TER General Board

2 a day tops...and I consider myself Low volume (eom)
blze411 8 Reviews 1927 reads
1 / 47

Providers, how many appointments do you actually have in a given day?  Is a low volume provider 1 a day or more? How about a high volume provider, typically  how many in a day?
If you'd rather not answer here, you can pm me...thank you.

DT_lover 188 Reviews 1006 reads
2 / 47

Girls typically do 8-12 appointments a day depending on the mix of 30min vs 60min appointments.  Got this info from the girls and know its true.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 874 reads
3 / 47

The terms you used are highly subjective.  One person may think of "low volume" as no more than one per day, while others see it as no more than a few per week.   And then at what point does it become "high volume"?  Is there no Medium in there?  :-)  
You may want to define these terms solely for this exercise by listing the per-day numbers you consider to be Low & High.

I don't label myself as any "volume" whatsoever, because on many days where I'm available, I have no dates.  Or perhaps I've booked a few, only to have all but one cancel.  A whole week can go by where I only have one gentleman caller.  
Then all of a sudden, you're all beating a path to my door and I may have a few dates by lunchtime........and then nothing again for days afterwards.  

So on some days I am "low volume" but then others I would have to claim "high volume"..... does that average out to a "medium volume"? LMAO!

It's nice work if you can get it...... ;-)

-- Modified on 2/10/2015 9:07:23 AM

DavieCakes 2 Reviews 898 reads
5 / 47

8 to 12?

Sounds like "high" volume to me.....

Posted By: DT_lover
Girls typically do 8-12 appointments a day depending on the mix of 30min vs 60min appointments.  Got this info from the girls and know its true.

sympathyforthedevil 54 Reviews 768 reads
6 / 47

I think a lady is hi volume if you are getting that feeling of being pushed out the door. And sure enough as u R walking down the hallway you pass a dude. Eyes looking down. Envelope in hand. Looking up slightly to check room numbers.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 819 reads
7 / 47

I am sure this happens  but I have to shake my head when it does.
I've worked for agencies, and they never gave out my room # till I'd "checked out"... meaning my visitor was gone AND I was ready for the next to come on up.

Now that I'm independent, I do not give out the room # until my guest has arrived and I'm more than ready to welcome him.

But even the best planning cannot account for the whims of fate and @**holes: I had a recent guest who I had to practically push out the door when he'd overstayed by more than 30 minutes, on top of having been 30 minutes late in the first place!  Aaaaargh!  And I'm just waiting for the less-than-stellar review as he was definitely not pleased that I wanted him to leave.  

So instead of having an hour between each date, my second caller had to wait for me to freshen up before I gave him my room #.  I was extremely embarrassed, and uncomfortable.  Luckily, he was a complete gentleman and we had a wonderful time!

GaGambler 880 reads
8 / 47

Putting the mental image of that many dicks in a day out of your mind, as long as she gives you her best and you can't tell you were john number 23 for the week, does it really fucking matter how many guys she fucks?

I dated an agency girl a while back who while she didn't see 10+ guys a day, she did see maybe six guys on a busy day, even so she had "plenty" of gas left in the tank for me. Never once can I remember a day where she was too tired from work to take care of me.

OTOH I dated an AMP girl for a while several years ago who most likely did get up to that 10 a day threshold as she worked very long hours, I have to confess that while she was a very nice girl, and I grew to care for her quite a bit, all that fucking ruined her personal sex life, as she had nothing left for me after doing that much fucking at work. Every woman has a different sex drive. Some women are worn out after one or two guys, I have met others who feel that they perform better after they "warm up" with their first couple of customers of the day. Go figure. lol

HawkEyePierce 842 reads
9 / 47

In a post a few threads ago, swimtrekr said he could spot the lower volume prostitutes. I asked him how he did this and I see he hasnt responded as yet. I hope he does becuase I dont think anyone wants to see a girl who is f**king that many guys.

