Suggestion and Policy

Your first suggestion is already an "unwritten rule" here
GaGambler 360 reads

Your second gives too much power for the women to control the review system. The women here are NOT supposed to be in charge of what gets approved. There is too much review fraud, grade inflation, and flat out manipulation of the part of SOME women to give the women veto power on any review.

morecoffee1915 reads

I just saw this review and it looks suspicious. It is the first review of the lady. The reviewer has two reviews but his other review is also of a lady who has no previous reviews. Both reviews were published on the same day.  

This could be one of the following:
1. A genuine new guy who saw two previously unreviewed girls and found TER to post the reviews. Seems far fetched.  
2. Provider self review
3. LE trying to lure guys to a girl with "reviews."

So should TER have a new rules for reviews:
1. New reviewers can't write reviews on unreviewed girls
2. When a new reviewer writes a review of an established lady, the lady should verify that the session actually happened.

I think this will reduce fake reviews substantially

GaGambler361 reads

Your second gives too much power for the women to control the review system. The women here are NOT supposed to be in charge of what gets approved. There is too much review fraud, grade inflation, and flat out manipulation of the part of SOME women to give the women veto power on any review.

When I first joined TER I wrote about 5-6 reviews of gals I had seen in the last 90 days, for example.

I think TER already does, or at least used to, hold reviews of first time gals and first time reviewers until they got some confirmation of their legitimacy.  Maybe that standard has started to slip a bit, and maybe it shouldn't.

I can't tell you how many first review/first time reviewer cases I have seen.  They just don't practice consistency in their review policies.  I agree with holding the review until they get some confirmation on either party, but they just don't do it all time, sure wish they would.


Just IMHO, but I thought this was a hobby area... Most (?) of us can spot a potentially fake review like the one you mention and stay clear of the lady in question until she gets more believable reviews.

Just the other day, I read a first review of a new provider by a guy with no previous reviews and guess what? It was a 10/10. A larger red flag I have never seen ;-)

The only "rule" that I believe in is "do your homework" which also is known as "caveat emptor"...

And/or reviews from established reviewers.  I think everyone knows to be wary of those with 1 or 2 reviewers by reviewers with 1 or 2 reviews.  After being a hobbyist/reviewer for a while you remember who the solid reviewers in your home area are and tend to look for providers with solid reviews from them.  I also think that you learn the same about scores - there Are many reviewers for whom a 7 from them is better than a 10 from others.

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