tends to build a level of trust and again for me has enhanced the  physical aspects of our time together.  There should never be any pressure involved  on the part of either participants and it should not be cross any lines as in thinking that a relationship is happening
( although OTC time can certainly lead to one).  

And yes, lines can sometimes be crossed and a relationship on some level develop with the more time spent together.  Again, I cannot stress enough that it is mutual, non-pressured and feels very natural; effortless almost, like you have known each other in some past life.  Has only happened to me once.  Intense to say the least!

When paying for a session, they wax poetic about the need for genuine chemistry and a transcendent experience as two bodies meld as one.  

 But if we grab a drink or share a bite as friends, they can’t wait to sew the OTC merit badge on the sash of their TER uniforms.

Posted By: rrasha88
But if we grab a drink or share a bite as friends, they can’t wait to sew the OTC merit badge on the sash of their TER uniforms.
Like stalking:

from ladies they see realize that it doesn't do the ladies they have seen any favors by talking about it publically? I've even seen it mentioned in reviews!!!   Honestly if a lady gives a guy OTC, it should be a private thing, not something bragged about in a review or on the boards IMO.

It's a good  way to end up on a lady's DNS list...well that and bragging on their dick size on the boards, lol.

Steph xoxo

-- Modified on 6/15/2017 6:03:44 AM

GaGambler279 reads

If you "out" her in public for the "special" treatment you got from her, you shouldn't expect to EVER get that special treatment again. An even worse example of this are the guys who BRAG about BBFS, they may "claim" it's a "warning" but we all know better.

The same thing goes for the guys who write in their review "she definitely not a clock watcher as our session went 45 minutes over"  I think that might be what you are talking about and for the record, I agree with you completely. Just what a girl needs is for EVERY guy thinking they can pay for an hour, but stay two.

Is bragging about DFKing the girl who just finished rimming her previous client.

I think the term is a camper and yes, as you and Steph have said, disclosure in reviews incites this behaviour  😔 - painful!

Posted By: GaGambler

 The same thing goes for the guys who write in their review "she definitely not a clock watcher as our session went 45 minutes over"  I think that might be what you are talking about and for the record, I agree with you completely. Just what a girl needs is for EVERY guy thinking they can pay for an hour, but stay two.

JakeFromStateFarm140 reads

I've said I've done OTC dinners with a good number of women and you know how to find my reviews, so give it a shot.  LOL.  I don't recommend you waste your time because:
1) I never put it in a review.
2) Many of the girls I've done it with I've not written a review for.
You would have better luck putting up a list of the girls I've reviewed and throwing darts at it.

GaGambler216 reads

and it wouldn't be a guess at all considering I was there too. lmao

Now if you want to include all the OTC meals, drinks, etc in Costa Rica, it would be a VERY long list indeed.  

Actually places like Costa Rica are where it's even easier to pick out the BSU's, only the most clueless newbies would ever consider paying a chica "for her time" spent running up his dinner/bar tab.

I still laugh at hookers/johns who have deluded themselves into believing they are paying/charging for "time and companionship" What a fucking crock. I am paying for NSA sex, if the girl wants to share a meal or drink with me that's great, but not while "the meter is running" lol

JakeFromStateFarm162 reads

Because, as I said above, while I fucked BOTH of our dining companions that night (and fucked each of them TWICE), I did not review either of them.  rofl.

GaGambler183 reads

and I sincerely hope you didn't fuck BOTH our dinner companions the night I am talking about, because I am not talking about THAT night in LV, I am talking about a night in NYC and only ONE of our dinner companions were female.  Not that I am judging of course. lol

BTW I had completely forgotten about that night, but I guess it did qualify as OTC time, but there were actually six of us there that night. Three guys (ok, one of them was a pussy who left in the middle of dinner) and three women, although for the life of me I can't remember the third woman's name.

JakeFromStateFarm130 reads

And, for the record, I fucked Pris after dinner that night even though I'd done a session earlier that day.  She's now married to porn star Lexington Steele.  Then I fucked her little friend who looked like a Polynesian porn star a couple of nights later.  Then I fucked both of them in SR's suite for my birthday.
And, yes, the other guy was a pussy.  Actually he still IS a pussy.  The other gal was an older one from FL who I wouldn't fuck with DA's dick.  

Junk-Yard-Dog87 reads

I heard  2 provider friends just invited you for a Greek double kink fuck. That must have made your day happy.

