TER General Board

a bit confused and curious - never mind
joecarter 910 reads

so, what is your ideal size (length and girth) and what is the minimum to make the cut?

also, have you told clients to not come back due to their shortcomings?

Never mind - it seems clear on your web-site.  Fascinating, I have never seen those requirements before.  Does girth make a difference in your size limit?

-- Modified on 3/1/2015 2:09:04 PM

So this will be a two question thread:

1) Guys, at what age did you first start seeing escorts?

2) Ladies, do you have any age limits and what is your reasoning for it?  Guys what do you think of this?

My answers:
I think I was 23-24 the first time I hired a lady to fuck. She was 27-29 and cheap, I was a broke kid lol. Found her on CL when that was still a thing before they shut it down and everyone moved to BP. When we met at her door the first thing she asked was my age, and said "oh you're a baby..." then proceeded to sit on my cock and ride it for 2 minutes until I finished lol. I think I gave her $100 and the whole thing took like 20min. I never had any skill at picking up women and still don't, but had a few in college because it was just so easy that even I could do it :-)

I'm now 27. Since that first time I saw a handful more ladies from BP (in between dating IRL ladies) before inevitably having a bad experience, which caused me to find out about the review boards. Last year I found a well reviewed lady who is smokin hot and does a great job, I'm now a regular of hers. I now have a pretty good job in the IT field and so can afford her, although not as often as I'd like, but really how many of us can afford these ladies as often as we would like? She's 32 which is perfect. Right now, the sweet spot for me is 30-40, although I'd love to fuck a mid 40s lady who looks 10yrs younger.

Now, on to the other topic in this thread which hits a nerve with me: Escorts with minimum age limits. I take offense to that. In fact, over the past couple of years I have seen a few ladies who specify 30-35+ age limits. People often tell me that I look/act older than I am, and are surprised when I tell them my actual age. I guess it must be true, because some of those ladies didn't even ask my age. For those who did I magically became older for the next hour...lol. And guess what, all of them wanted to see me again. I suppose it probably helps that I treat escorts like any other lady I'm on a real date with, and always tip them for a good time. I sort of wanted to then reveal the lie and see if it changed their opinions, but of course didn't since that could also cause trouble.

have an age limit now 38 and older I really prefer 40 and older.
I used to not have an age limit I would see a gent as long as he was 21 and older.
I have had some great experiences with guys in their 20s but I find that most of the time when contacted by a guy in his 20s and early 30s an appt does not materialize.
I know not all gents are the same but there is too many who play games and I find that I enjoy the company of older gents.
Just my .02

Take the road less traveled and move on to the next!

Posted By: J0e_Fella
Take the road less traveled and move on to the next!

-- Modified on 3/1/2015 6:23:06 AM

I just read an ad a few weeks ago and she only wants them big..was actually surprised and disapointed i didn't measure up.

But it is their choice who they see or don't see,money or not its their body and their decision,just move onto another

And you'll lie in order to circumvent those ladies' restrictions? That's pretty slimy, dude.  

Personally? I have an age minimum AND an age maximum when it comes to who I'll see. It's my prerogative to make that decision for myself, and only crybabies take issue with it.

bonordonor1061 reads

Well, maybe just a little!!!

-- Modified on 3/1/2015 7:11:44 AM

GaGambler895 reads

but I did notice you raised your maximum age:)

You didn't need to do that on my behalf, although I am now over 55, I more than make up for it in immaturity. lol

Truthfully, I think providers have every right to stipulate just who they will and will not see. This is not a restaurant where you have the obligation to serve everyone who walks in the door. This is still sex, and who are we to say that you have to fuck guys that you don't want to. Having to fuck guys that you don't want to have sex with is also called RAPE in other circles, and I have no desire to either be, or even feel like a rapist, and having sex with someone who clearly doesn't want to be there gives me that lousy feeling of being one small step removed from being an actual rapist.

I figured since I officially moved up an age bracket myself, it was only fair to raise the cap. :D

In any event, "rapey" was the first adjective that comes to mind when I think of sex obtained by means of deception. There would probably be more out there willing to hook up with dudes under 30 if guys like the OP didn't give them a bad name by acting like a manipulative douche. There's something especially creepy about dudes who have to lie to get laid. Gross.  

Posted By: GaGambler
but I did notice you raised your maximum age:)  

You didn't need to do that on my behalf, although I am now over 55, I more than make up for it in immaturity. lol

Truthfully, I think providers have every right to stipulate just who they will and will not see. This is not a restaurant where you have the obligation to serve everyone who walks in the door. This is still sex, and who are we to say that you have to fuck guys that you don't want to. Having to fuck guys that you don't want to have sex with is also called RAPE in other circles, and I have no desire to either be, or even feel like a rapist, and having sex with someone who clearly doesn't want to be there gives me that lousy feeling of being one small step removed from being an actual rapist.

