TER General Board

TER should just get rid of the Top 100,
JakeFromStateFarm 225 reads

it causes a LOT of fucked up shit.  I have NEVER used it as a factor regarding who to see.

GoodThrillHunting5950 reads

I'm an established provider with a current TER national top 100 ranking...but it's doubtful I'll hold my position for much longer. In fact, I'm expecting to drop off the list entirely by the end of the summer...

I anticipate this fall from grace, despite not:

-changing my appearance
-reducing the my "available activities"
-altering the ambiance/atmosphere of my experiences  

In any form or fashion.

Why? Well I don't have the answer, though I frequently wonder the same. I also wonder why as a GFE provider, the experiences I share are no longer worthy of a 9+.  

My first dates, as well as my regular rendezvous are treated and pampered. I shower with attention and bathe entire bodies with my affection. I kiss deeply, hug tightly...and willingly allow access into my soft, small feminine physique.  

When parting, slightly disheveled and totally lovestoned, it's not uncommon for them to whisper in my ear "THAT was the best."

Yet...TER will lower his 9/10 to a 9/8 review because of neither of us wanted anal and our date was just a duo?

Get the f*** outta here with that nonsense. Why would anyone submit honest reviews only to be told that their stellar experience (which the moderating party was absent for) was just "meh?" What's stopping a provider from having a no review policy if they only serve to devalue her body and her time?

What's stopping an en masse exit by reviewers and providers to a better review forum?  

All responses welcome.


(I will share my provider identity only thru PM, and solely at my discretion)

For those that don't get (E).... Well I don't need to pm you to figure out who you are. Not many who are in dagner of falling off the charts.

I am not trying to be mean but overall many are snobs about the top 100 and do some screwed up crap just to stay there.

Treat guys well and do this well and you wouldn't need to seek new guys looking for that top 100. I am not wrong on that.

If you don't do those things you never should have received a 10 in performance. If you do, then why would your reviewers score bevlowered to a 9/8? It should be a 9/9.

Why is being on the Top 100 so important?
What's wrong with a 9 in performance?

Where is this "better review forum" you are talking about?  

A lot of things about TER suck. Review scoring is one of them, but there are no "better review forums" out there.  I've been calling for eliminating the Too 100 lists for years. They have been the biggest cause of review manipulation. They are really unnecessary.

GaGambler337 reads

I guess it's your turn to "beat me to the punch" as I was thinking the EXACT same thing.

Yes, the new review guidelines do seem a bit arbitrary and unfair, not to mention completely out of line with what "Most" of us find important in a session,  but a lack of "butt fucking" only costs a single point, not two. A 9/10 would only fall to a 9/9 if a lack of anal was the only determining factor, and a 9/9 is certainly a VERY respectable score.

Quite frankly it sounds like this "top 100" provider has been gaming the system all along by claiming to be "really bi" even though it's a service not offered in a "one on one" session and she is living proof about exactly what's wrong with these stupid "top" lists. It's also pretty obvious that she either does not "kiss with tongue" or does not give a BBBJ,  so most likely she really didn't deserve any of those 10s she got in the past as kissing and BBBJ's are something very important to the vast majority of the guys.

JakeFromStateFarm226 reads

it causes a LOT of fucked up shit.  I have NEVER used it as a factor regarding who to see.

being able to get a higher score because a girl's friend that wrote her first review and set up her profile, which says anal in on the menu, was just a scam on the review system.  I have read through over 20 reviews on a couple of girls that each had anal in their profile, but not one person AFTER the first guy who set up the profile ever actually received anal.  Its much harder for them to scam the NEW system now that its based on what you ACTUALLY did, rather than what you just SAY you do.

GaGambler308 reads

I don't really care about anal, nor do I care about gang bangs or if she's a carpet muncher (sorry lopaw) none of those things are even on my mind when I book an appointment or start my selection process.

All they have done now is to reward the women most creative about manipulating the system. I have already seen a huge increase in reviews that actually mention anal or a third person in the room, whether that other person is male or female. Can it really be a coincidence that with the new rules come such a huge increase in these activities?

When the changes were first announced I went on record stating that "anything that decreased the number of tens, was a good thing" I have since reconsidered, as the new system encourages manipulation instead of discouraging it.

of some local indies, I would have to agree with your conclusion.  It does seem suspicious that Greek and duos are being added to a lot of menus that didn't have them before.  

my-0.02-cents223 reads

The new review system is going to shake up the list for national and the regional ones.  You are not going to be the only one that will drop of the board or stay on it. This system needs to be given a chance and allow to work. The new rating will stop providers with only 10-30 reviews of 10-10 to stay on top of the list while blocking providers that have more reviews but have some negative ones which causes them to drop on the list.  