HawkEyePierce 758 reads
10 / 47

But I think i could tell if i was the 11th or 12th guy that day that a prostitute saw. Maybe not is what your point is? And maybe like you say, it is mental. The thought of all those d***s being in front of me is a turnoff. And do you think the women that are giving their definition, and using numbers, as to what is and what is not low volume, are also putting in their the boyfriend or boyfriends they are f**cking that they arent charging?
Lastly can swimtrekr, or anybody really, know for sure who is low volume. He seems to think he can determine it but you dont think you can. I am agreement with you on this. Unless the girl tells you, there is no way to know. Thanks.

TwoMints 605 reads
11 / 47

So, he was actually donating for a block of time, not a period of time.

I've never been late, so was unaware that is how it works. I'm glad it doesn't work the other way, I've had a few ladies arrive well past when we had scheduled. Luckily it hasn't been an issue yet.

You could have told him while he was still on his way, though he may have canceled or asked to reschedule.

Probably not a big issue in most cases, but maybe you should put it on your website. Something like the clock starts at appointment time, don't be late!!  /s

 But even the best planning cannot account for the whims of fate and @**holes: I had a recent guest who I had to practically push out the door when he'd overstayed by more than 30 minutes, on top of having been 30 minutes late in the first place!  Aaaaargh!  And I'm just waiting for the less-than-stellar review as he was definitely not pleased that I wanted him to leave.  
 So instead of having an hour between each date, my second caller had to wait for me to freshen up before I gave him my room #.  I was extremely embarrassed, and uncomfortable.  Luckily, he was a complete gentleman and we had a wonderful time!

perfectstorm 19 Reviews 761 reads
12 / 47

Yes, the volume question has definitely surpassed the old dick dize, no AA, and where should I cum threads. :D

Funny thing about this one is the OP expects the ladies to PM him their answers! I bet his inbox is overflowing!

If she has one of these, she's high volume.

-- Modified on 2/10/2015 9:38:12 AM

Arovet 62 Reviews 835 reads
13 / 47

I've been her first, middle, and last of the day and she's just as amazing every time. She would not be an ATF were it otherwise. So yes, if I can't tell it's irrelevant. She showers off other guys just like I shower off other providers.

MakingMeGrow 699 reads
14 / 47

Lol. Anyone who plays knows its subjective. As GaG detailed both ends of the spectrum. There was a great Indy lady I saw more than 10 years ago that was amazing. I always booked her last appointment and we would routinely nap in between. I never stayed under 2 hours even though I made the effort to respect her time. She initiated the extra action and kept me there. I did make sure to tip her well. Her passion and energy was astounding during sessions.

Debra_Hollander See my TER Reviews 896 reads
15 / 47

Posted By: TwoMints
So, he was actually donating for a block of time, not a period of time.  
 I've never been late, so was unaware that is how it works. I'm glad it doesn't work the other way, I've had a few ladies arrive well past when we had scheduled. Luckily it hasn't been an issue yet.  
 You could have told him while he was still on his way, though he may have canceled or asked to reschedule.  
 Probably not a big issue in most cases, but maybe you should put it on your website. Something like the clock starts at appointment time, don't be late!!  /s  
  But even the best planning cannot account for the whims of fate and @**holes: I had a recent guest who I had to practically push out the door when he'd overstayed by more than 30 minutes, on top of having been 30 minutes late in the first place!  Aaaaargh!  And I'm just waiting for the less-than-stellar review as he was definitely not pleased that I wanted him to leave.    
  So instead of having an hour between each date, my second caller had to wait for me to freshen up before I gave him my room #.  I was extremely embarrassed, and uncomfortable.  Luckily, he was a complete gentleman and we had a wonderful time!
 Yes, a reservation IS for a period of time... 60 minutes, in this case.   As I wrote earlier, he overstayed by more than 30 minutes.  Meaning he was with me for over 90 minutes total after having only reserved (and paid) for just 60

HawkEyePierce 810 reads
16 / 47

No one is putting anyone else down here. Some guys are just curious, others may want to avoid high volume girls. This is a board to discuss the hobby so I do not understand why are are acting so mad? And i do not know why you say people assume you get an appointment every day. I dont think anyone assumes that at all. I am sure everyone thinks a prostitutes business varies as does every business so i just dont understand why so mad about something like this topic?

