TER General Board

Are Most Of Us Going To Be Outed?
Oldtimemonger 1455 reads

This won't apply to people over 50 or the self employed.

Recently I was talking to a hiring manager of a medium sized company. I was told that they are suspicious of people (especially younger people) who block off Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and other social media. They are suspicious of people who don't show their face or anything that would identify them on social media. It's the first place they check. After that a regular background check is done.

This got me to thinking about the future plight of mongers and hookers. It used to be that you really only had to worry about somebody in real life noticing you. This has happened to some people. It looks like you have more to worry about with social media. Anybody you saw could recognize you. It would not matter if they are out of town or out of state. Most would not want to out you but there is always that 1 in 100 who may want to fuck up your life.

Companies usually take pictures of employees and put them on a web page so even after getting a job your face is out there. Anybody who has seen you can tell who you are.

Do you think most of us will be outed sooner or later

GaGambler365 reads

People, especially young people are leaving the door wide open and begging Big Brother to take over their lives.

People sit still for back round checks, drug tests, they open their social media accounts to government and employers, don't raise even the slightest protest as we move to a cash free society and by the time they wake up it will be too fucking late. George Orwell wasn't wrong, just early.

Too bad todays' youth doesn't have the balls or really the ability to tell these people to FUCK OFF!!

stucaboy204 reads

Todays youth are the ones requiring this info not us old farts; we could care less what they do on social media.  The youth are fucking themselves..."these people" are one and the same.

Posted By: GaGambler
People, especially young people are leaving the door wide open and begging Big Brother to take over their lives.  
 People sit still for back round checks, drug tests, they open their social media accounts to government and employers, don't raise even the slightest protest as we move to a cash free society and by the time they wake up it will be too fucking late. George Orwell wasn't wrong, just early.  
 Too bad todays' youth doesn't have the balls or really the ability to tell these people to FUCK OFF!!!  

Not that I don't have similar thoughts but I bit of a refreshing alternative book reference is Little Brother -- you might enjoy it.

Interesting on another side was a news article I read a few years back, when FB was really getting it for their complete lack of protection of privacy, about some social media that was a pay-for-service model that a lot of the more affluent in society were opting for. I suspect most only use FB for "professional" image type management and never put purely private info on such networks.

That's why I a fan of the Electronic Frontier Foundation; anyone reading this (and even those not reading it!) should support that organization.

Gambler funny that you brought up Orwell and 1984.  I wonder in the subconscious of Paul Giamatti's character on Billions would he get discovered for his proclivities.  That would be even worse considering that this is someone in a high profile position who also happens to be a representative for law and order.  Although it is well known that it is commonplace that some executives in the financial industry have similar proclivities, how many have them been outed against their own volition.  Also I wonder if he thinks that anyone else in the office knows what he does much less Axlerod.  That is a heavy secret to carry around.

Posted By: GaGambler
People, especially young people are leaving the door wide open and begging Big Brother to take over their lives.  
 People sit still for back round checks, drug tests, they open their social media accounts to government and employers, don't raise even the slightest protest as we move to a cash free society and by the time they wake up it will be too fucking late. George Orwell wasn't wrong, just early.  
 Too bad todays' youth doesn't have the balls or really the ability to tell these people to FUCK OFF!!!  

If your lucky you might find only one pic of me online and I like it that way. I never understood the fascination with social media, it just ads most of the time.

Real opinion on being outed or not but I will add that I own my own business and have for over 20+ years. I am in the world where I work with individuals and companies on employment hiring, issues, coaching, training, etc..... I personally will look into Face Book and all social media that I can find on someone as soon as I have decided I am interested in working with them.  

I can comfortably tell you the Recruiters, Headhunters, Search Firms, Independent Career Coaches, and Internal Staffing employees do exactly the same thing well before a background check. A lot of what we/they find out that early on tells us if we want to move forward with the interviewing process. I have personally been working this way utilizing social media for many years now, it has become prominent and popular in the overall business sectors I shared above in the last four to five years.

