Suggestion and Policy

This is a great idea!regular_smile
CarlyLady See my TER Reviews 4462 reads

It definitely is a long and difficult process. I recently updated my profile to reflect a new menu and rates. It took almost two weeks for the changes to appear, and when they did, the price for anal was $400 higher than what I'd specified! I must have been the only provider anywhere to charge $500 extra for anal. Changing the mistake took another week and a half.

Also, guys don't have the most accurate memory when it comes to appearance. While guys have always been dead-on with what my breasts look have been a little bit dubious about hair and height. For example, in my profile it says that I have shoulder-length hair - it is midway down my back. Not a big deal, but it would be nice to be able to change that type of thing ourselves.

I guess some things will have to be left for the guys to set - like breast appearance. Otherwise every lady will have breasts that are 'super nice' or 'just plain huge.'

I already jumped through the hoops of updating my profile:

1. Filled out a problem report.

2. Waited over a week for the updates.

3. Found out the updates weren't even added correctly.

Now, I'm back to square one trying to update my profile.

Men are always complaining that our profiles aren't updated. Well, if it were easier to make basic changes to OUR OWN profiles, perhaps this complaint would vanish into thin air.

I think it should be an earned feature like the provider board is. So, if you have PO Board access, then you should also have access to immediately update your profile.

I don't think every provider who comes onto the scene should just be allowed to mess around in her profile without moderation...


I am going through the same thing right now.

It seemed pretty obvious to me that the "update my profile" button seems the most obvious place to go to do just that.  Apparently not; you need to go to "report a problem" from your actual profile.

It seems that streamlining some of these links would make it a great deal easier for the TER staff to manage their workload. Doing away with links that are not used would save time for someone having to email everyone back and say "dont use this link, use another".

I had to give it some thought, but now I also agree that all ladies should not have automatic right of way to make changes as this could lead to misuse.  

Many of us ladies are VIP members and have been for some time. We have earned the right to PO access.   It would make sense that we have priority to have our profiles regularly updated, as our clients and TER clients request. Allowing us to do this ourselves would be a win win for TER and the ladies!


-- Modified on 1/18/2010 5:52:16 PM

Plus it saves Admin time for the more important things they have to do .

randomlyoutspoken3460 reads

I agree, but only for certain categories.  Providers should be able to change rates, contact info, location, and a few others, but some categories should be off limits.  For example, providers shouldn't be able to say that their photos are real, that they are 30 when they are really 40, athletic when they are fat, etc.

as if the guys wouldn't "submit a problem" report if we did.


It definitely is a long and difficult process. I recently updated my profile to reflect a new menu and rates. It took almost two weeks for the changes to appear, and when they did, the price for anal was $400 higher than what I'd specified! I must have been the only provider anywhere to charge $500 extra for anal. Changing the mistake took another week and a half.

Also, guys don't have the most accurate memory when it comes to appearance. While guys have always been dead-on with what my breasts look have been a little bit dubious about hair and height. For example, in my profile it says that I have shoulder-length hair - it is midway down my back. Not a big deal, but it would be nice to be able to change that type of thing ourselves.

I guess some things will have to be left for the guys to set - like breast appearance. Otherwise every lady will have breasts that are 'super nice' or 'just plain huge.'

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