GaGambler969 reads

You know he has crossed several lines that should not be crossed.

and it's one thing to "lie to get laid", another to "pay to get laid", but quite another to "lie to pay to get laid". lol

Posted By: GaGambler
You know he has crossed several lines that should not be crossed.

and it's one thing to "lie to get laid", another to "pay to get laid", but quite another to "lie to pay to get laid". lol

THANK YOU. This is why we're bros.

GaGambler886 reads

and here I thought it was because I am an asshole and you are a little bit "cunty" lmao.

and come on, you can fess up and admit that you raised your maximum age limit to still "give me a shot", right? lol

Posted By: GaGambler
and here I thought it was because I am an asshole and you are a little bit "cunty" lmao.

and come on, you can fess up and admit that you raised your maximum age limit to still "give me a shot", right? lol

No because I'm over 25 now, so by your standards in officially old.

GaGambler947 reads

You have just barely reached "middle age" by my standards. You have to be at least 30 to be considered OLD by the likes of me.

Doesn't that just make your day? lol

I'd better sign up for that AARP membership asap.

GaGambler831 reads

too funny, I have a current "friend" who is an ex GF and not surprisingly an ex hooker.

I've known her since just a few weeks after she turned 18, and now she too is 26. Several years ago when she was about to turn 21 I told her I would take her to Vegas for her birthday, but then I would have to dump her for being "too old"

Last year I got to make fun of her for being old enough to rent a car in her own name, but this year as she was turning 26 just like you, I couldn't think of a thing to tease her about. I guess I will have to wait until she is 30, so I guess I will skip the old broad cracks with you until then as well lol

BTW they start sending out AARP invitations at about age 46 or so, I still remember the first one I got in the mail, I was so fucking pissed, Now I guess Medicare is my next milestone. Fuck, it sucks getting old, but it does beat the alternative

I sort of expected to get flamed for that but wanted to have the discussion anyway.  My point was that I was sure that I was not the type of guy those ladies were trying to exclude, and I must have been correct because they all wanted to see me again.

What offends me is that if I am showered and ready on time, treat the lady respectfully, give her the correct amount, and tip for good service, why should I be excluded just because of some number.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
And you'll lie in order to circumvent those ladies' restrictions? That's pretty slimy, dude.  
 Personally? I have an age minimum AND an age maximum when it comes to who I'll see. It's my prerogative to make that decision for myself, and only crybabies take issue with it.

serve the clients thy choose to serve.  All lawyers do take take all kinds of cases from all kinds of people.  Same for physicians, dentists, accountants, etc.

Most providers and people for that matter, like to associate with HONEST people.  You obviously do not fit that characteristic.  Stay on BP where you troll.

I'll tell you one thing, you are EXACTLY the type of guy I'd want to exclude.  

It's actually amazing to me that you keep insisting that you treat ladies "respectfully." There's nothing more blatantly disrespectful than disregarding someone's personal boundaries and falsely representing yourself so that you can circumvent those restrictions. That's not only disrespectful, it's downright creepy. And the fact that you not only admit it, but refuse to acknowledge that it's wrong has just solidified why so many ladies have an age minimum. Hell, I'm thinking of raising mine after reading that.  

Just because you shower regularly, behave in a "respectful" (according to you) manner, and have access to discretionary funds does NOT mean that you're entitled to fuck any hooker you want. You don't get brownie points for basic hygiene or treating people decently (that's just called Being A Civilized Human 101). The fact that you meet basic standards is irrelevant, since everyone has a right to set their own boundaries.

Let's say I were to use your logic. If some guy were to peruse my ads and think to himself "nah, I'm not a big fan of short/blonde/young/whatever girls," would I have any right to say "but wahhhhh I have a vagina, and I cost the same as a bunch of the tall/brunette/mature/whatever girls, so why should I be excluded???" The answer is no, I would have no right.  

It doesn't matter why she says no, all that matters is that she says no. If you're going to defraud someone because you feel as though you're entitled to ignore their stated boundaries, that makes you creepy. Straight up.  

Posted By: martys47
I sort of expected to get flamed for that but wanted to have the discussion anyway.  My point was that I was sure that I was not the type of guy those ladies were trying to exclude, and I must have been correct because they all wanted to see me again.  
 What offends me is that if I am showered and ready on time, treat the lady respectfully, give her the correct amount, and tip for good service, why should I be excluded just because of some number.  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
And you'll lie in order to circumvent those ladies' restrictions? That's pretty slimy, dude.    
  Personally? I have an age minimum AND an age maximum when it comes to who I'll see. It's my prerogative to make that decision for myself, and only crybabies take issue with it.

Posted By: martys47
I sort of expected to get flamed for that but wanted to have the discussion anyway.  My point was that I was sure that I was not the type of guy those ladies were trying to exclude, and I must have been correct because they all wanted to see me again.  
Really? You're sure they ALL wanted to see you again?  You know this for a fact from having actually successfully attempted to meet with each one of them again?
If that really is true, you must be one helluva guy. Or these ladies had age minimums for the reason you suspect: maturity level.  And you came across as mature enough for her.  