GaGambler 668 reads
17 / 47

I used to spend almost every night with my provider GF not all that long ago, and lot's of guys asked to be her "first" of the day in a misguided and idiotic quest to see her when she was "fresh". What these morons never realized was that if they scheduled a 7:00 AM appointment, at 6:45 I was giving her a creampie on my way out the door for the day.

Just keep that visual in mind the next time you ask for that "first" appointment of the day.

I don't always get along with sexxygirl, but if she sounds a bit miffed about this subject, she has good reason.

blze411 8 Reviews 928 reads
18 / 47

Good God, lighten up girl. My original questions were all about curiosity. I have no obsession, and
certainly respect the uncertainty of what a day or week will bring for a provider. Was just curious,
nothing more.....geeeze.

MakingMeGrow 938 reads
19 / 47

Because the topic has been beat to death. I've heard from too many providers how clients want the first appointment and ask if they are the first appointment of the day. What's the difference?  None.

Vivianna Love See my TER Reviews 821 reads
20 / 47

I asked the same Question on another board.  2 men said they didn't care what we did before or after. That is was a state of bliss to not care.

For me, i rather have a few long term  happy returning gents.. I keep it steady, safe and I get to enjoy myself as well.  
This way I don't get jaded, and continue to offer great service.  If I schedule a fs date, I might do a fbsm. but not every day!!!  Quality sure has its benefits..      
Posted By: Skyr1
Providers, how many appointments do you actually have in a given day?  Is a low volume provider 1 a day or more? How about a high volume provider, typically  how many in a day?  
 If you'd rather not answer here, you can pm me...thank you.

HawkEyePierce 548 reads
21 / 47

Her physical exhaustion, state of mind, sexual desire, dryness, mood, etc all could play a role. I would rather be the 1st guy in her day than the 12th if I could. You would rather be the 12th, be my guest. :)

HawkEyePierce 784 reads
23 / 47

But why group hobbyists into all one package? Would you want the guys to do that with the prostitutes? Dont you think it is new and different guys asking the question? Maybe you are tired of hearing it then easy, just dont respond. It is an interesting topic for those that havent heard it before. I havent been here all that long and I notice some topics repeat but I havent seen this one yet so relax and enjoy your whine! lol

MrTwister 3 Reviews 841 reads
24 / 47

Why men are obsessed with this:

One, you (women) are mysterious creatures. We like to learn all we can about you. Especially if we're about to meet you. Two, we are data hungry. It's a guy thing. Guys like stats. Three, since we're curious about you and your profession we want to know all of the ins and outs. Since we are basically clueless until we ask lots of questions, it's just another piece of information that helps shape our opinion. Most men like to make informed purchasing decisions. It's , maybe, another guy thing. We don't generally buy a shirt and then hang it in a closet and never wear it. Same kind of thing. We look at minutiae because it seems to matter, even if it doesn't. Four, having a general sense of how many guys are before, and/or after us also helps us understand the overall experience. I think most men would prefer to be with someone who hasn't slept with anyone the day they see them. Are women really different? I doubt it.  Are most guys comfortable seeing someone who HAS been , or will be, with others guys before them (or after them)? Sure. But if they start to get an understanding that the number is high....then...well, their impression of the experience will be lessened. IMO.  

If you asked a guy, if given the exact same experience, would they rather spend time with the women who saw 2 clients that day or none...he will pick none every time. Makes sense to me. Is ignorance bliss? Sure...but it doesn't make us stop wanting to understand this whole process. There's a whole Wizard-of-Oz aspect to this business that guys are interested in learning about. For lots of reasons. It's not a waste of their time to wonder, ask, want to know this information. It's just a matter or being informed and not a naïve consumer in a business stained by lies and deceit and illegality etc...

