
Re: Class
beccablossoms See my TER Reviews 36 reads

Thank you for such kind words!

I've recently had this conversation with a few (Mature) provider friends.  It's one I've had with ladies I've helped to get started or to improve their business...what is class? These are just my thoughts, my opinion.  I'd love to hear yours.

In my eyes, class is an energy we choose to or not to embody, it's a manifestation of our inner world and can not be faked.  Class in integrity, doing what is right even when no one is looking.  It's dignity, how we conduct ourselves day to day and what we allow in our worlds and where we allow our minds to go.  Class is in our compassion, respect and support for others and it's in the ass-kicking and letting go when situations require it...then moving on with our crowns on straight.  Class shows through our energy, how we treat others and treat ourselves.  

Class is not an expensive price tag, that's insecurity in oneself.  What we drive does not have a damn thing to do with class. How we drive and how we take care of what we drive is class.  Charging ridiculously high rates does not make anyone classy. Class has to come before the price tag. The tags on our clothes or bags is not class, it's insecurity and the need to fit in with some crowd or give some impression.  Class is knowing your value, dressing like you know your value without the need for certain name brands or leaving nothing to the imagination.  I'm not saying be cheap, just don't see an expensive price tag as class. Class can not be bought. Sexy is classy, slutty is not. Both can be reasonable or overpriced.  

Class is in how we take care of ourselves and how we treat others.  We can only offer the quality of person we are.  Class can not exist with out personal responsibility. It's our duty to maintain the level of class we want to be. It's made up of all our little choices.  Class is making sure we live a life that supports who we want to be.  It's in taking care of our mind, bodies and spirit as well as our physical environment.  What kind of place do our clients walk into?  That makes a big impression and shows how we care for and love ourselves as well as respect them.  Class is in the satisfaction we take when a meeting goes well and both leave happy.  It's in the comfort we help our clients feel and the smoothness of our time together.  It's in what we say and how we say it, our eye contact and our ownership of who we are.  

The evidence of class can be found in many places, it's roots always being within us, our choices, actions and words.  It does not happen by accident and it can not be bought or sold.  It illudes some and is the in the heartbeat of others.  It's always available and always a choice.  

What is your definition of class? Is it something your strive to be or look for in others?

Thanks for letting me ramble!


What a great question! and I loved all your thoughts… YES… Class is all about energy and actualization… how we hold ourselves and how we treat others.

My feeling is...
Class is demonstrated by kindness, a winsome spirit, a generous, comfortable confidence, a quick smile, an easy laugh, interest in others and the ability to empathize.  
Class is demonstrated by the ability to engage others in a focused, up-lifting and present fashion... making people feel known & valued... over periods both long and short.
Class is demonstrated by an ability to move with determination, grace and an easy-going well-spokenness; as well as the ability to move ever-forward even in failure, rejection and hurt.
Class is demonstrated by positivity… and yet… a certain straight-forwardness.  
Class does not buy in to its own press and finally, Class is demonstrated by a stable dose of personal discipline, self-respect and reliability.

I have been praised for being classy and accused of being classless… the truth is probably in the middle… but what a great question.

Bandit Rex

Honestly, when I see someone advertise that they have "class" I cringe a little bit. In the context of TER or Tryst or whatever it comes off as someone trying to say hey I'm not a street walker. In other contexts, such as real life, it's something very passé that you never really hear these days. If you're a person of high standards, ethics and style there are much better ways to communicate it, or better yet demonstrate it, than to say you have class or are classy.

Great point!  Anything one claims they should be able to effortlessly demonstrate it.  What is true will come to light eventually.

Being your athentic self has a higher frequency than love.4 times moore.Live in your truth ,this empowers you  makes you shine.TEAT others with respect and it will come back to you(Karma)I love to leaarn new things and improve myself.Stay with like minded people.

I agree, there is great power in authenticity!

I do know Class when I see it… and Becca is Classy :) I have certainly enjoyed getting to know her over the last 2 months. Posted a Review… and genuinely can’t say enough nice things.

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