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This has nothing to do with the "Discussion Boards"
Hpygolky 207 Reviews 124 reads

See the link, it's where the reviews go base on the city it's that board..not the Discussion Board
And it's rare when new reviews are posted 3 months out, those will be the exception but even those reviews should be place in the city where the session took place.
Let me say again, all her reviews regardless of where they took place will still be retained in her profile.  
clear now?? just alittle
And on a side question, as of the now the tally of total TER reviews is at 1.8M give or take. When a new review is posted on the girls base city as well as the other city serviced is that 2 new reviews or one added to the tally?? Should the one new review be added to the tally?? Not sure how TER does this....Think about that one.

Let's see who's frustrated by this.
Let's take LAJune, TER ID 369681 as an example. She's a traveling girl who's base is Las Vegas, and her other service city is Los Angeles. Currently right now she's in Dundwoody. She gets a new review from a client there but her reviews pop up on the LA and Vegas board, not in the Dundwoody or the Atlanta board as that's the close city I think to Dundwoody.
Guys in Vegas or LA see her latest review pop up in their city, at the same time and maybe might want to book her, but she ain't there. And there's really no telling when she'll be back.  
I wish in the Session Location we can put the actual city where the session took place. then once a review is posted, it gets posted only to that city or the closest metropolitan area, Her old reviews will still be in the city where the session took place at that time. She can still have her main city, or her base city and maybe the other city service can still hold up but make the session location the NOW city.
I know without the agency reviews, TER ain't maybe that's why they'll stack the deck for selective cities to be pummeled with reviews?? I just find it frustrating when I see a review and she's really in Hoboken

See these threads for relelvant but not identical concerns:
When submitting reviews, some people use "Location" for geography (Boston), some use it for real estate (Her Hotel).  
It isn't always clear how "Main" city and "Other locations" work. I think that if a Reviewer has entered a touring city Location it doesn't always show up in the visible Profile but it does get found when using the Location Search function.  
Back to your suggestion: I'm not sure I get it. Some reviews don't even get posted until 3 months AFTER the event. However, the Review in Dunwoody or LV or LA should all be relevant to a prospective client. I mean, what do you expect, "No BBBJ in Dunwoody." "MSOG in LA but not in LV."??

Posted By: Hpygolky

Let's see who's frustrated by this.  
 Let's take LAJune, TER ID 369681 as an example. She's a traveling girl who's base is Las Vegas, and her other service city is Los Angeles. Currently right now she's in Dundwoody. She gets a new review from a client there but her reviews pop up on the LA and Vegas board, not in the Dundwoody or the Atlanta board as that's the close city I think to Dundwoody.  
 Guys in Vegas or LA see her latest review pop up in their city, at the same time and maybe might want to book her, but she ain't there. And there's really no telling when she'll be back.  
 I wish in the Session Location we can put the actual city where the session took place. then once a review is posted, it gets posted only to that city or the closest metropolitan area, Her old reviews will still be in the city where the session took place at that time. She can still have her main city, or her base city and maybe the other city service can still hold up but make the session location the NOW city.  
 I know without the agency reviews, TER ain't maybe that's why they'll stack the deck for selective cities to be pummeled with reviews?? I just find it frustrating when I see a review and she's really in Hoboken

Her profile doesn’t change, her review history doesn’t change. It just if she’s in Dundwoody or wherever , her new review should not pop up in the LA or Vegas board as a new review. LA guys might assume she’s back in town when she’s not.
Or, hate to say it but the agency might play it off as if she’s in town but you’ll see someone else.,, maybe??
Hope this helps

I've never seen notices of "New Review for ----" pop up on the Boston Discussion Board or the NY Discussion Board. Does that really happen on the LA and LV Discussion Boards? I don't think that's a standard TER automatic function. It might be a TER member or Agency posting the info. Can you explain in more detail or provide a link or two?
Nevertheless, I'll repeat that (a) a new Review can still be 3 months old and (b) the content of the new Review, regardless of where the meeting took place, could still be of interest to the LA and LV readers who are planning to see that Provider sooner ("today") or later (a few weeks down the road).