That's exactly what the guy I talked to said and he is in his early 40's. If you don't have social media and you are under 50 he figures they are hiding something or are just weird and out of touch.

This means that hookers who dream of leaving the business and doing something else are screwed. Mongers are screwed too. If you are relatively young and you don't have social media with pictures you are out of touch with societal norms.

Maybe this is why so many more girls are showing their face. What good does it do to hide your face when eventually you will need to be on social media that can be seen by 800 million people? Of course some never really retire and enter the straight world.

At some point someone will, get pissed off at you, or just men, the world, or their life, and decide to Fuck you over and there isn't a whole lot you can do about it.  Angry woman  will burn down your house on the odd chance that you are in it! So Outting, especially if this happens online. This is the Internet! You are guilty until proven innocent. And good luck with that!  So"Outting" someone isn't a big deal. Everyone with even the slightest issue with you and will claim that you're  guilty, and don't deny it. You are screwed!  

This reminds me of the 1500s in France. A wife could accuse her husband of being impotent (or having a limp dick) He could deny all he wanted, but he had to not only get a hard on, but her also had to ejaculate in front of the court to prove she was lying! they did have an alternative.  
The husband would have to bang his wife to completion in front of the Judges. I wonder how many wives talked  their rich husbands into a divorce by threats alone?  

-- Modified on 3/7/2016 5:27:15 PM

-- Modified on 3/7/2016 5:40:22 PM

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
This won't apply to people over 50 or the self employed.  
 Recently I was talking to a hiring manager of a medium sized company. I was told that they are suspicious of people (especially younger people) who block off Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and other social media. They are suspicious of people who don't show their face or anything that would identify them on social media. It's the first place they check. After that a regular background check is done.  
 This got me to thinking about the future plight of mongers and hookers. It used to be that you really only had to worry about somebody in real life noticing you. This has happened to some people. It looks like you have more to worry about with social media. Anybody you saw could recognize you. It would not matter if they are out of town or out of state. Most would not want to out you but there is always that 1 in 100 who may want to fuck up your life.  
 Companies usually take pictures of employees and put them on a web page so even after getting a job your face is out there. Anybody who has seen you can tell who you are.  
 Do you think most of us will be outed sooner or later?  
I regularly patrol the web and google my name, number, and email address(es) to thwart such a thing.   Some companies do not put stringent firewalls on forms you filled out online.  Since I know the number of pictures of myself online, (3), I keep tabs on them and write to webmasters if I find them being used improperly.  

If you are using social media, snapchat, what's app, FB, Twitter ....  setup multiple accounts with different emails, AND with different phone numbers for recovery

I don't use social media but using multiple accounts does no good since one of them will have your real name and pictures. Employers don't just check when they hire you. They check when you are up for a promotion. Some may randomly check.

Neighbors and anybody else can see your real name on a social media page. It's going to be impossible to cover your tracks.

FatVern168 reads

I can't imagine anyone giving a damn.

My Privacy settings on FB work fine; seldom do Lindked In and never Tweet.    I also have survived an unjustified black listing!

Posted By: Oldtimemonger
This won't apply to people over 50 or the self employed.  
 Recently I was talking to a hiring manager of a medium sized company. I was told that they are suspicious of people (especially younger people) who block off Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and other social media. They are suspicious of people who don't show their face or anything that would identify them on social media. It's the first place they check. After that a regular background check is done.  
 This got me to thinking about the future plight of mongers and hookers. It used to be that you really only had to worry about somebody in real life noticing you. This has happened to some people. It looks like you have more to worry about with social media. Anybody you saw could recognize you. It would not matter if they are out of town or out of state. Most would not want to out you but there is always that 1 in 100 who may want to fuck up your life.  
 Companies usually take pictures of employees and put them on a web page so even after getting a job your face is out there. Anybody who has seen you can tell who you are.  
 Do you think most of us will be outed sooner or later?  

