TER General Board

WickedBrut 27 Reviews 559 reads


Another train wreck to come. Not that I have an objection to a good train wreck. The relationship between CP and Cosmy has brought new life to the Chicago Board, and put new bounce in their steps. Not that either of them are likely to admit that right now.



He'd be the first to agree it's put bounce in his step.
But is this CPA or DA?  I can't really tell.

-- Modified on 7/20/2014 10:14:19 AM

I'm afraid that our pal cosmic has left the building for now.  He has promised he won't return...again.

But he's addicted to the drama...and I'm more than complicit to assist him.  Just the way I tend to roll  ;)

How would my posting the obvious put a bounce in my step?  

And bad news for Hound...he didn't pass screening.  :(

Posted By: ziggy440
Another train wreck to come. Not that I have an objection to a good train wreck. The relationship between CP and Cosmy has brought new life to the Chicago Board, and put new bounce in their steps. Not that either of them are likely to admit that right now.  

It might make a fun read...let us know when it's up  ;)

TalkToTrees555 reads

like ChgoCPA?

If she's truly a CPA, then why does she need to be a hooker?  

If she makes as much as ChgoCPA claims, then, there's no reason for her to partake in this illicit activity.

The Forest Waits

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
I'm serious. She is a CPA.. A real one..

I can't imagine another explanation for it.

Ask her if she's ever interviewed with me.  And if she's a tiny and petite one I'll bet the interview went for hours.

CPA has just challenged me to a dick size contest..
It's on like Donky Kong and my Dong.
This type of challenge is not taken lighty by TheHound!

I officially will agree to see the same "Hooker"
And we can let her decide who's wallet is bigger...
I mean dick is prettier..

You know I have a certain type...so if she's not tiny and petite I'll defer this to your wallet.

You should have seen the gals that worked for me over the years.  How I didn't get sued is a mystery of the ages.

Some pretty hot gals coming out of school...and smart as hell on top of it.

But there was a reason I hired gals for this business...they are the future (and present) of this industry.  Many of them have now gone on to own their own firms.  And that was my pleasure to see that success.

Posted By: TheHoundOfCullin
CPA has just challenged me to a dick size contest..  
 It's on like Donky Kong and my Dong.  
 This type of challenge is not taken lighty by TheHound!  
 I officially will agree to see the same "Hooker"  
 And we can let her decide who's wallet is bigger...  
 I mean dick is prettier..

Girl's suck your dick, and become successful?
Build on that skill, you could take over the world.

I'm not sure if I can compete with that, but I never back down from a dick challenge..
I'll get some flowers tattooed on there or something.

i get my nuts off on this shit which is rare ay my age..i tend to leak a lot..

Posted By: ziggy440
Another train wreck to come. Not that I have an objection to a good train wreck. The relationship between CP and Cosmy has brought new life to the Chicago Board, and put new bounce in their steps. Not that either of them are likely to admit that right now.  

I expect you to do as always.

Not sure what the over/under will be on the leakage....but I'm putting my money on the under.

Don't let me down...I know you won't  ;)

Posted By: macdaddy1944
i get my nuts off on this shit which is rare ay my age..i tend to leak a lot..  
Posted By: ziggy440
Another train wreck to come. Not that I have an objection to a good train wreck. The relationship between CP and Cosmy has brought new life to the Chicago Board, and put new bounce in their steps. Not that either of them are likely to admit that right now.  

IsorokuYamamoto503 reads

MacDiaper truth teller  

Posted By: macdaddy1944
i get my nuts off on this shit which is rare ay my age..i tend to leak a lot..  
Posted By: ziggy440
Another train wreck to come. Not that I have an objection to a good train wreck. The relationship between CP and Cosmy has brought new life to the Chicago Board, and put new bounce in their steps. Not that either of them are likely to admit that right now.  

but, since you're posting it on the board, it has to be P4P.

I'd be the very last person to refute the multilayered occupational profile of people, but it becomes interesting when we refer to each other by such identifying terms.

Instead of an "escort dating a client," speaking in terms of "banker dating jeweler," or "paragliding instructor dating machinist" sounds, IMO, more discreet and classy. Not that class matters to real men, of course--wouldn't hear a macho rodeo clown ever talk about class, I betcha.

A lot of CPAs probably subliment their income by dating guys, as do those of other professions.

And, obviously, clients come from a wide range of professions.

GA has it 3 to 1 on the under..sounds like good odds..will have to work on that..you know i would never let you down..Cosmic says hi..i think it was hi..

Looks like cece was also happy for your assistance.

Please tell me you didn't do the nasty with her....please  ;)

Does cosmic really swallow?  

Posted By: macdaddy1944
GA has it 3 to 1 on the under..sounds like good odds..will have to work on that..you know i would never let you down..Cosmic says hi..i think it was hi..

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