TER General Board

Does this mean...I can never have sex again because I could be causing cervical cancer? EOM
curio18777 384 reads


curio187772333 reads

I recently noticed that I have some genital warts and the doctor said it is HPV and that I should let any partners in the future know.

Just curious what opinions are out there regarding whether I have a moral obligation to stop hobbying altogether...?

HPV is the most common STD and it is estimated that 80% of the population has it. From what I know there are only two strains that can cause cervical cancer in women and only if those women don't regularly see a gynecologist (cervical cancer is 100% preventable).

So, I don't have the strains that cause cervical cancer, but should I stop hobbying? Should I stop dating people?

Confused and wondering...

It's kinda funny you discuss moral/ethics in hobbying, but honor among thieves I guess.
Anyways, for courtesy to the providers and other hobbiests, I expect you to do everything covered and sanitized at the least. No BBBJ DFK LFK and shower thoroughly before. I may go as far as informing the provider or quitting the hobby, but I know how hard it would be. Is it curable? Good luck!

Dr_Killjoy423 reads

My understanding is that HPV, much like HSV is a topical infection. I know that HSV hides in nerve cells but I'm not sure what HPV does between outbreaks.

In other words, you can't get genital warts from kissing somebody who has them, and you can't get genital herpes from kissing somebody who has cold sores.

Just for the record, this isn't from experience. I know this, or at least kind of know it, because I'm a biologist. Also,  I'm not 100% sure so don't blame me if you catch something.

saturnsky481 reads

Okay ask yourself this..if you went to see an escort and upon going down on her saw a bunch of genital warts, how would you feel/react?

If I saw genital warts I would end the appointment right then and there. Any sane escort would. And we do inspect the goods. So they would be warning enough.

Exactly . That's why I wondered why his Dr told him to inform others??? WTF?
Men have hardly any of no symptoms . If he has a regular partner he should stay with that person only.
Even then he should use precautions. Women can wind up with cervical cancer and his skin tags
can become re infected depending on self care.

Posted By: saturnsky
Okay ask yourself this..if you went to see an escort and upon going down on her saw a bunch of genital warts, how would you feel/react?

If I saw genital warts I would end the appointment right then and there. Any sane escort would. And we do inspect the goods. So they would be warning enough.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be seeking advices from unqualified people. I tell my doctor everything, I've been seeing his old ass for almost four years. I tell him everything, and he gives me advices about the hobby, things I should do, and things I should avoid. Don't be ashamed of it, he's your doctor, that's what they are paid for, and he'll be able to give you advices too.

About you stopping or continuing hobbying or dating people, only your doctor can give you those advices. For example, he might say that you can still date people (obviously), but will need to use protection in all sexual acts and avoid fluid exchange. Your best advice is from a medical expert.

-- Modified on 6/27/2012 5:54:34 PM

No one wants to get your stuff, so I suggest getting married to another HPV positive partner and making a happy family. If you have warts no one is going near you..sorry, but it's true. OF FREAKING COURSE you have no right to expose married men to something you have!! I can't believe you even asked such a stupid question.

I also don't know where you're getting your facts from because 80 percent of the population does not have warts caused by HPV!!! Don't project please. A high percentage of people are "exposed" to some form of HPV, yes, but not what you're talking about.

There are like 20-25 possible strains of this disease, and you got hit with the bad stuff if you have warts by God. I am sorry to be so blunt, but these threads are getting old! Common sense goes a long way.

It does not take an MD to know that if you're fking married men for a LIVING that it's your responsibility to warn them ahead of time that you have this (yea, that will help business) or STOP seeing men in this business. What you choose to expose your own partners to, is your business but the hobby is an entity of its own.

-- Modified on 6/27/2012 6:02:18 PM

curio18777446 reads

have HPV. Most of the time people dont know it and those that cause genital warts are the least dangerous because they do not cause cervical cancer. So London with all due respect, if you are a provider, you undoubtedly have at least one of the 200 strains of HPV, as do all other hobbyists.

Sorry, but that is what the CDC reports...

That is why I am asking about the ethics of it for all involved...

wilt-the-stilt374 reads

There is no clinical way to test for HPV in men who do not show symptoms.  Most men with HPV do not show symptoms.  The reality is that all of us who have been in the hobby for years--both provider and patron--should assume we have several strains; quite possibly one of the strains that causes genital warts (most people do not actually get warts).  The type of HPV that causes warts does not cause cancer.  The irony is that many of the same people insisting that the OP join a leper colony are already carrying something equally bad or worse.  Denial isn't just a river in Egypt.

