TER General Board

+1 EOM....angry_smile
mongo19621954 22 Reviews 261 reads


I hate providers who put music on their website...especially the ones that just comes on out of no-where. Ex: when you click on her website and 3 seconds in some corny music comes on out of nowhere (WTF then you are scrambling for the little speaker icon in the tool bar to mute it). Ladies, I might be bored in the office and just cruising TER. I know some would say "I should not be cruising TER while at work-yea ok" What about sitting across from your SO (face to face of course), this has also happen to me. If you put music in a video on your site that is one thing. At least I would be prepare when I click open the video.

The whole thing reminds me of 80's porn flicks that all comes with corny music in the back-ground. It did not work for porn & it is not working for you gals

Sure did break up the monotony.  Anyway,  I am glad you said this.  I am fashioning my new website and I thought some soft,  sexy  jazz music would add some pizazz to it.  I will abort that mission immediately.  I really didn't think that most of you are making dates while at work.  Thanks xo Erin

Posted By: realcrimsonlass
Sure did break up the monotony.  Anyway,  I am glad you said this.  I am fashioning my new website and I thought some soft,  sexy  jazz music would add some pizazz to it.  I will abort that mission immediately.  I really didn't think that most of you are making dates while at work.  Thanks xo Erin

except home or in a hotel room alone or with an appropriate companion, I always have the sound off.  (I would never browse at work as I can't imagine anything worse than examining a patient with a hang over hard on.)

"Is that an otoscope in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?"

I agree with you completely. I have never visited a site with unexpected background music and found it to be a good thing. Once, however, a few years back, I stumbled upon a provider's site that did something a bit different. Instead of background music she had uploaded an audio file of her own voice. I don't remember what she said verbatim, but it went something like this:

In a "seductive" whisper: "Hey . . ."
"It's me (her name)."
"I don't mean to intrude, but can you do something for me? Stop reading this for a minute. I want you to click on that link up top that says 'Gallery.' Go ahead, I think you'll like it."
"Mmmmmm, I like it when you look at me. See me there in the red lingerie? Make it bigger."
"Mmmmm, wouldn't you like to kiss me right there? Run your hands down my back?"

This went on for a little longer as she guided me through a few more pics. Then it ended with her asking if I'd like to know what she could do for me and to find out I should click the "contact me" button.

Strangely enough it worked. I would have hated this if I were browsing her site at the wrong time, or wrong place, but I was alone in my home so that wasn't a problem. I didn't have have a clue what I was doing back then, or have the needed references at the time to fully complete the form so it ended right there. Very risky and if not done right could backfire or sound cheesy, but like I said it worked on me, and I still remember it after a few years so it certainly left an impression.

PYIOP: Put yourself in our place.   This ain't Yahoo.  This ain't Amazon.  This ain't PBS.

We are surfing surreptitiously, often for just a few minutes at a time while waiting for something else to finish up the next piece of business or a meeting.  WORSE: the unexpected interruption when someone comes home early or pops into the room looking for something else.

NO MUSIC or other audio, except as a user option.
NO FLASH! Many of us filter as much as possible to avoid freezing up or contaminating whatever computer we're using at the time.  And most smartphones don't use flash.
NO streaming (unless as a user option).
No HUGE image files that take forever to download and can freeze up our computer.  (In the past, I have actually had to 'accidentally' pull the plug to crash my computer when someone would come into my office to talk to me about work stuff.)

If you use third party hosts for your images, make sure they upload cleanly.  There are many wonderful websites but I try to see the pics, I get nothing (empty boxes), I am pretty sure because of my software filters (cookies, flash, etc.).  

KISS: Keep It Simple, Shi ... Shirley :-)  

I have long recommended that you have your web designer give you a good home page with user options.
Click [here] for the plain HTML version.
Click [here] for the mobile version.
Click [here] for the deluxe, flash and flashy, cookie-laden, divorce-evidence version.


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