I question the veracity of this statement only because there are times when, at the end of a session, where a gentleman asks if he can see me again that.... I LIE.   Shocking, right???  I really hope you were sitting down for that one, cuz I'm sure it never occurred to you that we might not be completely honest and forthcoming.  And why would I lie?  I mean, there I am: naked or nearly-so, in close proximity to someone who may be (much) stronger/bigger/taller than myself with no weapon close-to-hand and I would even consider NOT baldly telling him, "I'm sorry, but no I won't see you again. Thanks. Buh-bye now. Buh-bye!"  WHAT am I thinking?? How terrible of me to get his hopes up when I have no intention of seeing him again.  {In case you missed it, all but the first sentence of the preceding paragraph were DRIPPING with sarcasm.}

Posted By: martys47
What offends me is that if I am showered and ready on time, treat the lady respectfully, give her the correct amount, and tip for good service, why should I be excluded just because of some number.  
Perhaps because she just doesn't want to be intimate with someone your age.  Period.  And she has that right.  Ageism?  Maybe.  You clearly seem to think so.  But it might be more than that.  Try asking, rather than assuming.    

We all know what happens when one assumes: you make an "ass" out of "u" and "me".   And I can make an ass of myself just fine on  my own, thank you.   LMAO

Yep the OP is whiner and he is going to "take offense" to this post too.  

He needs to realize that in anything, a person has the right to make choices that suit them. In this business, it is all the more important that a hooker and a john feel comfortable.  

A perfect example happened a few weeks ago with a child who contacted me IGNORING my age boundary and trying ever so hard to convince me of his maturity and when I still refused to see him, he pitched a fit belying a cranky 4 year old. All I said in my last email to this brat was, and you just confirmed why I have that age limit.

-- Modified on 3/1/2015 2:03:04 PM

TaylorSteele1240 reads

At times I advertise  I will only entertain gents under 40. Other times I advertise I will only entertain gents over 40. I am personally right in the middle, so for me, there's no science to it except for who I feel like seeing at any given time. I like guys of all ages, but the different age differentiation usually brings a different date dynamic...in my experience anyway. Just depends what I'm in the mood for personally at that point in time.  

One week I could see a wonderful 65yo on a lovely extended date of extreme sensual play, conversation and dinner.
The next week I could see a 22yo stud on a 90min sucking face fuckfest.  

Both work for me the same...if..and a big if...you pass word one of course ;)

T xx

And yes, you can do it lol

I did forget to add...for the gents who are close to my age right in the middle with me? That's usually a different dynamic altogether...and yes, that was alot "d's" up there lol

-- Modified on 3/1/2015 5:05:30 AM

Zangari1042 reads

take on the reasons providers set a client "age-limit" (usually excluding younger men):  

 1.  The most obvious: an older guy tends to have more discretionary income.  Once I paid off the mortgage & put away some money for my son's education, I had lots of cash to throw around.  Hello ATF, hello SBs.  Providers typically like regulars--they want a client they can see on a regular basis.  

 2.   Older men tend to be less possessive.   An older guy is more likely to be married, settled, and not on the lookout for a potential girlfriend.  Note to clients who want to "date" providers--her bf is better looking than you.  

 3.  An older guy is usually more mature and even-tempered.  I was certainly more even-tempered at 50 than I was at 25.    

 I'm generalizing about all 3 items above & apologize to my younger brothers on the board.  --z

You make interesting points, but at 27 I feel like I fall into the "older" category on each one.

1) As mentioned in the OP, I have now become a regular of one lady.  Where does the cash come from?  Pretty good job in the IT field, no kids/SO, cheap apartment, car paid off, and the fact the I am an expert bargain hunter and am extremely cheap in every aspect of life, except "entertainment" lol.

2) I actually am on the lookout for a GF, still looking for my dream woman to marry, but I know damn well she's not going to be an escort.

3) Also mentioned in the OP, people always say I act older than I am.  I agree for the most part, although I do have my moments lol.

Posted By: Zangari
  My take on the reasons providers set a client "age-limit" (usually excluding younger men):    
  1.  The most obvious: an older guy tends to have more discretionary income.  Once I paid off the mortgage & put away some money for my son's education, I had lots of cash to throw around.  Hello ATF, hello SBs.  Providers typically like regulars--they want a client they can see on a regular basis.    
  2.   Older men tend to be less possessive.   An older guy is more likely to be married, settled, and not on the lookout for a potential girlfriend.  Note to clients who want to "date" providers--her bf is better looking than you.  
  3.  An older guy is usually more mature and even-tempered.  I was certainly more even-tempered at 50 than I was at 25.    
  I'm generalizing about all 3 items above & apologize to my younger brothers on the board.  --z      

Every person in this hobby, lady and gentleman alike, has a set of guidelines, or rules that they've rightfully established for themselves. All our rules are based on our past negative experiences here, and give us a sense of comfort, and happiness. The longer we've been here, the more rules it takes for us to be comfortable. The simple truth is, if your rules don't match those of a lady, or vice versa, then you move on gracefully. And therein lies the irony. One would think, based on the nature of the website, that any lady here is a sure thing. Nothing could be further from the truth.

