
Grateful for Duos
BRex 58 Reviews 1049 reads
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I’ve been out of the Game for almost 6 months… you know, as we get older (and I am older) we all have our health-issues; and this one has kept me out of the saddle longer than I expected… but it’s good to be slowly wading back in.  

For better or worse the Hobby has and does define a large piece of who I am; Husband, Father… Lover of All Types of Women! ;)
So, I have deeply missed Loving All Types of Women!  
I certainly didn’t plan on posting anything about this… but the TN Board needs a little sumpin-sumpin.

I’ve had several marvelous sessions the last few weeks and I hope to eventually get around to Reviews… especially the FMTY Duo! DAMN!
Plus, I haven’t written a Review since August… and I actually had to pay for TER for the first time in years… WTF… lmao!  
Gotta get to writing!

But even having to ride the bench for 6 months, as I’ve said before, all of my other years in the Hobby pale in comparison to the last several!  
Better friends, deeper connections and sweeter memories.  

I’ve had to take breaks for many reasons over the last 40 years… but it was harder to be away this time… it was the slowest six months ever!

I was prepared for my time off to make a dumpster-fire of my relationships & connections; but… even if there were a few bumps here & there (and not the fun type)… the depth of grace, concern & connection I’ve been shown by so many of my Friends has made me grateful… and I’m very glad that it is once again translating into my world being rocked by those same gracious, concerned, sexy-as-hell friends! I’m grateful for my Friends and grateful to be back.

Eastbound & Down,

BRex 58 Reviews 40 reads
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I've maybe cross-pollinated here and there when I should have just been grateful for the companionship of one Friend... and I'm trying to get better at reading those tea-leaves... I really am.  

But Good Lord do I love Duos!  
If you look at my Reviews or previous posts you know I do!  
I've had two in the last 3 weeks... but up until 3 weeks ago I hadn't had a Duo since July... JULY!  

I didn't really realize HOW MUCH I MISSED THEM until I had that first one and then... speaking of grateful... the second!
Even when I get so old that my plumbing doesn't work at all, I'm still going to schedule sessions... but not just Singles... Gotta have my Duos... snuggled up between two sexy ladies... it is what 17 year old me could have only dreamt of ;)  

That second Duo back, the FMTY last week, was off-the-hook... I hadn't forgotten why I Hobby or how much I had missed it... but if I had... that Duo would have set me straight! God Bless You Ladies!


BRex 58 Reviews 34 reads
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I’ve finally dropped some of the promised new Reviews… including the one for that FMTY Duo! Two are up and two are in the queue.
I also wanted to say, in the public-arena, how nice the community can be; I received a very nice DM from an old friend… saying it was nice to see me writing again… thank you my dear, that made my week.  

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Earlier in the week I had an amazing new Duo with two wonderful women I have reviewed as Singles.  
I am very fond of both ladies but I have never had a Duo with the 2 as a Pair.  
Neither Provider lives in Knoxville, they had never even met each other and they live in 2 different states, although 1 does live in TN.  

I am very fond of both, but they are 2 very different types of ladies... maybe the most ‘different-of-types’ I’ve ever paired in a Duo. They are both well-known and well-respected... but very different!  

HOWEVER, spoiler-alert... the chemistry was off-the-charts!  

I’ll get that Review Posted as soon as possible. BTW, this was a Duo suggested by a fellow TER Member... and it was an AWESOME idea!

Eastbound & Down,
Bandit Rex

BRex 58 Reviews 24 reads
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I’ve dropped 3 new Reviews in the last few days; all regarding ladies who visited Knoxville... and including yet another amazing, new Duo!  
To be clear, the Duos are not amazing because of me, I’m just a boring, old, white-guy... lol.  

However, I do love bringing ladies together from different states.  
I am very fond of both these young women but, prior to last Wednesday, they had never met. I love introducing friends... on top of me ;)  

If I mention any names here TER will block the post... but do yourself a favor, read the Reviews... and think about reaching out to any of the 3; they are all Ferrari-class Unicorns and all 3 of them rocked my world!

Eastbound & Down,  
Bandit Rex

fishindudejoe 35 Reviews 17 reads
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Bandit, I am living my life vicariously through your amazing hobby life!  

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Thanks FishingDude, that's quite a compliment, especially given what a boring old man I actually am.

But speaking of 'Bandit is Grateful', I don't have anywhere else to share this... so I'm just going to share it here.

I can't share names out here on the board or TER won't let it post; but hopefully I'll get at least one Review of today's events up in the next two weeks.

The point of today's short blog is this...  
I'm pretty sure TODAY was the best sex-day of my life. It was lightning in a bottle.

When I woke up this morning I had nothing scheduled except a long day of work... certainly no sessions with Friends. 

But about 10am a favorite blonde, early-30s, Regional Touring Friend of mine texted me... she was going to be passing through Knoxville at 1pm, as she travelled from Atlanta to Lexington, and wanted to know if I was free for a few hours... so, when she arrived we grabbed a late lunch and then went back to my favorite hideaway for what amounted to 2 amazing hours. It was just an incredibly sexy afternoon of intimate connection, mutual pleasure and lots of laughter.

Within minutes of saying goodbye to her... like I said, 'lightning in a bottle'... I got a text from another favorite Regional Touring Friend… a late-30s auburn-haired beauty who was driving from Nashville to Asheville, but who had gotten a late start, was getting tired of driving and was wondering if I had a few hours free, starting at about 5pm... and if I was okay with her crashing in my hideaway for the night.  
I told her I was there, I would love to see her and she was welcome to crash. We had an amazing 2 hours of passion, mutual gratification and in-depth conversation... then I left her to rest and I went home to a delightful steak dinner and some world-class DATY, courtesy of my sweet wife. 

What an amazing afternoon and evening... a mind-bending mix of unexpected-surprise, erotic-delight and giving & receiving pleasure from some very special women.

Eastbound & Down,
Bandit Rex

BRex 58 Reviews 12 reads
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I'm so behind on Reviews... with 2 from several weeks ago still not quite finished... but I finally got one from 10-days ago posted.

The Review that just posted is from one-session that occurred during a 3-day DMTY, a session that wonderfully morphed into a Duo; and I have to say, it was the single most-amazing Duo I've ever had, ever! Which is saying something.  

Unfortunately, I had to seriously neuter the Review, because the Duo was so long, and had so much going on, that a). I Didn't have space to put all of it in, due-to TER's length-restrictions, and b). I likewise couldn't put certain things in for reasons of decorum and propriety.  

I sure wish I could have posted a fully unabridged version and told the world about every detail that made it such an amazing day!
But trust me, best Duo ever... and I think the ladies would agree!  
Even though it isn't unabridged, if you like my Reviews, I still think you'll enjoy it. It's still X-rated ;)

One last thing, I get a decent number of DM's, here and there, Thanking me for my Reviews; and for some reason that number has escalated recently; so, I wanted to take the opportunity to say "Thanks for that, I appreciate it." I appreciate the ladies in the Reviews more, but I do appreciate it.  

Eastbound & Down,
Bandit Rex  

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