I saw plenty of beautiful girls that were ranked 30 and below with many good recent reviews, but the girls on top of the list have reviews that are 6-9 months old and still manage to be on top of the list even though they were not getting new reviews.  

...it's the worst system possible, until you compare it to all the others.

I'd welcome enlightenment as to a better alternative.

The numbers in the posts are Appearance / Performance numbers: 9/10 being lowered to 9/8 or 9/9 and so on.
I'm just going to sing my usual tune to switch to performance scores of X-out-of-Y. Determine the maximum score however you wish (anal +1, DFK +1, NQNS +2 !!!, polymastia +1, long red fingernails +1, short orange fingernails -1, ... whatever damn system you want). THEN determine the subjective score and report it relative to the max available score.
I have had some FANTASTIC 7/7's that I wish I could score as 10-out-of-7s!  
A quick poll: Would you prefer to see someone whose average is 7/7 or whose average is 7/10?  
This might up the max score by +6:

Is the fact that myself along with many others here will not see you without reviews! I guess if you want a 10 you could lick some "Bung Hole" and bring in a blow up doll or something though I do agree that it is our 10 to give for the experience we feel we received.

that from happening, but like, no one cares?

People who are fed up have been leaving and should leave. Others are disengaging and using the useful parts of this site; that's my approach. I chime in when I feel like it, post an ad occasionally, check the providers only board. I have reviews, I was in the top 5 of my area. They've been great for establishing myself and attracting the "silent majority". But all things considered, if they delisted me today? I'd go on living, go on making money, go on being fucking really good at this and having regulars who appreciate that and others who find their way to me regardless.

Reviews have been problematic and devaluing well before this shift in scoring. Pick and choose your battles.

I can't put top 100 on TER on my resume, nor can I cash that in the bank. Why waste the energy complaining about a site that has shown its allegiance is and has never been to providers that make it possible?

GaGambler249 reads

Quite frankly, I think your mix of reviews is almost exactly what I look for. 33 solid reviews over a five year period shows you are consistent, but not begging every guy you see for a review. Your mix of everything from a few 10/10 reviews to a "worst" review of an 8/8 with virtually every score in between also shows consistency and is much more believable than page after page of 10/10s which always makes me suspicious that coercion was involved.

At the risk of sounding like I am "sucking up" your mix and frequency of reviews goes a lot further for those of us who've been around for a while that those "top list" ladies who fight to get as many 10/10s as they can beg, cajole, or threaten their clients into writing.

Not all TER guys are stupid, and not all of us just blindly pick the "top rated" girl in any given market. Reviews are only important to me in knowing a lady is NOT LE, is NOT an ROB, is NOT a B&S and to get a sense that she has a good attitude and won't be an ice queen when I get there. I most certainly do not need to know that she is "really Bi" is into "Gang Bangs" or "Anal" despite what the PTB seem to think.

Again at the risk of "sucking up" just keep being you and I doubt any one is going to care if you have 9's instead of 10's for performance going forward. Any guys dumb enough to think that just because a provider is no longer getting 10's in performance because the rules have changed, deserve the manipulating "review whores" that they end up with

Owning a 10/8 review. Took the blame publicly. I just hope the guy returns and she fucks his brains out for a better score. It's quite rare to see anyone own anything anymore so I found her approach quite refreshing.  

I've seen NL several times. She's the bomb.

1. Why do you come here bitching when you should feel lucky to have been on the top 100?

2. Why complain when according to what is offered, it baffles me you'd even be allowed to get above an 8 anyways? How is that even fair to those of us that offer just about it all?

3. You come across as demanding and entitled and I find that offensive to someone like me who tries hard to make great experiences without the BS that most top 100 ladies do.... ie make the guys give perfect 10s.

Know how to do well? Doesn't have anything to do with being in the top 100...

It has to do with how you treat others. Truth. It is how you get regulars and never have to worry about the review system. Because of how I treat my guys, I can freely say what I want and be me without worrying about how busy i am.

I am a fan of the review system mainly because girls should be held accountable, much like I am. Yes, some guys are mean and out for revenge... but how much of that is their doing? Some is on the gal too in most cases. Plenty of mean guys but plenty of shady girls too.

Sorry but almost everyone here knows how the majority stays in the top 100 and you won't get much sympathy about it.

JakeFromStateFarm280 reads

But I agree with you.  I suggest you read posts in the old format and reply that way. The reply takes you to the new version but you can always easily toggle back.
You're welcome.