Posted By: Hpygolky
Re: I don’t think you’re getting it
Her profile doesn’t change, her review history doesn’t change. It just if she’s in Dundwoody or wherever , her new review should not pop up in the LA or Vegas board as a new review. LA guys might assume she’s back in town when she’s not.  
 Or, hate to say it but the agency might play it off as if she’s in town but you’ll see someone else.,, maybe??  
 Hope this helps

See the link, it's where the reviews go base on the city it's that board..not the Discussion Board
And it's rare when new reviews are posted 3 months out, those will be the exception but even those reviews should be place in the city where the session took place.
Let me say again, all her reviews regardless of where they took place will still be retained in her profile.  
clear now?? just alittle
And on a side question, as of the now the tally of total TER reviews is at 1.8M give or take. When a new review is posted on the girls base city as well as the other city serviced is that 2 new reviews or one added to the tally?? Should the one new review be added to the tally?? Not sure how TER does this....Think about that one.

Oh, OK. It was "board" that threw me off in OP: "She gets a new review from a client there but her reviews pop up on the LA and Vegas board, not in the Dundwoody or the Atlanta board."  
Yes, I sometimes search New Reviews by Location and that's what led to my old post about getting hits for Boston or NYC but neither city occurs in the Profile (Main "City" = Q and "Other City Serviced" = X, Y, Z but NO BOSTON? How did that Provider show up in a search for "Boston" but Boston is nowhere to be seen in her Profile. That's when I ASSUMED that she must have a Reviewer who entered Boston in Location but it is only saved in the hidden, searchable data and not the visible, published data.
You and I are kind of seeing opposite sides of the same thing.  
I just did a search for Reviews with Location = Dunwoody, GA. #3 is Hani (9 hours ago) with a City / Location of Watertown (MA). #5 is Nari (12 hours ago), New York City - Manhattan. (If you repeat the Search those Hani and Nari might be pushed down to page 3 or 10 depending on how many more reviews get posted.) Neither of their Profiles displays "Dunwoody" but it's in the data someplace.  
Back to LAJune:  
The Review by PAULGUTI90 is from Las Vegas but buried between a bunch of Dunwoody-s. PAULGUTI90 must have submitted his review in Aug instead of when he met her in LV in May, June, or July BEFORE she went to GA.
I think I understand what you are asking but I think it would be hard to program and properly display. Instead of searching ONLY the newest Review for Location (or other filter), it would have to search EVERY review and the corresponding Location (or other parameter) until it reached a hit ... which could be 3 months ago and show up on page 6 of "New Reviews, LA."  That would be  A LOT of wasted CPU time.
You could also say that you only want to search the single most recent review / location but sometimes there is a flurry of review posts and you still miss out if the first hit, Location = LV went up 7 hours ago (skipped because it's not LA) and the second hit, Location = LA went up 8 hours ago (skipped because it's no longer the most recent review).  
For me, if I search "Boston" and the most recent review says LA or Chicago or Atlanta, I might still check her Touring Schedule to see where she is ... or was.  
Am I getting closer?

Posted By: Hpygolky
Re: This has nothing to do with the "Discussion Boards"
See the link, it's where the reviews go base on the city it's that board..not the Discussion Board  
 And it's rare when new reviews are posted 3 months out, those will be the exception but even those reviews should be place in the city where the session took place.  
 Let me say again, all her reviews regardless of where they took place will still be retained in her profile.    
 clear now?? just alittle  
 And on a side question, as of the now the tally of total TER reviews is at 1.8M give or take. When a new review is posted on the girls base city as well as the other city serviced is that 2 new reviews or one added to the tally?? Should the one new review be added to the tally?? Not sure how TER does this....Think about that one.

Someone got the memo.., I’m seeing the changes now

I don't get why you keep saying "pop up in the ... board". I assume you mean show up in the location search in the Reviews. Or are you talking about a different site?

If you did mean review searches for locations, yes TER could structure their database better to allow more accurate filters but I don't expect that (or know just what the effort might be).

As for getting confused and asking to see someone that is off touring some other cite, shouldn't you be looking at the agency's ad site that list the current working girls? If they are not keeping that up to date and potentially pulling a switch or just using the popular girl to drive inquiries and a chance to get someone to see one of the ladies that are current, well that is not something TER is going to fix.

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