TER General Board

London and H+T are posting what alot of other providers want to but
dakine18 781 reads

don't because they don't want to bruise some of the super sensitive male egos here. The OP is a great example of one of those.
Don't know about the "cunty" one.

It's time to have some mindless fun and rate the female posters. You can come up with names and categories and comments. Please keep this thread within reason.  

Wittiest poster : Rrasha88

Funny as hell.

Most Eloquent : Allison Parker

Her posts actually make me think.

Most Obtuse: Debbienoonergirl

Makes lots of posts. Too bad I seldom understand what she is trying to say.

Legendary Bitch Poster : This is a special category for London Rayne

Despite the bitchiness, London needs to go back to posting 10 times a day to save TER General from oblivion.

Up and coming Bitch Poster : Hobbyist-Truth

London better watch out. This one could dethrone her for the Bitch title.

Add to this list

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
It's time to have some mindless fun and rate the female posters. You can come up with names and categories and comments. Please keep this thread within reason.  
 Wittiest poster : Rrasha88  
 Funny as hell.  
 Most Eloquent : Allison Parker  
 Her posts actually make me think.  
 Most Obtuse: Debbienoonergirl  
 Makes lots of posts. Too bad I seldom understand what she is trying to say.  
 Legendary Bitch Poster : This is a special category for London Rayne  
 Despite the bitchiness, London needs to go back to posting 10 times a day to save TER General from oblivion.  
 Up and coming Bitch Poster : Hobbyist-Truth  
 London better watch out. This one could dethrone her for the Bitch title.  
 Add to this list!  

Up an coming, whatever.....I am THE man hating Bitch Poster.

bigguy30703 reads

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Up an coming, whatever.....I am THE man hating Bitch Poster.

bkz she did more soul searching and head clearing than any other poster far as I can tell. Both of you have told us some wonderful inconvenient truths.  (And no, I'm not comparing you to Al.)

GaGambler706 reads

and Tobi is "cunty" Three of my favorite posters, what's not to like? lol

Posted By: GaGambler
and Tobi is "cunty" Three of my favorite posters, what's not to like? lol

Bob.Sugar644 reads

You told me I was your favorite.

You lied?

Posted By: hbyist+truth=;(
Posted By: GaGambler
and Tobi is "cunty" Three of my favorite posters, what's not to like? lol

I would say London because she is opinionated and she speaks from a position of authority. She is very well informed and she a no hold barred commentator who holds court on several sexual topics regarding the business.  Hobbyist Truth because irrespective of what others think she will tell you like it is and is very real.  There is nothing phony about hobbyist truth and I am sure she is well respective in the community by several of here colleagues.  Mature GFE and Ava because they give an unique perspective on the business through their own personal experiences.

Posted By: Duplicitouslust
I would say London because she is opinionated and she speaks from a position of authority. She is very well informed and she a no hold barred commentator who holds court on several sexual topics regarding the business.  Hobbyist Truth because irrespective of what others think she will tell you like it is and is very real.  There is nothing phony about hobbyist truth and I am sure she is well respective in the community by several of here colleagues.  Mature GFE and Ava because they give an unique perspective on the business through their own personal experiences.

this business is bound to make thoughtful women pretty damn cynical at times. And it can be like pouring gasoline on an open flame if you happen to have any pre-existing personal issues (that would include all living humans plus a few I know who allegedly passed on).

Bob.Sugar645 reads

But some women are not meant to be hookers.  LR is a very thoughtful lady...and certainly has NO issues with men in her life.

However there are some here like an h+t that truly does hate men.  Most of the lesbian gals I know have no real issues in being hookers, nor do they have any attraction to them (the johns) sexually.  But then there are some like h+t who really have serious issues dealing with that conundrum.  

Add to that that many like an h+t have NO options other than to suck cock and they literally hate themselves for it.  I guess it's a shame, but that's just the way it is with a few here.

Too bad they can't leave, as the disdain for themselves just continues to manifest.  There are options...I honestly wish they'd find them.

Fortunately most of the gals out here really do enjoy being prostitutes.  But then they also have options it seems.