Junk-Yard-Dog122 reads

All you have is Hope,  which is not a sure thing either.


Junk-Yard-Dog83 reads

Exactly what is it that makes you think that I think I know who you are.
Paranoid much?

Junk-Yard-Dog112 reads

Cowards reply to something he does not have the guts to reply or is himself too stupid to reply to.
In your case it is no guts

-- Modified on 6/18/2017 10:05:02 PM

A hobbyist has named a girl that he got OTC time with.  Most here don't name the girl, so its anybody's guess who he' talking about.  I agree its bad form to name the girls.  

My joke about "doing both" of our dinner companions was about a dinner in NYC, not Las Vegas.  The night in NYC was with Jake, myself, a provider friend of ours and another GUY. (My girl had to work that night so we caught up to her later)

The joke was that if Jake had fucked BOTH of our dinner companions that night, one of them would have been a dude. lol


I do agree that it's horrible form to name a girl that has given you OTC time, or for that matter to name any woman who has given you "off the menu" services as well. It creates false expectations for her customers and usually ends up with her getting pressured to provide everybody those same services.

I once took a girl to a meth clinic OTC, but I guess I kind of paid for the meth via state income tax.

...but it does happen upon occasion.

I normally book extended appointments (2 hrs) and I also tend to repeat, so we can build a rapport. Once that rapport has been established, we tend to open up the playbook to a wider range of activities and these can not only take a bit more time but also leave us in an endorphin haze where telling the time becomes secondary.

One of these 2 hour appointments turned into a 5 hour episode (granted, there was a total of 2 hours or so where we were taking a rest break and talking). I was rather surprised when we finished up and saw how much time had elapsed! When I mentioned it to her, she said not to worry, she was into it and didn't really mind.

Of course, I make up for it with repeat appointments and bring her nice gifts, as well. I don't take it for granted and certainly don't have any expectation -- it's just a nice embellishment when it does occur.  

Now if I can just get that merit badge sown on my TER sash in time for summer camp...

souls_harbor91 reads

Relationships between men and women are always at risk of attachment developing.  Often one-sided. The more you want to hang out with someone specifically, the more you should probably avoid doing just that.  

The socially inept millennials here, but not for the grownups that know how to navigate various kinds of relationships with the opposite sex.  

I have no doubt that you probably fell in love with your first hooker, and later had a rude awakening when she had to explain to you it was just a fantasy relationship.  This has left you cynical, jaded and misogynistic about women in general, which is easy to see throughout your posting history here.  This is shown here by your characterization of a possible relationship as a "risk" while more mature individuals might call it a "benefit."

Yep, the only way we learn our lessons is the hard way, right?  Gotta singe your fingers on the stove before you learn the lesson.

It does take time and experience to form good judgment, and part of the learning curve can be painful -- but part of the learning curve can be quite delightful. Everyone must find that balance point for themselves.

....... which is not the norm, the "risk" of being hurt is something that can be gone through if it happens.  It doesn't mean that anger or rage needs to happen when things don't work. Moving on, going through the happy or painful emotions is just being an adult. And a lot of fun.

I'm not looking for a live in girlfriend but I also have some sort of relationship with the ladies that I see regularly. With some, it ends when I walk out the door till the next time I walk in. Perfect.
 With others, it is a much closer intimacy.  Perfect.

But, I'm a big boy and wear long pants and recognize that everything is just for today. I don't claim ownership of anything or anyone , other than my own stuff.  
It is all about relationships, just what those relationships entail has to be based in reality , honesty and detachment .  
And if it's not working in the way it has been, change it.

I also recognize that some people are not capable of this kind of living. Accepting what I am capable or not capable of is  most important.

It's great to have the kind of relationship with a provider where you can have a good time over dinner or drinks and you're close enough that she can sleep over if she has a few too many, but it's NOT the kind of close relationship where she can start moving some of her shit into your closet.

I thought part of the allure of hookers was " you were paying them to leave after an hour". You and they are anonymous. It's not an affair. It's business.

OTC is always up to the lady. Some ladies will hang with you for hours, while some ladies want you outta there right at the hour, shower included. One lady invited me to spend the night, while another lady kicked my ass out at he 35 minute mark of a 1 hour session, and I had done nothing wrong. That's what makes the hobby so entertaining, and beyond expectation. You absolutely never know what's going to occur. Sometimes you think you're a TER God, and sometimes the truth hurts.

