
Re: Godspeed Baby...
Geministar See my TER Reviews 378 reads

Thank you gray wolf and even though I am not your type... A little to light skinned I am hoping more girls tour your area and give Memphis a try as I love you Memphis guys!  You rock!

Gemini Starr

I am not sure how long I will be out of commission but due to surgery on my spine tomorrow just wanting to give a heads up if you try to e-mail or contact me in the next few days.  Hopefully I will recover fast and be able to play sooner than later.  Of course leave it to me to get a rare cyst on my spine but I am hoping this resolves some of these back issues getting it removed.  

Also if e-mailing me right after surgery be prepared for typing errors and maybe some crazy responses since I will be on the pump for pain relief.

Love you all and can't wait to get back to playing.

Love & licks,

Gemini Starr

Good luck with the surgery and wishing you a speedy recovery.

Posted By: laurakennedy
Good luck with the surgery and wishing you a speedy recovery.
Thank you Laura!  so far so good 5 days post op and still having pain but that is to be expected.  Hoping to be back in action in a few months so the guys better watch out.  Lol.

.....I have a feeling that all will be good. gf60

Thank you gray wolf and even though I am not your type... A little to light skinned I am hoping more girls tour your area and give Memphis a try as I love you Memphis guys!  You rock!

Gemini Starr

May your recovery be speedy!!!



Just letting you knows after my doctors visit today that I am healing faster than normal and I can take a bath instead of a shower!  Yay!  Been taking Colloidal Silver as well at 500ppmo do not know whether to attribute it to that or my craving to be well soon and being able to play again.  I am sure I will be out for at least another month but if it keeps going well I should be back sooner than I even expected.  A lot of the neuropathy has subsided since the arachnoid cyst was removed.  Yes crazy name and very rare in the spine so if you have continued back pain with neuropathy and weird things like shooting pains get it checked out.  If I would have not finally found the doctor to identify it I would of ended up in a wheelchair and don't see very many sexual positions in that position.

Looking forward to playing with you guys xoxoxox

Love & licks,

Gemini Starr

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