Posted By: dani987x
this business is bound to make thoughtful women pretty damn cynical at times. And it can be like pouring gasoline on an open flame if you happen to have any pre-existing personal issues (that would include all living humans plus a few I know who allegedly passed on).

dakine18782 reads

don't because they don't want to bruise some of the super sensitive male egos here. The OP is a great example of one of those.
Don't know about the "cunty" one.

Bob.Sugar665 reads

Tobi isn't in the same hemisphere as you are  LOL

She actually likes hooking...AND has options.

You really should try and get that old gig working.  Don't quit so easily.  Then you can look in the mirror again and actually smile at the reflection.

You come across as a 20 something punk rocker. I have no category for smart ass kids. Somebody will have to create one.

You just put me info like five categories, all of which I find rather complimentary.  

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
You come across as a 20 something punk rocker. I have no category for smart ass kids. Somebody will have to create one.

Ok, fine. I'm putting you in the smart ass 20 something punk rocker category. How does that sound?

Posted By: Tobi Telford
You just put me info like five categories, all of which I find rather complimentary.  
Posted By: Oldtimemonger
You come across as a 20 something punk rocker. I have no category for smart ass kids. Somebody will have to create one.

I'll take it. *fist bump*

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Ok, fine. I'm putting you in the smart ass 20 something punk rocker category. How does that sound?  
Posted By: Tobi Telford
You just put me info like five categories, all of which I find rather complimentary.    
Posted By: Oldtimemonger
You come across as a 20 something punk rocker. I have no category for smart ass kids. Somebody will have to create one.

Makes the pissy, bitter, inadequate, old, insecure, condescending, ugly and ignorant  trick bitches cringe and lash out.  

The men just go with the flow and can appreciate that some hookers are not doormats and embrace the humor, the honesty and the lady balls.

Ha, true. I don't hate men... I just hate STUPID men. Here's your sign bwhahahaha.

How about "Most likely to call you a sexual predator because you casually mentioned that your cousin was a pornstar in one of your posts."

Drum roll ...  Courtney Ova.

Honorable mentions: SageofChicago, DebbieNooner, Alyson Parker.

2x4780 reads

Thanks for reminding me. Somehow that disgusting little tidbit had gotten lost amongst all the other examples that you're a freak.  

ETA: OH! AND you wanted to bone her!! Good lord how in the hell did I forget this?? Bwahahahaha! Courtney didn't even need to call you out. You outed yourself as a sketch ball fairly instantly with that one.  

Quick. Better make another post about what a "good client" you are. Hurl.

-- Modified on 9/28/2015 8:37:05 PM

I offered nothing of the sort. She's already out and happy, proud of her career, thank you.

As she should be. She's a very successful entertainer in her 30's. Whole family already knows. Friends all know. Some tease her about it  :-)  but no one judges her (other than maybe a few internet trolls like yourself).

Even posts pics (from the neck up) from her porn flicks on facebook for crying out loud. So obviously no secrets going on with that girl! So I hate to burst your bubble ... but I'm not a creep, and yes, I'm an exceptional client. Who just happens to have a badass rockstar porn queen in his family.

But don't let this slow you down, my friend. By all means, please keep spewing your man-hate !

-- Modified on 9/28/2015 7:16:42 PM

2x4645 reads

Tried to search and maybe you deleted it, but that is definitely not how that thread went. You debated outing her to her family and were even excited about it until you realized everyone already knew.  

Allegedly, of course. Kind of like the girl you wanted to pay double or whatever for missing your appointment 30 minutes after showing your ass on another thread.

No one in OUR family has a problem with what she does. In fact, YOU seem to have much more issues with this topic than any of my family.

Perhaps it bothers you that there are families like ours who love one another unconditionally? Without the need to hide what we do or lurk in the shadows, scared of others passing judgement? Yea, we're a pretty cool family like that, and I can't imagine how bad it would suck to have any other kind of family.

Just something to chew on my friend. Please forgive me for the psycho-analysis. Not my intention to play Sigmund Freud. Carry on!