First time was around 28.  I got a mediocre massage, a pretty good CBJ, and then ran through a few positions with a Thai girl who was definitely younger than me at an multi-girl incall in Amsterdam. I wanted to do it legally the first time and planned a trip with a buddy chiefly for the opportunity to do this.  

Re : age limits, I'm now in my 40s so it's kind of awesome. I pretty much meet everyone's age limits both directions.  So I may be biased here, but I feel like age limits are fine. Same with race, never doing outcall, limits on activities, whatever.  

I mean, I recently used advanced search to try to find a red-haired caucasian girl between 25-30. Earlier, I was looking for a very young Asian girl, and hooking up with both someone significantly older than me is on my mental list too.  If we get to have preferences, so do gals.  

Since this is so personal and intimate, both people get to decide their desires and limits. Yeah, you're paying, but that doesn't mean she can't refuse, you know

That's too bad Ms. Carolina, because I just looked at your pictures, and I would love to have sex with you :-)
Love me some MILF

Posted By: Sexy Carolina

Posted By: martys47

 Love me some MILF  
Yes... that statement amply demonstrates your vast maturity.  :rolleyes:

nom_de_plume1039 reads

... I don't want to have sex with a woman my daughter's age... or anywhere close to it.  Thus I prefer more mature providers.

Age, race, weight lol..doesn't matter. As long as he is a gentleman, I'm happy. Those come in all shapes and sizes.
That being said, when I was new at this gig, I had a couple guys hire me for the purpose of breaking their virginity, lol! (They were like 18 and 21, so I didn't commit statuary rape, just to clarify lol). But he wasn't quick and easy like the OP....maybe due to jacking off frequently lol.
Although, I will confess that I'm more comfortable with gentlemen around my own age and up.

Katie you are a wonderful woman, I wish more escorts were like you.  And gorgeous, I just checked out your site :-)
And bookmarked it.  If I ever get a chance to travel to the west coast you can bet I will planning ahead an extended date.

I can relate to those guys you mentioned, I didn't get mine broken until 21 either, and it's a good thing it happened then cause I couldn't take it much longer lol.  Had that not happened I could easily have been one of those guys.

Posted By: Katie_krush
Age, race, weight lol..doesn't matter. As long as he is a gentleman, I'm happy. Those come in all shapes and sizes.  
 That being said, when I was new at this gig, I had a couple guys hire me for the purpose of breaking their virginity, lol! (They were like 18 and 21, so I didn't commit statuary rape, just to clarify lol). But he wasn't quick and easy like the OP....maybe due to jacking off frequently lol.  
 Although, I will confess that I'm more comfortable with gentlemen around my own age and up.

You'll have better luck finding a leprechaun than a lady who is in her mid 40s who looks 10 years younger. Why not just go for a lady who is in her mid 30s?

Posted By: martys47
So this will be a two question thread:  
 1) Guys, at what age did you first start seeing escorts?  
 2) Ladies, do you have any age limits and what is your reasoning for it?  Guys what do you think of this?  
 My answers:  
 I think I was 23-24 the first time I hired a lady to fuck. She was 27-29 and cheap, I was a broke kid lol. Found her on CL when that was still a thing before they shut it down and everyone moved to BP. When we met at her door the first thing she asked was my age, and said "oh you're a baby..." then proceeded to sit on my cock and ride it for 2 minutes until I finished lol. I think I gave her $100 and the whole thing took like 20min. I never had any skill at picking up women and still don't, but had a few in college because it was just so easy that even I could do it :-)  
 I'm now 27. Since that first time I saw a handful more ladies from BP (in between dating IRL ladies) before inevitably having a bad experience, which caused me to find out about the review boards. Last year I found a well reviewed lady who is smokin hot and does a great job, I'm now a regular of hers. I now have a pretty good job in the IT field and so can afford her, although not as often as I'd like, but really how many of us can afford these ladies as often as we would like? She's 32 which is perfect. Right now, the sweet spot for me is 30-40, although I'd love to fuck a mid 40s lady who looks 10yrs younger.  
 Now, on to the other topic in this thread which hits a nerve with me: Escorts with minimum age limits. I take offense to that. In fact, over the past couple of years I have seen a few ladies who specify 30-35+ age limits. People often tell me that I look/act older than I am, and are surprised when I tell them my actual age. I guess it must be true, because some of those ladies didn't even ask my age. For those who did I magically became older for the next hour...lol. And guess what, all of them wanted to see me again. I suppose it probably helps that I treat escorts like any other lady I'm on a real date with, and always tip them for a good time. I sort of wanted to then reveal the lie and see if it changed their opinions, but of course didn't since that could also cause trouble.

