
About Pictures...
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I'm not the best at taking pictures which is obvious!  I have my cell phone camera with a 10 second delay.  I'm not yet comfortable hiring anyone as I'm a very private person.  So, at least until I'm comfortable enough to hire someone I trust, I'm going to do my best to get better pictures.  I don't want to touch up my pictures or have a professional edit them.  Although there are many beautiful pictures like that out there, I feel if I did that it would take away from the essence of who I am and possibly give the wrong impression of what I look like.  Not to put it down or those who have done it.  It's just not right for me. I want to highlight my good parts but not necessarily cover up what some may consider flaws.  Flaws could be cute!  Their always real and real I am! I also look pretty darn good for 49 and I'm proud of that!  

What type of pictures do you guys feel are best? I'm not much for the naked legs spread type of pictures, I like to leave a little to the imagination. I'd rather tease than reveal it all. I will invest in some nice lingerie, a cute dress or classy outfit. What do you guys like to see in the pictures?  Ladies, what do you find works best for you?

Someone suggested pictures of me doing things I would normally do...shopping, hiking, swimming, etc.  I'm all for that...just gotta find that one person I can trust to take the pictures!

I'm open to suggestions, thoughts and ideas.

Thank you!

Maybe next time you have a male friend over you could ask him to take some pictures with your phone. I enjoy seeing lingerie or bikini type photos as well as some in the cute dress as you said. Mostly, we want to see the real you so that our expectations are realized and we are not surprised, in a bad way, when the door opens.  If I meet a woman who’s photos make her look like a 9/10 but the door opens to a 5/10 then I will probably not be returning.

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