With the way social media and computer are evolving, yeah, it might be inevitable. The company I work for uses a private security firm that tends to look at social media accounts. That is why I keep things very clean on Facebook and Linked In, which I use for connections, and job hunting. Otherwise it is up to the security of individual forums or sites like TER to prevent snooping, but I do wonder how intense a security firm can get. My feeling is they have no business in regards to my sex life. If you cannot discriminate against someone because of sexual preference, then why can you discriminate against them because they like to have sex, and do so in a business like fashion?

You can't? Oh... you mean it's illegal.  
Just like paying for sex is illegal.  
But both happen all the tim

I can search who I want but don't search those I do not know.

Social media is a path to hell, but if we don't tread it, we are shunned.

Damned if you do, and damned if you don't

At my age, retired, and often bored, I have a face book account with no image of me, nor my real name. There is no information about where I live or where I went to school. My family and a few friends know who I am with whom I will chat with privately. There are a couple of retired providers with whom I communicate. Just friendly chats with nothing risque or about pasts. But I agree with the consensus===It is a real PITA for young people and those still in the workplace.

or a burden, depending how you use it.  I am European and have lived around the world, so I use FB, Twitter, instagram, to send and recieve, hellos, photos and "happy birthdays" my friends, from around the world. However, I work in a very conservative industry, and so I have to make sure everything is cookie cutter and clean cut for my employer, who I know checks, due to the nature of my position.  But without FB or twitter I could never have so much fun keeping in touch with my friends overseas.


but I have long used different email addresses for everything.  Especially social media.  I have the tightest privacy settings & keep everything clean...  and have from day 1.

and for your profile pic, use your dog or cat, someplace you've traveled, and if you're older, a baby pic of a grandkid.  No one will suspect you're being dodgy as these types of pics are normal!  You don't have to make your face pic publically available on social media (if you do share albums with family, double-check the privacy settings). You can also limit what you say on social media to have a presence, but a lame, boring, staid presence.  There are other security measures you can employ to try to keep your identities separate (TOR/vpn, etc for hobby activities).

Many companies will post a pic of higher profile management, so although your face/name is out there, someone would still have to put it together with your hobby name (assuming it's different).

If you are even slightly above entry level and you will need a face shot for something like linkedin. Anybody above entry level has a face shot at most company pages. You know like "Employee of the month."

 The point of my OP was that it's no longer just a chance meeting in a bar that can get you outed.  

MILLIONS have a chance to put two and two together thanks to all the social media. IOW, the more people you are exposed to the greater the chance of an outing.

Take slight comfort that with the wealth of data, comes too much data. It's actually a lot for individuals to put together without complex algorithms. Granted, social media does increase the chances of bad luck and running into someone that recognizes you, but unless you're very prominent, that's still rather rare.  Do the escorts you see spend time reading LinkedIn pages in  your industry?  Do you take your dates out to places commonly attended by work colleagues?  People are not that great at facial recognition and recall, and with the overload of social media/photos and whatnot, most don't pay that much attention to the details unless they have a particular interest.  
The tracking of Facebook and LinkedIn is much more efficient than what we humans do.  Facebook puts clusters together pretty fast, but if you cover your tracks and keep your hobby browsing & identity separate from your work/social life, you can still be lost in the haystacks of data.  Facebook knows who you know so well because some people really are social butterflies, and they essentially work as nodes in pathway algorithms; they're the ones that connect people to other people (of course, it's a bit more complex because other data is used, too). However, even in big data, there are always those that defy good classification, so it is possible to stay relatively UTR if you limit likes/connections.

That's been interesting.  A few things about me will pop up, but most of the details are wrong.  Like my address.  Oh, and according to the internet, my mother is still alive.  I hope my future employers enjoy making asses out of themselves when they ask me about all the wrong information they've gathered on me.

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