So...I don't think we'll ever 'get over it'

HawkEyePierce 695 reads
25 / 47

No, no guarantees in life about anything. You can see a high reviewed girl and still get busted but you try and best to reduce the odds. In general, if you want to TRY and be the first appointment of the day, shoot for early am, knowing full well you wont ever know for sure. But Ill keep my eye out for that cream pie just in case. :)  As if I had nothing else to worry about in this hobby. lol

HawkEyePierce 571 reads
26 / 47

You seemed burned out about the topics. That's your issue not mine. Yes, they tend to repeat. Brilliant observation. :) You might want to get over that fact, and yourself at some point. Let ter handle the initiations as i am sure hey are quite up to that challenge. As for you darlin', you seem to need to devote your attention to more pressing matters. Like having fun here maybe? :)

MakingMeGrow 608 reads
27 / 47

You can be her first appointment of the week and she can still be exhausted or maybe not have the focus you are looking for anyway. It's the chance you take whether you book at 9a or 9p. She could have kids, a husband or a boyfriend. You don't know. It's part of the purpose of reading reviews.  Dryness ?  Really ?  Do you expect to walk in the door and she's wet for you?  C'mon.

earthshined 722 reads
28 / 47

not you.

"Overall, the better question, is why are you all so OBSESSED? Want to know the honest truth? Our business varies. We take as many appointments as we can. Very VERY few providers say, "I will take exactly 3 appointments this week." Some weeks are better than others. A "low volume" provider might be "high volume" the next. And y'all just need to get the hell over it. "

Posted By: sexxygurl
As to have one exactly per a day. It's better to talk per week, or per month. I have weeks where I have three dates on Sunday, two on Monday, three on Tuesday, and none for the rest of the week. The next I have two every day. The next week I might have only one or two extended dates the whole week. I don't aim for number of appointments so much as a financial goal each week, so one overnight is better than 5 one hour dates.  
 Hobbyists need to stop assuming we get an appointment every day, or two every day, like clockwork, week after week  
 . It varies vastly. Now high vs low volume- it depends. Everyone has a different opinion. If a provider only works one day a week, sees 5 clients in one day, and doesn't see anyone the rest of the week, is that low volume?  
 Overall, the better question, is why are you all so OBSESSED? Want to know the honest truth? Our business varies. We take as many appointments as we can. Very VERY few providers say, "I will take exactly 3 appointments this week." Some weeks are better than others. A "low volume" provider might be "high volume" the next. And y'all just need to get the hell over it.

russbbj 89 Reviews 855 reads
29 / 47

It's none of my damn business what my date has done earlier in her day, or what she plans on doing after our date together.

What is my business, is that she's reasonably on time, I get my full time regardless of whether she is on time, or not. That she delivers as promised, makes me feel like for the 2 to 3 hours we are together that she wants to be there (whether or not it's true). That she rocks my world. That she is honest with me, if she doesn't want me to return the favors, she tells me. That she's kind and courteous, when it's time to be, and a slut when it's time to be.

To quote Metalica "nothing else matters". Yeah, that's right I listen to Metalica, and you'd never guess it if you met me in public.

One of the many reasons I admire providers, is that they don't have to sell out "who" they are to "public" IRL. I do, and have, but it's made me a comfortable living and I get to be myself with some very lovely ladies, for very short bursts of time.

It really is a simple arrangement, and fucking perfect if you were to ask me.

KoriZen See my TER Reviews 558 reads
30 / 47
keystonekid 114 Reviews 735 reads
31 / 47

about is the lady gives me 100% of her attention for the time we are together.  I could care less if I am #1 (and maybe only) for the day or number . . . .

