Suggestion and Policy

The point of this was to point out the unacknowledged racism here by providers!
GoldieKnox See my TER Reviews 554 reads

When a lover tells me they tried seeing "so and so" who is a "Miss TER" but the response is "I only see white men" shouldn't that info be on her TER profile to keep anyone from A.) wasting their time B.) avoid rejection and C.) to flag that provider as someone who has restrictions?


Im disgusted when I see "I don't see Indian or Black men"
I am repulsed when I see "must be over 50" or "under 50"
It infuriates me to see a "top rated escort" be so praised yet secretly refuses clients based on race yet that info is in TINY ASS TEXT on only ONE page of their site OR WORSE it's not listed anywhere till you've wasted your time contacting.

Rant over.

Ok one last thing: fucking racist bitches stay the fuck away from me

Do you mean ones they have already been reviewed by and would repeat with, or not?  Or are you talking about something else?

By real name, handle, or category (gender, likes, ethnicity, etc)

...specifying gender, race, or other important factors then I would vote a definitive YES. It would make life for hobbyists like me soooooooooo much easier.

One of the boxes to check off would be "asshole," and I'd be excluded everywhere

too many incorrect, blank, or  "don't know" items, if you're proposing a"willing to see" category. Plus too many potential choices (men, women, couples, races, ages, size/weight, etc...) further stretches the limits of the search tool.

If you're suggesting what CDL implies, it sounds like an ok/not ok on your profile. That will start a flame war that none of us will survive.

It would be great if your profile had a SMALL space where providers could add their own BRIEF narrative like P411 has. Client's would need to search for their kind of provider first and then look for specifics once they have narrowed the field.

And she didn't bother to reply to the first poster, who asked her to "elaborate."

I assumed, when reading her question, she either meant #1 or #2:
1. Post a provider's hobbyist DNS list on her TER profile.
2. Post whether a provider will book with a hobbyist based on:
a. Age
b. Height
c. Weight
d. Has Hair, Bald, Shaved, etc.
e. Facial Hair
f. Race (which must be very detailed, to include ALL races)
g. Cock Size  
h. Circumcised
i. Etc, etc, etc.  

As you can see, her question is unfeasible due to numerous questions that could be asked (if she meant #2).  

Truly, most providers state what hobbyists they will, or won't see (#2) via their websites

....we shouldn't automatically jump to the conclusion that she meant including b thru h from your list. In my interpretation, I thought that she meant just simple and basic things, like gender, race and age.  

And sadly it isn't true that most providers post their client preferences on their websites. If that were the case I wouldn't still have to email so many of them to ask.

If TER wants to be politically correct...the list would be extensive.  

Providers don't post such info on their websites, because they're afraid of being called out for discrimination.  I've witnessed this on the Porn Star board, numerous times.  So, why do you think a provider would list on her TER profile, what she doesn't want to post on her website?!

Why because you will come off as racist? And then potentially lose biz from white men who WILL see that as horrible?  

And racist

And discriminatory


So it's ok to hide this?  
Just clarifying.  

-- Modified on 5/17/2016 1:44:01 AM

But it seems, Goldie, as though you are! That's fine, and you can own it or keep the info to yourself.  

I will repeat what I wrote in a prior post...To be politically correct, TER would have to list ALL races on a provider's TER profile, NOT just African-American. The list would be extensive. It makes much more sense for a provider to list, on her website, who she will and will not meet!

Posted By: GoldieKnox
Why because you will come off as racist? And then potentially lose biz from white men who WILL see that as horrible?  
 And racist  
 And discriminatory  
 So it's ok to hide this?  
 Just clarifying.  

-- Modified on 5/17/2016 1:44:01 AM

When a provider doesn't use (eom) in the subject line, and there's no message in the body of the post.  

They want you to view their TER profile link. ;)  

We're such devious hookers! :D

Posted By: sasha2cute
But now that u say it lol. 😈

Posted By: EroticRobbin
Posted By: sasha2cute
But now that u say it lol. 😈

Just like people here tried giving u the benefit of the doubt with your "way too broad" question, you shouldn't jump to the conclusion that I said it wasn't a good idea because of discrimination.  

It's a bad idea because it enables and validates people who think it's ok to have any type of discrimination in this biz. That goes from race, to color of eyes. It's a broad spectrum. The worst part of this is, that the client who reviews you writes basically his own opinion of what he thinks you like. Remember the profile gets started when you get your first review. You have no saying on that matter. So it could be very easy to give you a bad rep if someone writes the wrong thing.  

If you had ever took the time to read any of my post on these type of issues you would know I strongly advocate against any type of discrimination towards any one. I myself being part of a very small minority, it's important to me that people are tolerant and acceptant of others. The fact you quickly jumped to call people discriminatory sort of tells me where your head is that. Perhaps you're projecting a little bit?  

So... That's why I think it's a bad idea. Perhaps now you can clarify your OP that u still have everyone here scratching our heads about what you meant. Gives us an example of what could be in that category without alienating anybody who doesn't fit that criteria, and not be discriminatory in any way?

When a lover tells me they tried seeing "so and so" who is a "Miss TER" but the response is "I only see white men" shouldn't that info be on her TER profile to keep anyone from A.) wasting their time B.) avoid rejection and C.) to flag that provider as someone who has restrictions?


Im disgusted when I see "I don't see Indian or Black men"
I am repulsed when I see "must be over 50" or "under 50"
It infuriates me to see a "top rated escort" be so praised yet secretly refuses clients based on race yet that info is in TINY ASS TEXT on only ONE page of their site OR WORSE it's not listed anywhere till you've wasted your time contacting.

Rant over.

Ok one last thing: fucking racist bitches stay the fuck away from me

... a providers client list.
It's just as annoying having to contact providers about their policy on us too. Notating "bisexual" on their profile here is meaningless since it isn't entered by the provider herself and is often incorrect.

Hi lopaw. I think the whole idea is not good. Because it can be so misleading. I contacted a provider from Chicago who was visiting NJ and in her ad it clearly stated she would see tgirls.  

When I contacted her, her answer was "I don't think I would do a good job so I don't really see tgirls" , to which my reply was: what am I an alien?  She was clearly false advertising.  
See so advertising preferences mean nothing. I just think it's a bad idea in general regardless of the reasons why.  

Now on a diff not I just wished I wouldn't have answered to her OP, because if you haven't noticed; this post has nothing to do with the principle of stating preferences, or even discrimination. She wants to call out on someone specific which I think is a little vicious on her part. Of course she sort of has to make it seem like she is against the whole principle of it. But her subtle hints indicate she may have started this post trying to point fingers at someone in particular. Someone who may have been named miss Ter, and someone probably providing in the west coast and most likely near the Las Vegas area.  

Sorry Goldie. As u write more details about the purpose of your OP, your intentions become more transparent. Maybe a better solution to your question would be to stop engaging in gossip with clients and who they see. That seems like an easier endeavor rather than to become some kind of vigilante. Ure never gonna stop discrimination, and ur solution is by far not the best one.

-- Modified on 5/18/2016 2:24:49 AM

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