I don't know the answer to the ethical question posed by OP; but it is not as if the rest of us aren't facing equally serious ethical questions.  How many hobbyists have wives or girlfriends who are now also exposed to a higher risk of STD infection without any warning?  How many hobbyists fully apprise all prospective non-escort partners of their activities with escorts prior to physical intimacy?  Furthermore, how many hobbyists get regular tests for Herpes type II (genital herpes) which is also incurable and may not produce symptoms?  Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.  

you have an outbreak lol. Some of you need to get educated before you make these stupid ass comments! Any person saying there is a test for herpes is a flat out liar!! They can ONLY test the lesions! If you get a blood test, only the antibody for it will show up meaning if you have ever had a fever blister, it's in your blood. It CANNOT tell which one you have (A or B) with a blood test or even a pap on women, unless you have an outbreak. Again, stick with the facts!

If you don't want to expose your SO to this crap, keep your dick in your pants...it's not rocket science!

wilt-the-stilt422 reads

Posted By: London Rayne
you have an outbreak lol. Some of you need to get educated before you make these stupid ass comments! Any person saying there is a test for herpes is a flat out liar!! They can ONLY test the lesions! If you get a blood test, only the antibody for it will show up meaning if you have ever had a fever blister, it's in your blood. It CANNOT tell which one you have (A or B) with a blood test or even a pap on women, unless you have an outbreak. Again, stick with the facts!

If you don't want to expose your SO to this crap, keep your dick in your pants...it's not rocket science!
Take your own advice.  Ignorance is showing alright; yours.  You don't know what you are talking about.  I pity your clients.  Herpes Type II,  genital herpes, CAN be tested via blood whether you have symptoms or not.  Oh, and when the article mentions recommending the test to people with a high risk of exposure, that means you!


The only way type 2 will show is if you have EVER had an outbreak so please stfu and go back to the dating sites which is all you have ever done! We don't need the damn soap box dissertation from fkwads that are not even in our business! Did you bother to read the damn article brainiac? It flat out says, "IT is NOT recommended for persons who have never had an outbreak" lol. Get a fkin clue please! I am in Health Care, so go back to your bridge with the rest of the trolls who love to challenge us dumb ass, disease infested hookers, YOU could not pay to fk!

From YOUR own article which your peabrain failed to comprehend lol. This shit is priceless! This is the very reason so many people are walking around with herpes..because the blood test someone sold them, was BS!

"Herpes blood tests (also called HSV-2 type-specific serologic tests) can be very useful for diagnosing type 2 genital herpes infection ((((in certain situations; 1) when someone has genital symptoms that might be related to herpes, and 2) when someone has a sex partner with symptomatic genital herpes))))>

Oh freaking damn!! Like I said genius, the ONLY 100 percent sure result is when YOU HAVE FREAKING SYMPTOMS!  Saying you should get a blood test that comes back negative when you can be positve, is retarded. Now get a clue and go back to match.com which is where you came from! When you sit here and say, "I am a high risk person" you include yourself or you are NOT a damn provider/hobbyist to begin with dipshit!

I feel like JeffEng all of a sudden lol.

-- Modified on 6/28/2012 9:38:38 PM

-- Modified on 6/28/2012 6:55:44 PM

wilt-the-stilt356 reads

Posted By: London Rayne
The only way type 2 will show is if you have EVER had an outbreak so please stfu and go back to the dating sites which is all you have ever done! We don't need the damn soap box speach from fkwads that are not even in our business! Did you bother to read the damn article brainiac? It flat out says, "IT is NOT recommended for persons who have never had an outbreak" lol. Get a fkin clue please! I am in Health Care, so go back to your bridge with the rest of the trolls who love to challenge us dumb ass, disease infested hookers, YOU could not pay to fk you!

-- Modified on 6/28/2012 6:42:12 PM
Now you are just making yourself look even more foolish.  You were clearly wrong when you said no Type II test is available.  The article does say that the test is not recommended unless you show symptoms OR you are in certain high risk groups.  