Alexandra Kole See my TER Reviews 714 reads
32 / 47

Since you're new, go back and read through a few threads. The one theme you'll find that repeats is we are all frequently lumped into the same package as providers of being uneducated using nothing other than "hooker math", being batshit crazy, etc.

Even if it is a new or different guy asking the question, why does it matter? You say it's to avoid high volume girls. If you think a girl is going to admit to being high volume, I want a lot of what you're smoking. And SG is right, it varies greatly week to week. I personally have a daily limit for myself, but I never work everyday anyway, and when it's slow weeks can go by without me seeing anyone.

If you really want to avoid high volume don't expect to see a BP girl for $120/hr. and think you're first, or even 12th. But, what's the difference of her pounding 12 guys today, or me pounding 12 guys in a week? We shower you off in time for the next, just as you shower us off for your next. See who you want to see and have fun. We've all screwed a lot of guys, sweetheart.

If you're newer to this as you say you are and want a pleasant hobbying and board experience I will politely suggest you not jump all over providers posts like I've seen you do. You just may end up with no one, high or low volume, that wants to see you and you'll have to get one of your hobby buddy boyfriends here that you so valiantly white knight for to hook you up, wink, wink. Not wise to insult providers like you do. "Her whine"?! Come on. She replies to the post and makes valid points, she's whining. You reply to the post and you're justified?

It's not up to TER to 'handle anything' and educate you. It's up to you to do your own due diligence, including topics that have been beat to death.

CrackDuphyBlowingChunks46 588 reads
33 / 47

seeing you rip hawkeye for being a WK, while at the same time you are a WK for sexxygurl. Contradict much? :-)

DavieCakes 2 Reviews 617 reads
34 / 47

"What's the difference?"

If truth be told, it would be this: Most guys want to be first becuase
they likely don't want "sloppy seconds"....
Posted By: MakingMeGrow
Because the topic has been beat to death. I've heard from too many providers how clients want the first appointment and ask if they are the first appointment of the day. What's the difference?  None.

scb19 10 Reviews 767 reads
35 / 47

Posted By: DT_lover
Girls typically do 8-12 appointments a day depending on the mix of 30min vs 60min appointments.  Got this info from the girls and know its true.
And this is why I try to get in early in the day!  LOL...my current regular provider told me after a session that she had made $1200 the previous day...She charges $300/hr $200/hhr (which is too low for her shhhhhh)...so anywhere from 4 to 8 guys.

GaGambler 670 reads
36 / 47

and yes I would agree that "two a day tops" is low volume, but to a woman that sees "two a week, tops" you might be considered high volume to her.

It's all in the eye of the beholder, there is no right or wrong answer. except I think we would all have to agree that 10 a day is DEFINITELY high volume. lol

MasterZen 33 Reviews 624 reads
37 / 47

that the number is between zero and fifty (in most cases).  

Don't you feel better now?  

Seriously... I understand not wanting to be merely a number to her. By the same logic, do we reduce her to merely a number? That number has absolutely zero use to anyone.

If you want to be the only client of the day, simply book the day with her. Problem solved; or is it?

MrTwister 3 Reviews 760 reads
38 / 47

I get that logic. I subscribe to it.

But what if your date said she was running late. Does it cross your mind she is late because she is / was with someone else? Then isn't there any part of you that wonders if you're going to run into GaG's creampie? Or she's still going to have the last date on her mind when she sees you? Compare you ? etc? I mean...hey...if you're all robot when you do this, then cool.  

But , for me, just being honest...for a split second that might bother me. As soon as she warms up to me...who cares, I agree. But again, for that split second...there's things to make you think. And if she isn't 100% there or there's something missing, that's an easy thing to blame.

I don't know. It's complicated. I guess it's a risk, like many others you take in this activity...and you just sort of accept them all in the same bundle.