In honesty, what guy, if he has the time, wouldn't enjoy OTC time with an escort he likes. Sometime  
it's a no rush session that runs a little over and your date lets you know it's ok. It can be mind numbing. Guys also have a clock ticking in their head and a provider that can turn it off or put it on snooze is a star.  

I've been lucky in many regards hobbying and the clock has very little to do with it. I've had a 6 year  arrangement with a reduced fee at her suggestion but an hour was an hour. 90 minutes, 90 minutes, and she wouldn't accept my invitation to dinner or a drink. Our together time was solely for fucking. 100x  

On the other hand, I've booked several multi hour dates over the past 3 years where the gal invited me to stay the night. Probably a half dozen times. I still have some game left but it's mostly because people like to talk to me and find themselves asking me why they're opening up to me because they just met me.  
I dont know, guess women like assholes lol
All but one of those sleepovers was on a first date, the other was on a second date just a few days after the first. All caught me by surprise because I expect NOTHING going in or cumming out of a date except
a smoking hottt time.  

I've also seen women repeatedly who have they're jeans on and are ready to bolt at the 60/90 minute mark. And that's all well and good because I manage my expectations and understand it's business first for most ladies.  

And while it's good business to keep your customers close, I'm not in a position to be anyone's SD. I have refined tastes from a more affluent time and share them graciously when in public either OTC or during an extended session. I really only have one rule(?) that my finances dictate and it's that i can't "afford" to pay a woman to sleep with me. I'd much prefer seeing a woman today and again the next day than pay a "reduced rate" to hear her snore lol.  

At the end of the day, escorts have their own reasons for how they handle OTC time. It's not a "genetosity"  
thing per se, but more of a what's in it for them thing
If they don't feel better after either you or they leave, it won't happen again. But you can still kiss the sky.  

Again, it's about expectations or lack thereof. Take each session as a gift when it rocks your world and you can forget there's a clock. It's like dancing in the rain. You just don't care. OTC or p4p. It's all good.

Both the sessions were fantastic. I had seen these ladies multiple times and the sexual energy was great.  
So, when they asked if I'd like to go out to eat after the sessions, I was happy to have the time with them.

The only thing was that we had nothing to talk about.  Those two times were some of the most uncomfortable dinner dates that I have been on.  

One of them, I never saw again. The other one and I discussed what happened and agreed that we fuck really well together and to keep our meetings BCD from then on.  

One lady is really a friend. When I'm in her city, I have a great session with her, then go for dinner or a strip club (not necessarily in that order). Then later in the week, we have dinner along with her two young grandchildren at an IHOP.  

Love the variety of p4p.

I had an overnight with a client on a weekday and left the next morning, but in all the action from the night (and my hurry to get to work the next morning from his hotel room a bit outside of the city) I left my work cell at his hotel room. Luckily he found it, but I had to come back to get it.  

So I got off work, went home and got dressed and then had to go all the way back out there to the casino he was staying in. He was eating at a restaurant, so I met him there and he invited me to join him for dinner. Got my phone and then I wanted to play in the casino a little bit, and he met some of his colleagues in the lobby, so we said our goodbyes and I went downstairs. But he called me about 45 mins later. I was still at the casino and we met up and played slots then got drinks again.  

That's probably the one and only time I've done anything OTC. I have a full time job and other things going on so I never offer OTC time because most of my day can be spoken for even when I feel I have "nothing to do". I also personally feel it's impact on encouraging future visits would be limited to a niche set of clients. Lots of thoughts that could be fleshed out here but I don't want to bore anyone with my full examination of client booking behaviors.  

While I do care for my clients, and sometimes exchange friendly notes or texts, I have no interest in combining my life as a provider with my personal life via OTC time.  
I don't down girls who do it, nor do I frown upon guys who ask about hanging out for dinner or drinks after a meet. I just don't offer it and say no to guys who ask. In my opinion, it blurs the lines far too much between being a client and something more.

Fuck dinner .... wanna meet for a drink?  

Just kidding. I completely understand your position.
I have an escort friend that enjoys my company with or without the sex. We'll go to a nice restaurant, hang out afterwards, talk for hours and when time permits she may sleep over my place. Too much food and wine and I'm probably better in the morning. Actually, not probably. Wine and boners don't mix.
The sex is good in the a.m and we may go out for breakfast if we don't gave other obligations. I give her $ for the morning. Its a break from the usual grind for her as she doesn't gave a BF. We keep in touch casually ... friends with benefit$ i guess. Our connection is sexually platonic. It was serendipitous.