What does this paragraph say; particularly the LAST SENTENCE Read it out loud if necessary:

"Herpes blood tests (also called HSV-2 type-specific serologic tests) can be very useful for diagnosing type 2 genital herpes infection in certain situations; 1) when someone has genital symptoms that might be related to herpes, and 2) when someone has a sex partner with symptomatic genital herpes. Herpes blood testing may also be useful for people seeking a full STD evaluation, especially for persons with multiple sex partners."

Why not act like an adult and admit you were wrong?    

if there WERE NO SYMPTOMS, so please..stfu and go back to match.com. I get tested every 90 days and NO ONE has ever sold me a test where herpes simplex B could be detected without prior symptoms in a damn blood test! IT CANNOT TELL WHICH SIMPLEX IT IS!! If it were that damn easy the 1 in 4 that the cdc quotes as having this shit WOULD KNOW...freakin duh! I guess you would buy that bridge in Arkansas if you saw it on a website too eh? Brilliant.

"How is genital herpes diagnosed?

The signs and symptoms associated with HSV-2 can vary greatly. Health care providers can diagnose genital herpes by visual inspection if the outbreak is typical, and by taking a sample from the sore(s) and testing it in a laboratory. HSV infections can be diagnosed between outbreaks by the use of a blood test. ((((Blood tests, which detect antibodies to HSV-1 or HSV-2 infection, can be helpful, although the results are not always clear-cut.))) Do I need to spell out what that text means for ya? Thanks.


-- Modified on 6/28/2012 8:02:40 PM

wilt-the-stilt369 reads

Posted By: London Rayne
if there WERE NO SYMPTOMS, so please..stfu and go back to match.com. I get tested every 90 days and NO ONE had ever sold me a test where herpes simplex B could be detected without prior symptoms in a damn blood test! If it were that damn easy the 1 in 4 that the cdc quotes as having this shit WOULD KNOW...freakin duh! I guess you would buy that bridge in Arkansas if you saw it on a website too eh? Brilliant.

-- Modified on 6/28/2012 7:52:41 PM
So the article is lying?  It's not difficult to do a simple google search and find a number of credible sites confirming that you can indeed get a blood test for Type II.  Such as http://www.webmd.com/genital-herpes/herpes-tests for instance.  Look under "Antibody Test."  It is there in plain English: "Some blood tests can tell the difference between HSV-1 and HSV-2."  Maybe you ought to find a new doctor?    

And no, it's not that easy.  Most people won't spend money on a comprehensive STD panel that includes Type II testing unless they have symptoms that look like an STD or they have been with someone who they believe has an STD.

You can do what you want.  It looks like have gotten to the bottom of this argument.

These require a outbreak or active shedding of the affected area. I get the blood test monthly and it says I am clean but it accuracy is far from 100% when it gives a negative result so who knows.


Antibody tests based on glycoprotein G. HSV-1 and HSV-2 (((share the majority of their immunogenic sequences. This cross-reactivity results in antibodies that react with almost equal efficiency to both HSV subtypes regardless of whether an HSV-1 or HSV-2 infection has triggered the response [6, 7].))))

There are so many people spreading this shit because they were told by a doctor they were negative...this is still the case. The only way to test for SURE is to test an outbreak which I have said from the beginning! Do you want a half ass yes or no, or for SURE? Just sayin.

-- Modified on 6/28/2012 8:53:46 PM

All we have is half ass tests. One that is 99.9% accurate but requires an outbreak that may not happen to the point it is noticeable thus not able to be given and thus not detecting the virus or a blood test that can give false negatives (and more rarely false positives) but is 96% accurate after 16 days of being infected. I say go with both. Get the blood test, if you get a sore get the site test done. This isn't an ether/or thing it can be a both thing. Both tests have there uses.

1 in 4 is not exactly a small amount, and when some jackoff claims a blood test garners a postive result when in fact it is testing postive for a damn fever blister, it is no wonder so many have this crap and don't know it. Funny thing, they said the same about AIDS testing and we see where that went.

wilt-the-stilt282 reads

By stating that blood tests for Herpes Type II were totally non-existent, London MEANT that they existed but were not 100% accurate.  We are just too stupid to understand her without her having to spell everything out for us.

it's doing A when it's doing Z lol. What I said was anyone saying there is a blood test for Herpes without your body having symptoms is bs, because I see the doctors laughing at the notion every time they tell you that you're negative and you give your wife herpes. Spend some time behind the scenes sonny, and you will know what most of us have known for years!