I_am_brian_fellows 620 reads
39 / 47


MakingMeGrow 931 reads
40 / 47

Good luck on that. Sloppy seconds?  What are you in Junior High. I think you are playing ball in the wrong arena. So if you want to see someone you only book what 9a?  12n?  Read GaG's comments. You can do that and still be sloppy seconds or fifths and not even know it. Read reviews and see a highly rated girl. They generally are rated highly for reasons. Beautiful, clean and provide great service.

MasterZen 33 Reviews 643 reads
41 / 47

and I get it. We all have those moments of insecurity. I simply accept them for what they are, find another way to interpret things that works better for me, and move on. It's not about not having those thoughts, it's about not letting them get me down or dominate my thinking.  

As you say, there are some things we simply don't know and can't control. Better to accept the unknown in a way that is forwarding for me (and for the gal!) and simply live in the tangible moment. I want to be 100% present.

TaylorSteele 566 reads
42 / 47

One for every hour of the day lol

Unless of course, Johny books that damn double. That could throw me off my average, especially since it takes him so long to Come Already ;)

xx kisses

(in all seriousness Skyr1, thats a secret and it differs every month...must be the moon or something)

Posted By: Skyr1
Providers, how many appointments do you actually have in a given day?  Is a low volume provider 1 a day or more? How about a high volume provider, typically  how many in a day?  
 If you'd rather not answer here, you can pm me...thank you.

MissAliceQuinn See my TER Reviews 791 reads
43 / 47

Because there will never be a concrete answer.  

Even if the women told the truth, would you guys believe it?

As some of the other girls have said, it's also cyclical.  

To use my situation as an example... if someone asks me how many dates I have on average, I say about 2 a week.  

That's not the truth, though.

I travel a lot. I work in another country and have business travel here. I am in NY two or three sections of time per month. There are some months where I will see someone every day for 5 days in a row and then three weeks later another 1-5 people.  

Sometimes I'll see 3 people a week for two weeks and no one for 4 weeks.  

I have another job and I see people for an extended amount of time. So if when in NYC,  I see two people in two consecutive days, it means I literally have NO time to myself for those two days. That's high volume for me. Contrastly, I was just in LA for a few days and I saw one person a day for 4 days. That would be insane for me in NY, but I had lots of free time before or after, so it felt low volume.  

Every women is high volume AND low volume. Depending on her both her personal schedule and work schedule.  

Since there will never be a definitive answer, this question will continue to get asked ad nauseam. You guys do like your answers and your stats. The answer to this question simply can't be quantified.

Kiss me,


Stay_thirsty_my_friend 520 reads
44 / 47

10 or 12 sounds like too many for my preference.  Just a mental thing or is it.

I once say a lady that was new to town.  We met at a hotel for a two hour session.  it was awesome.  Plenty of attention and there seemed no clock watching and no lack of energy.  As she got popular she set up one day per week that she rented a room and did incall.  Other than that she traveled a lot and did OC locally.  The next time I saw her, she was pacing the wear and tear on the money maker.  "Wow, let's go easy".  The appointment ended exactly on time.  I knew this would be the last visit for me.  As I went down the elevator and got to the bottom floor there was a guys standing there looking out of place and weirdly nervous....looking at his go phone.  I stayed on and went back up and surprise he got off on the floor I had just left.  Just sayin.....

Higher charging ladies probably see less people in most normal cities (LV is NOT normal).  Simple because there are less people that will pay a grand for an hour or two of time!!  Some of these ladies I have known and they make last minute plans for me, don't seem to have as many time constraints, etc

If you are getting what you want what does it matter?  It shouldn't matter, but it's a mental thing.  I liken it to a toilet seat..........would you go in the men's room at Wrigley field.  Would you go in and sit your ass down on one in the 9th inning?  Me neither.

Stay_thirsty_my_friend 513 reads
45 / 47
Stay_thirsty_my_friend 507 reads
46 / 47

Why buy used when new will do!!  I do care and would prefer to be first.  No other reason than cleanliness.  At least enough time for the foam to settle on the money maker.  "Next"

We are not changing anything just discussing cuz we have nothing better to do.

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