TER General Board

3.7 ml must have skewed data.
DT_lover 188 Reviews 55 reads

The over 60 crowd probably has more orgasms than the under 60 crowd...they have more  time for fun I'm guessing.  Or maybe the survey just captured more older guys.

In my younger days I shot at least 37ml, and a few of those are still dried on my ceiling.  Even now [closing in on 60] a talented escort can get at least 10ml out of me.  First cup anyway.

BiffMonday3919 reads

Last year I was grieving a death and dealing with another large life expense. During the 12 months I was dealing with those things, I stopped working out and turned to food for comfort. I ate what ever made me feel good LOL. I gained 35 pounds and went up 3 pant sizes. I've lost over 30 pounds 5 times in my life. It will take me 4 months of clean eating and exercising twice a week to get back to my old self. I actually haven't booked an appointment in almost 6 months because I don't feel sexual. I feel fat and unappealing.

I'm starting my routine this month and will be right as roger by Christmas. Has anyone ever fell off the wagon one year and actually stopped having sex because you feel unattractive?

Unless I got so fucking fat I could no longer find my dick I can't for the life of me imagine going a year without sex. I know how fucking grumpy I get if I don't get any for even a week, my bad mood starts at about three days and on the rare occasions I have had to go a week by the end of that week I can literally chew fucking nails.

I have never been thirty pounds overweight, but if ever were I think I would use the prospect of "better" sex as a motivating factor to get my fat ass to the gym. Yes, I know that most fat people can't lose all their excess weight by exercise alone, but I have to believe that being fat and active has got to be better than fat and slovenly. I have no personal experience at this, but I have been led to believe some of the fat hookers, excuse me "BBW's" can still fuck a guys brains out, even tipping the scales at 300 lbs. lol

from Steven King, no less.

Hey, if you work for a bank, don't get fired for stealing pencils.

That figures!  

I always pictured you hanging out with an OTHFB and contributing to the delinquency of minors! GaG seems to be oblivious to it all as he is tossing back your liquor!

I hope he washed his ass! lol

Well, maybe only about 7 years.  But ask your pal GaGa how long I've been trotting out the exact same headline and picture.  It's a LOOOOOOOOONG time.
Thanks for finally noticing, Rip! LOL!
Your Pal,

enjoy P4P more if you loose the extra pounds. Try portion control (eat correct amounts of good food, cut out desserts, breads, fatty stuff, etc.  

AND exercise more than 2 times a week. You need to build up your endurance and 2 days a week doesn't get it done. Start slowly in the length of your workouts and gradually increase the time spent at the gym. Depending on your age, it may be wise to get a physical first to be sure you are able to exercise without any other risks.  

Good luck to you.

You sound like an infomercial.

I guess he should start with goji berries and pineapple slices too  LOL

Why some of you guys make this into something it isn't is hilarious.

It's sex...stop with the endurance bullshit.

Even JackDunphy is laughing...and he's almost 500 pounds heading towards 600 so he can be on "My 600 pound life" to lose 420 pounds and be a svelte 180 again.  But that hasn't stopped him from P4P.  And he claims he can pop twice in an hour.  Of course most hookers need a lift to find his pecker under that blob of fat.  But that's why he pays them...unless he negotiates too hard.

@BiffMonday...go to a M&G and see what the other dudes in this game look like.  And you'll stop your body image issue....I hope.  How's your supply of Viagra?

Who knew eating less calories and working out more would lead to weight loss? I think an Oprah book club deal is in the offing for him. LOL

Now do you really think the young hookers I penetrate would put up with a less than ab fab Dunphmeister bod? You know these working girls are all about a johns looks. :)

I will have you know I worked my ass off in my post holiday chocolate eating binge this past winter. One gal re-gifted me 5 (almost) full boxes she got from her dopey johns!

Only down side is they make me take the flowers too, just to make 100% sure they find the bottom of a trash can. lol

he wanted to loose the weight (35 lbs) so that he felt better about hobbying. All I did was offer him a quicker way to reach HIS goal.

Yes, I have been to my share of M &G. Sure, some hobbyists are more round than others. BTW, I'm about average (never said I was thin or slender).