In 15 years, it's the only time I've enjoyed an escort's company OTC like this. Really doesn't feel anything like traditional OTC or extra time. I've known both. Expectation ... not expecting it to happen again.

for something current and a little diffetent than what some might consider just getting free time. As some have mentioned, there can be friends and no sex here in HookerJohnVille. We do fuck TOO tho. lol

If you are providing a HOOKER experience then you are on the clock

if you are providing a girlfriend experience, how many gf tell their bf they are on the clock ....LOL

Just call yourself what you are a fucking hooker and stop with these PC words of girlfriend companion blah blah...  You are a hooker and on the clock just like a taxi and when the ride is over you leave .. fine we can respect that

Calling yourself anything else and being on a clock is word playing and a lie.  Don't bait guys with "girlfriend" and then do hooker shit.. ;)

-- Modified on 6/16/2017 4:56:11 PM

Did you give you kids coal for Christmas, holy shit!

Oh...you don't have any kids?  Just guess why not

If she accepts a food invitation from you, its likely she just lazy or don't know how to cook, than actually liking giving OTC

Most hookers don't want to end up like this:

Remember the old days when women actually knew how to cook ....lol

Was only an extension of a session because the lady wanted too.  There have been some girls over the years that I just connected with, or they thought I was cute and the one hour session turned into a two hour session. Not because I wanted it,  but because she wanted to keep going to pleasure herself.

When I was young (around 27 years old)  I was sleeping with this provider who was 35-37.  I really liked sleeping with her and she really liked sleeping with me, because I was so much younger. She called me once OTC for herself... directly not using the agency just for a romp. I've had providers hint that they wanted me to take them out in my boat, but I wouldn't dare take a provider to the lake where I may see friends who would ask who she was and me having to make up some shit.  

 Not once have I ever asked a provider for OTC time. I have never gone to dinner or an event OTC.

GaGambler104 reads

I don't mind at all being seen with a  hooker. None of my friends would dream of looking down on any hottie I might be with for being a hooker, and I most certainly wouldn't bother making up a cover story. If someone asks who she is, the simple answer is "a friend"  

Now if you were married I would understand, but since you are not married I have to ask, are you ashamed about seeing hookers? and if you are not ashamed of what you do, why do you care about what others think? If you let peer pressure dictate what you do, you are just as spineless as the white guy who is ashamed to bring his black GF around his white friends lest they think less of him for dating "one of them"

seeing you because she's older than you.  For me, I would PREFER that my friends see me out with a 30-something woman.  I'm late 50's.  It does my rep no harm.  OTOH, if I was out with a woman pushing 70, which would be the equivalent of what you're talking about, I, too, would be concerned about being recognized in public.

We are roughly the same age and I wouldn't be caught dead out on a date with a woman ten years younger than me, much less ten years older. lol

I am afraid I would have to kill her and all the witnesses to protect my reputation. lol

With a woman older than me, I was 29 and she was 32, but a smoking hot NY fashion model.  The older I get, it becomes more apparent that 32 is still a good age for the woman to be for me.  

I don't do this anymore because you get the clingy types who think that I am their gf and they expect free gf-like activities from me.  Maybe I did it with the wrong people, but I don't mind meeting up for drinks or dinner if we happen to both be free at the same time . I think this helps us get to know each other better.

ROGM98 reads

All of mine have been great. The girl I'm currently seeing has invited me to dinner with her and her son. It was a great time. She even invited me to go with her and her son to a nearby park recently just to be with her. July 4th she invited me to her local suburban Fireworks Show. Hell yeah I'm going with her. I love OTC time with her. Other than paying for dinner she doesn't want me to pay her for any OTC time I spend with her. She's Awesome!  

So you're a guy who just finished a 4 PM date with a lady you rather like. It's 6 PM now. It's safe to assume she might be hungry for dinner.  

If you don't ask her to join you OTC at an upscale restaurant, you're passing up an opportunity.  

Sure, unbeknownst to you, she might have a 7 o'clock date and maybe another one at 9 o'clock. That would ruin the plan. But suppose she had only the 9 o'clock – or no further dates at all that evening. She'd be faced with having to sup alone if she did't go with you. She knows you'll be picking up the restaurant tab.