There is no clear cut way to detect which antibody you have in your damn blood, and this is a moot issue. You simply are clueless! I have had girlfriends test positive for herpes because of a fever blister on their lip, and they did not have genital herpes! You can run to the doc all you want and have these dumb ass tests done, and see where it lands you...a negative result until you have an outbreak. Happy testing lol.

For the LAST TIME...

Blood Tests for Genital Herpes

"A blood test can detect HSV antibodies even when you have no symptoms of genital herpes. A false-negative result from a blood test is possible if you have been infected recently. It takes several weeks for HSV antibodies to show up in the blood.

False-positive test results are possible, too. If you test positive, but your risk for getting the virus is low, you may need to be tested again.

These tests are of limited use because they only show that you have been exposed to the virus at some point.  It is difficult to tell from these tests when the exposure may have occurred.  You may have had HSV for many years before you have your first noticeable outbreak (http://www.webmd.com/genital-herpes/guide/genital-herpes-diagnosis)."

I said from jump that unless you have had symptoms or been exposed to the virus meaning simplex A or B, the test is bs! Learn to read please!

-- Modified on 6/29/2012 12:24:01 PM

You and your match.com buddies or bored housewives who love to sit on your soapbox about how diseased all of us in the hobby are, will never know just how "sweet" I really am. WE have a lot less chance of being crudded up than fkin the local slut at the bar being we used condoms...well most of us lol. Bye now.

-- Modified on 6/28/2012 8:13:47 PM

Please...go get laid already, and stop bothering us with your bs. It has been played out for YEARS, and you and your other personality aka the OP, did not reinvent the wheel. Get a life.

-- Modified on 6/28/2012 8:20:00 PM

Like I said, the 80 percent is NOT the same strain...they are estimating various strains and not all cause warts! "One form of HPV" does not connote, the kind that causes warts or we would all be walking around with them. Do what you want, but get your facts straight, and please don't sit here and try to project what other men and women have on their private parts because I can assure you, you are way off.

The fact is YOU KNOW you have this shit, and others might just have no symptoms yet. IF there came a time when any of us found out we had something for a FACT, I would hope we would be smart enough to either move to a covered everything business, or GTFO! I would not need to start a thread on a fk board and ask what I should do...my freaking brain would answer that for me!

Someone not knowing they have a disease and providing/hobbying, is a far cry from outright having visible signs of warts and still doing it. You are PURPOSELY exposing others knowing you have this...others, may not be aware anything is wrong. This is not about "80 percent of the population," it's about YOU, and the fact that you KNOW you have a disease!!!

-- Modified on 6/28/2012 10:23:34 AM

saturnsky366 reads

Posted By: London Rayne
No one wants to get your stuff, so I suggest getting married to another HPV positive partner and making a happy family. If you have warts no one is going near you..sorry, but it's true. OF FREAKING COURSE you have no right to expose married men to something you have!! I can't believe you even asked such a stupid question.

I also don't know where you're getting your facts from because 80 percent of the population does not have warts caused by HPV!!! Don't project please. A high percentage of people are "exposed" to some form of HPV, yes, but not what you're talking about.

There are like 20-25 possible strains of this disease, and you got hit with the bad stuff if you have warts by God. I am sorry to be so blunt, but these threads are getting old! Common sense goes a long way.

It does not take an MD to know that if you're fking married men for a LIVING that it's your responsibility to warn them ahead of time that you have this (yea, that will help business) or STOP seeing men in this business. What you choose to expose your own partners to, is your business but the hobby is an entity of its own.

-- Modified on 6/27/2012 6:02:18 PM
At least that's what I think. He mentioned hobbying as opposed to providing.

we are all disease infested hookers and johns who should not be in this business. He/she continues to reiterate that "80 percent of us have HPV in some form or another" basically saying, NONE of us should be here and we are all deceptive, just like he/she is....not the case. Until we know we have a disease, we are NOT lying to anyone. I use condoms 100 percent of the time in the hobby...can't say that is true when I was in HS and undergrad. I would think my chances of catching something were a lot higher back then, and I never tested positive for anything.

All these trolls have the same M.O. You get one thread about BBFS, then another about HPV. It's like trying to suggest that we can't judge for someone unloading in every vagina he meets, because we all have HPV lol. Brilliant, but played out.

wilt-the-stilt290 reads

This thread has been informative, and the OP's question is compelling.  When you have sex with a large number of people, you are likely to expose yourself to common STD's like genital herpes and genital warts.  That goes for providers, johns, and anyone who has sex a large number of partners.  The more times you roll the dice, the more likely it is you roll snake-eyes.