They found the fountain of youth somewhere, but just aren't telling the rest of us!

one reason for preferring older men is less likely that the guy will have the physical capacity to fuck her raw for two hours and leave her sore for a day or two.  Isn't that just common sense, or am I ignorant?  (In addition to the factors mentioned above, like more mature, less possessive, more discretionary income, etc)

Sorry to say, you may be a bit naïve in that statement.  Not that the intent is to leave you sore, but just because we are older doesn't mean that we aren't physically capable of going the distance.

GaGambler975 reads

There are LOTS of old guys who are hard as a rock and can't cum even if they want to.

Although I am VERY immature, and I have zero use for ED meds, not even recreationally, now in my mid fifties I am much more likely to want to (and am capable of)  fuck for two hours straight than I was in my twenties.

Why the frig would I want to allow my body to get punished like that so that I am out of commission for future work? Does not make good business sense.

Nor will I see any guy who does that. It is more prevalent in that age bracket.

I started my hobby when I was 47, so it seems I was in the sweet spot.

As far as how I feel about a lady having age restrictions, it's her mind, body, soul and her business. If I don't fit within her parameters I can simply find someone else within who's I do fit.

One of the biggest lessons that I've learned in this life of mine, is that people do things for their own reasons and agenda and it's a complete waste of my time and energy to figure out why or try to change that. I have control over one person in this world, and I look at him in the mirror every day.

Take some advise from James Taylor "you can't please every one, so ya, ya gotta please yourself". If there is a barrier in your path, and you are powerless to move it, then walk around it. Don't waste your time and energy trying to figure out why it's there.

Hi A

... and performed by Ricky Nelson. It's titled Garden Party.

-- Modified on 3/1/2015 10:23:20 AM

89Springer743 reads

from James Taylor or Ricky Nelson is the day I have the doctors disconnect the tubes. ;)

I got a late start with escorts you might say. I was 80 years old. When I was in the Navy during the Korean War and before I was married I enjoyed numerous encounters with "Ladies of the Evening" I can honestly say that everyone who I meet in or out of the escort community tells me I  look younger. I prefer mature (chronologically and in attitude) ladies. I have been white-listed by all but 2 of the escorts I have seen, one retired soon after just a couple of meetings and the other should have retired 10 years ago.  

When I first contact an escort I'm upfront with my age and I haven't been turned down yet.
I would have no problem if the lady has minimum or maximum age requirements. It's just as much their choice as it is for clients. For those who are offended if an escort won't see them because of their age should intellectually grow up and move on.

80 when you started??? How old are you now?
Damn, now that is impressive sir.

I can only hope I am still able to give a lady a good banging at that age.

Posted By: cooper80
I got a late start with escorts you might say. I was 80 years old. When I was in the Navy during the Korean War and before I was married I enjoyed numerous encounters with "Ladies of the Evening" I can honestly say that everyone who I meet in or out of the escort community tells me I  look younger. I prefer mature (chronologically and in attitude) ladies. I have been white-listed by all but 2 of the escorts I have seen, one retired soon after just a couple of meetings and the other should have retired 10 years ago.  
 When I first contact an escort I'm upfront with my age and I haven't been turned down yet.  
 I would have no problem if the lady has minimum or maximum age requirements. It's just as much their choice as it is for clients. For those who are offended if an escort won't see them because of their age should intellectually grow up and move on.

I started this at age 40, nothing on a regular basis.  The last couple of years, I've opted to go this route because it was easier and to be honest, found it a lot more enjoyable than the traditional route.

As for age limits/restrictions.  I view it as it's her preference, just like any other preferences she might have.  If I don't fit the bill, I simply move on.

Part 1 - I don't like meeting with men young enough to be my son.  I moved the bar from 30 to 35 not long ago, mostly to avoid contact from men in their 20's.  I'll be 44 this month and no amount of pleading maturity makes it less creepy for me.

Part 2 - I prefer working with Large Equipment.  I've experienced enough cocks to know what doesn't register in a condom for me or are a complete turn off.  My enthusiasm for your equipment makes for a mutually wonderful experience.  
Before I get a lecture about how I'm eliminating potential clients - Yeah, I know.  I've had the size requirement for probably 10 years now.  I started it during my days on a casual sex site and moved it to my professional life.

joecarter911 reads

so, what is your ideal size (length and girth) and what is the minimum to make the cut?

also, have you told clients to not come back due to their shortcomings?

Never mind - it seems clear on your web-site.  Fascinating, I have never seen those requirements before.  Does girth make a difference in your size limit?

