Suggestion and Policy

When I go to post a message the Name field comes up filled in with
Mathesar 3660 reads

"Mathear" I have to remember to change it to "Mathesar". Is there any way to change this so the field comes up filled in correctly?Incidentally, I accidentally got the wrong icon on the message.  I meant to use :-(.  There is no way to edit that either -- but that isn't nearly as annoying as having the system fill in an incorrect name in the Name field.--modified by Mathesar at Thu, May 03, 2001, 12:58:29--modified by Mathesar at Thu, May 03, 2001, 13:00:49

Staff1836 reads

What do you want you user name to be?You can't edit the icon in the current discussion systme. That will change with the new one.

Staff, if you ask "What do you want your user name to be?" then you don't understand the problem.His name appears as "Mathear" and he has to keep changing it to "Mathesar".  Get it?  I think the default name is filled in from the browser cookie.  I think the solution is for Mathesar to remove his cookie, then post a new message as Mathesar.  This will create a new cookie, and the default will be correct from then on.Also, if Staff can remove the bad "Mathear" user, then it might stop showing up as Posted by Mathesar ® (Mathear,Mathesar).Mathesar, if you don't know how to remove your cookie, send me private mail.mojo--modified by mojo at Sun, May 06, 2001, 20:03:17

Mathesar2022 reads

cookies directory.  I found one with the Mathear spelling and tried modifying it.  Didn't do quite what I intended.  It didn't fill in the name at all on this post.  Will see if posting this one causes it to fill in the next post correctly.

Mathesar2048 reads

--modified by Mathesar at Tue, May 08, 2001, 17:20:06

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