Suggestion and Policy

That was world wide
GaGambler 251 reads

Here is a rather interesting stat, I did a search for US, All Cities, excluding all bad web sites and bad phone numbers, with a minimum avg score of 7 and only came up with 13,112 providers, raise that average score to 8 and you get only 5,847   Providers and if you discount women who haven't have a review in over five years that number falls to about 5,500 even lower if you exclude women without a review in over two years at fewer than 4,700.  

I guess that 1,357,967 number that is showing as of this writing can get whittled down rather quickly, can't it.

The good news of course is that 4,700 hookers is more than just about any of us are going to see in a lifetime, although I will confess (brag) that my chances of getting pretty close to that number are very good.

They do a great service to the rest of us by either finding good new talent or exposing those who are not worth the time or money.

This might increase the number of new reviews and that is good for both sides

JakeFromStateFarm407 reads

Reviews of first timers take TER much longer to vet in order to be sure they are legit.

Not a bad idea at all. You make a good point that at some time every lady here had no reviews and someone had to give them their first. If NOBODY did first reviews, eventually we would run out of reviewed providers. I never TOFTT yet (the one time I tried was a NCNS).  

I'd be afraid that the rise in fake reviews would be stupefying, though.  Also, new people getting themselves robbed, arrested, etc.  

Some women don't like this place, would rather not be here, and ask not to be reviewed. The admins would spend a lot of time processing first reviews, only to process the de-listing request or self-reporting for no TER link a week or two later. Maybe.

Do you think these would be problems? Love the idea of encouraging more newly reviewed providers, but is it possible it would be more trouble than it's worth?

But I think it merits at least a 6 month trial period to see how it goes, and then take it from there

Posted By: mrfisher
But I think it merits at least a 6 month trial period to see how it goes, and then take it from there.
What is the design of the study?  

1a. Number of new (first time) reviews from Jan 1 to June 30 w/o bonus versus Jul 1 to Dec 31 with bonus?
Remove seasonal bias and compare
1b. Number of new (first time) reviews from Jan 1 to June 30 2016 w/o bonus versus Jan 1 to Jun 30 2017 with bonus?
But then there are economic and other variables:
1c. Number of new reviews under lame duck Obama versus New Pres.

2. Apply bonus to TOFTT reviews east of Chicago but not west of Chicago. Compare first time review numbers for West Jan-June and East Jan-June versus West July-Dec and East July-Dec?

3. Send an automated survey PM to each TOFTT reviewer after the review is posted and ask:
a. Did the double bonus VIP days affect your decision to do a TOFTT review?
b. (Other survey Qs.)
Surveys probably get a response rate of 10% or less.  AHA!
c. "In order to get your double bonus VIP days, please answer this short survey. (No reply, no bonus.)"

Maybe we can get help from the FDA in the design of this clinical trial. (FDA = Fun and Debauchery Administration.)

How do you propose to measure the effectiveness of the double bonus for TOFTT offer

JakeFromStateFarm390 reads

With more than 1.3 MILLION reviews I don't think that's going to be a problem.
That said, I agree with you and fisher his idea is worth a try.

Oh, yeah. 1.35 million, it's a helluva lot of reviews. But how often have you run a search and come up with a bunch of providers whose last review is two or more years old? Is she still active? Some have 200 reviews. I bet the number of reviewed, active providers here is less than most of us would guess.  

Still, you're right. We ain't gonna run out of them in you and I's lifetime. No way. I was future thinking, I guess, for the next generation.

GaGambler399 reads

How many of them are active is tough to guess, but when I excluded bad phone numbers and bad websites the number fell to 82,264.

Wow. Interesting bit of research. I'm wondering how low that would fall if you also could exclude ROB's, women with pimps, and women with reviews that would make most of us never want to call them.

Is that U.S. or world?

GaGambler252 reads

Here is a rather interesting stat, I did a search for US, All Cities, excluding all bad web sites and bad phone numbers, with a minimum avg score of 7 and only came up with 13,112 providers, raise that average score to 8 and you get only 5,847   Providers and if you discount women who haven't have a review in over five years that number falls to about 5,500 even lower if you exclude women without a review in over two years at fewer than 4,700.  

I guess that 1,357,967 number that is showing as of this writing can get whittled down rather quickly, can't it.

The good news of course is that 4,700 hookers is more than just about any of us are going to see in a lifetime, although I will confess (brag) that my chances of getting pretty close to that number are very good.

Mr. Fisher's original point is looking better and better!

GaGambler294 reads

but as has been suggested MANY times before, getting rid of those damn "top" lists would go a long ways towards reducing review manipulation and outright fraud.

JakeFromStateFarm435 reads

So if there was no incentive there would be much fewer reviews written, which would hurt the value of the site to members and thus to TER itself.

GaGambler358 reads

TER is not going to do anything that will result in LESS reviews being written. TER is a multi million dollar business with ONE major asset that drives revenue, a review database of over 1.3 MILLION reviews, do you really think they are going to do anything keep that number from growing as much as possible?

Goldie always think about Chaka Khan when asking your question. It is the same question we have of you. " What cha gonna do for me?"

Posted By: GoldieKnox

AmberRoseDelights340 reads

I was approached very aggressively in this manner and made the mistake of seeing this person. I didn't know how to handle the situation, because I felt like if I provided the session for free, then that would taint the authenticity of the review, but I didn't want to get him on my bad side either, so at the end of the session, when he asked how much, I told him my rate, but said I knew he was also trying to help me, so whatever he thought was fair. He paid the rate, but I guess he wasn't expecting that answer (which I thought was pretty reasonable) because I've had issues with him ever since. I've definitely tightened up my screening process since then. Geez.

Posted By: Duplicitouslust
Goldie always think about Chaka Khan when asking your question. It is the same question we have of you. " What cha gonna do for me?"  
Posted By: GoldieKnox

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