You question the medical knowledge of others, when any doctor or medical professional would tell you the  same thing as I am telling you.  This isn't rocket science as you would say.  I am not saying that someone who knows they have genital warts should or should not hobby.  But it's not as simple a question as you would like to make it.  If truth and knowledge are as important to you as you claim, you should support threads like these.

WE KNOW OUR RISKS!!!! I am not denying I am at a higher risk than some wife who only has sex with her husband...oh shit wait lol, what if her husband is a hobbyist who sees 3 hookers a week. Damn oops! We know the risks, know how and where to get tested, and if we have symptoms of ANY kind, know to stfu and just get out of the damn business! It's called INTEGRITY! Not all hookers are here because we have 9 kids and some crack habit. Many of us could very well trade in the nice house and the Mercedes for a simple living if we HAD to. Thanks.

wilt-the-stilt338 reads

(1) I am not the OP

(2) I do hobby (don't know if I'm a hobbyist) so I am at an increased risk of STD's as well.  I don't deny that.  Nor am I trying to lecture anyone.  I felt the OP asked an interesting question; and this is a forum for discussing issues relevant to the hobby.  I don't see why you are becoming so defensive.

(3) You were clearly wrong about the Herpes Type II test, yet proceeded to call me ignorant and a fucking moron without bothering to look up the information yourself.  You ought to take back what you said, but I doubt that you will.  

(4) I am not putting down "hookers."  I made no assumption about any provider's lifestyle other than that they often have a large number of sexual partners in the course of their business.  This is obviously true of many hobbyists as well.    

could NOT detect one from the other for SURE, and I was right..it cannot, UNLESS YOUR BODY HAS HAD SYMPTOMS!! I don't know how to spell it out any clearer, so ask your doctor please. The next time your blood test for herpes says you are negative, USE A CONDOM lol.

You are clueless and giving false information!!! It cannot tell which you have, so stop suggesting you can be proven negative when in fact anyone of us can be walking around with that shit and not know until we have an outbreak! It is the same as HPV! Damm!

-- Modified on 6/28/2012 9:01:15 PM

have ADMITTED YOU HAVE PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS OF A DISEASE AND DARE ASK IF YOU SHOULD CONTINUE TO FK RANDOM STRANGERS...yea, tell me again who is off here? I am not denying I am at a higher risk than many, but guess what...I have never been DIAGNOSED OR HAVE SYMPTOMS OF ANY DISEASE like you do. If and when that happens, I will not come to TER and ask if I should leave the hobby lol. That is a no brainer!

You say you are not the same person...really? Oh, so it is just an odd coincidence that both of you just posted within SECONDS of each other and at the same time lol. PALEEZE!

-- Modified on 6/28/2012 8:34:02 PM

So this person has 2 different post handles and that's how they're able to post in the same thread? I know a handle and alias can't post in the same thread, is it different if you have 2 vip accounts?

HookerCops306 reads

... to post under 2 different aliases if it is the same person. Anything is possible, but ...

It's against TER policy to have more then 1 active account I believe, but anyone with more then a rudimentary knowledge of computers can work around that.

doesn't mean that it's okay to go around exposing others to it.  Think about it like this, the flu is pretty common, but (I assume) you don't go to work/out when you're sick, and you warn others around you that you're sick.  Not saying that you should stop dating, as I know a woman who dated, got married, and is now pregnant even though she was infected with HPV in college.

As far as hobbying, if I were you, I would quit.  At the very least inform the provider and let her make the decision as to whether or not she wants to take that risk.  Even with condoms, your groin area is still uncovered, and if you are contagious (which you may or may not know), you can pass it on to her.  And women pick up bugs easily (our bodies are great incubators: warm, moist and dark).

There are many different strains of HPV. Only certain strains cause warts, others can cause cancer or just do nothing at all and remain dormant.  I agree that it is best to discuss this with you doctor and use every precaution. Honesty is the best bet. You may get turned down you may not. Just be smart and careful. Regardless of what percentage of the population actually carries the STD or how common it is; it is still an STD and communicable in different forms.
It's a show of respect and self confidence when you can be open and honest with someone. It can be a delicate matter and not always easy, but there is hope.

if i muff-dive and see this???
Damn, i hope it's not dark in the room :(

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