Suggestion and Policy

You mean I can bully girls...
justintime777 9 Reviews 7460 reads
1 / 16

There should be a section added where only the provider can post an added comment below the review.  This would give her an opportunity for rebuttal if she thought something was unfair, as well as giving her a place to confirm that it's a good review, like "Next time we'll try that with whipped cream but without the crushed nuts!".  Either way, it would add the provider's perspective to the review and could be very entertaining and informative to the rest of us.  

In order for this to work, the system has to allow only the provider being reviewed to post there.  Currently this would be hard to do because it's a freeform textbox where we say which provider we are reviewing.  This should be a dropdown list so we can pick the correct provider with no chance of typos, so there's no question about which provider is being reviewed, and therefore which provider will be allowed to add commentary.  The freeform textbox should still be available to enter the name of a new provider.

mrfisher 108 Reviews 6648 reads
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anon90210 52 Reviews 6642 reads
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And would likely turn into a mess every time a provider does not get a review that suits her. It would also allow a provider to nit pick at the review.
It is not a good idea.

The "crushed nuts" was funny though.

justintime777 9 Reviews 3806 reads
4 / 16

You wouldn't have to read them if you're not interested in the provider's comments, but I know I'd love to see them.  Allowing the providers to enter their comments, particularly in the case of a bad review, would reveal a lot to me about the provider -- her ability to handle criticism, the tone of her response, etc.  I see it as another way to get to know her, to help me decide if I want to see her.  We get to read all the profile description of her and the services she provides, this would add words "from the horse's mouth" so to speak.  
Certainly some providers deserve bad reviews and they could use it to try to spin the review.  At the same time, there are also good providers who get dissed unfairly, and they deserve a chance to add their notes in the cases where TER won't pull the review.

justintime777 9 Reviews 6354 reads
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This feature could be optional.  Let the reviewers check a box if they want to allow the provider to respond or not, for whatever reason they might have.  

justintime777 9 Reviews 6543 reads
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SinsOfTheFlesh See my TER Reviews 7736 reads
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I used to belong to another review site where providers can respond to reviews, although they have to do it on a different discussion board.

Lemme tell ya, some of the threads are GREAT for a good laugh. Do they solve anything? Um no, all it does is encourage massive train wrecks when a lady doesn't like what's in the review, and more often than not, any response she posted only served to drive more business away.

This is just a bad idea. As a lady who has a few reviews that are not nice, I can honestly say there is NO point responding to a bad review. What am I going to say? "Hey Larry Shuster, are you blind or illiterate?" Nah. It won't change the review, and any response is likely to be percieved as sour grapes. Guys are smart, when a lady has a ton of great reviews, with a few less than great reviews sprinkled in, they know that's par for the course. So why should a lady need to worry about one or two blemishes? On the other hand, if ALL her reviews are mediocre, then what could she possibly say in response to mitigate her reviews?

There is already enough drama when a lady tries to blacklist a guy because he gave her an 8 instead of the 10 she expected. No need to add to the drama.

MeetEricaStone See my TER Reviews 4901 reads
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It was suggested to me in private that if the provider was allowed to comment that would indicate, or lend, to the review being considered more of a truth rather than a fantasy. I say PHOOEY if that's the case - the banter back and forth on the boards between providers and gents is equivalent to this request.  Whatever the reason for not having input to our reviews, I've not heard one good enough.

MeetEricaStone See my TER Reviews 7853 reads
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We should have input.  There are several cases where we are written as providing services we did NOT provide or meeting with folks we didn't meet with and sometimes the reviews are pulled but often it's not.  I know a provider that had a review that she was tied up in her basement and basically used as a submissive fuck-doll and this woman is VERY dominant.  But because it was the reviewer's fantasy, it was allowed to stand and the expectations of many would be clients after that were having to be managed in specifics prior to every appt.  I had someone say I did greek, and I don't, and that brought and endless stream of gent's seeking that service specifically only to be disappointed.

The lopsided system also lends itself to reviewers being more capable of bullying newer providers who don't have the reputation, or "juice", to pull thru an undeserved review written by someone having this "power". "If you don't _______ I'll write you a _____ review".  This happens more often then you think and more often when when times are hard and a girl's trying to get establish herself - It's crap.

MeetEricaStone See my TER Reviews 6850 reads
12 / 16 will become obvious she is a mediocre provider regardless of what comments she posts.

anon90210 52 Reviews 6556 reads
13 / 16

You do make a good case Erica :)
I just believe that those type of issues should be handled privately, or with staff.
Bringing them to a public forum would probably cause quite a few he said she said threads over reviews, and discourage hobbyists from posting reviews.

MeetEricaStone See my TER Reviews 8357 reads
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I can see what you mean but feel it would encourage accountability  - we are already dealing with he said she said but on threads instead of a provider saying their piece on the review and leaving it at that.

browardboy2003 4 Reviews 8249 reads
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into doing things they don't want to? Woo-hoooo!

OK just kidding.
Unfortunately there is probably no perfect solution. I do understand that maybe a provider doesn't want to kiss you because you have rotten teeth or maybe she doesn't want DATY because you're being too rough. Maybe she's not happy with your hygiene so she's a little stand-offish. She shouldn't have to withstand a bad review because the hobbyist is a jerk. Especially if she's new.
Maybe the hobbyist should get rated by providers as well.
That way if a provider has a bad review, I can look at the reviewers profile and see his score and weight the review accordingly.

anon90210 52 Reviews 5992 reads
16 / 16
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