No sensible lady will pass up your offer for an OTC dinner out if she has the time. Just be sure you're suggesting an upscale place.

VOO-doo91 reads

A lot of us have packages on our sites that address that exact scenario. Usually, they're attractively priced to take into account some social time. I do; so I find it quite rude when a client asks for dinner OTC. First of all, it isn't respectful toward my business or time. Second, it seems to indicate an underlying assumption that I have nothing else/better to do at any given time.

If you want to spend time enjoying a meal with an attractive woman, who treats you a certain way, and makes you feel a certain way... *THAT IS WHAT I DO FOR  LIVING.* It is a service; it is using time and energy I could be applying toward other activities that more directly benefit me, or are more meaningful to me.  

Even if the above were not true, maybe she just wants to be left alone, to decompress, read a book, text her friends go home, pick her nose, or just enjoy a meal w/o the pressure of maintaining eye contact and conversation.

So, there is some harm that can come from asking. Even if I've thoroughly enjoyed my session with you, it will cast you in the role of "that guy." I definitely won't be as happy to see you again, and would have a somewhat defensive attitude about my time going forward. I'd be sure to manufacture (and mention) some excuse beforehand, and would be hyper-aware of any cues on your end, that you might not be respectful of my time. In other words, I'll be less happy and comfortable with you as a client, and our relationship will not be as organic, relaxed, and mutually pleasurable as it may have otherwise been. Not that it's a huge deal, and subsequent good sessions might change the dynamic in your favor... but, at least w/me, it hurts more than it helps.

Let *her* offer, don't put her in an awkward position by implying that you'll expect her to join you. Or, maybe mention that you're grabbing dinner and see if she takes it from there. Otherwise, she might accept due to feeling pressured or obligated (especially since, I'm assuming you're a reviewer?) and/or just accepting because she feels like it's good PR or a way to gain a repeat client.

There are thousands of VERY valid reasons for a provider to say NO!!! to an OTC meal, many more reasons to say no than to say yes. Now that doesn't mean that you should NEVER ask, but as you just alluded, there is a right way and a wrong way to ask. Implying that you "expect it" is the absolute wrong way to ask. Mentioning you are about to grab a bite and gauging her response that can range from "Ok, I had a nice time, have a nice dinner, see you next time" to "Oh really, I would  love to join you" is the right way to do it.

ROGM97 reads

If she invites me to hang out with her after we play am I going to say No? She likes my company and I like hers. Heck yeah I'm going to hang out with her after we play.

I saw pornstar Holly Body a few years back.  After our session, she actually invited me to have dinner with her downstairs(OTC, I presume) in the hotel.  Unfortunately, I declined because I was paranoid that I might see someone that I know while having dinner.

Take it from someone who's spent hours hanging out with a few people OTC, missed out on other appointments during that time and didn't see them again for another 6 months.  The idea that spending OTC time with a client will gain their loyalty is ludicrous.  I only do it if I truly enjoy someone's company.

souls_harbor80 reads

That would be my suspicion.  If you're keeping busy, OTC is just an opportunity cost where you gamble away a paying gig for an uncertain future gig.  

If you aren't keeping busy, I think discounts would be more lucrative than OTC as a PR tactic.

There are skills necessary to make OTC time "pay off."  If you're not working it correctly, then its not going to pay, just like anything else you're not doing right.   I usually spend MORE paid time with the girls that I spend OTC time with, partly for appreciation of the potential sacrifice they made to spend time with me.  It may seem ludicrous to you, but for the ladies I see, they just keep doing it because it gets more business out of me.  If you're spending OTC time and they don't come back for six months, I agree you should stop until you figure out how to work it right.

VOO-doo117 reads

A lot of us do have paying regulars, who pay for extended dates on a regular basis w/o wanting or expecting any OTC. In that case, it's NOT good business strategy or a "tool."  

I'm traveling w/one such client later on this summer. Every time I've seen him, he pays for an overnight. The upcoming trip is for 4 days. I'm relaxed about time w/him (our overnights are not the strict 7pm-7am) but nothing to the extent that it's really even in the realm of significant OTC.

I will say that extended dates are very rare for agency girls, and that being available to clients on a somewhat less formal basis, whether that's OTC or via email/text, does make for a more loyal client. But I think it's a lot different for an independent, particularly a successful one, and especially a successful, busy one who does have clientele who regularly books longer dates.  

There's only so much time one has in a day... I spend a ton of time w/clients already, I really can't imagine giving away *more* time for free.  