-- Modified on 3/1/2015 2:09:04 PM

Q1 - Please refer to my website.
Q2 - I've had to decline a second meeting on occasion. Who among us hasn't when the chemistry isn't there?

What do you consider large private assistant?

Posted By: martys47
So this will be a two question thread:  
 1) Guys, at what age did you first start seeing escorts?  
 2) Ladies, do you have any age limits and what is your reasoning for it?  Guys what do you think of this?  

They hate me for saying this. I don't know why.  


I was senior in HS and I swear she was more than twice my age.

Posted By: martys47
So this will be a two question thread:  
 1) Guys, at what age did you first start seeing escorts?  
 2) Ladies, do you have any age limits and what is your reasoning for it?  Guys what do you think of this?  
 My answers:  
 I think I was 23-24 the first time I hired a lady to fuck. She was 27-29 and cheap, I was a broke kid lol. Found her on CL when that was still a thing before they shut it down and everyone moved to BP. When we met at her door the first thing she asked was my age, and said "oh you're a baby..." then proceeded to sit on my cock and ride it for 2 minutes until I finished lol. I think I gave her $100 and the whole thing took like 20min. I never had any skill at picking up women and still don't, but had a few in college because it was just so easy that even I could do it :-)  
 I'm now 27. Since that first time I saw a handful more ladies from BP (in between dating IRL ladies) before inevitably having a bad experience, which caused me to find out about the review boards. Last year I found a well reviewed lady who is smokin hot and does a great job, I'm now a regular of hers. I now have a pretty good job in the IT field and so can afford her, although not as often as I'd like, but really how many of us can afford these ladies as often as we would like? She's 32 which is perfect. Right now, the sweet spot for me is 30-40, although I'd love to fuck a mid 40s lady who looks 10yrs younger.  
 Now, on to the other topic in this thread which hits a nerve with me: Escorts with minimum age limits. I take offense to that. In fact, over the past couple of years I have seen a few ladies who specify 30-35+ age limits. People often tell me that I look/act older than I am, and are surprised when I tell them my actual age. I guess it must be true, because some of those ladies didn't even ask my age. For those who did I magically became older for the next hour...lol. And guess what, all of them wanted to see me again. I suppose it probably helps that I treat escorts like any other lady I'm on a real date with, and always tip them for a good time. I sort of wanted to then reveal the lie and see if it changed their opinions, but of course didn't since that could also cause trouble.

HA, you sir are a true american hero.  I was not "street smart" enough yet at the time to even think about doing that.  In fact, I didn't go to HS prom because I didn't have a date.

Posted By: prepkid
They hate me for saying this. I don't know why.  
 I was senior in HS and I swear she was more than twice my age.  

Back from Asia so soon?

How's the trust fund going?

I will not see anyone that is younger than me so right now my age limit is 26. But even then I prefer someone over 30 but it isn't a dealbreaker. I will make exceptions as long as the email correspondence goes well.

When I first started in the business I would see anyone but with maturity (in this business and life) comes wisdom.
Personally, in my experience I have found that younger gentleman are often unsure of themselves,what they want and how to perform!
What I mean by these things is that more often than not the young ones can be very shy and also are very indecisive in what they want and what they like. Which usually makes the date very awkward and almost like I'm teaching a class and even then they couldn't figure it out with a map!
I find that they are more prone to cancelling, i don't know why but one can only guess that maybe they are just excited by the idea that they have an appointment, their minds change with the weather or that they don't have the funds needed when the day of  the appointment comes around. If an actual date does occur they are usually very inexperienced and either don't know what the hell they are doing or know exactly what they want and what they came for and that's all that they care about. Very inconsiderate to the lady that they are with. One time I had a young client book a 2 hour date and he wanted to go back to back to back and not only that he didn't know what he was doing and humped like a jackhammer, leaving me very tired and very sore afterwards!!

I just find that the older and more experienced gentleman make for a fun and sexy time!
They know how to please and woman and hold a conversation. I prefer offering GFE and enjoy what comes with that and I feel like younger inexperienced clients are looking to pump and dump!

Thank you for explaining your reasons.  Some other ladies have more or less said something similar, that they had bad experiences with guys of the younger generation.  And unfortunately, I can't say that surprises me at all.  I routinely wonder WTF is wrong with most of my generation, so I can totally see that happening.  The difference I see with you is your willingness to make exceptions based on pre-appointment conversation, which I appreciate.  I wish more ladies would do that.

