
3682939 921 reads
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I've asked this question to a few ladies and gentlemen in the hobby. I thought I'd ask it here where there are many experienced hobbyist...both ladies and gentlemen.

Where is preferred place for an incall?  

My preference is an Airbnb.  Since I have 1 meeting per location there is no traffic to get the wrong attention.  Their always very clean which I love.  They seem more private than a hotel and more comfortable.  I've never had a problem.  

Are there downsides to and Air bnb?

The other places that come up are a hotel and private residence.  

Personally a private residence makes me the most nervous.  It's easy for neighbors to notice a pattern of behavior...and others.  I also don't want to bring the hobby home, that's my space for me.

I guess I would do a hotel if I couldn't find an Air bnb.  I don't find them as private and feel like it's easier to watch what I'm doing.

These are just my opinions.  I'd love to hear yours!

Lacy Moon

fishindudejoe 35 Reviews 102 reads
2 / 6

I personally like the AirBnB much more than hotel. Too many folks around hotels and usually they are near busy areas of town to be seen entering or exiting the parking lot. I totally understand about personal space and nosy neighbors at a personal home also. Maybe once you have seen someone a few times and get comfortable you might allow them to go to your personal space.

3682939 111 reads
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Thank you for your response.  I love hearing different perspectives.

I've hosted in my home when I was UTR and saw just a small number of regulars.  Now that I'm out here on the web, I'm not hosting in my personal home.  A pattern of behavior in the same place could attract the wrong attention.  I prefer to get an Air BNB and have only 1 meeting in the location.  

Here's another question...which part of town is best?

fishindudejoe 35 Reviews 96 reads
4 / 6

Hmmm. If possible, I would say discuss that with the other individual involved and see where works best for both of you.  Especially if you use each Abnb only once.

KindallNicole See my TER Reviews 102 reads
5 / 6

This is a great question, and I've noticed everyone has their preferences about this.

I prefer a hotel over an private residence, for safety reasons. Cameras and staff are a
great thing to increase safety for both providers and admirers. I've stayed in AirBnbs,
but you never know which one will have those Ring doorbells. I find those to be
a bit of an invasion of privacy, because the management company or owner is
then spying on you during your stay.

Yes, a Hotel for me, any day ;)

3682939 107 reads
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Thank you for the replies, both on here and privately.  This really gives me valuable information to consider and helps me understand those who do things differently than I do.  I can't learn from those who agree with me and all do the same things! That would make a boring hobby!

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