Also, a lot of clients who ask for OTC will pay for extended dates if the OTC offer is refused. I met w/one such client yesterday. On our first 1-hour date, he asked to "grab dinner." I said that I was not able to do so. Next time, he booked a dinner date. Since then, I've seen him several times, all for 3+ hours. The client I wrote about above, who wanted to book 2 hours but get about 6? Guess what. We're doing a dinner date later on this week. On the other hand, if they go elsewhere... that's completely fine, too. I could use a night off.

I had a client ask for OTC time BEFORE our initial meeting. He wanted to treat me to a 'fancy dinner' and then start our 1 hr date after that. I howled! When I told him that would be at least a 3 hr appointment, he insisted that him paying for dinner should be enough and that lots of other providers go out with him OTC. Clearly, I declined his offer. But I was still incredibly polite despite his absurd request and childish remarks afterwards. But hey, you miss every shot you don't take right? I'm sure if he tries that with enough new providers someone will take the bait lol

about a dozen providers BEFORE the first time we had a session.  In almost every case, it was suggested by them so they could pick my brain on marketing strategies for their business, so there was really no expectation for either one of us that I would ever be a customer, but . . . . . . .  you go out to dinner with a very hot woman and over the course of dinner, you just start thinking you HAVE to have her in bed.  It was supposed to be a professional meeting only, my profession, not hers, and I just end up being weak.  I already know that about myself, so I always make sure I have enough money with me to pay for the session.  However, I have gotten some half price sessions as quid pro quo for my input about their business, but these were girls that I would have never seen at their regular rate of $1000+.  

I don't see the problem here being that dinner time is OTC, but rather you've never met this person before you sit down to have dinner with them which has the potential to be profoundly awkward. If this were a regular of yours that you generally liked, it shouldn't really be a problem.  

Personally, I'd never pay for someones time and also their dinner. There are plenty of civvies out there that will go out to dinner for free, so there's no real reason to pay for it.

VOO-doo98 reads

Will she be checking her phone the whole time? Will she be/act into you? Will she be flirtatious? Will she drink too much? Will she go upstairs with you afterwards? And if she does go upstairs with you, what kind of experience will you get?  

With (random) civvie hookups, those are unknowns (I'm assuming that you're referring to a NSA hookup, and not a relationship).  

If I'm dining with a client, it's because he wants to spend time with an attractive woman. Not only that, he wants me to flirt with him... and, he wants to be treated a certain way. During that time, I have to act completely captivated by him, and invested in his agenda. I talk to him about what he's interested in, I eat what he wants to eat, I stop eating when he is full, I get dessert (or not) depending on what he wants or doesn't. I stay as long (or as little) as he wants. I'm taking time out of my day and life to do that for him, so that his night can be great. I'm also traveling, most likely, which is time and $$-consuming. During the time I'm BS'ing with him, I'm not doing schoolwork, civvie work, relaxing, or spending time w/my family. *THAT IS A SERVICE*

I kind of get why a guy wouldn't pay someone to hang out w/him (if he already has an active social life). Personally, I wouldn't pay someone to have dinner with me, either!  WTF? But with us, dinner usually is part of a larger experience that requires some extended flirtation and shared epicurean indulgences as foreplay (or afterplay). It's not out of line for us to expect some sort of compensation for our time and efforts. Especially since most of us do discount for multi-hour sessions, so it's not like we're charging the same hourly rate as for s*x.

So yes, it *can* be a problem if a regular (or anybody else) asks for dinner OTC. Especially if we're booked afterwards, want to go home, are sleepy, etc.

>Will she

This is much less random than you're assuming. I can say for certain that I don't see girls who're glued to their phones. I typically turn mine off, and usually they're into the idea. It's novel for people my age to interact in real life. That said, yes, she may not be super into me, or the food. She may drink to much and she may come home with me (though I greatly prefer going to her place).  

The thing is, you can't under-sell the value of that genuine interaction. Your description of what your dinner offering quite frankly sounds profoundly boring, if a little unnecessarily controlled. I wouldn't feel right about bringing someone out to dinner and having them regulate what and how much they ate based on what they thought I wanted.

I get that your time is money (though probably much less than you think, but whatever), go back to my original post, I'm talking about a regular here not some rando. I would hope that someone that you'd see regularly would be someone you're at least in some way genuinely enjoying being around, nor would I hope that one of your regulars would expect you to be putting on a show 100% of the time that you were together.  