-- Modified on 9/28/2015 9:05:18 PM

2x4687 reads

A little tear even trickled out of my stink eye ;-)

Guy posts that he recently found out a well-known porn star is actually his cousin.

 - Expresses concern, confusion over how to process and how to react to this knowledge.

 - Expresses UNDERSTANDABLY that he doesn't like the awkwardness of having to hold on to the secret, or worse yet, feeling obligated to mention something to his immediate family (brother, dad, stepmother).  

 - Finds out that not only did he have absolutely nothing to worry about ... but actually everyone already knew. Everyone is cool with it, even proud and supportive of her (to a degree) for her level of success in the field. She's open about her line of work. Doesn't hide it from anyone, including friends, family, SO. Couldn't hide it even if she tried, due to her her intense efforts to market herself and her work at trade show appearances, etc. that are typical in the porn industry.

- Courtney and others on the board all go COMPLETELY APE SHIT, twisting the words in his original post until they've made him in to a monster, even going so far as to call him a sexual predator.

Yea, if I seem a little bitter over this, it's because I am. And I will vow to anyone involved in that mess of a reaction ... you will get yours. Trust me -- if it isn't me directly, then karma will take care of your absolutely abhorrent reactions and behavior to what was otherwise a rather benign and innocent post from a confused person. As long as I am alive, I will make certain that you will be significantly inconvenienced in whatever ways I might have available to me. And believe me, I have plenty of devices available. I can write reviews, I can encourage others to write reviews. I can make recommendations to others and I can steer them away from certain providers ... because I know how to write and communicate, and am rather convincing and persistent when I want to be. I also have the knowledge of what many of you do for a living. I have some of your personal phone numbers, email addresses, real names, and TER reviews and accounts of you.

So my advice to you ... Forget that particular forum thread ever existed, and pretend you didn't over-react like you did. Pretend you didn't twist my words in an attempt to BULLY me. Pretend it was never there ... and eventually I might cool down and even laugh about it. We might become friends in time, because I am a rather nice guy. But right now, I will have you know ... that I will NOT be BULLIED the way I was bullied in that post . You will get what's coming to you, and it will be a major inconvenience and possibly even embarrassment for you.

That is all! Carry on ladies

It's good to have records of this shit.  

Posted By: some-guy
  - Guy posts that he recently found out a well-known porn star is actually his cousin.  
  - Expresses concern, confusion over how to process and how to react to this knowledge.  
  - Expresses UNDERSTANDABLY that he doesn't like the awkwardness of having to hold on to the secret, or worse yet, feeling obligated to mention something to his immediate family (brother, dad, stepmother).  
  - Finds out that not only did he have absolutely nothing to worry about ... but actually everyone already knew. Everyone is cool with it, even proud and supportive of her (to a degree) for her level of success in the field. She's open about her line of work. Doesn't hide it from anyone, including friends, family, SO. Couldn't hide it even if she tried, due to her her intense efforts to market herself and her work at trade show appearances, etc. that are typical in the porn industry.  
 - Courtney and others on the board all go COMPLETELY APE SHIT, twisting the words in his original post until they've made him in to a monster, even going so far as to call him a sexual predator.  
 Yea, if I seem a little bitter over this, it's because I am. And I will vow to anyone involved in that mess of a reaction ... you will get yours. Trust me -- if it isn't me directly, then karma will take care of your absolutely abhorrent reactions and behavior to what was otherwise a rather benign and innocent post from a confused person. As long as I am alive, I will make certain that you will be significantly inconvenienced in whatever ways I might have available to me. And believe me, I have plenty of devices available. I can write reviews, I can encourage others to write reviews. I can make recommendations to others and I can steer them away from certain providers ... because I know how to write and communicate, and am rather convincing and persistent when I want to be. I also have the knowledge of what many of you do for a living. I have some of your personal phone numbers, email addresses, real names, and TER reviews and accounts of you.  
 So my advice to you ... Forget that particular forum thread ever existed, and pretend you didn't over-react like you did. Pretend you didn't twist my words in an attempt to BULLY me. Pretend it was never there ... and eventually I might cool down and even laugh about it. We might become friends in time, because I am a rather nice guy. But right now, I will have you know ... that I will NOT be BULLIED the way I was bullied in that post . You will get what's coming to you, and it will be a major inconvenience and possibly even embarrassment for you.  
 That is all! Carry on ladies!  

