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24 to 48 hours
lester_prairie 12 Reviews 27 reads

Depending on time of day of your request, 24 to 48 hours. That ensures one full cycle of normal working hours. Beyond that she doesn't care which can foreshadow your ultimate experience.

I reached out to a provider on Monday for an appointment a couple weeks from now and haven’t heard back. I was going to follow up today and give her another 2 days before I start making other plans. Wondering if this is industry standard for reasonable amount of time and times following up. Should I grant more time given the holiday this week?

She’s someone who I’ve seen before and she was great. I could certainly live without seeing her this tour but I’d still like to.

24 hours with indies, and one hour with agency bookers.  If no response within that time, I move on.   Luckily, there are more providers than I will ever get to see in my remaining lifetime, so there are no particular ladies that I absolutely HAVE to see.   If they don't have their shit together in scheduling, I'm not going to allow them to waste my time by waiting.  I draw a line through their name and go on to the next lady on my TDL.  

I was in a contact with a provider arranging for a meet when for my visit in December. She then offered me a chance to buy a custom video for $50 as we wait for the actual meet. Once I sent the money, however, she has ghosted me. I have reached out to her 3 times in the last 3 weeks, No use wasting any more time on her- like Lion says, there are more providers worthy of my time.

RespectfulRobert29 reads

But remember, this is a holiday week and some ladies shut it down as they may be traveling, visiting family in other states, etc. In this case, I would wait till Friday if I really wanted to see her. That will still give you plenty of time to reach out to someone else if girl #1 doesnt get back to you.

Depending on time of day of your request, 24 to 48 hours. That ensures one full cycle of normal working hours. Beyond that she doesn't care which can foreshadow your ultimate experience.

Because it is a holiday week you may want to give it some more time. She might be spending time with family.  Does she have on her schedule that she is unavailable? When I am on vacation I do not respond to any messages.  
There are some gals in this industry that are flakey, but please also remember this is our job and we do have a personal life outside of our profession.

With a Wednesday reminder seems like plenty. I don’t know about any “industry standard” but an entire work week is enough for most anyone to call reasonable.  

I don’t expect anyone to work on the holiday, but if she’s going to walk away from her business for a week she should’ve posted that on her ad or site.  

I think you’re free to pick an option B and email her Saturday.  

If the first woman never does respond, wait about three weeks (in this case probably until after the holidays) and email again. If she replies then, you’re good to go. There’s been a few times I didn’t get a response until the second go round. Most of them have done a great job of “making it up to me”.  I’d forget her after two attempts though. Either something you said spooked her or she just doesn’t have her act together well enough.

A couple weeks ahead is a long time away and most providers don't have their schedule planned out that far in advance. Such a request would likely get ignored until you reach out asking for an appointment in a few days ahead.

True enough that some women don’t like setting firm dates more than a couple days ahead, but assuming he sent a polite email with good screening info she needs to at least respond to him. Even if she doesn’t commit to his requested date, she can explain that to him.  

A lot of clients have limited opportunities for spontaneous or short notice play. When they see an opportunity up ahead on their calendar, they need to plan well and make the most of it.  

If her attitude is to ignore him and put it off until she’s finally ready to look at her calendar, two days before the day he asked for, then he’d be dodging a bullet by moving on to the next lady now.

Why would he send screening info? He's seen her before.  

I disagree that a few weeks lead time is too much. When I see someone who's touring I reach out as soon as they publish their schedule - in some cases it's months in advance.

Yeah, the OP didn’t share those details, that he’s seen her before and that she’ll be touring when he’s trying to see her until after my post. Changes a lot of what I said.  

I don’t think it’s too early at all to try to set up. And I agree, as soon as a lady publishes her schedule, contact her if you know you’ll be able to see her. If she doesn’t get enough hits she might cancel the stop.

Mr.Plow.31 reads

Terrible take. I book months in advance sometimes with no issues.

Agree. I am booked for half of Dec already and starting to solidify my 2024 schedule. Unfortunately I have way more guys that contact me for a day of or next day appointment that I have to turn down as I am already booked. Plan ahead and you will not be disappointed!!

I emailed her once I saw her tour dates. I only had one day that would work for me so I wanted to lock it down.

In some cases, I'm STILL waiting to hear back...ok, well not really.  lol  A more accurate way to put it is I haven't heard back after a month or more after initial contact.  However, that HAVE been some instances where she responded a few weeks or a month after my initial contact.   So, I will wait a few days and will effectively "move on".  If they contact me after that, I'll see how my schedule looks then and will book an appt if it works for me, etc.

Often one to two months and even further if I am going to be visiting her city, or she mine.

True, some gals don't like to book more than a few days ahead, but I have seldom run into a problem with that.

As far as how much time to wait for a response, 2 to 3 days is reasonable, then go ahead and make new inquiries.

The longer in advance you book, then the greater the chance you may need to cancel. In that case, it can get quite awkward as some providers may demand the full donation. That is one big reason why I prefer no more than a day or two before to avoid that.

I suppose there is some advantage to booking early is getting the time/day you want. But as we all know providers can be very flaky. I wouldn't place much value on such a date in the future.  

Also I don't like seeing a provider who is so busy that you have to be the early bird to grab a slot. That kills my mood and is not for me.  

Bottom line, more cons than pros for me to book far in advance...

Mr.Plow.27 reads

Read their respective cancellation policies and you’ll have your answer. Simple.

I ask for 24 hour notice and I do not request any cancelation fees, so yes, every gal is going to be different.

I personally am attached to my phone 24/7 haha.
You will always hear a response from me within couple hours.. except if I’m busy in a booking then it’ll be next day. But I’ve heard girls don’t answer their appointment request fast enough.. and it always surprises me how they’re still in business. That’s literally the most important thing.

Very, very true. There are a few part time gals in my area so I usually ask the gents I see why they picked to see me. 9 times out of 10 it is because I am the only one that responded to their message.

Obviously they were unfamiliar with your stellar personality!

I usually give 24-48 hours. If no response within that timeframe I move on considering "we're all busy" and have things to do, right? Why be hung up on one broad? There's plenty to choose from.

According to your profile, you're seasoned. You should know the answer better than any of us.

Quite Frankly, you should be checking out more then one person.

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