
Hey there....
Onerealhotmomma See my TER Reviews 451 reads

I just wanted to take a moment to say HI !!!!
I have worked while traveling in the Knoxville/Gburg/PForge frequently over the last 10 years
but now I have relocated from Atlanta.  What I thought would be a 1 week transition turned into a 5 week ordeal but that is what happens when you pay other folks to take care of things for you, best just ponyup and do it yourself.  But I am here and in the saddle now, enjoying the fresh air and clear starry night skies.  I love it here and folks are so friendly, take me home country roads goodbye Atlanta hello Dolly.   I hope to see some new faces soon and maybe renew some old friendships...? Don't know if you visit here but Hi to Candy Curves!

Orally yours
SuzeeofAtlanta is Onerealhotmomma

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