GaGambler278 reads

Hey Alex, How do you really feel? lol

Personally, I think Alex made some great points.

and had more to add on. I keep making it stay on the classic the best I can.  

I know I came off all harsh. I just get sick of the review manipulations and maybe not all the top 100, or even the ones who get almost all 10s do that... but I seriously doubt anyone is everyone's 10. I don't like shady stuff from either side of the hobby. Perhaps it doesn't apply to the OP. Maybe it does. The heck if I would know. It just gets annoying when it is bitched about because seems to come across as entitled and shady. That's how I tend to view it and I see others feel the same.  

BTW Gambler, I am just too quiet and shy to say how I really feel :D

Posted By: JakeFromStateFarm
Re: Another casualty of the new design.  You meant to reply to the OP but replied to me instead.
But I agree with you.  I suggest you read posts in the old format and reply that way. The reply takes you to the new version but you can always easily toggle back.  
 You're welcome.

JakeFromStateFarm243 reads

it wasn't addressed to me, rather the OP.  So just as a matter of form I'd have put it under hers, not mine. No big deal though.

Being able to switch back and forth between classic and new, to read vs write posts is not going to last forever. It also seems a lot more time consuming than just clicking on "tree" when you first open a board, and just leaving it on the new site.  

There are things I don't like about the new TER, but I have no problem following threads on it. Many have mentioned that it is difficult to follow? What makes it so? I'm just curious. Is it because people are reading it in flat mode? Well, switch to tree. That has been a problem in the old TER for years, so it is not unique to new TER.

-- Modified on 5/7/2017 3:29:01 PM

JakeFromStateFarm181 reads

at least until they get the new version de-bugged so you can more easily follow threads.

The last time they did a big update they kept the classic version fully operational for about 8 years, running side by side. This time they pretty much dumped all the useful parts of classic within weeks of rolling out the new TER. Do you really expect them to keep this "read only" version of classic operational for years?  

JakeFromStateFarm170 reads

I am simply hoping that if enough other people say the same thing they will actually listen to us.  That would be a first. The "read only" version is actually OK.

I understand your frustration with the new review guidelines as I too feel like it's somewhat unfair but I don't see what the huge deal is about dropping off the top 100 list?  I'm sure your business won't be any different and I'm sure other ladies will be dealing with the same issues.  What kind of irks me is that eventually everyone in the top 100 list will be those who offer PSE only.

The fact that you're here taking this much time and energy worrying about a totally arbitrary and capricious system that has been set up and ran for the sole purpose of not serving your best interests (kinda like our govt) should say it's not worth the time or frustrations.  

I've stopped getting reviews almost 3 happy years now and I went out on a good note 8-10's. I have loved every bit of the unpressed freedom of not giving 2 phucks about them anymore. Liberate yourself from the false sense of grandeur these reviews deliver, making it on your name and reputation without them will tell you how great you really are.  

Again, be blessed and good luck.

Senator.Blutarsky323 reads

Really, I'm sick and tired of all the bitching about the scoring system.  It is flawed and always has been. Yes, this latest change hasn't improved it, but who cares? I sure don't. It doesn't change the way I search for women and decide on who to see. I think TER made it to try and reign in the increasing score inflation. What good is it if every review for every lady becomes a one in a lifetime event?  

You have to understand that for most of us, we look beyond the numbers and take the score with a grain of salt. I wish they would get rid of the numbers and just have us indicate what the numbers stand for. i.e. Attractive, Really Hot, Model Material, and one in a Lifetime for apperance, and hot time, went the extra mile, forgot it was a service, and one in a lifetime for performance.  I'm sure they can come up with an algorithm to average these out and state which is the most prevalent.  

The other thing is no two people are alike, so it really strains credibility when you see a string of 10/10s. Either the guys that may not have had that same experience are not submitting reviews or are too scared to admit that they didn't get the same experience as the other guys and go along with the herd.  

All I need to know is are the pictures accurate and will she make me forget it's a service.  I'll take a really hot lady who makes me forget it's a service every day of the week. Occasaionally, the experience does become a one in a lifetime, and I'll admit that I've had more than a few one in a lifetime experiences, but these don't occur everytime and really don't have anything to do with what activities did or did not take place. The thing is the lady and I know we had a one in a lifetime experience and whether it is or is not made public with a review doesn't mean the next guy is going to get the same connection/experience or even that our next time together is as memorable.    

Okay, rant over.

GaGambler220 reads

It's rare for you make a post without a pic of a hottie in it. lol

Senator.Blutarsky243 reads

...to not give a fuck. Usually, I just ignore the whiners. I'll blame it on the tequila.  