Have a nice day and enjoy your goji berries, whatever they are.  

If it weren’t for hideous guys, there would be no TER.  

Have you ever been to a Meet & Greet?  It’s like a casting call for Elephant Man. Only in this version of the play Joseph Merrick has a bad comb-over in addition to his deformities.

If you wish to get in shape for your health – that’s great and I wish you luck. But, a few extra pounds does not exclude you from p4p

she saw a dude with a gigantic boil in the middle of his forehead. Why anyone would go to a M&G looking like that is beyond me.  Good thing most of the girls there no longer have a gag reflex.
So a fat guy is hardly the most disgusting thing a girl might see.

I always just thought I was nothing special but not repulsive. If I go to a M&G and look around and decide I'm one of the best looking bastards there, I'd walk out with a little swagger. LoL

I definitely don't have a combover, bad or otherwise, so that's a start. HA!

...there wouldn't be a rrasha88 either. LOL

Just make sure you never meet up with Jake. Dev told me he is truly repulsive. ;)

As usual.  That's two in a row where you've embarrassed yourself, Rip.  And that's just tonight.
Better go to bed before you totally wet yourself.  Oh, and change your Depends.

At least that is what the wife told me.  She stopped giving BJ's due to an extra 30 lbs I had gained over 25 years, so I just started outsourcing.  Had not touched any woman other than my wife for over 25 years before because I was so happy with her service.  Oh well, still outsourcing and still have the same weight as when I started hobbying.

-- Modified on 8/4/2017 11:07:29 PM

To prove to yourself that you are not unattractive, even if you put on some weight.  We all know the benefits of taking it off so this is no place to preach, but you seem like a really nice guy to even think such a thing and in this little town we call hobbyland being a decent, warm hearted, fun loving guy is what is what defines an attractive man. Sounds like you're a ten - now lose 30 and enjoy lol.

If you have ENOUGH sex, you will not gain weight.  If you put on a few pounds, have more sex and you will lose it again.   Some weeks when I hobby 8 hours, I need to eat a little more just to stay the same.  

I haven't seen my cock, other than in a mirror, for quite some time.  
Having the ladies take it for a regular workout and draining is a medical and mental must do.  

Yes, I train lifting weights and spin/cycle class at least 4 times a week.  

Get to it. It'll cure yer asthma too.

-- Modified on 8/4/2017 8:01:14 PM

Do not let a little bit of weight mess up your game or your fun. In fact this is a time when you should indulge more!  I have a very odd feeling that by not partaking in this world, it's only messing with your confidence even more. I say this to you because hell, I was a true BBW when I started as a provider. I wanted to lose weight to begin with and upon entering the industry it only helped motivate me further to be healthy, not necessarily thin (there are some unhealthy thin people out there). Now, I'm 80 pounds down and plus size and confident as ever. Oh, and people pay me.  

So, go forth my son because even with some weight to lose, this world will motivate you more and give you the confidence that you need to keep pushing forward toward your goal.

Was that the large life expense? Didn't the person have life insurance? Sorry if that was the case. I am horny all the time no matter what I eat or weight gain.
I never thought of myself in a sexual way in the manner you describe.
Can you double the exercise to shorten the time until you get back in the saddle? If you are not in great shape now just get a hummer as that will be less taxing.  
Sometimes that is less money too as it is less work for the ladies. Keep your spirits up and your dick will follow.

Sorry for your loss.  

I stayed away from the hobby. Myself until recently. A regular mentioned that there were men that didnt mind a thicker body. I was like yeah ok.  
Mind you, I was 117 at my healthiest.

I gain 30 Ugly pounds. For me even 10 is bad. Only because I'm 5'2.  
I was able to burn 10 lbs  so far. Now I'm working on 20 more.  

It's not easy, but it sure takes time and for us to stick to the healthy regime once again.    

Best of luck.

It's purely mental, but feeling shitty about myself and the weight gain makes it harder for me to see a lady. Should be motivation to lose the extra weight again but...

... and damn near panicked.  When I first saw the title, my interpretation was :

1. This guy is having a lot of sex
2. It's making him gain weight!!??

Seriously!?  WTF?!