I am definitely nothing like the guys you described.  I am always respectful and considerate to a lady.  I specifically look for GFE ladies, because any woman who knows what she's doing will make me cum in 5 minutes.  I just never could last any longer, but I love to kiss and cuddle before and after the main event.  Sex is great but it's just not the full experience without the before and after cuddling ;-)


Posted By: TinaStar4u
 I will not see anyone that is younger than me so right now my age limit is 26. But even then I prefer someone over 30 but it isn't a dealbreaker. I will make exceptions as long as the email correspondence goes well.  
 When I first started in the business I would see anyone but with maturity (in this business and life) comes wisdom.  
 Personally, in my experience I have found that younger gentleman are often unsure of themselves,what they want and how to perform!  
 What I mean by these things is that more often than not the young ones can be very shy and also are very indecisive in what they want and what they like. Which usually makes the date very awkward and almost like I'm teaching a class and even then they couldn't figure it out with a map!  
 I find that they are more prone to cancelling, i don't know why but one can only guess that maybe they are just excited by the idea that they have an appointment, their minds change with the weather or that they don't have the funds needed when the day of  the appointment comes around. If an actual date does occur they are usually very inexperienced and either don't know what the hell they are doing or know exactly what they want and what they came for and that's all that they care about. Very inconsiderate to the lady that they are with. One time I had a young client book a 2 hour date and he wanted to go back to back to back and not only that he didn't know what he was doing and humped like a jackhammer, leaving me very tired and very sore afterwards!!  
 I just find that the older and more experienced gentleman make for a fun and sexy time!  
 They know how to please and woman and hold a conversation. I prefer offering GFE and enjoy what comes with that and I feel like younger inexperienced clients are looking to pump and dump!

Then no, I don't see any problem if you go to see ladies who advertize for 30-35 plus - especially if you have experience doing this without a problem.  Now if you are trying to add or shave 20 or 30 years to/from your age, that would be pushing it.

Many ladies shave more than 3-8 years off their age to "decieve" the paying customer, and for the most part people around here say, "as long as she looks like her photos and provides good service" that's okay.  So I don't see how anyone could reasonable object to the notion of a guy fudging his age just a bit too when he can carry it off

VOO-doo990 reads


I can see many ladies RUNNING from him, lol. ESEPECIALLY older, more mature ladies. They know better than to deal with that sh**.

But to tell the truth, an 80+ year old still going at it?? I must say, that really is an inspring story, lol!

I agree 100%.  Not saying that all ladies fudge their ages, but a good number of them do.
But as you say, I don't care what her actual age is, as long as she looks as good as her pictures and rocks my socks off lol.

Posted By: Jstgttnstrtd
Then no, I don't see any problem if you go to see ladies who advertize for 30-35 plus - especially if you have experience doing this without a problem.  Now if you are trying to add or shave 20 or 30 years to/from your age, that would be pushing it.  
 Many ladies shave more than 3-8 years off their age to "decieve" the paying customer, and for the most part people around here say, "as long as she looks like her photos and provides good service" that's okay.  So I don't see how anyone could reasonable object to the notion of a guy fudging his age just a bit too when he can carry it off.  

VOO-doo921 reads

Before this year, I did not have an official age policy. I was a bit hesitant to see a younger (under 35) client, but I would base my decision on the vibe I got from our correspondence. If he seemed nice, I'd see him.
An experience I had within the past year made me rethink my policy.  
Let's talk about the fact that you are offended. That type of attitude is exactly why girls pass on younger guys. We tell them politely that we prefer to see men 35+ (or whatever), and they write back with an entitled attitude, refusing to just respect our wishes and move on to another lady. Sounds kind of...young and immature to me. Like when the kid can't understand why he's not allowed to drive at 13 y/o because he KNOWS he's a better driver than his mom, lol. Most older guys don't do that. They just say, hmmmmm!! (To themselves.) Then they contact somebody who will see them. Without taking offense. Why bother getting offended? Life's too short, and you can't have everything you want nor are you entitled to it.

If I want to refuse a date for any reason, I will. I don't understand why should anybody else take offense, especially if it's an arbitrary (admittedly) number and not a personal rejection?
Also, I don't know many immature guys who think they are immature guys. They all think they act older.

alexagrey849 reads

I don't agree with "age limits". I've met many men over the age of 30 who acted extremely immature and I've had horrible experiences with, and I've met many men under the age of 30 who acted extremely mature and I've had amazing experiences with. I'm only 22 years myself, but I find that I'm very wise beyond my years. Maybe this is the reason why I don't have an age limit. Everyone has their own preferences, and maybe some women don't feel comfortable being with men under a certain age.

I prefer (although I don't limit myself to) clients who are age 40+ simply because they (in general) tend to be much better lovers.  Most of the time, I simply don't derive enjoyment from being pounded like a jackhammer.  

I'm not a fuck puppet.  I want to enjoy myself too.  

I recall a recent message from a 20-something gent who (1) was haggling for a 30-minute visit at a super discounted rate, and (2) wanted to 'make sure' we would be fucking nonstop for 30 minutes.    Appointment gracefully declined, lol

Most older guys = less work for more money and tips.

Most younger guys = reasonable amount of work for the exact donation you asked for.

On the other hand there are some older providers who genuinely find sex with younger age to be creepy so I respect that.

Either way, there are too many providers out there, move on.

