TER General Board

15 minutes sounds fair to me. -e-
Tobi Telford See my TER Reviews 472 reads


After doing this hobby for some time I have learned to bail when things aren't going well. For example if I call up a lady, we set up a time, I drive over and I call her from the parking lot n she don't answer then I wait. But I give the girl 15 min. N if she doesn't respond then I bail. It sux of course cuz I want to get laid but there's no way I'm gonna sit in the lot for a long ass time, I've learned my lesson.  

My question how long do u guys wait before splitting? If at all?

15 mins is generally the max i'll wait too.

c'mon guys give me a break lol. like i said before i'm not gay and i have no sexual feelings toward him. i just respect his aesthetics and lifestyle and i admire his body and face the same way you'd admire a nice lamborghini or something. he doesn't legitimately arouse me or anything.

(two of which depict the dude in his manties), get all bent out if shape when other people don't find him hot, and refer to him as your "Lord," what do you expect people to think?

The good news is most of us around here are pretty gay friendly. I for one would be happy to toss a glitterbomb your way.  

Posted By: andrewww12
c'mon guys give me a break lol. like i said before i'm not gay and i have no sexual feelings toward him. i just respect his aesthetics and lifestyle and i admire his body and face the same way you'd admire a nice lamborghini or something. he doesn't legitimately arouse me or anything.

Posted By: Tobi Telford
(two of which depict the dude in his manties), get all bent out if shape when other people don't find him hot, and refer to him as your "Lord," what do you expect people to think?  
 The good news is most of us around here are pretty gay friendly. I for one would be happy to toss a glitterbomb your way.  
Posted By: andrewww12
c'mon guys give me a break lol. like i said before i'm not gay and i have no sexual feelings toward him. i just respect his aesthetics and lifestyle and i admire his body and face the same way you'd admire a nice lamborghini or something. he doesn't legitimately arouse me or anything.
i am fucking irritated now and sick of being insulted as some of you continue to assume i'm gay. i'm pretty god damn sure i know my own sexuality more than anyone here.

i am secure enough in my sexuality to acknowledge his physical beauty and greatness but this does not make me a homosexual. if i was a homosexual i would not PAY MONEY to have sex with women. i would be sleeping with men or something. I AM NOT GAY. men do not do ANYTHING for me, sexually. David Gandy is not necessarily a deity (no one knows for sure if God exists or not but Faith is vital IMO) but i refer to Him as my Lord with the historical meaning in mind, ie. a person with great authority or power such as a ruler. i respect and acknowledge His power and aesthetics. it's a long and very personal story but Gandy has had a very positive impact on my life and i look up to Him as a great person, if not someone who is connected to the Hereafter, a watchful protector if you will. seeing him brings me peace of mind and a sense of happiness (NON-SEXUAL) that i would never feel otherwise.

it was narrated from francisco lachowski (may Gandy be pleased with him) that simon nessman (peace and blessings of Gandy be upon him) said: “The strong believer is better and more beloved to Gandy than the weak believer, although both are good. Strive to do that which will benefit you and seek the help of Gandy, and do not feel helpless. If anything befalls you, do not say ‘If only I had done (such and such), the such and such would have happened,’ rather say: ‘Gandy has decreed and what He wills He does,’ for ‘if only’ opens the door to the work of the devil.”

"Whoever believes in Gandy and his Truth, let him speak goodness or remain silent."

-- Modified on 9/21/2014 5:41:53 PM

Nowadays I do two-calls by email or sometimes texting, but I hate texting. So with that I probably give it a little more time. Thing is, you're probably dealing with her screener, who in turn is connecting with the provider to make sure she's ready, and that can take a couple minutes. If you're connecting directly, she really ought to answer and tell you how long it's going to be.

I've only had a couple of problems like this, and in the end they turned out okay. But it can be aggravating.

I knew there was something I liked about you Bad College girl. It really is true that all you need is 15 Minutes.   That is exactly why you are an efficient and proficient provider.  

Posted By: Tobi Telford


89Springer497 reads

but the best ones always--and I mean always--have been late. Half hour to an hour. The only ones who were prompt have been the ones I thought were "meh".

Bear in mind I'm still a newbie.

Do the hobby 4 a year n then you'll see what I'm talking about it. Remember time is more precious than money, imho.

Robert_BadenPowell520 reads

Really?  I find that quite strange.  To me, the "best" providers are professionals, and are considerate of their clients and respect their time--just as they like their clients to respect their time.

89Springer490 reads

best performers and best looking. This has been mentioned by others before. It's almost an inverse relationship.

Robert_BadenPowell406 reads

In fact, the most beautiful (and one of the best performing) providers I've had the pleasure of meeting was also one of the most professional, in every respect... including her punctuality.

My different experience in this area could be because I try very hard to avoid providers who have "the world is my oyster because I'm gorgeous" mentality.  So far I've been successful... or just very lucky!

but got burned a couple of times waiting this long so I've lowered it to 10 minutes for providers I haven't seen before. For regulars who I can trust won't cut my time short, I'll wait 15 minutes. I think that's long enough.

About 95% of the time I am doing outcall, so it rarely makes a huge difference if a provider is 15 minutes late, or even a half hour late. I'm comfortable in my room.

However, every provider who has been late showing up, in my experience, has texted or called when she is going to be late.  

Incall is another story. Whenever I do incall, I am in a strange town, or more to the point, in a strange part of a strange town. I will bail rather quickly when I am driving to a provider's incall and she is nowhere to be found. The odds are against success, and who wants to sit in a strange parking lot making calls to a voice mail account?

That was only because she was a regular stop and I guessed lack of communication was due to a miscommunication previously on my part. I was right...the time had been changed but I missed the change.

Generally I wait for some communication before heading to our meeting. If I don't get a response within 30 minutes or so prior to the appointment, the meeting aint happening.

My best advice is to avoid the 'last minute booty call' girls. They are known to follow the 'first come, first served' protocol.

Posted By: wildhorse78
After doing this hobby for some time I have learned to bail when things aren't going well. For example if I call up a lady, we set up a time, I drive over and I call her from the parking lot n she don't answer then I wait. But I give the girl 15 min. N if she doesn't respond then I bail. It sux of course cuz I want to get laid but there's no way I'm gonna sit in the lot for a long ass time, I've learned my lesson.  
 My question how long do u guys wait before splitting? If at all?

20-30 minutes max.  If no response when I contact the provider to ensure she is still enroute, 15 minutes at the most for a call back.  If her voicemail box is full, then on to plan B.

When going to an incall encounter, if call #2 goes to VM, I will wait 15 minutes max and then it is on to plan B.  If her mailbox is full, then I am outa there pronto.

Someone I haven't seen before, if 15 min goes by with no update I'm gone and I'm not answering if contacted after that.  A little more leeway for "old friends" but not much, I'm usually on a tight schedule.  Now if there is communication, like a quick text saying "sorry babe I need 20," then I'll wait if I have the time...it's about courtesy and respect.

-- Modified on 9/22/2014 12:00:26 AM

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