About to start a vacation, with quite a bit of P4P, and the last thing I wanted was to have all the fun result in me packing on the pounds.

Then again, I had been up a long time, and my reading skills were off I guess.  All is right in the world again, now that I understand.  

Good luck to OP.  I agree with those saying to feel better about yourself. Now.  Not later.  

As I recall, a load only has 10-20 calories, so most likely the gal will burn that up giving a BJ, so the net effect should be minimal.

This article claims one calorie. I'm not sure how academic it is, but there's something in there about a fifty year study.

I seem to recall an average load (not the second in an hour, in any case) is more like 30-40 ml.

I guess I was just saying here's this. I probably wasn't clear in that regard.

I had the very same thought though, Fisher. Not that I ever spunked into a spoon, but I am certain my load is more than 3/4 tsp. So, I think you're right.  


The high Zinc content is good reason for CIM and swallow. We can all agree on that, I hope.

In porn scenes maybe, but those are camera tricks. The average load is 3.7 ml which is about 3/4 tsp as fearghas stated.

The over 60 crowd probably has more orgasms than the under 60 crowd...they have more  time for fun I'm guessing.  Or maybe the survey just captured more older guys.

In my younger days I shot at least 37ml, and a few of those are still dried on my ceiling.  Even now [closing in on 60] a talented escort can get at least 10ml out of me.  First cup anyway.

One ml = one cc, so 3.4 is more correct.

For the record, Mr. Adams asserts that 5 cc is the average ejaculate size.

I have always had issues controlling my weight but as I approached my 50th birthday I was in a seriously life threatening condition...I weighed over 400 pounds (I'm 5-8), had run away high blood pressure, diabetes, joint damage, severe acid reflux, sleep apnea, and worst of all I was functionally impotent...even without the impotence sex was pretty much out of the question due to the fact that junior was hidden inside rolls of fat and only an inch or so was exposed...

...excuse my bluntness...

I turned 50 in January of 2015 and at that time started working the pre-operative program that led to a Gastric Sleeve Resection that was performed on August 9, 2015...at the time of my surgery I weighed 355, having lost in excess of 50pounds as a result of the pre-op dietary program...following the surgery the weight loss accelerated rapidly and I broke 300 in early September...

That Is when junior woke up...

Imagine going through a second puberty at age 50...I was out of my mind horny, and that is when I contacted my first provider...

At this time I have leveled off in the mid 190s...for those of you keeping score that is a total weight loss of approximately 210pounds, or more than half my original body mass...

Needless to say, there are some very negative side effects inherent to that much mass reduction, chiefly an excess of flesh that did not retain the elasticity necessary to draw in...I have wing flaps under my arms, my formerly pert and perky manboobs are now saggy and sad, my stomach is a mass of loose flab, and my thighs are similar although not symetrical...one has a large flap that is absent from the other...

In other words, I look like shit...

My appearance is a source of constant concern...every provider I have ever contacted has been clearly and bluntly informed of my physical appearance issues and to their credit not one has opted out of seeing me...

OP, I can fully understand your issues, but I can assure you that it matters more to you than to them...do not feel like you need to hide yourself away because of them...

Live your life without fear...


souls_harbor49 reads

I lost 160 lbs of ugly fat one year ... I got divorced.   --rimshot--

You sound real! Good to here on aboard.  
My bet is on you, that you will be amazing when your ready to go.  
Not that your not now, just a feeling that will pass.

There is no reason to stop having sex just because you gained weight, however much that may be.  

One of the reasons I enjoy being a provider is because I enjoy all different bodies. Your body may react differently when it changes but that is a life time journey. Your body's job is to change and your job is to keep learning it. Sex is part of that equation.  

I know that on the internet, this sounds like a bunch of words but I do really think that all bodies are sexy. If you come into the room consenting and with the intention of having fun, fun is what will occur.  

Plus, being frisky helps you lose pounds if that's your goal. Why should it not be part of your regimen ;)

Fantasyfun38 reads

I think in this case it's more a matter of self confidence that needs to be rebuild once again. I knew for me when I dropped the 30 lbs, i noticed my confidence skyrockeketed and so did the women in bed

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