I am not lazy
I work out like a fucking athlete
I realize that a younger guy and I would be well matched because of my abilities and desires
But how do I know I would feel comfortable
That is the unknown for m

From your pictures and reviews ;)
Trust me you are in way better shape than I am lol

I am just saying that some are lazy. Others like you, might be just uncomfortable with it.
Like I said, it's not a big deal either way, it's your business, your decision.

Posted By: bluegrana
 Most older guys = less work for more money and tips.  
 Most younger guys = reasonable amount of work for the exact donation you asked for.  
I respectfully disagree with that statement.  But maybe our definitions of "older guys" are not the same.  I see quite a few men over 65, and in that age range there can be a whole host of physical things going on that require more patience and more physical "work" than younger men.  Personally, I don't mind one bit and will do whatever I can to make our/his experience as enjoyable as possible. Truly.  
Posted By: bluegrana
On the other hand there are some older providers who genuinely find sex with younger age to be creepy so I respect that.  
 Either way, there are too many providers out there, move on.
As I fall into the "creeped out by younger men" category, I thank you for saying this.  And agree wholeheartedly!! :-

Work smart, not hard. Why would I have my pussy pounded all the hell  for my fee when I could have a much less vigorous time for the same amount? Why lose business because I am too sore to work? I am here to make money and if the money maker is out of action, I can't.  To service one jackhammer I am to lose money, yeah not in this lifetime buddy.  

You call it lazy, I call it good business to take care of the moneymaker.

Posted By: martys47
So this will be a two question thread:  
 1) Guys, at what age did you first start seeing escorts?  
 2) Ladies, do you have any age limits and what is your reasoning for it?  Guys what do you think of this?  
I prefer to see clients who are over 35, and it's just a comfort factor for me.  If someone is a couple of years younger than that, and is willing to email back-and-forth with me a few times, I will often agree to see him.   Why? Because I'm flattered that he would go to that effort when there are so many other options.  If our email correspondence leads me to conclude that we won't click for any reason... I just stop responding to his emails.   But that also goes for anyone, not just those who are below my age threshold.    

Now matter how wonderfully a potential client comes across, though,  I will not agree to see someone in their 20s. I don't personally think that's age discrimination as it has nothing to do with any preconceived notions or stereotypes about that age group.    
I'm just plain not comfortable with men that young.  It doesn't matter how mature or gentlemanly the person is, I just won't feel good about it.  
Age is just a number?  Yes.. but I've entertained men in that age range, and know from experience that I don't like it and prefer not to do it.
It bothers me, sets me on edge, and makes me less able to provide a pleasant experience for both of us.    

Yes, that is MY issue and not yours.   But would you really want to have an encounter with someone who would be made upset by something that you cannot change?   The fact that my feelings do not have a logical reason or explanation behind them, does not make them any less valid, IMO.

There are so many options out there, that you should not have to put yourself or any lady in a situation that could cause any kind of discomfort for either of you.    

So stick to those who don't have age thresholds, or approach them as intelligently and articulately as you phrased your post to see if she'll make an exception.  You never know till you try!   But if you do "magically become older" for an hour and she seems to be ok with it and willing to see you again, you might be better off keeping that smartass desire to reveal your true age firmly in check.   As a lifelong smartass myself, I can tell you that giving in to those sorts of impulses does not always turn out well and is therefore not worth it. ;-)

GaGambler938 reads

I would get married again. lol

You make a very valid point, this is supposed to be no strings, no pressure, no muss, no fuss. How the fuck are we going to accomplish that by hounding a woman until she accepts our money to have sex with her?

The last thing I want to do is to book with a woman who is anything but eager to see me. I don't really care what her reason for not wanting to see me, the only fact that matters is that she doesn't want to. Just how low does a man's self esteem have to be to fret over why  a hooker won't see him? That is truly beyond pathetic IMO.

I have zero interest in seeing someone who is predisposed against me - FOR WHATEVER reason.
And to grovel?  That's pathetic and shows no personal dignity or pride.

"Sorry, I'm busy."

Giving any reason or explanation of rates, location, preferences, availability is handing over control. Pushy sales people can use your excuses and contradict them. So the consumer is cornered.

If you have no interest in something, anything more than "no thanks" is an open door for a pushy person.

No more excuses. My answers to sales people include:
"No thanks"
"What can I get for a dollar?"
"Can I have one for free?"

In this case, it is what it is. If someone questions my way of business, I usually just ignore or send a witty, sarcastic response. Explaining only gives him an opportunity to email back and make the keys on his keyboard sticky,

As someone even younger than you, I am excluded from seeing even more providers than your self.  The thing is for everyone 1 provider who won't see me due to age, there are many more who just don't care. It's not even worth asking them if they will see you, because you are so mature or whatever. You really aren't missing out on anything. Also needing to lie, because you really want to see someone isn't something most would consider mature.

-- Modified on 3/2/2015 8:11:16 PM

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