Suggestion and Policy

X-out-of-Y!! TER has the tools already.
impposter 49 Reviews 343 reads

Steak (Max = 7) delivered with great service = 7/7.  
Steak + Potato (Max = 8) tossed on the table = 4/8 (4 = the steak just laid there)
TER knows the max score Y from the review form and TER review of the juicy details.  
TER knows the performance score X from the value entered by the reviewer.  
TER can post X/Y instead of just the current X.
Date | Message | Reviewer | Appearance / PERFORMANCE
Mar-2018 | [envelope] | reviewer | 10 - One in a lifetime / 7 - Hot time
Mar-2018 | [envelope] | reviewer | 10 - One in a lifetime | 7/7 GREAT time at the 7 level

Posted By: Guarddog111
Re: You can't rate customer service in this system.
You can only rate getting the steak with the current system. You can't add in numbers for customer service. Let's say the same person who threw your steak on the table and walked away, came back with a cold old overcooked baked potatoe. They would get a +1 point for the baked potato. The other person would have the lower score because they only gave the steak. Even though they made sure it was hot, cooked with a bit of butter and the way you wanted it, medium rare. Versus the other person who threw an over cooked cold steak on the table. They both get points for steak. No points for service.

After a few months of the new review system, wondering if in the future TER should create a new category. The current "Performance" is misleading because it is going by product offered, not customer service - which I think encompassed it before.  

Hope that makes sense. Service with a smile versus throwing my steak on the table and walking away. Current TER system means you got a steak, and its the same score.

People ask why would anyone not want to be reviewed???? Well here is one great reason. I am beyond sick that my clients can't give me the score they wanted. Almost every review I have had since the new change would have been scored higher. They can't because I don't offer certain things. Crazy.

And this is how X-out-of-Y translates to GREAT scores (100%) for and recognition of great performance regardless of what services were provided.  
I have had FANTASTIC 7-out-of-7s that I could have scored 10-out-of-7!  

Posted By: NaughtyMaddy
Re: It really sucks.  
People ask why would anyone not want to be reviewed???? Well here is one great reason. I am beyond sick that my clients can't give me the score they wanted. Almost every review I have had since the new change would have been scored higher. They can't because I don't offer certain things. Crazy.

It's absolutely insane that TER can dictate what is or isn't bad/good/excellent performance for each individual client. Performance shouldn't just encompass customer service, it IS customer service. (For what it's worth, Maddy, you have always rated a 10 for me regarding performance, you have always gone above and beyond and THAT is true customer service. TER won't let me say that with numbers so I'm saying it here).

I don't know what the old way was like because the fucked up way they let you rate performance has been in effect since I wrote my first review last October. And believe me, I saw how ridiculous it was right away.  

Sadly, true customer service has been fading over the last 10 to 15 years in EVERY industry to the point where it is now almost non-existent. TER's  rating change is obviously reflective of this.

I say this as someone who has been in sales/customer service/retail ops for decades. I've trained sales staff and worked with crews from a close-knit team of 6 to store level staff of 50+. While I can teach techniques and give examples, some people either get it or they don't -- if they don't have a sales personality, then the training just doesn't connect and they eventually leave to do something else.

I feel that the current TER system is a good balance of the "snapshot" approach (ratings numbers) and the more "in depth" approach (the review). It's not perfect but is still probably the best source of enough information for those who don't want to read (thus they rely on ratings numbers); or there's enough info available for those who are willing to put in the time to do research (read reviews, check her board presence, back channel communications with others, etc.).

Sales is more than just "taking an order" or, using your analogy, tossing the steak on the table and walking away. For those who value a client, giving them the best experience possible and look to build a repeat clientele, there are those of us who will take the time to post good numbers and write a good review.

You can only rate getting the steak with the current system. You can't add in numbers for customer service. Let's say the same person who threw your steak on the table and walked away, came back with a cold old overcooked baked potatoe. They would get a +1 point for the baked potato. The other person would have the lower score because they only gave the steak. Even though they made sure it was hot, cooked with a bit of butter and the way you wanted it, medium rare. Versus the other person who threw an over cooked cold steak on the table. They both get points for steak. No points for service.

Steak (Max = 7) delivered with great service = 7/7.  
Steak + Potato (Max = 8) tossed on the table = 4/8 (4 = the steak just laid there)
TER knows the max score Y from the review form and TER review of the juicy details.  
TER knows the performance score X from the value entered by the reviewer.  
TER can post X/Y instead of just the current X.
Date | Message | Reviewer | Appearance / PERFORMANCE
Mar-2018 | [envelope] | reviewer | 10 - One in a lifetime / 7 - Hot time
Mar-2018 | [envelope] | reviewer | 10 - One in a lifetime | 7/7 GREAT time at the 7 level

Posted By: Guarddog111
Re: You can't rate customer service in this system.
You can only rate getting the steak with the current system. You can't add in numbers for customer service. Let's say the same person who threw your steak on the table and walked away, came back with a cold old overcooked baked potatoe. They would get a +1 point for the baked potato. The other person would have the lower score because they only gave the steak. Even though they made sure it was hot, cooked with a bit of butter and the way you wanted it, medium rare. Versus the other person who threw an over cooked cold steak on the table. They both get points for steak. No points for service.

What if they outsource their Customer Service to India or the Philippines? "Hello. My name is Ramesh. How may I help you today?"

... there are ways to account for exceptional "customer service", for example:

* Give the highest Performance score allowed.  And if customer service is lacking, don't give the highest possible score just because it's possible to give that score.  
* Clearly mention in your review how the provider gave great customer service.  You can make a broad comment in the General section (so everyone can read it) and give more details in the Details. One thing I do is if I think the provider deserved a higher score than the rules allow, I say what score I would have liked to give her in the Details.  
* Give the highest scores you can justify to yourself for Chemistry and Location. Those get factored into providers' overall scores.  
* Shill the provider on the Friday shill threads of your local board and mention her how her excellent customer service goes beyond what her scores may indicate.

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