Suggestion and Policy

tagging previously viewed new reviews
thehung1 3232 reads
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It seems like the reviews are inserted in random order.  It would nice to see which entries one have already seen... same as discussion boards- previously read posts are different color.also, not so crucial, but could include basic info such as ethnicity/age displayed in the providers main table to go with "services offered"

Staff 2287 reads
2 / 2

Reviews are sorted by month seen in the Provider Profile. The newest reviews of that month should be at the top of that month. If they aren't we will fix it. The reviews that you have read should show a differnt color on thre "View" link.As for the info request, can you expand upon your request a bit. If you are talking about showing extra info in the provider listing, we would probably have remove something to add extra info. If you are in the mood ofor a certain age or ethnicity, wouldn't you just specify that in the search form?

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