TER General Board

A couple of different ways to handle it.
SirPrize 2283 reads

If you are really legit, since you know that you booked her for 2 hours and paid her accordingly, you will forget the offer of a free hour and suggest she keep it as a tip.

Another way to handle it is to book and pay her for an hour, don't expect any extra time, but chances are she will be more than willing to stay longer without mention of it.

You can also split the difference, ask if it is OK to book 90 minutes but only pay for an hour. Chances are you'll get extra time on top of that.

The best solution is to tell her that you appreciate the offer, but don't feel right accepting it. Book her for two hours and pay her for it the second she walks in the door saying it is to avoid any confusion. I have a feeling you will be more than pleased with this solution.

Sounds like you have found a keeper.

Recently I set a 2 hour session with a provider .. we did the usually back and forth email and phone calls. The date and time were finally set.

She arrived right on time and looked incredible ...I slowly proceeded to make the room dark and started to light a dozen or so candles which I had placed in my hotel room .... then I turned on some good music which I knew she would already enjoy ... she settled on the couch and I poured us both a glass of wine... We began to chat ... touch ... fondle ... and kiss...

finally making it to the bed where we both enjoyed each other .. so much that the bed was totally soaked. A little more small talk then it was time for rounds two followed by three and then four .... anyways when it finally ended we were both drainied and it was time for her to go

I paid her for a 2 hour session and walked her to the door and aske if I could walk her to her car and she said that was not necessary ... we then kissed one last time.

I looked at the clock and she had stayed 2 1/4 hours.  

The next morning there was a message on my phone from her .. saying what an incerdible time she had had and that I had paid her too much.  She said that I paid her for a 2 hour session and that she had only booked me for a 1 hour session and that she owed me an hour.

She asked when I would be in town again so she could make her debt good ....I called her and we talked ... she knows she stayed over 2 hours yet she still feels she owes me an hour ...

so did she feel that the wine, and conversation on the couch was not included in her time with me ... or was she just enjoying herself so much that the amount of time didn't matter.. We would have gone out for a dessert after the session but she needed to get home because of early family plans the next morning...

So what kind of  signals if any should I be reading here ... And when I see her again do I get a 2 hour session pay her for one and my freebie or pay her for two? and forget her debt ... your input please...

-- Modified on 8/5/2004 1:46:55 PM

-- Modified on 8/5/2004 1:49:18 PM

1)Consider yourself lucky that you got a real winner here!
2)Call her up to schedule another visit right away
3)Tell her how much you enjoyed her company, and that she owes you nothing
4)Make your next donation for an hour, let her take the lead as to the length of the session
5)Leave her a nice tip, depending on your level of satisfaction
6)Don't read anything else into it, at least not yet.

Go for it, dude!

While she may feel she owes you because she had you booked for 1 hour, she did provide you with more than 2 hours of her time. With a provider, you are paying for her time and companionship. You booked 2 hours, you got more than 2 hour (of quality time, no less). She doesn't owe you anything. You can take advantage of her kindness by accepting the freebie. But I believe you should really be a gentleman at all times with a lady. If you want to be gentlemanly, you will suggest to her that you got all of the experience that you paid for. If the session was as good as you describe, it seems like you should have another session with her, but pay for it in full. Always treat your ladies with the greatest respect. Being a true gentleman demonstrates that respect.

If you had as good a time as I think you did there's no doubt I'd book her for two and pay her for two PLUS a tip.

xxxmodel2758 reads

From my point of view I think you should be honest! Pay her for the two hours the next time and I don't think she owes you, You are paying her for her time remember?...From the sounds of it you had a GREAT time! "Four Rounds" in 2 hours...and she stayed 2 & 1/4 hrs. She deserves a tip and or  great review IMHO.

Sounds as if she may have just enjoyed your time so much... she did not care about the clock and stayed on "her time".  I doubt the small talk had anything to do with it.

If this is the case, thank her - but do not expect such wonderful treatment in the future.  It may not work with her schedule or desires.

: )

SirPrize2284 reads

If you are really legit, since you know that you booked her for 2 hours and paid her accordingly, you will forget the offer of a free hour and suggest she keep it as a tip.

Another way to handle it is to book and pay her for an hour, don't expect any extra time, but chances are she will be more than willing to stay longer without mention of it.

You can also split the difference, ask if it is OK to book 90 minutes but only pay for an hour. Chances are you'll get extra time on top of that.

The best solution is to tell her that you appreciate the offer, but don't feel right accepting it. Book her for two hours and pay her for it the second she walks in the door saying it is to avoid any confusion. I have a feeling you will be more than pleased with this solution.

Sounds like you have found a keeper.

Sounds like you were pretty lucky, next time you see her pay her for the full two hours and add a tip. Show her that you can be as thoughtful as her.

Great Scott, man!  The type of lady you describe is probably among the rarest of all stars in the provider universe!  A lady who isn't worried about the clock, who comes across as if she wants to behave more like your friend and lover is -- well, it's about as rare as hitting the lotto jackpot.  As a matter of fact I just did a post to the New York Board about a lady (my all-time ATF of all ATFs) who did the OPPOSITE of what most providers do, and wound up doing exceptionally well.  It might give you some insight into this lady's approach with you.  If you have a lady like that, and it sounds like you do, jeez you are one lucky dog.  My uber-ATF is in L.A. and I only see her a few times a year these days.  A few cautionary notes:

Ladies like these can play at a level much, much more sophisticated than the approaches typically talked about on this board.  If your lady is one like I describe in my NY board post, hang on to your heart -- and your wallet.  She may be playing in the MFL (major f*cking leagues). Keep in mind the escort/client relationship parameters.  Don't get TOO star-struck. Book her for two hours next time, and pay her for that.  Companionship at this level does come at a price.  Obviously, you impressed this woman that you can ante up.  Be sure to play with your big head, but have fun all the same.  

-- Modified on 8/5/2004 5:57:40 PM

Gothicman2279 reads

I sometime deal with one who I have to shove money at to pay her properly for her time.  I don't understand her mindset but she has always been sincere about how she felt.

I have met one provider like this.  She has left and I haven't found anyone like her.  

You are lucky.  Next time I would book her for two hours and pay for the full time.

she has to buy dessert when we go out to dinner ... cheese cake smotherd in cherries........

They're allowed to like you, you know. I think Michelle can explain it better than I.

I will say this much, however: don't buy into the the hardcore ho attitude which unfortunately permeates, LA, LV and in general TBD. I have found my forays outside of these locales to be quite refreshing and illuminating.

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