I certainly wouldn't spend a 3-hour date with the first tinderella that swiped right if I found them insufferable, you shouldn't either.

I don't mind paying a girl for sex, but I still have too much self respect to pay a girl "to be nice to me"

I don't pay a girl to go out with me and have to be "on" the entire time, nor would I want a dinner date who felt obligated to laugh at every dumb joke I tell, to smother me with platitudes or otherwise be pandering to me as a client.  I would probably pick a fight with such a woman just to see if I could get her to "drop character" lol

I do understand where VooDoo is coming from however and there are many men I suppose who want the "pretense" of seduction. There was some loser on the SD board talking about that very thing. Somehow he has convinced himself he is giving the professionals he sees a better time by making them "want it" by not hopping into bed with them until well into the second hour of a paid date.  

and great point about suffering through a three hour date with someone I found "insufferable" I will break off both paid and unpaid dates short if the girl either bores me to tears or it's plain she doesn't want to be there either. I do this all the time with POT SB's that I meet for dinner or drinks first. If I am "not feeling it" I am out of there.

VOO-doo98 reads

Sometimes, it's great to abandon our "normal" agenda, and have a fun night out... I did that last night. Still drunk LOL. (Not at all normal for me at 8AM EST)

However, it's *still* my job. That doesn't mean that I have to be fake (although, I might be more accommodating or "nicer" than what's "normal" for me).  

It's a job, but that doesn't necessarily mean we're "smothering [the guy] with platitudes" or that we're wanting to be elsewhere the entire time. Even if we have fun... well, now I have to delve back in to *board* platitudes, and say, Hey! Your plumber or teacher or bartender might like you, and his/her job, but that doesn't mean that he/she'd want to do it for free. Or should.  

If I had honestly felt "fake" the whole time, and like I was sacrificing myself, and NOT having fun... then my client wouldn't have had as much fun. The reason it was such a good night/morning was that we were BOTH into it.  

I still see it as  a service deserving of payment/appreciation.  

OK. SO. Now, while normally I'd have been working out this time of day, and then would start work on my civvie stuff, or maybe do some reading... guess what?? I'm going back to bed. I *might* have a date later on this AM (a regular who has a hectic schedule but is super-easygoing otherwise) and have two dates later on 2night. One client I've seen before. Cool, fun, totally worth looking forward to. The other one is new, but sounds really  nice. Still for me... lots of recovery, lots of driving, and also I have to go get my hair blown out >:-{ (Not my thing!!! THAT is boring, to sit in a chair and have someone yank at my hair for an hour. At least I already spent 2 hours at mani/pedi before my overnight, because I would NOT be happy to do it now) And I also have to book a hotel so I won't be driving late at night.  Money spent, and time *tomorrow* I won't be at home doing my thing. Etc. etc. WORK.


Then, tomorrow, someone else (the client I mentioned above) wants my company for a dinner date. Cool!!! However, I travel *back* to my hotel in NYC, to the CT suburbs where he's located... instead of resting (I kind of want to pass out now) I'll stay up late being w/him. Maybe book a hotel in his 'burbs so that I don't have to drive home after drinking. Dude, I just kinda wanna go home!!!! And get back to "my" thing and healthy lifestyle, etc. However, that does NOT preclude me from genuinely having fun w/clients. Sometimes, I'm tired when my friends want to go out, too... and I end up having a great time if I force myself to hang all night. STILL A JOB though.

I normally do not. If I am with a client and they over stay there visit I do not rush them out at all. I want them to be as comfortable as possible. There nay have been only one or two times I have went off the clock but it does not happen all the time.

with those very few exceptional men who are selflessly generous here time and time again. Especially those you have a deeper connection with. They would never expect nor ask for it either which is a beautiful thing. Of course there are always those few who think they are entitled for whatever reason which I will never understand personally.

1. With a Filipina girl I saw at the turn of the new year. She didn't offer any form of foreplay, only basic service, but it was an hour long session, so we used some fillers to try and make the hour stretch, but at least she was cooperative. We stayed in bed talking for about 30 mins OTC, all on our first and only encounter mind you. She said she did it because she just likes talking to people. Maybe she did it to secure a stronger client base with me in hopes that I would repeat, but I think she really did it because she was trying to compensate for not offering foreplay just so she could get a good review.