This gal doesn't give a fuck about scores as long as I show up clean, unintoxicated and with the proper 'gift'. She makes me forget I'm an old biker and makes me think that I still out ride the young studs. lol.

You have all these girls who claim they do better on twitter or other places. If it's so bad here, why the fuck don't they just delist themselves?

Many of the 10/10 hookers had two personas and gave big discounts on their 1K persona in exchange for the 10/10 ratings. The idea was to garner a bunch of 10/10s so a clueless newbie would pay the 1k rate. Under their other persona they were "going rate" priced.  

TER made it a little tougher to game the system. I like the new system. If it drives some girls out of here so be it.

JenericJohn239 reads

Is this your story now?  I thought it was price cuts just to stay busy.  Now it's to get good reviews?
Why are you always whining about this if you're not willing to name names?  The only reason for your constant nagging is that many times (you're the one saying "many"), you paid $1,000 for a $300 experience.  Don't say, "it didn't happen to me, I just heard about it from other hookers," because nothing else you've said would indicate you'd trust a single word coming from the mouth of a provider.  So who was it with?  Why are you protecting people whom you claim are actively trying to defraud your audience?  That's the primary purpose of this website, to validate that providers are who they say they are.
Or are you just sad and furious because providers can raise their prices because someone (but not you) is willing to pay them?  Your $400 lover has traded up to $800 because she'd rather work less and earn more, and you're back to finding someone just as good, except it's not easy because at $400 an hour the quality is less reliable.  Is this your way at getting back at her?

Damn You are stupid. If you followed my posts it was me as an internet newbie monger who paid the high prices while others paid the lower prices. If I want to "out" a hooker for having multiple personas , I'll file a problem report with TER.  


Hookers raise their prices (if they are not double dipping) to work less but do NOT necessarily make more money. If you knew anything about the business you would know that.  


If you honestly believe the 800 an hour hooker is better than the 400 an hour hooker it's because you don't have enough experience to know any better.

JenericJohn271 reads

You say "if" you want to out someone for having multiple personas you would report it to an admin.

1. Why "if"?  What is the question in your mind that makes you be unsure on whether or not to report this?  And again, why haven't you actually done this?

2. What rule would the provider have broken?

Everything else in your post, as usual, is just an attempt to change the subject, because you continue to have no way to defend your statements.

I don't want to interfere with their livelihood. I have posted that before. It is against TER rules to have reviews under two names. When caught in a problem report TER merges the two identities.  

I don't have to defend anything when dealing with some alias.

Oliver_Closeoff201 reads

When I'm choosing a lady, I read her website and read tons of her reviews before I make a decision on who I'm going to see.  
Why would I check or even care if she is on the top 100 or top 10 in her local area, it's just marketing Bullshit and a bullshit excuse to raise her donation rates.

...in any endeavor where we attempt to quantify what is basically subjective.

I've been in the wine biz for quite a few years and we deal with this issue every day. Reviews are given by major publications, minor publications, win blogs that few have truly heard of, local newspaper columns, etc. Most every reviewer uses the now-standard 100-point scale and everyone has their own interpretation of what the numbers mean.

Some reviewers give x number of points for clarity and color; some give y number of points for aromatics; some give z number of points for fruit; others emphasize different qualities, such as acidity, tennis, structure, ad infinitum. Add them all together and the result is 84 points, 93 points and the occasional 100 point score. Some reviewers hand those out like they're a piñata full of goodies and have been whacked with a 2x4! And I tend to value their opinions less over time, as I believe such rampant perfection is simply not possible in the real world -- I haven't seen that kind of 100/100 performance in any other human endeavor.

My personal opinion is that a 100-point wine does NOT exist, as perfection (the only way I could define a 100 out of 100 possible point wine) does not in nature nor in the mind (and palate) of human kind. So the best I could ever score a wine would be 99 points and they are FAR and FEW.

That's also my take on seeing page after page of 10/10 scores -- the sheer number of "perfect"scores of a human performance, reviewed by another human,  makes me skeptical and I find them less believable. I'm with GaG in that a mix of upper end scores is more believable in the messy world of us day-to-day evolved primates.

Every few years,  a major and presumably reputable source (NY Times, LA Times, WaPo, etc) seems to have a story about blinded wine tastings or mislabeled wine tastings. It is not unusual for the wine "experts" to give high scores based on the label (winery, alleged vintage, assumed price) and lower scores to wine-in-a-box. When the people running the study mix things up (and pour wine-in-a-box into a fancy labeled bottle) the scores can flip flop.  
In truly blinded and fair (no labels, just numbered glasses) tastings, many inexpensive wines beat out the high-priced offerings.
Hay! Just like what happens in the real hobby world!