Yeah is anybody saving screen-shots of everything this psychopath is posting? Taken individually his responses are misogynist and threatening.  As an aggregate, they're absolutely terrifying, with a crazy amount of blatant threats.

Courtney, I don't know the story at all, but I am so sorry this awful person is trying to bully you and definitely has it out for you. Ironically, he is practically screaming in his posts that YOU'RE the bully. Delusion, man.

Some-guy, you really don't make a great case for yourself. Just saying.

I did not see the posts they are bitching about but stop hijacking this thread and start a new one about your battles with them. That goes for all of you.

Seconded.  She called me "border line rapey" for lying about my age to providers with a lower end limit.  Because providers never do the same in reverse... lol.

Posted By: some-guy
 How about "Most likely to call you a sexual predator because you casually mentioned that your cousin was a pornstar in one of your posts."  
 Drum roll ...  Courtney Ova.  
 Honorable mentions: SageofChicago, DebbieNooner, Alyson Parker.

Nothing better to do than post on this board. Get a life!

-- Modified on 9/28/2015 3:42:55 PM

And, Hobbysist truth is my girl, as is Tobi. Can't you tell ha ha ha. Love Rasha and well... gawd, so many to mention. I can take em all... funny, assholes, bitches, even deluded. No need to name names, eh?  

I went from the top poster to falling totally off even the top 10... well damn. I need to start drinking more and hanging out with certain friends less. Can't post on the hooker boards with those boys around, ha ha.

-- Modified on 9/29/2015 5:24:42 PM

Posted By: London Rayne
And, Hobbysist truth is my girl, as is Tobi. Can't you tell ha ha ha. Love Rasha and well... gawd, so many to mention. I can take em all... funny, assholes, bitches, even deluded. No need to name names, eh?  
 I went from the top poster to falling totally off even the top 10... well damn. I need to start drinking more and hanging out with certain friends less. Can't post on the hooker boards with those boys around, ha ha.  

-- Modified on 9/29/2015 5:24:42 PM

Of course you should name names. I got the impression you were doing more than drinking a couple of years ago. Your life should be devoted to TER. You are right, you are not even a top 10 poster. Boys around? What are you doing? Giving it away?

 Get back to Vodka and Valium. It's the breakfast of champions. Start drinking and stay away from those boys.

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
Posted By: London Rayne
And, Hobbysist truth is my girl, as is Tobi. Can't you tell ha ha ha. Love Rasha and well... gawd, so many to mention. I can take em all... funny, assholes, bitches, even deluded. No need to name names, eh?    
  I went from the top poster to falling totally off even the top 10... well damn. I need to start drinking more and hanging out with certain friends less. Can't post on the hooker boards with those boys around, ha ha.  
 -- Modified on 9/29/2015 5:24:42 PM
 Of course you should name names. I got the impression you were doing more than drinking a couple of years ago. Your life should be devoted to TER. You are right, you are not even a top 10 poster. Boys around? What are you doing? Giving it away?  
  Get back to Vodka and Valium. It's the breakfast of champions. Start drinking and stay away from those boys.

No I don't know what's up! Why don't you tell me?

I just thought of it. You found a new Sugar Daddy? A boyfriend? Religion?

Posted By: London Rayne
And, Hobbysist truth is my girl, as is Tobi. Can't you tell ha ha ha. Love Rasha and well... gawd, so many to mention. I can take em all... funny, assholes, bitches, even deluded. No need to name names, eh?  
 I went from the top poster to falling totally off even the top 10... well damn. I need to start drinking more and hanging out with certain friends less. Can't post on the hooker boards with those boys around, ha ha.  

-- Modified on 9/29/2015 5:24:42 PM

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