
Shared Insatiability
BRex 58 Reviews 1566 reads
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Throwing out a Question:  
In your opinion... based on your experiences & preferences... What builds client/provider connection faster, deeper and better?

I'll come back and post some thoughts later, but I've been thinking a great deal about that lately and I'm genuinely curious about the thoughts and opinions of others.

Eastbound & Down,
Bandit Rex

BRex 58 Reviews 144 reads
2 / 12

Just going stream of conscious here…
As much as I love beautiful, sexy women, and I DO… I think I feel connection most readily when there are friendly eyes, an easy smile and laughter… I think those things trump beauty, when it comes to connection… all/both are even better 😂 but you just can’t beat friendly eyes, an easy smile and laughter.

fishindudejoe 35 Reviews 138 reads
3 / 12

I have met beauties, I mean really beautiful women, that spending time with felt forced or mechanical. Beauty only goes so far. There are women I have seen only a few times that I would like to see again, but life has just gotten in the way.  When there is a connection, it is magical. There is  laughter and intimacy, and when you look into her eyes, she is looking back into your soul. People can feel the difference between doing a job spending time with someone, and truly enjoying spending time with that person. I don’t really know how to cultivate a connection, it just happens once you feel safe and comfortable with each other.  I will always spend my hobby time with that special someone that I feel a connection with. I met an amazing woman last summer who I feel that connection with and haven’t wanted to see anyone else since.  

BRex 58 Reviews 147 reads
4 / 12

On the exact opposite end of the spectrum… every once in a while it is immediately and wonderfully obvious that a woman and I share a very similar enthusiasm for very similar deviance… and good lord does that foster connection!  
Usually that burns hot, fast and done… in very quick succession; but I do love it!
To be clear, I’m not talking about one specific deviance… I’m talking about “clicking” with some one with whom you are, in general, equally wild-as-hell.
I just made one of those types of connections with a Touring Provider last week… maybe it won’t burnout quite so fast this time… here’s hoping.
Bandit Rex

BRex 58 Reviews 149 reads
5 / 12

But the perfect Ratio of Connection… if you ask me, and I think it’s what Dude is talking about… is a provider with whom you share great Chemistry and the ability to Laugh and Converse at length… in foreplay and after-glow! The type of relationship that is genuinely a friendship. I love that!
Bandit Rex

fishindudejoe 35 Reviews 90 reads
6 / 12

I can imagine that most providers do not intend to put out the mechanical vibe, but they are human also.  There just might not be the connection for them as well and it just comes off that way. No provider I have been with made me feel that they hated being there, but we do have our tells and might not be the greatest at hiding them. That being said, I appreciate all of the providers I have seen over the years, some may be more memorable than others and that may be because of the excitement of seeing someone again that you really enjoyed spending time with. As I have said earlier, I am spending my available playtime with a very special someone and if and when that time ends, I will look back on the many fond memories with a smile on my face and joy in my heart for how she has made me feel.

BRex 58 Reviews 143 reads
7 / 12

I have been doing this since 1979… and, sadly, I have lost a few dear friends over the years.  
About 25 years ago I committed myself to always trying to leave a marker of remembrance when a light goes out and a beautiful soul is lost.  
A dear friend with whom I shared a delightful connection has, far too young, gone on and I just want to say that the world has lost a fabulous, vibrant spirit…  
Godspeed Bailey, your energy, your love of space travel, music, film and your hunger for me scratching your head… YOU were Fab!  
And I am so very sad, hurt and a little angry.
I hope you are finally at peace…  
As you have slipped the surly bonds of Earth and danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings… and now finally… touched the face of God.
You Were Loved.

BRex 58 Reviews 134 reads
8 / 12

If you were to ask me what the most perfect indicator of connection is... I would say it's laughter.  

In the warm-up, in the afterglow and during out & about time... if I can laugh deeply with someone,.. I know we have a valuable connection.

Eastbound & Down,
Bandit Rex

BRex 58 Reviews 147 reads
9 / 12

I’m wrapping up my thoughts on what forges Connection, but those thoughts wouldn't be complete... at least relative to my experience... if I didn't talk about the Connections that occur friends want to share "adventures" with me.  

There is nothing more fun, exhilarating or connection-building than when a beautiful woman, who I already know well and regularly share deep conversation & laughter with, expresses her enthusiasm & willingness for engaging carnal exploits with me; and then actually dives in...  

Duos, Trios, Strip Clubs, Letting Me "Stunt-Cock" for Her Porn or Only Fans, Swingers Clubs, Picking Up Our Waitress Together, Adult-Toy Shopping, Sex in Public, Couples AMP "Massage" or simply Pleasuring Herself while she watches me with another one of my beautiful Friends...  

All of these things, and a few more I shouldn't go into, are so much more fun when I have a trusted sexy friend or two who regularly love sharing these sensual experiences with me… and the other beautiful, sexy women who join us.

The depth of Connection that blossoms with a friend who has a daring flair for sharing erotic adventures is significant… and more than a little “pinch me, I must be dreaming!”

Bandit Rex

BRex 58 Reviews 139 reads
10 / 12

When you can connect enthusiastically with a friend on both the deviant, sexual level (impact play or wild positions or choking or sub/dom switch) AND the vanilla, intellectual level (books or music or history or food) that is some life-giving connection! I Love It!
I have been lucky enough to pick up two such connections in the last few months… very appreciative of both those ladies… time with them is a rich banquet of experiences.
Bandit Rex

BRex 58 Reviews 126 reads
11 / 12

Nothing reinforces connection like she can trust you with her female friends… you are trustworthy with her female friends… and her female friends rock your world!
Many of my reviews from the summer are the fruit of just such introductions.
Bandit Rex

fishindudejoe 35 Reviews 130 reads
12 / 12

Hey BRex I see that KLN is coming to your town. She has been on my bucket list for a long time. Let us know if you get to meet her. I do not have VIP so…..her  TER ID: 48309

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