Posted By: trex44
Re: Review scores are problematic...
...in any endeavor where we attempt to quantify what is basically subjective.  
 I've been in the wine biz for quite a few years and we deal with this issue every day.

and learn you are More than a  

John_Laroche243 reads

because no monger in his right mind will see a girl if she's not in the local Top 10.  

Puleeessse, the Top 100 is nonsense, and girls who put so much weight on it are a bigger part of what is wrong with "the system" than the recent changes to the system.

It showed to me that you were responding to me (the first line) !!! Didn't make sense to me so I checked on Classic to see if it was even a response to me. Glad I did.

Yes, I agree that likely I would not see a gal that isn't in the top 10 in her area.  Always exceptions. I do shy away from all 10's though. I broke that rule this year and learned it was a bad idea after.

This is not a new TER vs old TER thing. This is a tree vs. flat thing. The same thing existed in old TER!

I use this site to say hi and ask questions on the Provider board, to pop up adverts in towns I'm touring, to read some inane drivel on this general board and comment after snorting tea out of my nose laughing, and to read my PM's and check a guys whitelisitng .  
I never post photos on the photo board, or look at lists. but sometimes I get excited to see I have a new review. I've never asked for one but I know they're important and guys read them to get a feel for consistency of service and personality and legitimacy. Not being on a list and not getting 10's for performance hasn't hurt my business. I don't and never will offer anal and I don't get many duo bookings. That's just how it is. I don't get many 10's for looks either but it's also a fact that while I'm attractive and some say beautiful, I'm also 40 now and not a Penthouse Pet for whom I would think a 10 for looks should be reserved??

Either way, minor grumbles aside, my life here as a touring foreigner would be very quiet and without business without TER, and let's face it, when Eros advertising is so expensive I can't grumble about being able to be on here free??

performance. For appearance, I will look at a lady's pics to see if Mr. Happy will be attracted to the lady.

For performance, I will read the juicy details in the reviews to see if we will have a great time. If she doesn't offer BBBJ or doesn't like to lock lips, then then encounter will not happen.

Somehow I've actually benefited from the new scoring system and moved up the top 100 list in my area.  What effect has that had on my business?  Absolutely none as far as I can tell.  No increase in either inquiries or bookings.  Personally I wouldn't worry about it.  Provide the best service possible, treat your clients well, and you'll do fine.  

JenericJohn234 reads

When I was a newbie, not so long ago, I cared about top lists because they seemed like an easy way to sort through the list of thousands of providers to find someone of whom the community said great things.
I did not use the national top 100 list because it is much less useful to actually find someone than a regional list.  And once I had the regional list, I didn't just go to the top.  I clicked my way down to the bottom so I could look at profiles, reviews and websites.  I used the advanced search form to narrow things down (which doesn't ask if someone is top rated).
That lasted about two months and four dates, at which time I realized that the difference between a 8 and a 10, let alone the difference between an 9.88 and an 9.89, was highly subjective and affected by a lot of things other than what I could expect of seeing someone today.
So I started paying attention to the TER ad pages and started doing the same thing, reading ads, reading websites, reading profiles, reading reviews.  In my opinion, when considering providers who are highly regarded, I can form a better opinion of the enjoyment I will get out of those things as opposed to their rank on a list.
And then I started becoming a regular with some providers, and to get to know them a little better I started reading their Twitter feeds.  And with Twitter, I found a whole new group of providers - women in the circles of the women I knew.  And so I added one more layer to my research, and the rankings took on an every lower ranking (how ironic).
So in my opinion, dropping off the national Top 100 list should have almost no effect.  If you dropped off your city's top 100, you might see a small decrease in bookings from new users.  If you wanted to offset that, I'd say that encouraging reviews, as well as encouraging shills to your ads, will help.
What would be better about a different review board other than not having top lists?

callmelady220 reads

Add to my posts that "if you're a TER member and want to have a session and post a review I am just willing to see you if you're actually OK receiving ALL the services that I provide?"  
Some guys simply don't want to have anal, many guys don't want even kiss with tongue!  
Most of them don't want a massage, don't want put their fingers inside or want their butts licked.  
Many also don't want BBBJ! Should I force them to engage (and I sure try! lol) into it so I can get an 8 for service?  
It seen like all those years passed and TER really cannot find a way to make this score and ranking system fair for the providers.  
I hope they figure it out soon as I am seeing many ladies leaving. Of course many others will come in to compensate but it's sad to see them leaving after years just because they are scared of hurting their business or reputation because of this problem.

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