2. With a latina girl I saw about a month later. She looked older than her pictures had suggested, she insisted that the lights be kept off, and then on top of all that, she rushed the session and refused to go for a second round. The greatest irony in her case is that she offered about 30 mins OTC to an hour long session making it 90 mins total to compensate for rushing the session, which defeats the purpose of her rushing the session to begin with. Much like with the other girl, she also offered OTC on our first and only encounter, and her primary incentive for doing so was just to get a good review.

I think it's also worth mentioning a third encounter from the beginning of last year. When I arrived at her incall location, the girl at the door was totally different from the girl in the picture. When I called her out on it, she tried to change the subject by saying I can leave if I want to because she has someone else waiting on her, and then she tried to rush an hour long session. Although OTC was not offered in this case, she did give me back half my money as compensation for cutting the session short. I was totally surprised by this, I thought only asian women did that, but I left feeling totally satisfied, and I said that to say that the only reason I think she did that was the same incentive that the other two girls had for offering me OTC, which only further solidifies my point.

With that said, it has been my observation that OTC is only offered when the girl has an incentive for doing so. They're not going to do it just because they like you (although I'm not entirely ruling out that possibility). It's certainly not because of chemistry when chemistry is being faked half the time. They wouldn't feel compelled to offer OTC if they didn't rush the session in the first place. I specifically pay for the hour because I don't want to feel rushed, yet they're still trying to rush me, and to think that it's all out of greed. It defeats the purpose of the provider trying to wrap it up in 15-20 mins if she ends up staying longer than the hour she would have otherwise stayed for in the first place, (plus the time she spent doing it for free she could've been seeing someone else) and OTC isn't going to make me get amnesia because I'm still going to mention in the review that she tried to rush me anyway, so the smart business thing to do would be to just stay for the paid hour. But at least she's not trying to insult my intelligence by offering me a discount on our next encounter, that's just bullshit!

Besides that, the closest thing I've had to OTC is the small talk we had while getting dressed, but I don't suppose that counts as OTC, right?

No man will ever say no to OTC, but in order for OTC to be effective, YMMV would have to be a factor, which means that the client would have to build a rapport with his provider overtime. It should be done because of any form of mutual chemistry (real or perceived), and not out of guilt, or ulterior motive, and should ideally involve more after sex cuddling (maybe some light kissing and petting), and not just pillow talk, although I don't really expect any fullscale sex acts to take place OTC.

GaGambler116 reads

OTC time often just "happens" with no ulterior motives from either party.

I remember a Sunday appointment I booked with a Thai girl a few years ago. It was our first time meeting, it was only an hour and I most certainly did not make her cum twenty five times during that hour. The sex was good, the cuddle time "nice" and we got along pretty good. All in all a very "nice" session.

When I was getting dressed to be on my way she casually asked where I was headed, Semi jokingly I told her I was headed to the Thai Market to buy some fresh seafood, to which she immediately responded "Can you take me? Please please"  She wasn't in love with me, she wasn't trying to make up for anything she did wrong, she just genuinely wanted to go to the market with me. That began a "friendship" that lasted about two years. For the first year or so I would pay her for a one hour "session" and then we would go out for the evening OTC. She worked for an agency who booked her appointments for her, so I would always book through them, she would always tell me what time to book to ensure I was her last appointment for the day so she would be free to go out with me after the session.  We were never "in love" nor was she spending 4-6 hours with me each time to get me to pay her for an hour, we just enjoyed each others company. Nothing more and nothing less.

I really don't see why people have to make this so fucking complicated.

most of my experiences.  You arrive as a customer, but it morphs into something else and they just want to enjoy your company.  I most often book two hours with these regular girls, and then they give me the rest of the day to go out and do some fun things.  Often, if they are agency girls, we plan it in advance.  She may see a couple of customers, and then take the rest of the day off, we go out for awhile, then end up at her residence (not the incall) where I will have MY session.  I always offer a donation for two hours, but many times if we had fun outside, they refuse it.  This is not to be confused with a girl that becomes a real life girlfriend, which is a completely different dynamic.  These are just my regulars that I see two to four times a month each.

about not getting OTC confused with a real girlfriend. That's where the trouble starts, and quite too often guys confuse OTC with an offer for civvie dating, and then the girls just don't want to be bothered after that. OTC is only for someone with a mature level of understanding of what's actually being offered here, and as a rule it's best to act on the assumption that OTC is nothing more than just that.

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